View Full Version : Lots of you but dont know who.........

20th February 2009, 09:07 PM
I've been out and about in the Perth and dundee area this week quite a bit and seen lots of Mini's with the drivers giving the do I recognise you distant stare.

White Mini Cooper in the Tesco filling station in Perth on Monday didn't notice the NMS sticker until you were on your way out. Hello:bigwave:

Silver or Blue ( I cant remember now) Cooper Viper stripes just past Arno;d Clarks in perth crossing the bridge :bigwave:

red Cooper on the Dundee Forfar road Friday morning chequered rear view mirror :bigwave:

Just realised this probably isn't very helpful unless you noticed me but If i do pass you and dont see you sorry

Maybe we should have a picture gallery of everyones car so we recognise each other

20th February 2009, 10:43 PM
I've been out and about in the Perth and dundee area this week quite a bit and seen lots of Mini's with the drivers giving the do I recognise you distant stare.

White Mini Cooper in the Tesco filling station in Perth on Monday didn't notice the NMS sticker until you were on your way out. Hello:bigwave:

Silver or Blue ( I cant remember now) Cooper Viper stripes just past Arno;d Clarks in perth crossing the bridge :bigwave:

red Cooper on the Dundee Forfar road Friday morning chequered rear view mirror :bigwave:

Just realised this probably isn't very helpful unless you noticed me but If i do pass you and dont see you sorry

Maybe we should have a picture gallery of everyones car so we recognise each other

thats why we have the Gallery Showcase.. so we all know what someones car looks like... :yes nod::thumbs up:

20th February 2009, 11:17 PM
DOH :thud: Must have had the preverbial "blonde moment"

20th February 2009, 11:49 PM
Not seen you about, will keep an eye out ;)

21st February 2009, 12:34 AM
The white cooper was prob eddie44

21st February 2009, 08:55 AM
The white cooper was prob eddie44

jings, all that flying must have mashed your brain up Jonny - he has an asbo now... :rolleyes::yes nod:

21st February 2009, 10:55 AM
I saw you in Dundee ... cant remember what day :confused: but i did see you! I was in a car park so i doubt you would of seen me :D

21st February 2009, 12:33 PM
jings, all that flying must have mashed your brain up Jonny - he has an asbo now... :rolleyes::yes nod:

Haha, oopsie! It's times like these you realise you need a good night's sleep ;)