View Full Version : What would you do? Dilemma.

4th April 2009, 03:34 PM
Hi, Hope everyone is well.

Where do i start?!

Last year i handed my car back to the finance company as i had paid half and really wanted a Range Rover.

So handed it back and it went to auction, yada yada.

I got a Range Rover and all was well for a few months til i was going round a corner on the M8 and a Mini Cooper undertook me doing around 90mph.

From then on, I have wanted a Mini again and the fun-ness that comes with it, And to be frank, A Range Rover is a ****ing depressing drive. And made me realise how much i missed my own Mini anf the little things i done to it and how i wasnt ready to get rid and wish i hadnt.

So i went about looking on Auto trader etc for another Mini.

Low and behold...There is mine on Auto trader for a reasonable price and in London, and some of you may remeber the back quarter panels were keyed when it was parked in town. These have been repaired and painted. Other than that its exactly as i sold it....Kind of.

When i looked at it it said '54,000 miles with FSH'.

Thing is, when i was driving it to the Finance company's agent, On the journey the car hit 60,000 miles.

Along side this, I never handed over any service history nor has it been serviced any where that could be traced back, So in effect it has no service history.

Short and sweet, Its clocked and has fake history.

Thing is, I want it back and most likely, If not sold before, will.

But what would you do?

Option A: 'Hi, Its my old car, Cut the **** out its been clocked and fake history applied, Give me a good price and i'll keep it shut.

Option B : Take it, say nothing so they cant back out of it, Wait til i have it out of there reach to change anything then tell them i know what they did last summer and blackmail the cowboy.

Option C: Buy the car, Contact trading standards.

Option D: Just be happy i got my pride and joy back.

Option E: Go down with the spare key and take it anyway at night time.:yes nod:

Last ones a joke, :D

If you've read this far, I thankyou. And if you would be so kind to give me your opinion.

Much appreciated,

Hope all is well.


4th April 2009, 04:00 PM
i would stay away from it it has prob been clocked back then taken to dealers for the sevice

you also dont know how meny miles the car has done !!! could be 100 000 for all you know

i would just contact trading standards and tell them of who evea would deal with this ;)

you could find a another mini for round about the same that is real on the miles :thumbs up:

and have some thing diff from the last time :thumbs up:

thats my 2 bob worth :thumbs up:


4th April 2009, 04:03 PM
I'd probably walk away from it completely... and look to buy another mini... fair enough its clocked, but god knows whats all been done to it other than that.

If you smell a rat, walk away... probably not the answer you were looking for but seems safest option.

AndyP & Lenore
4th April 2009, 04:06 PM
I'm with stoney on this one - walk away. My first option would the illegal one, head down with the spare key. As that's a no-no, you really need to walk away from this. The fact it has LESS miles on it now means "something" dodgy has been done to the clock.... so what else dodgy has been done to it? Would you want to risk that?

Plenty more fish in the sea.


4th April 2009, 04:10 PM
I'm with stoney on this one - walk away. My first option would the illegal one, head down with the spare key. As that's a no-no, you really need to walk away from this. The fact it has LESS miles on it now means "something" dodgy has been done to the clock.... so what else dodgy has been done to it? Would you want to risk that?

Plenty more fish in the sea.


What else could they do to it within a month though Andy? (or lenore?!)

Thing is, i know its all in tact except from that and i know its been looked after as i had the car from 19,000 miles til the time i gave it back.

I most likely will buy it back but im nto sure if to mention the miles or not.

4th April 2009, 05:23 PM
I was just about to echo what everyone else has commented, ie stay away. However i was unaware that it had only been 4 weeks since you sold it. You could be right in assuming that it has only been clocked, but that would only be an assumption. These people are dodgy dealers, who knows what they could have done. In your situation though here is what i would do. I do not know what you sold it for so first of all it would have to be bought at a profit for you. Also i would get an AA inspection and a HP check, get them to pay for it if they don't discount anything. I guess it comes down to either how much you want your car back against how much you want another mini. What I would suggest is that there are alot of good deals out there and alot of nice cars, why not try something different, the site sponsor seem very popular, hope you make the right decision:thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
4th April 2009, 05:30 PM
What else could they do to it within a month though Andy? (or lenore?!)

Thing is, i know its all in tact except from that and i know its been looked after as i had the car from 19,000 miles til the time i gave it back.

I most likely will buy it back but im nto sure if to mention the miles or not.

It's Andy (the clue is in the A.);)

I guess it could be a typo. Easy to say it has a FSH and what the miles are, but when you call and ask to see the FSH they admit it was a typo. Same with the miles... when you go to see the car and see it has 63,000 miles - or whatever - they go... "The advert says what? Oh, that's a typo - sorry". Then I guess it's not a big worry as they were just trying it on.

The flipside is you go to see the car, it shows 54,000 on the clock and produce a dealer authenticated service log book with all the boxes ticked, there's deliberate misleading there.

Obviously it's up to you Rhymes, but I would be walking away.:Whistle:


4th April 2009, 06:49 PM
Tell them when you handed the car back it had xxx miles on it and then ask how it can have less now??
If they say, typo or any other poor excuse, walk away, there's plenty of cherished cars out there of similar spec

4th April 2009, 07:14 PM
I dont know the details/age etc of your MINI, but I would doubt any dealer/trader would risk clocking and all the risks that come with it in this case.

How much miles could have realistically been put on your car since you handed it back... 3-4k?

If so, that means they have most likely given a 64000 mile car a 10000 haircut.... I think it would hardly have increased the value significantly.

As for the service history, easy thing to put into an ad then back out of later!

It sounds to me like the person writing the ads is either a bit lazy in checking the facts... or being a bit economical with the truth!!!

As for my advice... Cars are like women... if you get a good one, hold on to it, if you get shot of a bad one, never go back!!!! :smilewinkgrin:

5th April 2009, 11:59 AM
As for my advice... Cars are like women... if you get a good one, hold on to it, if you get shot of a bad one, never go back!!!! :smilewinkgrin:

Like it :thumbs up:

5th April 2009, 12:04 PM
I'd keep away - you never know what else could have been done... Not worth risking it... Plus London cars are usually dented etc and the engine is a bit past it... Find another:thumbs up:

5th April 2009, 12:48 PM
hi - i gotta agree with my other half for a change ! :-)
run!!!! you will get another mini you like that aint been tampered with!

Big Gordy
6th April 2009, 08:43 AM
Are you absolutely certain its your old car..??

6th April 2009, 11:55 AM
They could have mistyped a 5 instead of a 6 e.g. 64000miles. As for the FSH you can call any BMW dealer and get this checked aslong as you have the plate and chassis number as i did this to check if Vikkis car had used all its TLC pack

The Dogfather
6th April 2009, 04:04 PM
Why would they clock it for just 6k, seems stupid IMO