View Full Version : Do you think they have bought it and added a few hundred on to the price?

4th April 2009, 02:23 PM
Been watching a plate since I got my coop, just on the DVLA and just when I think about buying it, the thing is sold……….Thing is I can find it on some national numbers site. Gave DVLa a call and confirmed Sold………

Do you think they have bought it and added a few hundred on to the price? It was on DVLA £980 the other Nat site wants £1200.

it had been there months and months...........:argh:

4th April 2009, 03:26 PM
They do it all the time, even with plates they don't own. Mine for example was double the price on regtransfer than it was on the dvla. Then they also get you to pay extras on these other sites. Think the one i got Vikki was the same. Both plates i bought have been from the DVLA all other sites are a rip off unless its the £69 ones

4th April 2009, 03:53 PM
Phone the other company, tell them you saw it on DVLA and your willing to give them what they were asking for it. Haggle etc.

My uncle used to be amazing at haggling and bought his 2 number 2 letter reg for half it was in at.

Phone up and haggle, Its call centre monkey's who make the decision.;)

4th April 2009, 04:30 PM
I put in an enquiry just to see if they have it, but I’m not going the extra £200. It was either a plate or a new PC but I was going with the plate as the PC stuff is moving so fast and my four year old rig is doing not to bad just now….not playing any games just now as most are past the rig….so a new Tower next year would be miles on what I’d get just now.

I wish these companies would just leave the DVLA numbers alone:ragin:…..personal sales aye.

4th April 2009, 04:41 PM
In all honesty, i'd pay the extra £200.

Good plates are few and far bewteen, one you like is even more rare.

Buy it and see it as an investment.

4th April 2009, 05:59 PM
Just annoyed that it jumped £200 thats if they have got it or its not just an outdated database.

Think I'll just leave it, granted if it gets reduced on the site....I thought credit crunch no one will be buying plates.:argh:

5th April 2009, 12:09 PM
DVLA are usually the cheapest - and when I bought mine if I'd have got it from reg transfers or the like I'd have had to pay the transfer fee - didn't with DVLA...

5th April 2009, 02:14 PM
Company was a reseller that had not updated its database….Guy phoned this morning. Think my plate was just a private sale……gone booooooooooooooo………

Great plate as well, serves me for mucking about…