View Full Version : anyone else watch The Real Italian Job: James Martin's Mille Miglia

30th March 2009, 10:09 PM

He's a bit of a car nut and has a very nice collection of classics and I dare say modern motors.

Was a very good watch felt gutted for him when one of the engines valves broke.

£850,000.00 for about oh I don't think his car lasted maybe and hour or so.

Some cracking cars on the programme.

30th March 2009, 10:29 PM
It was on a while back on terrestrial and watched it….just for the cars its worth it plus I guess he's probably one of the few TV chefs I’d watch…..just a normal bloke who has worked hard..

Bit gutted when the car fails, you can see how much it means to him………I recon He’ll be back with the car ready………buying the car too late to run it in etc was a mistake……I’d have made sure I’d got it tailored to the north of Scotland and driven on the quiet roads to test it……….

30th March 2009, 11:19 PM
It was on a while back on terrestrial and watched it….just for the cars its worth it plus I guess he's probably one of the few TV chefs I’d watch…..just a normal bloke who has worked hard..

Bit gutted when the car fails, you can see how much it means to him………I recon He’ll be back with the car ready………buying the car too late to run it in etc was a mistake……I’d have made sure I’d got it tailored to the north of Scotland and driven on the quiet roads to test it……….

I thought the same he should had more miles on the clock. Must have been amazing starting the race.

Hope he gives it a go this year 2009.

31st March 2009, 09:43 AM
He got a fair amount of abuse about this programme.

He hadn't done the research on the car, it was all a bit last minute (though that could be editing), he didn't really treat his missus fairly, and he gave the car the beans when he was told to break it in gently, when he had hardly driven it.

However, if I had that car, I'd be giving it a bit of beans as well! He does seem a geniune guy about cars though. However one thing that got me - his Mini would be eligible for entry, and yet he decided to blow 850K on the Maserati. No need really!