View Full Version : Thistle Run 2009 - Calderglen to Girvan - Sunday 24th May

29th March 2009, 09:08 PM
Thistle Run 09 is GO........


You can now register for Thistle Run 2009

For more details please go to www.miniclan.com (www.miniclan.com)

AndyP & Lenore
29th March 2009, 09:28 PM
Conflicts with Mini United for us.:sad: Will have to sit this Thistle Run out.:sad:


29th March 2009, 09:35 PM
I'm thinking about going along.:D

29th March 2009, 10:22 PM
I'm surprised they are doing this Run on the same weekend as MINI United...

But hey i suppose it is a long way to travel to MINI United for some people.

30th March 2009, 04:32 AM
I'm surprised they are doing this Run on the same weekend as MINI United... Exactly what i said on the Clan Site, i appreciate there's a lot of planning etc, but, feel that they've missed an opportunity here.
Sadly, i can't make it due to work, but, would have went to Mini Utd anyway :thud:

30th March 2009, 08:06 AM
The Thistle Run is always the May bank holiday weekend, has been for the last 9 years (this is run number 10!) :smilewinkgrin:

I guess most of the Clan members (like me) didn't know anything about Mini United... which seems to be a predominantly new MINI thing?
It's not something which has been publicised through the Clan, I've only seen it on here.

But I dunno for sure, I'm not really on the organising side of the Thistle Run this year. Hope those who aren't going to Mini United can join us instead then. :thumbs up:

30th March 2009, 09:01 AM
I'm with the gaffer on this one.

Just because it's always been the May bank holiday weekend could'nt a bit of flex have been applied. I really enjoy the Thistle Run (having now attended the past 4 runs) & am really miffed to be missing out this year :sad:
I hope the Clan members did'nt know anything about MINI Utd because if they did & then went ahead with the organisation of the event on the same weekend then that would be sad.
Why do you think MINI Utd is predominantly new MINI thing? We are celebrating 50 years of Mini/MINI & not just 8!! I hope to see loads of classics down at Silverstone & I'm sure MINI will be ensuring that Mini will be centre stage. I'm beggining to think that just because MINI have organised MINI Utd the classic owners are giving it (BMW!!!) a wide berth (who else could organise it all seeing as how Rover & everything else before it is now defunct).
I would have thought that someone might have checked the calendar for 2009 to see what else was on what with the big 50 taking place this year.

So it's MINI Utd for me & quite a few others as well. Looks as if the Thistle Run numbers might be down a bit this year which is a great pity :frown:

30th March 2009, 10:26 AM
I was at the meeting last year when the date was set and
I can assure you we didn't know about MINI Utd. By the time
we heard about MINI Utd and the Thistle Run being on the same
weekend it was to late to change (we would have if we could believe me).

As to classic mini's going to MINI Utd, I honestly think most wil give it a
miss so they can go to http://imm2009.com/imm/ which I think
will be the biggest mini/MINI show ever:yes nod:. The clan has booked
61 car's for this event:eek:

We may well have the biggest club stand there:thumbs up:

30th March 2009, 11:08 AM
I was at the meeting last year when the date was set and
I can assure you we didn't know about MINI Utd. By the time
we heard about MINI Utd and the Thistle Run being on the same
weekend it was to late to change (we would have if we could believe me).

As to classic mini's going to MINI Utd, I honestly think most wil give it a
miss so they can go to http://imm2009.com/imm/ which I think
will be the biggest mini/MINI show ever:yes nod:. The clan has booked
61 car's for this event:eek:

We may well have the biggest club stand there:thumbs up:

MINI Utd is in May & IMM is in August. I can understand Clan members giving MINI Utd a miss due to distances involved but clubs from England will surely be able to attend MINI Utd. I really hope this us & them cr@p is diluting year by year.
I note with interest that MINI are to support the IMM 2009 as per a news release ad on the IMM website :clap: (wonder when this was posted)

"The Mini heritage and the community involved in the brand's history is unique and has built Mini's legendary status. Helping to keep that Mini history alive is of great importance for MINI and BMW Group. MINI will support this years IMM with an exhibition of special classic and new Minis, and a donation to support the event".

IMM 2009 looks like a cracking event & well done re 61 Clan members attending. Will look into interest from us & NM to see if we can get some MINI's involved :yes nod:

30th March 2009, 11:20 AM
Why do you think MINI Utd is predominantly new MINI thing?
I'm beggining to think that just because MINI have organised MINI Utd the classic owners are giving it (BMW!!!) a wide berth

I thought MINI Utd was a predominantly new MINI thing, because I'd only seen it advertised on New MINI sites and forums, and because BMW were organising it... a fairly natural assumption? I didn't mean any malice at all.

And I'm not giving it a wide berth at all. There's lots on this year, with it being the big birthday, and I can't afford to do them all!! So I had to choose. I chose the Thistle Run, the IMM, and our usual jaunt to Northern Ireland.

Most folks are probably the same, and wish they could attend more, but holiday allowances, family commitments, and finances just won't allow!

I doubt there's any of the "them and us" going on, like you say, it's all the 50th birthday, but everyone can't go to every event...

AndyP & Lenore
30th March 2009, 12:13 PM
I doubt there's any of the "them and us" going on, like you say, it's all the 50th birthday, but everyone can't go to every event...

Sorry Smurf, but past experience of many of Clan members' attitude would lead me to think there's a significant amount of "them and us" thinking going on. You may not like to hear it, and clearly I haven't spoken to any clan members, but the proliferation of "100% BMW free" stickers, the under-the-breath comments as Thistle Run Attendees walk past our cars etc., all leads me to think MINI Utd is going to be sidestepped by a significant number of Classic owners. Real shame though, as it has been said many times before, it's a very one sided discrimination.:sad:

And I really don't include you or Volvic in this one. I know you guys have a love of both cars.:thumbs up:


30th March 2009, 01:01 PM
Having been a Clan and NMS member for around 6 or 7 years now, I can say that any incidents of the above are really from a minority, and I don't think you can tar all Clan members, or all NMS members for that matter, with the same brush.

Those stickers and comments don't generally come from club members that I'm aware of. Remember the Thistle Run is open to everyone, not just Clan members.

I'm a new MINI owner, and usually find myself on runs with mostly classics, and it's never any problem, I'm always welcome. Any comments I've had have been from passers-by, and outsiders of the clubs. And they are more than entitled to their opinion, whether I agree or not.

So PLEASE lets just drop this now? There obviously wasn't any malice, or argumentative thoughts behind this thread, OR the fact that the Thistle Run clashes with another event this year. It's just a case of bad timing! But this year is BOUND to be busy...
The Clan would still love to see as many new MINIs on the run as can make it, and to those of you heading to MINI United, I hope you have a fabulous time, and I look forward to seeing the photos and hearing the stories on here.

I'm sorry if this thread seems to have been hi-jacked, but it really upsets me when all this "them and us" crap is brought up again, when I'm pretty sure it was the last thing on anyone's mind.

30th March 2009, 03:00 PM
not going to mini united as Im spending an arm and a leg going to Canada in July (pity though), may go to the Thistle run but still undecided, if your going Fiona we could meet up then as I dont think it will be well attended this year from NMS. Pm me if so.

30th March 2009, 03:58 PM
I am a new mini owner, and would love to come on this run as I am currently looking at getting a classic. :thumbs up:

30th March 2009, 05:53 PM
not going to mini united as Im spending an arm and a leg going to Canada in July (pity though), may go to the Thistle run but still undecided, if your going Fiona we could meet up then as I dont think it will be well attended this year from NMS. Pm me if so.

yeh I think we will be going simply because we can't do Mini United which I'm miffed about so it would be good to do something Mini that weekend.

31st March 2009, 08:13 PM
Well said smurff

I will also be attending as it is down my neck of the woods.


Ps i am also pissed off from comments i have received on threads i have left.

HERE HERE the mini clan

31st March 2009, 08:28 PM
Well said smurff

I will also be attending as it is down my neck of the woods.


Ps i am also pissed off from comments i have received on threads i have left.

HERE HERE the mini clan

what a great post well done you:hand: :frown:

How to make us "new Mini" owners welcome and you wonder why the likes of myself is a tad unsure whether to pay and attend the thistle run without the back up of my NMS buddies.

I thought today on my lunch bugger it think I'll go on the run now I'm not to sure.

31st March 2009, 08:36 PM
I've never got this old mini V new mini thing.

I've owned three old minis and about ten new minis. I would say I've earned the right to think that I'm die hard mini person. More than most. Why should I feel awkward at thistle run it's just not right. I've never once said anything negative about an old style mini and why would I.

31st March 2009, 10:32 PM
Well said smurff

I will also be attending as it is down my neck of the woods.


Ps i am also pissed off from comments i have received on threads i have left.

HERE HERE the mini clan


sorry I am left speechless by your comments... :frown:

1st April 2009, 06:19 AM

sorry I am left speechless by your comments... :frown:

I am relatively new to this site, and totally unaware of ....shall we say diffrences between old and new mini owners:frown:. Think I will leave going can't be bothered with what is quite frankly a childish behaviour:thud:. I though owning a mini was what it was all about, regardless of how old it is. Making a concious decision to be part of a community, something different. You guys need to sort it out, and putting comments like "them and us" needs to be addressed:hand:. COME ON WE ALL DRIVE THE BEST MOST FUN CARS IN THE WORLD, or at least we think we do:eek:
:lol: to the old and the new!

1st April 2009, 07:33 AM

the point is (as has been pointed out by other members) the problem is a one way thing... :argh: A lot of new mini owners have owned classics (myself included) and some still do and we love all minis. The problem is the minority (and I did say minority here clan members...:Whistle:) of classic owners which make the experience somewhat sour with their comments and stickers on their cars.. :frown:

I don't think you would find a new mini owner that doesn't like/love a classic... :thumbs up:

as Smurf has said, I think we can put this one to bed. Agree to disagree. Maybe one has it right and the other wrong, or vice versa. I don't think there is ever going to be a winner. For those that go on the Thistle Run, I hope you have a great time. This will be the first one I will have missed in 6 years.. :frown:

AndyP & Lenore
1st April 2009, 09:12 AM
Well said smurff

I will also be attending as it is down my neck of the woods.


Ps i am also pissed off from comments i have received on threads i have left.

HERE HERE the mini clan

As for "They and us", you'd need to ask the tiny minority of thistle runners, because those are the only one's with a them and us attitude - as Craig has pointed out.

And quite why YOU are pissed off at comments you've received I have no idea. You've started one thread about runs down Ayrshire way and got a perfectly sensible reply from Me and Alan (site owner -The Gismo Man). And you posted to Stoney's thread about washing his car. Someone disagreed with you and you've taken that personally.

As is the case for all public discussion forums - you will only get out of this site what you put in.


1st April 2009, 10:14 AM
Well said smurff

I will also be attending as it is down my neck of the woods.


Ps i am also pissed off from comments i have received on threads i have left.

HERE HERE the mini clan

Is this post for real !! :eek:

I think Craig hit it right on the head with his comment.........."I don't think you would find a new mini owner that doesn't like/love a classic"
I have owned 3 classics and to me the whole anti-feeling / them & us p!sh, always stems from a minority of current 'classic' owners and this 'problem' is very much a one way thing.

I will really miss this years Thistle Run as to see & hear so many 'pristine' classics is an utter joy. I hope this thread does not deter anyone from NMS applying to join in on TTR2009 and that those who are not going to MINI Utd go & enjoy what is a superb day out.

I'm still allowed to be 'peeved' at missing out mind :argh: :sad:

1st April 2009, 10:53 AM
Apologies Craig, before we finally put this one to bed (or brush it under the carpet), I've had a few thoughts (another first!) which might only be applicable to myself, but might strike a chord with others.

As a fanatical 'Classic' owner in the past, and still loving them to this day, I can in a certain way relate to the, as Craig has said, MINORITY of Clan members who don't accept the 'New MINI'. I was a totally passionate Classic Mini fan (at the time it was just a 'Mini'), having lost most of my early savings and more than a few of my nine lives in the wee things in my younger days. Putting myself in that frame of mind, I can see exactly how those folks would feel when this 'upstart' appeared on the scene. I don't agree with the sentiment now, having driven new MINIs for 8 years - longer now than I owned my Classics - but I can understand where it comes from.

I have attended four (I think!) Thistle Runs, and enjoyed most of them ( I think the last one I went to in 07 ended in confusion for me, as we tried to stick together as a MINI contingent and succeeded in almost missing the party altogether... but that was my decision). Most of the 'Clanners' have been great and very welcoming, but I felt there was always an underlying 'tension' which made me feel a bit uncomfortable at times. This might well come from the personal feelings I mentioned above, and that it was ME and not the Clan who didn't really think I should be welcome with the new car, so I was making MYSELF uncomfortable. Although there were a few times when I was on the receiving end of a some 'dark looks' and overheard some very negative comments - at the first Thistle Run I attended ('03), some of the most 'anti' comments came through the mic at the awards presentation, which made me feel as welcome as the proverbial 'fart in a spacesuit'. Unfortunately these instances stuck at the back of my mind and probably added fuel (V-Power of course) to my self-induced doubts, even though things improved over the next few years. In the end, the main reason for not attending the Thistle Run for me is that I just find it too big and simply prefer the smaller NMS runs.

I must admit, I let my Clan Membership lapse at the end of last year, as I really only did the Thistle Run, and didn't contribute anything to the club. All my spare time for runs is taken up with NMS, which is more than enough for me. On reflection, apart from seeing, hearing and smelling (!) lots a brilliant classic Minis, I might well have joined the Clan back when I was seeking a kind of 'validation' for my new MINI - a connection with my past Mini life and as a way of making it (in my own mind) a 'Proper Mini', who knows? The fact the new car was 'endorsed' by the great John Cooper was certainly a major factor in me buying a COOPER in '01, so the history and the connection (however tenuous) with the old car was very important to me. The 'new' car is a force in its own right these days - as is easily seen on the road and at our runs, so maybe it, and moreover I, don't need that validation any more. For me, any 'negativity' isn't just a simple 'Us vs Them' argument. It's maybe easier to be 'Us' if we can try to see the 'Them' point of view and vice-versa..... Fingers crossed.

I'm off to Silverstone with NMS in May, but wish all the Thistle Runners and the Mini Clan itself a great time, and the wee Mini a very Happy 50th Birthday from its big 8 year-old nephew!

Big Gordy
1st April 2009, 12:20 PM
Jings Elfman:eek: see you can make sense when you put your mind to it:thumbs up:
I find the whole 'BMW free' sticker thing a bit childish if I'm being honest and as stated in previous posts it is a very, very small minority of original mini owners who feel the need to have one on their cars:frown: but I have to agree that the angst is all one way:ragin: You don't see/hear of any MINI owners slagging off mini owners cars as most of us have been there at one time or another:cool:

1st April 2009, 12:41 PM
Well said smurff

I will also be attending as it is down my neck of the woods.


Ps i am also pissed off from comments i have received on threads i have left.

HERE HERE the mini clanI guess i should actually say something, being the owner of NMS, a BMW MINI, a classic mini and a Clan member, i actually judged the BMW MINI's at the TR last year which was my first ever TR.
I've always been working or had otehr things on.

Anyway, i certainly will not stand back and allow mud slinging one way or the other, there are no barriers on here and there never will be.
I can't and won't comment on the snide remarks folks have received, but, suffice to say i'm glad i didn't hear them cause i can't stand that.

So, i think i can confidently say that no MINI member on here has acted against a classic member.

I'm gonna keep this thread open for the time being to allow the correct info to be added as required, all off topic or negativity will be removed.

And, if anyone feels that their posts are being subject to any kind of hassle then use the icon to the left of the post and report it immediately so that the correct action can be taken.

1st April 2009, 12:43 PM
Jings Elfman:eek: see you can make sense when you put your mind to it:thumbs up:

You reckon :rolleyes:

Here's my 'put to bed'

There are opinions, which will naturally differ.
There are perspectives, which will likewise differ.
Then there's talking p!sh, which is always the same.
Nothing to do with opinions or perspectives, it's just p!sh.


1st April 2009, 01:42 PM
Well here goes......... start again

I am giong on the Thistle Run:thumbs up: anybody else up
for a great wee day out, (if your not at MINI utd, wish I was going)

The GP will there with volvic (sportspack) and woodstock (countyman)
hope to see some off you there (always good to put a face to a name;))


1st April 2009, 01:48 PM
As Moderator on the Clan forum and a reasonably long standing member I would like to say please don’t tar the members of the Mini Clan with the one brush. I know there have been bad experiences for some of you at the Thistle Run in the past as has been said. Many of the people as you say at the Thistle Run are “attendees” however and not members of the Mini Clan. There were a few former members whom I suspect had their own opinion but they have moved on to pastures knew.

As a Classic owner I also don’t agree with the sticker as quoted above and have had a rather heated discussion with one of our members who had that opinion of his mini until I pointed out it was built by “Rover” in 1995 which at that time had been owned since January 1994 by BMW. Needless to say we agreed to disagree.

I’d also like to state that the Mini Clan is open to both Classic & New MINI’s alike and if anyone has a problem with that they are told to respect the other members as there are many now who have both models. There are many “classic” only clubs out there if they feel so strongly.

From what I have found most of the feelings are from people who have never owned or driven a MINI, usually the younger classic owners or the members of the public who again have no knowledge of the car. I love the MINI as well as I do my own as Vaila will tell you.

I’m sorry to hear that many of you wont be able to attend the Thistle Run and I wish you all a safe journey and hope you have a fantastic weekend at MINI Utd. Wish I had the finances and holidays to be attending this one too now.

In closing can I please say that if anyone spots me on the road, and you wont miss Mo with her yellow KC lamp covers, please give us a wave as we WILL wave back. A certain GP(not Volvic) and Crombers will vouch for that.

1st April 2009, 01:55 PM
I guess i should actually say something, being the owner of NMS, a BMW MINI, a classic mini and a Clan member, i actually judged the BMW MINI's at the TR last year which was my first ever TR.
I've always been working or had otehr things on.

Anyway, i certainly will not stand back and allow mud slinging one way or the other, there are no barriers on here and there never will be.
I can't and won't comment on the snide remarks folks have received, but, suffice to say i'm glad i didn't hear them cause i can't stand that.

So, i think i can confidently say that no MINI member on here has acted against a classic member.

I'm gonna keep this thread open for the time being to allow the correct info to be added as required, all off topic or negativity will be removed.

And, if anyone feels that their posts are being subject to any kind of hassle then use the icon to the left of the post and report it immediately so that the correct action can be taken.

Like i was saying (Them and Us ) is being refered in several posts.
I only commented on this as them and us is a wee bit over the top.

The mini clan are doing a wee run from East kilbride to Girvan
Volvic only asked who would like to attend.
You would think world war 3 had erupted ffs

Any offence taken to my wee post i can only say sorry

Like Gismo man says the post is open to all comments.

And yes Volvic i will be attending as i said is is down my neck of the woods.


1st April 2009, 02:27 PM
Nicely put Mo and nnzander :thumbs up:

I would have been in a big dilemma had i been home for the date, but, as it is i'm away working, but, i hope this will not put anyone off attending the run they are capable of attending.

I'd like to think that NMS will be well represented again at the TR

I think we've heard all there is to be said on the matter, so, only posts regarding attending the run :yes nod:

1st April 2009, 07:04 PM
Think I will attend, this will be my fifth year in a row.

22nd April 2009, 06:04 PM
Jason are you going to this? anyone else from NMS going. Need to decide whether to go or not:confused:

22nd April 2009, 06:37 PM
I reckon there will be a few more in attendance :Whistle:

22nd April 2009, 07:28 PM
I'd be up for it, if there are NMS guys and gals going

22nd April 2009, 08:37 PM
Fiona, Jason is not going. He is going to a Classic car show instead:sad:


22nd April 2009, 08:40 PM
Fiona, Jason is not going. He is going to a Classic car show instead:sad:


what you've entered him in to a classic car show but he is not that old.:p:p:D:D

23rd April 2009, 07:38 AM
but he is not that old.:p:p:D:D

He's on the verge :rolleyes:

3rd May 2009, 07:42 PM
As I am missing out on Mini united, not home in time to make the run down. I am thinking about doing this run after talking to volvic. Is there anyone else not going to Mini united up for this, or is there a list I can look at to see who is going. I got the impression it was a case of turning up on the day.

AndyP & Lenore
3rd May 2009, 07:51 PM
Greig, you'd need to pay and register on the Mini Clan's web site: www.miniclan.com.


Edit: And registration closes on 10th May so best be quick.

3rd May 2009, 07:53 PM
or turn up on the day but you might not get a pack and you have to be there early.

3rd May 2009, 08:15 PM
Greig, you'd need to pay and register on the Mini Clan's web site: www.miniclan.com (http://www.miniclan.com).


Edit: And registration closes on 10th May so best be quick.

Just had a wee check and did not realise I was up for events in may, june and 2 in august as well as the manky thrash and possible run to the topgear live show, so think i am going to leave it for now, thanks for the help though.

Mini Ecosse
3rd May 2009, 08:23 PM
Fiona, Jason is not going. He is going to a Classic car show instead:sad:


:off topic: Glamis?

15th May 2009, 05:56 PM
Anybody not going to mini united going on this?????:smilewinkgrin:

15th May 2009, 08:59 PM
Anybody not going to mini united going on this?????:smilewinkgrin:

yeah I'm still thinking about going not got a pack or anything but maybe if the weather is nice next weekend we may well just decide to go.

15th May 2009, 09:29 PM
190 cars booked :thumbs up::thumbs up:

15th May 2009, 09:29 PM
i might be off next sunday and if i am i am going to this :thumbs up:

15th May 2009, 09:31 PM
i take it there wont be any run packs left volvic??:hand:

15th May 2009, 11:06 PM
plenty of run packs, just out or run plaques.

16th May 2009, 08:19 AM
plenty of run packs, just out or run plaques.

I remember when we just bought our red cooper it has supaguard on it and the plaque pulled off the supaguard due to the sun beating down on it at Dunoon, it had to be buffed down and re applied, ok supaguard it sh##e but I was just a novice way back then.

16th May 2009, 10:24 AM
hi jason sorry to here about you having to sell your mini,my first ever run was the thistle run 2006 newtongrange to eyemouth and your wee red cooper was one of the cars that stood out among the crowd:thumbs up:

16th May 2009, 12:50 PM
I signed up last week but have yet to have my run number confirmed :( going to chase up today.

16th May 2009, 09:44 PM
got email back - looks like i'm in :)

18th May 2009, 10:41 AM
I'll be there, in Smurf (MINI Cooper), as always... ;-)

19th May 2009, 04:28 PM
I can't believe I forgot about registering for this one!! AR$E!!!!!!!

Then went and made plans not thinking about the dates... :sad::sad::sad:
Looks like I'll be missing this one this year :frown::argh::argh::argh: Stupid boy!!

19th May 2009, 06:31 PM
got my pack this morning - car 178!

20th May 2009, 08:47 AM
I can't believe I forgot about registering for this one!! AR$E!!!!!!!

Then went and made plans not thinking about the dates... :sad::sad::sad:
Looks like I'll be missing this one this year :frown::argh::argh::argh: Stupid boy!!
wont be the same without you ewan..:thumbs up:

20th May 2009, 08:50 AM
got my pack this morning - car 178!
178 or more cars this must be the biggest t/run yet i'm trying hard to get sunday off and if i do i'll be there as a day runner and hopefully still get a run pack:cool:

20th May 2009, 06:34 PM
i'll be there as a day runner

me to giving serious consideration now just need to check out what the weather is to be

20th May 2009, 07:03 PM
me to giving serious consideration now just need to check out what the weather is to be
what time does this start in ek fiona do you know???

20th May 2009, 09:08 PM
what time does this start in ek fiona do you know???

well they are departing @ 11am if we want on the run I would say be there early maybe 9 or 9.30am to sign up maybe someone can let us know if they read this thread.;) what time we need should be there for re day runners.

20th May 2009, 10:25 PM
Registration closes at 10:30 so as a day runner you probabaly need to be there by 9:30 latest

21st May 2009, 09:10 PM
well I'm a defo for a day runner now

checked the weather and it looks to be good


plus on holiday on Monday so may as well make the most of the weekend:cool:

21st May 2009, 11:44 PM
ill see you there then fiona:thumbs up:

22nd May 2009, 08:27 AM
Iain and Stuart from Audio Advice will be at Girvan:thumbs up: with there mad GOLF....

Glen from Auto Smart said he will be at Girvan also, with his van full of goodies.... more cleaning stuff for you to buy...
TARDIS anybody

22nd May 2009, 08:59 PM
ill see you there then fiona:thumbs up:

will do dog sitter booked today.:thumbs up:

Iain and Stuart from Audio Advice will be at Girvan:thumbs up: with there mad GOLF....

Glen from Auto Smart said he will be at Girvan also, with his van full of goodies.... more cleaning stuff for you to buy...
TARDIS anybody


23rd May 2009, 09:49 PM
car wash but not polished:frown: some red mist though:D:D tucked up in garage ready to go for tomorrow.

Anyone got directions for the start point.??

any NMS members attending other than who has posted on this thread????

form this thread looks like there is only 4 or 5 of us

24th May 2009, 07:41 PM
was a good meet and run today.


Pleased to report I saw only one BMW free sticker this time round.
I haven't been to a thistle run since 2006, got to say everyone was fine and spoke away no problems.
Couple of pics the minis that I liked.









not sure but is this your old motor Craig. I thought yours was a 55 plate but this one was very close to the spec of your old car.??


24th May 2009, 08:02 PM
forgot to add was good to see


Smurf in the distance

I didn't know any of the other new mini owners.

24th May 2009, 08:03 PM
great run my first in a year,nice to see fiona,allan,and bumble again :thumbs up:220 mini's heading for the coast now thats a sight for sore eyes:cool:

24th May 2009, 09:36 PM
yeah Fi that is Knottie 1... :sad:

I see he has S spokes now... :thumbs up: It wasn't for sale was it? :smilewinkgrin:

some nice motors there.... :yes nod:

24th May 2009, 09:47 PM
yeah Fi that is Knottie 1... :sad:

I see he has S spokes now... :thumbs up: It wasn't for sale was it? :smilewinkgrin:

some nice motors there.... :yes nod:

thought it was yours just had a hunch the spokes were a slightly scuffed but other than that it looked good order.:D

24th May 2009, 10:35 PM
yep, was a fun day and the route was good too ;) so mental ... so many Mini's!

24th May 2009, 10:40 PM
yep, was a fun day and the route was good too ;) so mental ... so many Mini's!

how bad are aryshire roads for pot holes:frown::frown: even the main roads were not great.:frown: Was fun avoiding them though.

I was near the front there was about I don't maybe 10 or so minis before me most stopped for fuel half way leaving only one mini in front of me which pulled in leaving me in front for the second part of the run. I tried to push things along a bit but the car behind was not having any of it so I had to slow my pace or I would have been on my own.

24th May 2009, 10:42 PM
how bad are aryshire roads for pot holes:frown::frown: even the main roads were not great.:frown: Was fun avoiding them though.

I was near the front there was about I don't maybe 10 or so minis before me most stopped for fuel half way leaving only one mini in front of me which pulled in leaving me in front for the second part of the run. I tried to push things along a bit but the car behind was not having any of it so I had to slow my pace or I would have been on my own.

Tell us about it, I live in north ayrshire and it is even worse.

24th May 2009, 10:49 PM
yep - road quality wasn't great - but the views were good, think that was really what I was trying to say and because the pace of Thistle is so much slower than our usual I got a chance to see it. I ended up in a whole wave of classics, we were playing about and weaving on the clear straights :thumbs up: lots of fun. I've got pics and video so will upload when I get a mo.

24th May 2009, 11:17 PM
yep - road quality wasn't great - but the views were good, think that was really what I was trying to say and because the pace of Thistle is so much slower than our usual I got a chance to see it. I ended up in a whole wave of classics, we were playing about and weaving on the clear straights :thumbs up: lots of fun. I've got pics and video so will upload when I get a mo.

looking forward to seeing them.

24th May 2009, 11:38 PM
great run my first in a year,nice to see fiona,allan,and bumble again :thumbs up:220 mini's heading for the coast now thats a sight for sore eyes:cool:

nice wee mod you have made to the interior of your car:cool::cool: you should get a gallery showcase thread up with pictures as your car is one of the best Chilli Reds on the site.:thumbs up::cool:

24th May 2009, 11:53 PM
forgot to add was good to see


Smurf in the distance

I didn't know any of the other new mini owners.

and Tony ... been missing from the runs for a while - good to see you!

25th May 2009, 05:35 PM
nice wee mod you have made to the interior of your car:cool::cool: you should get a gallery showcase thread up with pictures as your car is one of the best Chilli Reds on the site.:thumbs up::cool:
thanks fiona and allan see you next time:thumbs up:

25th May 2009, 06:11 PM
you too lynn see you next time:thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
25th May 2009, 07:44 PM
:D Great photos, looks like it was a good run.
Will be there next year

26th May 2009, 09:39 PM
feel free to add your images to the flickr group


crackin day, glad you all enjoyed it.

Will update on charity money as soon as we get a final figure.

27th May 2009, 08:08 AM
Hi Fiona!

Sorry, but didn't see you... must have been too far in the distance for me! ;)

Glad you all enjoyed your day, we did too. Loved the twisty roads, but yeah, the bumps were a bit mental in places...

I kinda like the more gentle pace the classics take, makes for a nice relaxing day! :D

28th May 2009, 05:40 PM
I kinda like the more gentle pace the classics take, makes for a nice relaxing day! :D

Think we'll need to have a word with this wumin :Whistle:

'Nice & relaxing' :eek:

You'll be buying a Jazz next :thud:

16th June 2009, 10:45 PM
Thistle Run 2009 Aftermath (http://www.miniclan.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=224&Itemid=42)

Once again, thank you to all involved in this events.

We will be organising runs to deliver the BIG cheques in the near future, please keep an eye on the forum, website and hopefully newsletter.

The totals for the fundraising are contained in the above link, the funds raised are all down to you. For this we thank you.

See you all next year
