View Full Version : Roundabouts

AndyP & Lenore
24th March 2009, 12:58 AM
Is it just me, or has everyone (especially in the Borders) gone brain-dead when it comes to roundabouts, approach lane and signalling?:frown:

Have a look at this roundabout layout.

Roundabout on Microsoft Virtual Earth (http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCC&cp=55.601887~-2.751244&style=h&lvl=17&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&encType=1)

When drivers are approaching Melrose roundabout on the B6374 with the intention of taking the second exit the A6091 they ALWAYS approach in the right lane, signal right, then signal left and shoot over to the left lane just after they pass the first exit onto the A6091. Annoys the hell out of me, 'cos I refuse to cow to their errors, I always stick to the left lane, don't signal until passing the first exit then make my exit. Quite a few times I've had folk coming up my right and getting pissed at ME 'cos they think I'M in the wrong.

Recently I was up behind a police car on approach to this roundabout. Guess what? Yep. He did it too. Right lane on approach, signalled right, then shot over to the left at the point of exit.:frown:

Or am I getting curmudgeonly in my old age?:blush:


24th March 2009, 05:11 AM
As per the highway code, in the absense of direction lines painted on the road itself you are quite correct, however, that won't stand up in court if you have an accident :sad:
Has that junction ever had direction arrows on it years ago which have now gone and folks are just remembering from then??

24th March 2009, 09:28 AM
Andy it would also depend on whether or not that left(inside) lane is for the first exit only on the roundabout, sounds stupid but you never know!!

But apart from that, your in the right so don't worry your not going nuts :hand:, that cop should really know better just goes to show you... :rolleyes:

The worst roundabout trouble we had locally was during rush hours etc when on a duel carriageway road (kingsway) people heading towards the Arbroath road 2nd exit would queue correctly in the left lane as required and the right lane is meant to be for 3rd exit +. But NO because the queue on the left lane is always pretty long people ALWAYS try to come down the right hand lane then try to cut in for the 2nd exit!!! THIS GETS ME REALLY :ragin: and I just stick to my guns and just stick close enough to the car in front of me to not let anyone in, A*%$&"^s and the ones who don't indicate, don't get me started on those people!!! :argh:

24th March 2009, 10:44 AM
trust me just because it was a cop doing that it means nothing, they can be worse. Yesterday I went a run up to ballock, I was on the dual carriageway there was nothing in either lanes, but this cop was driving on the outside lane at 65 MPH. On the advice of my wife i opted not to undertake him :eek: but wait. After about 3-4 minutes he eventually got out the way. It gets better though guess why he never noticed me, as i drove by he was ON HIS MOBILE, laughing. I watched in disbelief but he never even glanced my way. Not sure but thinking about reporting him. Unbelieveable, what kind of example is that. If that had been me i would have had 3 pioints and £80 for the mobile and maybe even a driving without due care and atention charge. :argh:

AndyP & Lenore
24th March 2009, 11:20 AM
As per the highway code, in the absense of direction lines painted on the road itself you are quite correct, however, that won't stand up in court if you have an accident :sad:
Has that junction ever had direction arrows on it years ago which have now gone and folks are just remembering from then??

No directional arrows on the road, and there never have been. Not a busy enough r/b to need them really.

Not convinced your right about it not standing up in court though. The rules of the road apply. Ignore them at your mercy.


AndyP & Lenore
24th March 2009, 11:21 AM
trust me just because it was a cop doing that it means nothing, they can be worse. Yesterday I went a run up to ballock, I was on the dual carriageway there was nothing in either lanes, but this cop was driving on the outside lane at 65 MPH. On the advice of my wife i opted not to undertake him :eek: but wait. After about 3-4 minutes he eventually got out the way. It gets better though guess why he never noticed me, as i drove by he was ON HIS MOBILE, laughing. I watched in disbelief but he never even glanced my way. Not sure but thinking about reporting him. Unbelieveable, what kind of example is that. If that had been me i would have had 3 pioints and £80 for the mobile and maybe even a driving without due care and atention charge. :argh:

Shop the bugger. But you're right, is it worth it?:frown:


24th March 2009, 11:23 AM
Not convinced your right about it not standing up in court though. The rules of the road apply. Ignore them at your mercy.

A.Agreed, rules of the road apply, but, since you've openly admitted that you are aware that drivers take the wrong route you would possibly be charged with negligence, you would, in effect, be contributing to the accident :computer:

AndyP & Lenore
24th March 2009, 11:27 AM
Agreed, rules of the road apply, but, since you've openly admitted that you are aware that drivers take the wrong route you would possibly be charged with negligence, you would, in effect, be contributing to the accident :computer:

Yeah, see your point. It would be their fault, but I'd share the blame. S'nofair.:frown:


24th March 2009, 11:31 AM
Yeah, see your point. It would be their fault, but I'd share the blame. S'nofair.:frown:

A.Laws are there to protect the guilty

24th March 2009, 02:50 PM
Is it just me, or has everyone (especially in the Borders) gone brain-dead when it comes to roundabouts, approach lane and signalling?:frown:

Have a look at this roundabout layout.

Roundabout on Microsoft Virtual Earth (http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCC&cp=55.601887~-2.751244&style=h&lvl=17&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&encType=1)

When drivers are approaching Melrose roundabout on the B6374 with the intention of taking the second exit the A6091 they ALWAYS approach in the right lane, signal right, then signal left and shoot over to the left lane just after they pass the first exit onto the A6091. Annoys the hell out of me, 'cos I refuse to cow to their errors, I always stick to the left lane, don't signal until passing the first exit then make my exit. Quite a few times I've had folk coming up my right and getting pissed at ME 'cos they think I'M in the wrong.

Recently I was up behind a police car on approach to this roundabout. Guess what? Yep. He did it too. Right lane on approach, signalled right, then shot over to the left at the point of exit.:frown:

Or am I getting curmudgeonly in my old age?:blush:


Doesn't surprise me, lazing sodding drivers that can't afford the extra effort it takes to actually take a roundabout in their own lane:argh:

25th March 2009, 03:26 PM
This does my head in :argh: people using the right hand approach lane to go straight ahead at a roundabout. Then they cut you up to turn off. :ragin: The right lane is for going right!