View Full Version : **Seafront Spectacular 2009**

15th May 2009, 07:51 AM
**Seafront Spectacular 2009**
Saturday 25th July 2009
11am untill 5pm
to be held in arbroath (north east scotland), at victiora park

its a successful day-long family fun day at Arbroath's glorious seafront. The show featured a wide range of 'spectacular' attractions including aerobatic flying displays, helicopter pleasure flights, car clubs, motor cycle clubs, stunt driving, armed forces demonstrations, refreshments including a beer tent, local bands, stalls, traders, exhibitors and a large funfair.

A unique part of the Spectacular is the seafront flying display. Although popular south of the border Arbroath is the only Scottish town to feature a flying display as part of a seaside show. The Victoria Park provides a natural arena for viewing airborne acts.

The RAF have provided flying displays in previous years with notable attendees being the world famous Red Arrows. Their Aerobatic Team amazed the crowds with their astonishing aerial ballet including the mighty Chinook Helicopter which performed its award winning gravity defying display and the formidable Tornado F3 from nearby RAF Leuchars in Fife which demonstrated its ability to power itself around the sky at both low and very high speeds.Russ Swift at Arbroath's Seafront Spectacular

2008 also saw the return of the well known Stunt Driver Russ Swift demonstrating extraordinary manoeuvres on two wheels using a Mini Cooper.

this year there a scottishmini.co.uk and amoc stand, its free entry, and there also camping on satrday night with a barbque (bring ur on grub and beers) loads of fun to be had... meeting point is focus car park - west way arbroath at 10 am. if u need any more info just pm


20th May 2009, 11:05 PM
Is anybody else thinking of attending this? :confused:

We're thinking about heading along to this for a bit, hopefully I'll have had a bit of time to do a little work on the car by then and we'll be able to make this the little lad's first car-based outing :yes nod:

20th May 2009, 11:34 PM
Not really thought about it, but possibly. Might head down for the day.

26th May 2009, 12:22 PM
Anyone off to this.....???

Have not been on a run for so long and need some cheer.....and a fix of Mini's :cool: .....

26th May 2009, 06:47 PM
Anyone off to this.....???

Have not been on a run for so long and need some cheer.....and a fix of Mini's :cool: .....

I'd say yes, but it's only 5 miles from my house, not much of a run :rolleyes::D

24th June 2009, 09:30 PM
Arbroath are wondering if the Clan/SM/NMS would be up for a spelling competition on the day?

Possibley spelling out 'MINI' or '50' in mini/MINI's on the day, something to do with a birthday of somekind

I said we would be delighted, I will ask about and guage the interest.

up for it?

24th June 2009, 09:51 PM
This used to be a really popular event but things kinda deteriorated ... last time i went to this there was no police convoy through the town centre... no spelling out of Mini and we got punted to back of the park.

Put me off from going back to be fair and think others feel the same ... Shoppie used to organise this pretty well but he isn't as active on here anymore.

Be nice to get decent turn out tho ... i remember we used to get near 50 Minis from NMS alone!

24th June 2009, 09:56 PM
Spoke to Howard and he said NMS used to have a massive turn out, as have the clan in pervious years.

Would be good to get as many as possible on the hill and get a good few pics of it for all the club websites.

24th June 2009, 11:11 PM
Yeah, pity this 'died' on the NMS side :sad:

I attended 2006 & 2007 & the turnout was MASSIVE

2006 we had the convoy throught the town but 2007 it was cancelled for some reason which was a tad disappointing

I reckon the popularity of other NMS 'driving' type runs at this time of year has diluted this one which in a way is a pity as I just love those 'take a away' smokies :thumbs up:

25th June 2009, 06:09 AM
Yep, also attended this in the past, but, it was Shoppie's run and no one (including me) took it up when he sold on his MINI.

The drive through Arbroath was brilliant and this of course gained us entry at no cost.

25th June 2009, 07:25 AM
why not make 2009 the triumpant return of NMS to Arbroath!!!

25th June 2009, 08:12 AM
why not make 2009 the triumpant return of NMS to Arbroath!!!Go for it :thumbs up:

25th June 2009, 08:46 AM
Think we will be going this year :smilewinkgrin:

26th June 2009, 07:33 PM
If there is enough interest I should be available (nice and local for me)

8th July 2009, 10:47 PM
Just been reading through this thread and seems like there may be a bit of interest in returning to Arbroath.
You all know you are welcome and as was said earlier I no longer have a MINI and therefore am not here that often.
I did hope someone could have taken up the challenge after I left, of organising an annual run to the show, but alas no takers. I have however always posted an invitation to NMS and in the past the dates have either conflicted with other runs or there has been no interest.

The good old days of police escorts and convoys throught the town have gone simply because the police do not have the manpower to commit to it, something I have said on this forum more than once.
Baz - I suspect the year the club was at the back of the show was because of their late arrival on that particular day?? and I do remember talking about spelling the word MINI and asking on this forum if anyone could take it on, but again no takers...
I wouldn't say the show has deteriorated, quite the opposite in fact. More stunt driving from bikes and cars. More and varied flying displays and with 12,000 people attending last year, the event is def on the way up.

As an aside - its interesting to note that when viewing the Mini Meet and Social topic in "most viewed" order, the Seafront event in 2005 is the most popular with the 2004 event in 3rd place we also occupy 9th spot for another year. Whats gone wrong?
I'm not having a go here - I just don't understand how a popular event on the NMS calendar has virtually disappeared.



AndyP & Lenore
8th July 2009, 11:08 PM
Whats gone wrong?
I'm not having a go here - I just don't understand how a popular event on the NMS calendar has virtually disappeared.



Howard, I think it just needs someone who is regular on the forums, ideally who's located nearby Arbroath or at least knows the area well, who CAN commit to attending on the day and is able to rally the troops. Someone who's able to drum up interest, keep the thread alive and regularly updated and can act as a go-between, between the site and yourself for the organisation.

I would happily fill that slot but I just can't make that date - second Saturday of Harry Potter madness.


8th July 2009, 11:46 PM
This is the middle of my holidays or I would have taken it on Howard. As you say tho, it has been some of the best days out for NMS. Real shame nobody wants to organise it... :frown:

9th July 2009, 12:57 AM
Baz - I suspect the year the club was at the back of the show was because of their late arrival on that particular day?? and I do remember talking about spelling the word MINI and asking on this forum if anyone could take it on, but again no takers...
I wouldn't say the show has deteriorated, quite the opposite in fact. More stunt driving from bikes and cars. More and varied flying displays and with 12,000 people attending last year, the event is def on the way up.


Didn't say the show content itself had deteriorated i said the the interest and popularity from NMS had.

10th July 2009, 10:25 AM
Hey guys...

Looks like there may be a fair bit of interest again this year?
If you're all serious about going along to this, I can start a thread for a meeting place before the run (Prob in dundee) and a wee convoy thru to Arbroath? ...same format as we used to - country roads if we have time, A92 if we don't :D
(Howard, you have a PM ;) )

Chuck your names down in the new thread if you're gonna come along! :cool::thumbs up:

10th July 2009, 10:29 AM
I would but can't see me getting out of my 9.5 hour shift on Saturday somehow.