View Full Version : ACS (traction control)how to disable?

23rd March 2009, 11:12 PM
Right, im sick of my traction control and would like it switched off permanent. Flicking the switch everytime is too much like hard work and i cant stick the wee light shining in my face to remind me i switched it off.

Theres a fuse in the passenger footwell with the traction control symbol on it, although with it removed it still works.

Can anyone help me, how do i switch it off or stop it working????

Thanks in advance. :thumbs up:

23rd March 2009, 11:25 PM
I did not know that the latest models of mini's had this ability. However can I make a point, I presume there is a reason for it, and a reason to be able to disable it for (what ever that may be), but if you totally switch it off and were to have an accident would that not void your insurance (if they were to find out that is) Just something you may think about, sorry to sound like the voice of reason. :thumbs up:

23rd March 2009, 11:47 PM
Sorry, its a 2004 cooper s.

Id like to know a way to switch my ACS off permanently.

Anyone know how i could do this?

AndyP & Lenore
24th March 2009, 12:32 AM
I did not know that the latest models of mini's had this ability. However can I make a point, I presume there is a reason for it, and a reason to be able to disable it for (what ever that may be), but if you totally switch it off and were to have an accident would that not void your insurance (if they were to find out that is) Just something you may think about, sorry to sound like the voice of reason. :thumbs up:

Sorry Gaz, Greig and I are starting to sound like KenL, but traction control is there for a reason.

However, is it possible it's cutting in too much. Lenore and I are pretty spirited drivers at times, and we don't find ACS cuts in that much. But DSC is a PITA, so is it DSC you have or ACS?


24th March 2009, 01:12 AM
Its ACS i have, i dont like driving aid's in the slightest. Never have and never will, i dont have a need for them.

Rather than trying to talk me round the idea, which you wont persuade me to like it, so find out how i get rid of it! :D

AndyP & Lenore
24th March 2009, 01:19 AM
Gaz, I'm not trying to talk you out of it, maybe I wasn't clear in what I said... I'm wondering if there's maybe a fault with it.

Like I say, Lenore and I are fairly spirited drivers, but our ASC only ever comes on if we are on a pretty slippery surface and we give it a bit too much gas. In normal driving it simply doesn't come on at all - even when canning it.

However, DSC used to interrupt our driving all the time - hated it.

So, if yours is coming on too much, have you considered their may be a fault with it? Could it be too sensitive maybe? I don't even know if the sensitivity can be reduced, I'm just throwing ideas into the table.

As for turning it off permanently, I'm afraid I have no idea. Unfortunately I doubt any dealer would volunteer the info either, as that could lead to liability issues if something drastic was to happen.

However, I wonder if any of the MINI Racing guys (Mark Dryden, Chris Pearson, Chris Knox, Craig Noble etc.) may be able to help out on that. I can't see them having ASC switched on. There's a race on in Ireland this weekend, so you may find their all a bit busy just now.


24th March 2009, 05:08 AM
I'm sure my old S had the DSC altered via the ecu remap, made it less intrusive, but, best speaking to the racing chaps methinks

24th March 2009, 11:28 AM
Since i have fitted coilovers the ACS has worked more on rises in the road etc where it would only lose a little traction, but the ACS cuts a rediculous amount of power. I just dont like things interfiering with my driving, im happy to let ACS take a back seat and ill do the driving! :eek:

Im certain theres nothing atall wrong with the ACS, i just dont want it. Simple as that really. :D

24th March 2009, 08:56 PM
Sorry Gaz, Greig and I are starting to sound like KenL, but traction control is there for a reason.

Coming round to my way of thinking eh? :thumbs up::smilewinkgrin:

AndyP & Lenore
24th March 2009, 09:08 PM
Coming round to my way of thinking eh? :thumbs up::smilewinkgrin:

About as much chance of that is there is of me waking up in the morning to find I'm pluke free.:bigwave::laugh:
