View Full Version : Scottish cooper cup 31st May

28th April 2009, 08:22 PM
Thought I would start this. Next round of the Scottish cooper cup, Knockhill Sunday 31st May. If it was anything like last Sunday it will be unmissable. Apart from the cold wind. If one of the more experienced folks on here takes this thread over that would be cool. (if required)
I will certainly be going, try and drag the missus along.

Will make a must take list too. Really really warm jacket/ Craig's fleece. (In fact I know Alan is taking some orders on the fleeces!!! SOON)

Will Orginise the meet up etc closer to the day. Craig, Gordy and Myself met at the BP at Kincardine services last Sunday, so that will probs be the meet again. For those coming from Aberdeen/Dundee will orginise there own thing unless there is a better place where we can all meet. There are however the more committed!(should be committed) that will meet up for the qualifying early....8.30am

1. Greig and Kim
2. Craig
3. Stephen & Allyson
4. Ross and Gordy
5. Scottie (maybe)
7. Alan.
8. Hamish (driving hopefully not spectating)

AndyP & Lenore
28th April 2009, 08:25 PM
Greig, you've started the thread now, so you're in charge! lol.:thumbs up:

Just keep an eye on posts, start a wee list and add folks names to it as they post up to say they are joining in.;)

We won't make it.:eek: Assuming Swine Flu doesn't ravage the globe by then:sad:, we'll be in sunny Florida.:D


PS. Thread stickied for you.

28th April 2009, 08:35 PM
I should be there. :thumbs up:

Well done Grieg for starting a meet... :yes nod:

Mini Ecosse
28th April 2009, 09:20 PM
Add us to the list

28th April 2009, 09:22 PM
Add us to the list


28th April 2009, 09:23 PM
PS. Thread stickied for you.

Sorry what does that mean...:confused:

AndyP & Lenore
28th April 2009, 09:26 PM
Sorry what does that mean...:confused:

The thread has been made a "sticky" thread so it will always stay in the top section of the first page. Once a run has been confirmed with a date it is made a sticky so it doesn't drop off onto the next page. Out of sight, out of mind, kind of thing.:thumbs up:


28th April 2009, 09:41 PM
The thread has been made a "sticky" thread so it will always stay in the top section of the first page. Once a run has been confirmed with a date it is made a sticky so it doesn't drop off onto the next page. Out of sight, out of mind, kind of thing.:thumbs up:


I see said the blind man....lmao:thumbs up:

Big Gordy
28th April 2009, 09:53 PM
Stick Ross and I down for this Greig there's a good chap:thumbs up:

28th April 2009, 10:07 PM
put us down as maybe.

28th April 2009, 10:13 PM
Stick Ross and I down for this Greig there's a good chap:thumbs up:

Done mate!

28th April 2009, 10:14 PM
put us down as maybe.

No probs

28th April 2009, 10:45 PM
I suppose I should go! but only if everyone promises to keep all MY cars with the wheels pointing down the way!!

29th April 2009, 07:41 AM
I suppose I should go! but only if everyone promises to keep all MY cars with the wheels pointing down the way!!

You just ask to much :rolleyes:

I'll maybe be there, 'garden' depending !!

29th April 2009, 07:52 AM
Will make a must take list too. Really really warm jacket/ Craig's fleece. (In fact I know Alan is taking some orders on the fleeces)Put me down for this :thumbs up:
As for the fleeces, no orders as yet :Whistle:

29th April 2009, 08:04 AM
Put me down for this :thumbs up:
As for the fleeces, no orders as yet :Whistle:

Sorry should have put an icon at the end of that statement:Whistle:

29th April 2009, 08:04 AM
You just ask to much :rolleyes:

I'll maybe be there, 'garden' depending !!

Come on mate, need to get to see yer motor, i mean Gardening;)

29th April 2009, 09:17 AM
I'll be there... hopefully in a fixed car, but if not spectating!!! :D

29th April 2009, 09:19 AM
I'll be there... hopefully in a fixed car, but if not spectating!!! :D

Bit like last week then:eek::Whistle:

29th April 2009, 09:23 AM
hahaha... aye, although aiming for making more distance than being on my 4th lap out of the days 24! haha I think my interview on the accident lasted longer than my race!!! hahaha

29th April 2009, 09:26 AM
hahaha... aye, although aiming for making more distance than being on my 4th lap out of the days 24! haha I think my interview on the accident lasted longer than my race!!! hahaha

aye the only way is up mate. Best of luck:bigwave:

29th April 2009, 01:44 PM
Come on mate, need to get to see yer motor, i mean Gardening;)

:rolleyes: wish I was joking bud, but you wanna see the size of the fecker :argh:
( & the garden :Whistle:)

Decking is looking rather fab BTW, photo's to come on completion.

Slap : back on topic

29th April 2009, 05:14 PM
put me down for this one

27th May 2009, 10:54 PM
Does anyone have any tickets for Sunday..........eh.....free tickets:Whistle:

27th May 2009, 10:56 PM
looking forward to this sunday..... :thumbs up:

weather is supposed to be great. :cool:;)

28th May 2009, 07:48 AM
Does anyone have any tickets for Sunday..........eh.....free tickets:Whistle:

snap i could do with one as well as i am skint ;)

28th May 2009, 08:14 AM
looking forward to this sunday..... :thumbs up:

weather is supposed to be great. :cool:;)

Diti, looks like forcast is ok, but this is knockhill, anyway mind bring an extra fleece, in fact you won't need it anymore anyway....;).....ya skinny bugger:thumbs up:

mini saltire
28th May 2009, 08:32 AM
no free tickets I'm afraid :frown:. I gave my extra ones to a charity, sorry. Weather llos ok, but Knockhill should have its own weather report. It would probably read like this:

7am Strong north/easterly wintery wind occasional showers
9am (Just before Minis go out to Qualify) persistant rain which doesn't hit the track as the winds are now too strong.
11:30 (Just before Mini race) Night time will descend and Craig Noble will look at the skies every 15secs to check for rain. No rain untill we head off to the holding area.
11:32 Downpour with hail and sleet
1pm (Lunchtime where no racing takes place) Brilliant Sunshine, no wind, risk of burning.
3pm who cares, I am cold, burnt and wind whipped. :ragin:

28th May 2009, 08:39 AM
no free tickets I'm afraid :frown:. I gave my extra ones to a charity, sorry.

CHARITY, we are the fans come on.....;):lol:

28th May 2009, 09:24 AM
hey greig, i'll PM u my number and if I have any spare I'll meet you at the gate.

My sisters r coming as is mum n dad, so thats 4 gone already and possibly my sisters pal... if she's a no show I may hav 1 for you... as long as i dont need to hand it over for myself on sunday morning ;)

28th May 2009, 05:35 PM
No way am I gonna make this, can you please remove me

Far to much to do around the house/builders yard :eek:

Then there is the garden :thud:

& to top it all off we are adding to the family on Sunday afternoon :thumbs up:

28th May 2009, 06:42 PM
No way am I gonna make this, can you please remove me

Far to much to do around the house/builders yard :eek:

Then there is the garden :thud:

& to top it all off we are adding to the family on Sunday afternoon :thumbs up:

woof woof. Hope it's a wee westie.;)

28th May 2009, 06:43 PM
looking forward to this sunday..... :thumbs up:

weather is supposed to be great. :cool:;)

are you traveling up at some earthly hour.??

28th May 2009, 08:12 PM
are you traveling up at some earthly hour.??

The arrangements for last month were as follows, as far as I know same as, will need craig to confirm.

I normally want to get up for the qualifying (which has in the past been about 08:30 to 09:00) however some people think that is too early :rolleyes: but I always arrange a convoy from Stirling Services. I would say a small percentage come up first thing, others just come along at their leisure, but most make it up before the first MINI race. :thumbs up:

28th May 2009, 08:15 PM
The arrangements for last month were as follows, as far as I know same as, will need craig to confirm.

I normally want to get up for the qualifying (which has in the past been about 08:30 to 09:00) however some people think that is too early :rolleyes: but I always arrange a convoy from Stirling Services. I would say a small percentage come up first thing, others just come along at their leisure, but most make it up before the first MINI race. :thumbs up:

and greigs not taking any chances that he misses my full days racing by being even a second late for qualifying :Whistle: :thud: :argh:

28th May 2009, 08:27 PM
and greigs not taking any chances that he misses my full days racing by being even a second late for qualifying :Whistle: :thud: :argh:


28th May 2009, 10:35 PM
Fi, Jude is thinking of coming which means I will only be up for about 10:30ish, however if she pulls out, then I will be going up about 8ish as per the last time... wimen...:rolleyes:;)

I'll let you all know once I know... :frown:

28th May 2009, 10:38 PM
Fi, Jude is thinking of coming which means I will only be up for about 10:30ish, however if she pulls out, then I will be going up about 8ish as per the last time... wimen...:rolleyes:;)

I'll let you all know once I know... :frown:

Cool, is there any one else wanting a convoy from stirling services

28th May 2009, 10:44 PM
Fi, Jude is thinking of coming which means I will only be up for about 10:30ish, however if she pulls out, then I will be going up about 8ish as per the last time... wimen...:rolleyes:;)

I'll let you all know once I know... :frown:

:thumbs up:

Big Gordy
29th May 2009, 08:41 AM
Looks like it will just be me for this on Sunday now Greig:rolleyes:
I'll meet you at the usual place...petrol station just before Kincardine bridge at the back of 8:cool:

29th May 2009, 10:35 AM
hi guys going to have to pull out of this one to much going on and need to do picnic run notes as they have put new bits in the roads and have a bbq at night

29th May 2009, 10:55 AM
I'm not going either :sad:

29th May 2009, 11:21 AM
bl00dy hell people... supposedly excellent weather this weekend at knockhill and nobodys going, I thought that would of been worth seeing even more than the racing hahaha!!!

Anyone who is going, come say hi, always good to see fellow NMS bods :D

Neil and Lorna
29th May 2009, 06:44 PM
I'll be there to take photies.:thumbs up:


29th May 2009, 06:55 PM
nice one neil, come say hi if you get a chance... also, *** note to photographer *** take pics of number 8 early, say like the first 3 laps ;) haha

29th May 2009, 07:10 PM
sun glasses = tick
bikini = tick:laugh:
sun cream = tick
hanky for head = tick
deck chair = tick

I'm already for sunday

29th May 2009, 07:18 PM
sun glasses = tick
bikini = tick:laugh:
sun cream = tick
hanky for head = tick
deck chair = tick

I'm already for sunday

I'd maybe put in an umbrella too (just in case)... we all know how much knockhill likes to mess with peoples plans haha :thumbs up:

29th May 2009, 10:12 PM
Jude is still making her mind up so I will let you all know tomorrow. :thumbs up: I will be there regardless.. :cool::cool:

Bring on the sunburn... :thud::clap:

29th May 2009, 10:40 PM
Jude is still making her mind up so I will let you all know tomorrow. :thumbs up: I will be there regardless.. :cool::cool:

Bring on the sunburn... :thud::clap:


30th May 2009, 08:36 PM
Well Jude has decided to spend the day in the garden, so I will be coming with one of my neighbours.... although he thinks 8am is too early for a sunday so I will be up at knockhill for 9am. Spoke to Gordy on the phone so think him and Grieg are going up earlier as per the last time. :thumbs up:

See you all tomorrow. ;)

30th May 2009, 08:50 PM
Not sure what is happening, gordy has aked to meet at the BP garage but not sure where he is on about, unless he means the services we met at last month.

30th May 2009, 08:51 PM
Not sure what is happening, gordy has aked to meet at the BP garage but not sure where he is on about, unless he means the services we met at last month.

yeah, that is the same ones Greig :thumbs up:

30th May 2009, 09:30 PM
yeah, that is the same ones Greig :thumbs up:

Thanks Craig.

30th May 2009, 10:22 PM
I'm already for tomorrow.

car washed and in garage ready to go.

Lunch already for tomorrow.

Just need some diet juice. (I hate diet juice):argh::argh::argh:

30th May 2009, 10:25 PM
I'm already for tomorrow.

car washed and in garage ready to go.

Lunch already for tomorrow.

Just need some diet juice. (I hate diet juice):argh::argh::argh:

Car washed and ready to go now... ;)

lunch also made and I would kill for diet juice right now... :argh::yes nod: Try just drinking water for 4 weeks... :thud::Whistle:

30th May 2009, 10:30 PM
Car washed and ready to go now... ;)

lunch also made and I would kill for diet juice right now... :argh::yes nod: Try just drinking water for 4 weeks... :thud::Whistle:

be warned you may not know this


> drinking a lot of water makes your boobs bigger:eek::eek::eek: and that's true. So if your boobs are getting bigger you know why.;)

30th May 2009, 10:43 PM
is that a fact fiona:confused::cool:

30th May 2009, 10:47 PM
be warned you may not know this


> drinking a lot of water makes your boobs bigger:eek::eek::eek: and that's true. So if your boobs are getting bigger you know why.;)

mines have got smaller... :thud: go figure... ;)

30th May 2009, 10:49 PM
is that a fact fiona:confused::cool:

well I wouldn't go that far some say it's a myth, been well discussed in our office many a time as are diets, you can imagine 5 women blah blah blah. I'm not taking the chance though.:p;);)

30th May 2009, 10:50 PM
mines have got smaller... :thud: go figure... ;)

you have boobs:eek::eek::eek::p;)

30th May 2009, 10:53 PM
you have boobs:eek::eek::eek::p;)

every guy over 35 has moobs, just depends if they admit it or not... :rolleyes:;):shut up:

30th May 2009, 10:57 PM
every guy over 35 has moobs, just depends if they admit it or not... :rolleyes:;):shut up:

30th May 2009, 11:00 PM
every guy over 35 has moobs, just depends if they admit it or not... :rolleyes:;):shut up:

:thumbs up::laugh:

mini saltire
30th May 2009, 11:07 PM
Poor Hamish popped an engine today, I think he could do with some cheering up. Hopefully he an get back on track tomorrow.;) He coulddo with some good luck!!

Testing went well, weather was fantastic!!! I love it when its sunny.:cool:

31st May 2009, 08:15 AM
Well it's another sunny day... :thumbs up:

bad luck for Hamish - will be sure to pop by and give him some moral support.. :thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
31st May 2009, 10:03 PM
nice one neil, come say hi if you get a chance... also, *** note to photographer *** take pics of number 8 early, say like the first 3 laps ;) haha

Well the photographers were there as early requested but the first three laps never happened.

Bad luck, two engines in two days, that must be some kind of record.

Big Gordy
31st May 2009, 10:21 PM
Some good stuff on display today......

TVR Sagaris

Old school Audi Quattro

Lancia Delta Integralle

Lotus Esprit

mini saltire
1st June 2009, 06:05 AM
What a beautiful day at Knockhill :cool:

Great to see Big Gordy, Craig, Neil and Stephen there. Thank you for the photos Stephen, always nice to get some :thumbs up:. Hopefully the press passes allowed some good shots again. Looing forward to seeing them on www.motorsportphotographic.com (http://www.motorsportphotographic.com) (shameless plug:blush:)

The day was great for me. The only thing missing was the win but I'll settle for 3rd, 3rd and a 2nd. Gives me some decent points for a change!!:beer:A few ciders were consumed last night...good times!

1st June 2009, 10:07 AM
good to see all you NMS guys yesterday, thanks for stopping by... probably the highlight of my weekend.

Another disaster for me really, I had fun in a strange way and at least the cars still undamaged bodywise this weekend!!!

Huge thanks 2 Kenny Yule and Ian White for all the efforts over the weekend, changing an engine until 11:30 sat night, then working hard to try and fix the wee gremlins that were still there sunday morning... they really were up against it.

The short of it is that there is a circulation problem and its causing the car to overheat.

I managed to catch the 2nd engine in time, but in trying to fix it it has just started to go, not sure if its a write off yet or if its saveable.

Thanks Mr Noble for your help to try and get me on track again was appreciated.

Have to say, I'm so impressed by the spirit in the group of mini racers, virtually everyone was over showing support and kind words so thanks for that guys, was appreciated. I'm really in a great series and am glad to be involved.

Sorry you couldnt make use of that ticket Greig, would of been good to see you, you would of had plenty ammo for slagging me this weekend buddy! haha

See you all at the next one, :D

p.s. ... just had a thought... I think I've done more laps getting towed round Knockhill than actually driving my Mini!!! haha

1st June 2009, 10:15 AM
good to see all you NMS guys yesterday, thanks for stopping by... probably the highlight of my weekend.

Another disaster for me really, I had fun in a strange way and at least the cars still undamaged bodywise this weekend!!!

Huge thanks 2 Kenny Yule and Ian White for all the efforts over the weekend, changing an engine until 11:30 sat night, then working hard to try and fix the wee gremlins that were still there sunday morning... they really were up against it.

The short of it is that there is a circulation problem and its causing the car to overheat.

I managed to catch the 2nd engine in time, but in trying to fix it it has just started to go, not sure if its a write off yet or if its saveable.

Thanks Mr Noble for your help to try and get me on track again was appreciated.

Have to say, I'm so impressed by the spirit in the group of mini racers, virtually everyone was over showing support and kind words so thanks for that guys, was appreciated. I'm really in a great series and am glad to be involved.

Sorry you couldnt make use of that ticket Greig, would of been good to see you, you would of had plenty ammo for slagging me this weekend buddy! haha

See you all at the next one, :D

p.s. ... just had a thought... I think I've done more laps getting towed round Knockhill than actually driving my Mini!!! haha


To be honest after hearing about my cousins news (see new clubman S thread) and my new tyre thingy, I was totally depressed, then your engine stuff, I mean sh*t or what. I was gutted not getting up there yesterday and really missed the guys that did attend. However I will put it into perspective and lets be honest there are alot worse things happening in the world just now and we should all be thankful for what we do have. Anyway enough of that, chin up Hamish, these things are sent to try us, and you will get through this stronger and more determined to do well. I am just hoping that it will be before I am not too old to drive:Whistle::eek: Seriously mate it will come and the victory will be even sweeter.

1st June 2009, 10:26 AM
i couldnt believe ur text greig, feel gutted for your cousin, that sucks... theres some amount of ar5eholes in this world doing stuff like that!!!

1st June 2009, 10:30 AM
every guy over 35 has moobs, just depends if they admit it or not... :rolleyes:;):shut up:

HA!!! not me... :hand:

Some good stuff on display today......

TVR Sagaris

Lancia Delta Integralle

Ohhhh yesssssssss.....:cool: I just love that sagaris, would love to have one as a weekend toy and keep it forever.

Big Gordy
1st June 2009, 10:40 AM
Aye me too Ali:thumbs up:
It would need to be a weekend play thing as I don't think they're reliable enough to use as everyday transport:rolleyes:

Big Gordy
1st June 2009, 10:53 AM
This one would do Ali:Whistle:

Or if your feeling flush how about this one:eek:

1st June 2009, 12:22 PM
they are mental!!! Would love a spin out in one of those, mmmh in the wet if feeling brave!!! haha

Big Gordy
1st June 2009, 12:35 PM
Aye.......no traction control or ABS........VERY interesting especially in the wet:eek:

1st June 2009, 01:42 PM
I got some fairly spectacular sunburn yesterday. Some good racing, some boring racing, same as usual. Still not sure how Donaldson managed to put the ST on its roof like that half way down the straight between clarks and the hairpin, i'll watch the highlights in a few weeks.

Not amused about my cousin who i was up with being pulled into scrutineering after his last race, about 5.15, and us being told they wanted to check out the front lower arms and balljoints, could we please remove them for the scrutineers! :(

1st June 2009, 06:47 PM
was way to hot yesterday.

some of the racing was a bit boring yesterday guess that was down to the weather and the dry road. I Like it when there are more thrills and spills. Although those blue fords were good to watch.

Some real nice cars around the circuit yesterday, obviously including some Minis;)

Mini Ecosse
1st June 2009, 08:33 PM
What a beautiful day at Knockhill :cool:

Great to see Big Gordy, Craig, Neil and Stephen there. Thank you for the photos Stephen, always nice to get some :thumbs up:. Hopefully the press passes allowed some good shots again. Looing forward to seeing them on www.motorsportphotographic.com (http://www.motorsportphotographic.com) (shameless plug:blush:)

The day was great for me. The only thing missing was the win but I'll settle for 3rd, 3rd and a 2nd. Gives me some decent points for a change!!:beer:A few ciders were consumed last night...good times!

I have requested AndyP return asap from Florida to post the pictures from Sunday's meet:Whistle::thumbs up:
Should be posted in the next couple of days:thumbs up:

1st June 2009, 10:43 PM
I got some fairly spectacular sunburn yesterday. Some good racing, some boring racing, same as usual. Still not sure how Donaldson managed to put the ST on its roof like that half way down the straight between clarks and the hairpin, i'll watch the highlights in a few weeks.

Not amused about my cousin who i was up with being pulled into scrutineering after his last race, about 5.15, and us being told they wanted to check out the front lower arms and balljoints, could we please remove them for the scrutineers! :(

You think that is bad! W.Greig (series scrutineer) has made me remove and strip down one rear damper AND one front damper AND an exhaust after a race before... on 3 of the 6 cars I was running at the time!!! I of course informed him that he was indeed a git!

2nd June 2009, 12:23 PM

I was talking to you a few weeks ago at Knockhill on a Sunday, you were taking people out on the track for Teenage Cancer Trust.

I'm Barry's cousin, who was strapping people into cars.