View Full Version : Google Don't rate themselves.

AndyP & Lenore
8th April 2009, 04:30 PM
Check out these two images, pay particular attention to the "Importance bars" for each site.

You'd think Google being Google they'd rank themselves a bit higher.


8th April 2009, 04:55 PM
You need to get out more :rolleyes:

8th April 2009, 05:09 PM
You need to get out more :rolleyes::Whistle:

8th April 2009, 05:27 PM
Good point, but why did you ever think of this?

It's like the Macca Mills divorce and how I managed to work out exactly the amount she'd get. To do this you need to know how much Paul was worth at time of filing for divorce and how old he was. Then you divide his fortune by his age, times the amount by how long they were married for and divide by 2 (The number in the marrage) and you have the settlement figure.

Don't worry Andy, I'm a nerd too :D.

8th April 2009, 05:50 PM
You need to get out more :rolleyes:

sorry have to agree ;):yawn:

AndyP & Lenore
8th April 2009, 11:29 PM
You need to get out more :rolleyes:


Good point, but why did you ever think of this?

sorry have to agree ;):yawn:

I keep an eye on our cinema site to see how it's ranking (4 outa 10). And when I checked it today, I just thought... "hmm... I wonder how they rate their own site" So I looked :computer:. And I thought it was interesting enough to share. Remind me never to share again.:moonie:


8th April 2009, 11:51 PM
Remind me never to share again.:moonie:


But sharing’s caring.....even if we don’t care...... :bigwave:

AndyP & Lenore
9th April 2009, 11:19 AM
But sharing’s caring.....even if we don’t care...... :bigwave:
