View Full Version : Total Mini

1st April 2009, 04:40 PM
Has anyone else been on the new TotalMini (http://www.totalmini.com/)? What are peoples thoughts on it and what is happening on Mini2?

I have to say I am a fan of the new site, but it has nothing on NewMiniScotland

AndyP & Lenore
1st April 2009, 05:02 PM
No need to delete anything Ben. We're not daft enough to think that by deleting a link to a new MINI forum would stop folk finding it and going there anyway. We like to think, the way NMS shines will haste ye back anyway.:thumbs up:

The new owners of MINI2 appear to have p!ssed off a fair number of regulars and sponsors. So they've high-tailed it off and started on their own.

I can see there argument, but it would be a shame if MINI2 ended up closed down as there's a great resource with 7 years of history.


1st April 2009, 05:07 PM
As Andy says, not a problem, i have actually joined the site as i'm friendly with a good few folks there and especially MikeytheMini.

The owners have allowed global forums to actually post up and link to the likes of ourselves, which gives us more exposure.

I understand why they felt they had to move, what they do lose is the fantastic wealth of information that the MINI2 database holds for their searches.

To think that i had thought about adding Ggogle ads to NMS :Whistle: whew, close call and i can confirm it will never happen during my tenure.

I honestly wish the new site every success, but, cannot think that MINI2 will collapse totally.
If you look at M2's online stats they are inundated with guests compared to registered members, litereally hundreds at any time and even if a small proportion of them click on the google ads the M2 owners rake in the cash

1st April 2009, 05:55 PM
where is the link think the site has died already

1st April 2009, 06:07 PM
where is the link think the site has died alreadyBen posted the link above, their site has crashed :eek:

1st April 2009, 06:17 PM
just had a wee look on MINI2 only to read posts from members that are jumping ship, however it's like everything else in life your missed for a day and someone else will come along and take your place.

I think MINI2 will still go along fine but I wish the other guys well with there new site.

It's only a forum is it really worth it to get that upset.:frown: I can understand sponsors who may not be happy with the direction of a site a ads etc etc but surely we're all able to ignore a google ad. I know I am

1st April 2009, 09:16 PM
Mini2 does have a wealth of information, but it's a business now and not a group of enthusiasts (well, one enthusiast in Paul), which is really where it started.

As a business, they needed to make more cash, that's the route they chose - they may lose members but as long as the site makes money will they care? Doubtful.

AndyP & Lenore
1st April 2009, 10:42 PM
According to posts on M2 it looks like TotalMINI.com server has crashed under the weight. A months bandwidth used up in 3 hours. oops.


1st April 2009, 10:53 PM
Last time i was on they had 200 members online

1st April 2009, 11:09 PM
Not been on Mini2 for a while:blush:, it was that site that pointed me to this one….did not even know anything , I did go on and it was different looking…….I used to bash out question after question and always got great advise before I bought my coop….

2nd April 2009, 11:10 AM
I use MINI2 for Q&A, it's just too big compared to NMS & who would want anything more from a MINI community when you have NMS :thumbs up:

That's where I got the headlamp motor fix from

Would be a great pity if all that information were to disappear :frown:

2nd April 2009, 11:19 AM
Would be a great pity if all that information were to disappear :frown:The info won't disappear, it's what the new site won't have for a few years

2nd April 2009, 12:02 PM
It is still down.