View Full Version : 50th Anniversary Whalen

20th February 2009, 03:06 PM
No not 50 years of Whalen, but 50 years of Mini

Doug over at Whalen shift machine has designed a special knob :hand: to commemorate 50 years of mini/MINI, he is doing a limited edition run of 50 knobs (each individually numbered) and Im in the middle of putting together a deal with him if we buy a few. Current price is going to come in about the 100 quid mark, the more people we get the more leverage we have to bring the price down a little. Now to those of you who havent used a Whalen Knob that might sound like a lot of money but those people who have used them will confirm that not only are they beautifully made they also give a more positive gear shift. he knobs are available in polished, brushed, bead-blasted, and combinations polished/brushed and bead-blasted/brushed. The first two pics below show the bead blasted, and the last pic shows the brushed (sorry I got that wrong earlier, if anyone wants to change the finish they have picked let me know).

Until I was looking at Dougs site I hadnt realised that the R56 knob was a different fitting, Doug can do them to fit the R56 but needs to know up front who wants R56 and who doesnt. Its also a little trickier to fit a R56 knob but nothing too difficult.

If people are interested post in this thread so I can get a rough idea of numbers (also confirm if your car is an R56). Only other word of caution , I have had 5 knobs from Doug and once I got stung for customs charges (although they werent much) , if I bring a lot of knobs into the country and get stung I will be expecting every one to chip in to cover their share of the charge, I will do some digging and find out what the approximate charge for a knob would be.

I also find the Whalen is a good anti theft device, if you remove the knob it does make it difficult to drive the car, but better still if you catch the thief you can wallop em with it , cause they aint half heavy :smilewinkgrin:

Anyway below are some pics of the knob, and Im going to stop typing now cause I feel like Im delveloping tourettes typing knob every second word :smilewinkgrin:


List so far

Martin Brushed
Gismo blasted (wants number 50)
Gismo blasted classic (wants number 49 <rolls eyes>)
Zimbo blasted R56
Volvic blasted classic (wants number 12)

20th February 2009, 03:11 PM
Look really good, but out of my price range.

20th February 2009, 03:19 PM
Put me down for number 50, brushed :thumbs up:

20th February 2009, 04:10 PM
Yeah sounds good to me so long as it doesnt go much higher than that :eek:. (R56 please) brushed please x 1:clap:

20th February 2009, 05:43 PM
Can it be make to fit a classic mini?????

If I would be up for 1:thumbs up:

20th February 2009, 06:30 PM
Can it be make to fit a classic mini?????

If I would be up for 1:thumbs up:

Spooky Doug must be watching this thread :bigwave: He has just emailed me re classic knobs, if someone can find the pertinent dimensions he will look into it. If I remember rightly the classic knob is a thread fitting so guess he would need the length and pitch of the thread on the lever. If someone can provide that info then it should be a goer :clap: I reckon Gismo might have a classic one too , then he could have matching knobs :thumbs up:

20th February 2009, 06:49 PM
Another example of a custom Whalen


Dont think its our Gismo, but if anyone does want custom knobs Im sure we could maybe get them done in the same shipment.

For other examples check out Dougs gallery

Whalen Gallery (http://thewhalenshiftmachine.shutterfly.com/8?size=All&startIndex=0)

20th February 2009, 09:59 PM
I have 1 in the GP:thumbs up: thats why I would like
1 in volvic:D

20th February 2009, 10:12 PM
Volvic, another returning customer lol
Well if you can come up with the measurements I reckon Doug will do it

20th February 2009, 10:14 PM
I have 1 in the GP:thumbs up: thats why I would like
1 in volvic:D

The knob is bigger than the car, thats impressive - suppose this is :off topic: but its my thread lol

21st February 2009, 01:39 PM
Can a kind mod please sticky this thread :bigwave:, I dont have the power anymore :rolleyes:

Ive told Doug I will leave it up for about a week (or till I get back from offshore anyway) and then close the group buy so roll up roll up anyone who wants a knob :thumbs up:

26th February 2009, 12:49 PM

Ok Im closing this next friday 6th March, so if anyone else wants to order one get yourself on the list

9th March 2009, 08:06 AM
Ok cause Im still offshore I havent closed this yet, Doug has just emailed me he has now worked out to make the knob work on the classic so if anyone wants a classic knob post in this thread. Will be looking to close this by the middle of the week.

9th March 2009, 08:46 AM
Ok cause Im still offshore I havent closed this yet, Doug has just emailed me he has now worked out to make the knob work on the classic so if anyone wants a classic knob post in this thread. Will be looking to close this by the middle of the week.Martin, with regards to the classic, is the overall OD size smaller?
I'd be keen for the classic as well, but not if it's the same size, i appreciate it's asking a lot, but........

9th March 2009, 09:25 AM
Martin, with regards to the classic, is the overall OD size smaller?
I'd be keen for the classic as well, but not if it's the same size, i appreciate it's asking a lot, but........

Below is the quote from Doug, which reads to me like it will be the standard size whalen just mounted differently. Guess it would have to be that size for the design to work.

"I can make them to look just like my usual knobs; but rather than the quick-disconnect type of mount, the inserted piece will be drilled and tapped to screw onto the lever. And in order to keep the engraving design positioned properly, I would add a set screw in-between the two o-rings and toward the front, so as to be out of sight when installed."

9th March 2009, 09:30 AM
Cheers Martin, put me down for a classic, number 49 :Whistle: :thumbs up:

Doug W
9th March 2009, 02:50 PM
I thought I'd better chime in here (hope that's okay :blush:).

I can't get stainless steel balls smaller than 2" diameter, so all stainless knobs must be that size.

Gismo man, are you firm on that #49?
Reason I ask is that I have another fellow who has asked me for that number (actually, he originally asked me #50; but I told him it's already spoken for, so he settled for #49).


10th March 2009, 05:15 AM
I can't get stainless steel balls smaller than 2" diameter, so all stainless knobs must be that size.

Gismo man, are you firm on that #49?
-DougYes :thumbs up:

Doug W
10th March 2009, 02:19 PM
What a dilemma! An Irishman and a Scotsman both wanting the same number. :eek:

What to do, what to do....:confused: I don't want to start an international incident. :confused:

Let me make a call...:computer:

10th March 2009, 04:17 PM
make 2 49's and don't tell anyone...a ninja would ;)

Big Gordy
10th March 2009, 04:53 PM
Or you could have 49a and 49b :Whistle:

Doug W
10th March 2009, 05:21 PM
make 2 49's and don't tell anyone...a ninja would ;)

That's what I'm thinking; or perhaps two 50's. ;)

10th March 2009, 05:58 PM
If it's for a Irishman do one in no94 for him he will never notice he'll just turn it upside down

10th March 2009, 06:18 PM
If we are allowed to see about getting a specific number then I would'nt mind having number '7' if it's possible pleeeease... ( I REALLY hope it is...)

Doug W
10th March 2009, 06:31 PM
If we are allowed to see about getting a specific number then I would'nt mind having number '7' if it's possible pleeeease... ( I REALLY hope it is...)

I've already engraved #7, but haven't shipped it yet. It's a raffle prize for an event in August.

It's made to fit an R53 car and it has the bead-blasted finish, but can be changed to the brushed finish if desired.

Interested in that one?

11th March 2009, 05:19 AM
Or you could have 49a and 49b :Whistle:

That's what I'm thinking; or perhaps two 50's. ;)2 x 50 would be ok for me, but, i'd be happy knowing there were 2 49's in the world, besides, my 49 would be on my classic :thumbs up:

11th March 2009, 09:42 AM
I would like a classic one BLASTED and number 12 :thumbs up:

11th March 2009, 09:48 AM
Just noted, i got confused with Martin's dscription with the pictures, he mentions 2 pictures showing blasted and the last picture as brushed.
I wrongly thought the last picture was brushed, so, i want mine bead blasted as per the second picture on the first post.

Note, there are not 3 pictures which led to my confusion

Edit: Ah, just realised that the 3rd picture is actually hosted on photobucket and i can't see them due to my works websense, so, Doug, hopefully you haven't made my knobs yet????

11th March 2009, 09:51 AM
I want the first picture effect:thumbs up: is that blasted:confused:

11th March 2009, 09:54 AM
Gismo and Volvic, If you check the order in the first post (at the bottom) - I have listed you both as blasted, there was some initial confusion, but this was rectified very early on.

11th March 2009, 09:59 AM
Gismo and Volvic, If you check the order in the first post (at the bottom) - I have listed you both as blasted, there was some initial confusion, but this was rectified very early on.:thumbs up:

11th March 2009, 11:25 AM
I've already engraved #7, but haven't shipped it yet. It's a raffle prize for an event in August.

It's made to fit an R53 car and it has the bead-blasted finish, but can be changed to the brushed finish if desired.

Interested in that one?

If I could get #7 (in either finish) then that would be AWESOME!!! That is MY number. The only thing is I currently have an R56 but if I get this knob then it just means I'll save it for when I can get myself R53 ( 'S' or GP)

That would be great Doug :clap:

Thank you :D

11th March 2009, 12:59 PM
Right Im back onshore now, so will be looking to close this.

Doug , is it easier (for easier read cheaper :thumbs up::D) for you to send them all to me for distribution or can people pay you separately and get the knobs shipped right to their door??

Big Gordy
11th March 2009, 01:06 PM
Sully it might be too everyones advantage if Doug can ship them to individuals as the import tax per transaction has changed to about 119 quid (I think...you better check:Whistle:) Might save you a heafty import tax bill as if they are all sent to you with the total you most certainly will have to pay tax:eek: The old tax threshold for imports from USA was £19:ragin:Just a thought bud:thumbs up:

Doug W
11th March 2009, 07:52 PM
Right Im back onshore now, so will be looking to close this.

Doug , is it easier (for easier read cheaper :thumbs up::D) for you to send them all to me for distribution or can people pay you separately and get the knobs shipped right to their door??

I'm not sure. Individually, I pay around $14.00 for US Air Mail. Might be cheaper to ship all at once, but I don't know.
Regarding import duties, etc, I suppose that I could do some "adjusting" of the valuation.

Big Gordy
12th March 2009, 09:58 AM
I suppose that I could do some "adjusting" of the valuation.

Doug I'm all for this usually but in this case I don't think its a good idea:frown: If, god forbid, the unthinkable should happen and they get lost/misplaced/stolen all parties concerned would be up $hit creek without a paddle:eek: If your right and its only $14 each postage, which is about £9 our money then I think this is the safest bet:clap: Like I said the limit for import tax has changed recently from £19 to £119(I think:blush:) so most individuals should be OK:idea: If you send them ALL to Sully then he most definately will get hit with a tax bill:argh: Just my tuppence worth folks:thumbs up:

12th March 2009, 10:22 AM
Doug I'm all for this usually but in this case I don't think its a good idea:frown: If, god forbid, the unthinkable should happen and they get lost/misplaced/stolen all parties concerned would be up $hit creek without a paddle:eek: If your right and its only $14 each postage, which is about £9 our money then I think this is the safest bet:clap: Like I said the limit for import tax has changed recently from £19 to £119(I think:blush:) so most individuals should be OK:idea: If you send them ALL to Sully then he most definately will get hit with a tax bill:argh: Just my tuppence worth folks:thumbs up:I agree, as much as it may be a hassle for you Doug, individually sent packages will result in NO customs charges for each of us at the correct price :thumbs up:

Big Gordy
12th March 2009, 10:27 AM
Individually sent packages also means marty won't get blamed for sending out the wrong knobs:moonie::Whistle::smilewinkgrin:

Doug W
12th March 2009, 02:13 PM
That all makes sense to me.
And it's no hassle at all; this is what I do! :D

12th March 2009, 03:15 PM
That all makes sense to me.
And it's no hassle at all; this is what I do! :D

Cheers Doug :thumbs up: Well I reckon that anyone that wants a knob has posted so shall we close this? If everyone PM's Doug with their order , confirming finish, style (R56/Classic etc),their number if they have set their heart on one and their paypal address then Doug you should be able to send out paypal invoices to everyone - does that sound ok??

Doug W
12th March 2009, 03:31 PM
Cheers Doug :thumbs up: Well I reckon that anyone that wants a knob has posted so shall we close this? If everyone PM's Doug with their order , confirming finish, style (R56/Classic etc),their number if they have set their heart on one and their paypal address then Doug you should be able to send out paypal invoices to everyone - does that sound ok??

Sounds good, Mart!

I count six orders.

How about if I waive the usual $10.00 shipping charge and knock another $10.00 off the price? (Yes, I normally lose a little on shipping, but I like nice round numbers. :D)
That would make the price $140.00 each, shipped US Air Mail.

In addition to Paypal, I can also accept VISA, and MasterCard.
PM's are fine; and my e-mail address is whamac@msn.com

And Zimbo, I would hate to see you stuck with a knob that won't fit.
I'll keep this R53 #7 knob and use it for experimental purposes; I like to try doing different things to them, occasionally.
I'll whip you up a new #7 R56 one. :thumbs up:

Big Gordy
12th March 2009, 03:37 PM
For those importing goods by post here's the link to the governments webpage re tax/duty:thumbs up:

Big Gordy
12th March 2009, 03:42 PM
God :eek: why do they make it sooooooooooo complicated:ragin:

Doug W
18th March 2009, 01:50 PM
Well, it's now been nearly a week, and I've only heard from Martin and Gismo Man; I will assume that everyone else has reconsidered, and has opted out of the buy.

I'll be working on the gear knobs today, and I'll let you guys both know when they are shipping.

Thanks again!


18th March 2009, 01:57 PM
Doug, i'm sure Zimbo wanted one and i'm also certain he wanted an R53 type number 7 even although he has an R56 car at the moment, but, i'll let him get bck to you.

I also noticed that Volvic wanted a classic number 12, the same as my second requested number cause 49 was gone.
So, if Volvic still wants 12, i'll change to another number

18th March 2009, 08:14 PM
Yes I still want that one:thumbs up: will try and pay tomorrow,
just been busy;) sorry for not getting back in touch Doug...

Doug W
18th March 2009, 08:18 PM
No problem; I understand the "busy" thing.

19th March 2009, 09:49 AM
Sounds good, Mart!

I count six orders.

How about if I waive the usual $10.00 shipping charge and knock another $10.00 off the price? (Yes, I normally lose a little on shipping, but I like nice round numbers. :D)
That would make the price $140.00 each, shipped US Air Mail.

In addition to Paypal, I can also accept VISA, and MasterCard.
PM's are fine; and my e-mail address is whamac@msn.com

And Zimbo, I would hate to see you stuck with a knob that won't fit.
I'll keep this R53 #7 knob and use it for experimental purposes; I like to try doing different things to them, occasionally.
I'll whip you up a new #7 R56 one. :thumbs up:

Cool, cheers Doug thats fine with me. Un fortunately I dont have a Paypal thingy so unless I could get someone to pay it for me and give them the cash I would have to pay by Mastercard etc. When would payment be due Doug?

p.s PM sent

19th March 2009, 06:54 PM
Can you confirm you got payment today from me.....:thumbs up:

Doug W
19th March 2009, 07:40 PM
Can you confirm you got payment today from me.....:thumbs up:

Got it; thanks!

I'll be starting on the Classic knobs tomorrow, and I'll confirm when shipping.

Doug W
24th March 2009, 03:09 PM
Just wanted to confirm that today I'm shipping orders from Gismo Man and Volvic.

Martin, yours is going to the polishing shop today; if they'll buff it up while I wait, I'll engrave and ship tomorrow. I'll confirm that with you at the time.

Thanks again, guys! :thumbs up:

24th March 2009, 06:16 PM
Just wanted to confirm that today I'm shipping orders from Gismo Man and Volvic.

Martin, yours is going to the polishing shop today; if they'll buff it up while I wait, I'll engrave and ship tomorrow. I'll confirm that with you at the time.

Thanks again, guys! :thumbs up:

And mine? Is it on its way? :smilewinkgrin:

Doug W
24th March 2009, 06:42 PM
And mine? Is it on its way? :smilewinkgrin:

Hasn't arrived yet?
Should be there soon; keep checking your letter box. :thumbs up:

25th March 2009, 06:29 PM
Nope nothing yet... Is it airmail or shipmail ? :lol:

Doug W
25th March 2009, 08:11 PM
Nope nothing yet... Is it airmail or shipmail ? :lol:

Well, I paid for Air Mail; hope that's the way it went! :confused:

Seriously, though; my UK shipments occasionally have a way of disappearing for a while.
Worst-case scenario is, the package never shows up; then after 30-40 days, it arrives back in mailbox, with no explanation.
That's happened several times over the years. The clerks in my post office tell me that there is nothing that they can do; can't even do a search.

It's possible that the Customs man has it and is sitting on it for a few days; that happens too.

UK shipments have always been my most unreliable. I don't generally have trouble anywhere else.
That said, I once shipped a knob on a Saturday morning, and the customer in England had it in his hands on Monday!! No idea how that happened.

MINI William
25th March 2009, 08:17 PM
That said, I once shipped a knob on a Saturday morning, and the customer in England had it in his hands on Monday!! No idea how that happened.

Interesting choice of words :smilewinkgrin:

26th March 2009, 09:46 AM
Well, I paid for Air Mail; hope that's the way it went! :confused:

Seriously, though; my UK shipments occasionally have a way of disappearing for a while.
Worst-case scenario is, the package never shows up; then after 30-40 days, it arrives back in mailbox, with no explanation.
That's happened several times over the years. The clerks in my post office tell me that there is nothing that they can do; can't even do a search.

It's possible that the Customs man has it and is sitting on it for a few days; that happens too.

UK shipments have always been my most unreliable. I don't generally have trouble anywhere else.
That said, I once shipped a knob on a Saturday morning, and the customer in England had it in his hands on Monday!! No idea how that happened.

Thats the UK for you Doug :rolleyes: :frown: must be great living on the other side of the pond? Which reminds me Im needing a holiday over there again soon :yes nod:

Interesting choice of words :smilewinkgrin:

DOH!! :clap: :eek:

26th March 2009, 09:52 AM
Just wanted to confirm that today I'm shipping orders from Gismo Man and Volvic

And mine? Is it on its way? :smilewinkgrin:Ali, just wanted to show that Doug didn't mention your name :confused:

26th March 2009, 10:06 AM
Ali, just wanted to show that Doug didn't mention your name :confused:

Yeah Its ok I know Alan, turns out its on its way here via Timbuktoo or something BUT IT IS on its way :thumbs up: :yes nod:


26th March 2009, 11:39 AM
Yeah Its ok I know Alan, turns out its on its way here via Timbuktoo or something BUT IT IS on its way :thumbs up: :yes nod:

:lol:Nice one, what car will it fit :Whistle:

Doug W
26th March 2009, 01:56 PM
Ali, just wanted to show that Doug didn't mention your name :confused:

Sorry; I PM'ed Ali and shipped his order several days earlier.
Seems as though his is taking the "scenic route"; I hope that doesn't happen with the rest of them.

Doug W
26th March 2009, 02:03 PM
Thats the UK for you Doug :rolleyes: :frown: must be great living on the other side of the pond? Which reminds me Im needing a holiday over there again soon :yes nod:

DOH!! :clap: :eek:

It won't be great for much longer; better come over and enjoy it while you still can. :sad:
If you're ever in the Chicago area and don't mind a two-hour road trip, look me up. You'll find me in the middle of this cornfield. :D

Big Gordy
26th March 2009, 02:16 PM
Nice pool Doug:Whistle:

Doug W
26th March 2009, 02:27 PM
Nice pool Doug:Whistle:

Not my pond, though; it belongs to the nasty farmer, next door.
Here's to the farmer! :moonie:

26th March 2009, 03:00 PM
It won't be great for much longer; better come over and enjoy it while you still can. :sad:
If you're ever in the Chicago area and don't mind a two-hour road trip, look me up. You'll find me in the middle of this cornfield. :D

:cool: you never know...

So not very nice neighbour then by the sounds of it... :frown: Sorry to hear that Doug.

That your workshop at the back of the house then? It's HUGE!!

Doug W
26th March 2009, 03:44 PM
:cool: you never know...

So not very nice neighbour then by the sounds of it... :frown: Sorry to hear that Doug.

That your workshop at the back of the house then? It's HUGE!!

No, not a very nice guy. But we knew all about him before we bought the house; so no surprises.

My shop used to be a garage for milk trucks. The original builder of the house and garage (back in the 60's) had a milk route, and kept three trucks in the building.
It was just an open pole barn then; had a nice, solid cement floor, though; good for heavy machinery. :thumbs up:

I bought the place and turned the garage into a machine shop, fifteen years ago. Looks a bit different in here now.

Big Gordy
26th March 2009, 03:58 PM
Jings Doug:eek: your workshops cleaner than my kitchen:D (checks wife's not around when typing this:Whistle:)

Doug W
26th March 2009, 04:07 PM
Jings Doug:eek: your workshops cleaner than my kitchen:D (checks wife's not around when typing this:Whistle:)

I'm a bit of a cleanliness freak, when it comes to my work environment. :blush:
And since this is where I spend the majority of my day (and night, sometimes!), I like to have it comfy. Wally likes it this way, too. :D

I'm afraid I've strayed a bit too far off the topic; I'm going to slip away now. :bigwave:

26th March 2009, 05:03 PM
Very nice :thumbs up:

26th March 2009, 09:52 PM
As the "parent" of this thread I believe its up to me if this is straying off topic, and I dont believe it is :thumbs up:

26th March 2009, 11:08 PM
I'm a bit of a cleanliness freak, when it comes to my work environment. :blush:
And since this is where I spend the majority of my day (and night, sometimes!), I like to have it comfy. Wally likes it this way, too. :D

I'm afraid I've strayed a bit too far off the topic; I'm going to slip away now. :bigwave:

look at those fangs:smilewinkgrin::D

Doug W
26th March 2009, 11:42 PM
look at those fangs:smilewinkgrin::D

Yes, he's a good mouser! :thumbs up:

31st March 2009, 02:37 PM
Well It's here and i'm well chuffed with it Doug... :D

But I nearly had a heart attack when I found out I had to pay £23 for Customs!!! OMG:thud:

any way here it is



:thumbs up: :clap:

Doug W
31st March 2009, 02:54 PM
Well It's here and i'm well chuffed with it Doug... :D

But I nearly had a heart attack when I found out I had to pay £23 for Customs!!! OMG:thud:

any way here it is



:thumbs up: :clap:

Glad you like it!

Yep, I've heard many a horror story about UK taxes, customs charges, additional charges from the post office, etc.
Time for a tea party??? :ragin:

31st March 2009, 03:44 PM
Yup the UK is getting rediculous these days, no wonder people are leaving here in their thousands every year!!! I might end up joining them... You dont need an apprentice do you? :lol:

Doug W
31st March 2009, 03:52 PM
Yup the UK is getting rediculous these days, no wonder people are leaving here in their thousands every year!!! I might end up joining them... You dont need an apprentice do you? :lol:

I wouldn't recommend coming here; we're heading for the same situation as you folks! :sad:

I was thinking of searching for a new home, myself! :confused:

Doug W
6th April 2009, 05:06 PM
Anyone else received theirs yet?

6th April 2009, 05:16 PM
Anyone else received theirs yet?Nope :frown:

Doug W
6th April 2009, 05:29 PM
Let's see...Zimbo's shipped on 3/19 and was received 3/31, I believe.

Gismo Man and Volvic shipped 3/24, and Martin shipped 3/25.
You guys should receive them any time now; perhaps the Customs guys are trying them on their own cars. :frown:

7th April 2009, 08:49 AM
:yes nod: :thumbs up: make sure you have money for the customs charges... :moonie:

Big Gordy
7th April 2009, 08:49 AM
perhaps the Customs guys are trying them on their own cars. :frown:

You might get some extra orders out of it Doug:thumbs up: I bet they won't get hit with the 'stealth' tax tho..!!

7th April 2009, 08:55 AM
You might get some extra orders out of it Doug:thumbs up: I bet they won't get hit with the 'stealth' tax tho..!!

More like DAYLIGHT ROBBERY :moonie: :knife:

7th April 2009, 09:06 AM
When I got my Whalen for the R50 MINI, I did not pay any import duty etc.

I think it is just your luck whether it gets withheld for payment or not.

7th April 2009, 10:20 PM
Nothing yet:frown::frown:

7th April 2009, 10:50 PM
I got a note through the door wanting £39 ($55), so, i assume it's for the gear knobs :ragin:

Doug W
7th April 2009, 10:52 PM
I got a note through the door wanting £39 ($55), so, i assume it's for the gear knobs :ragin:

Ouch! :sad:

7th April 2009, 11:08 PM
Ouch! :sad:I thought you were sending them with gift on them?

Doug W
7th April 2009, 11:24 PM
Sorry! I'm not sure what the ramifications would be, were I caught doing much of that.

I understood that you guys would not be charged unless the value was over 119 pounds, though.
Am I correct in calculating that to be around $175.00? Is there another tax or charge that I'm not aware of? :confused:

7th April 2009, 11:27 PM
I'm sure the tax break is at $119, not UK Pounds, never mind, it's the chance we always take :D

Doug W
7th April 2009, 11:32 PM
I'm sure the tax break is at $119, not UK Pounds, never mind, it's the chance we always take :D

Well, socialism is never pretty. :sad:
The Messiah will have us Yanks heading down the same path, very soon. He's already wearing himself out, apologizing to the world for the last 300 years. :rolleyes:

8th April 2009, 06:14 AM
I thought you were sending them with gift on them?

I have bought various bits and bods over the years from the states and always get them marked as gift, but always get charged the import tax, i guess alot of folk try that:rolleyes:

Big Gordy
8th April 2009, 08:25 AM
I think we can be hit with various forms of tax when importing items from the states:frown: Import tax, VAT, customs duty, etc... Like Gismo says its a risk you run when buying from over the pond:idea:

Big Gordy
8th April 2009, 08:35 AM
When importing from USA you will get hit for.....

Customs duty if item is more than £105
Import Tax if item is more than £18

and the good old post office will have to add there administration cost on as well which in my experience is usually about a tenner:ragin:

8th April 2009, 10:22 AM
My charges were all VAT :ragin:
However, the knobs are uber cool :D

8th April 2009, 10:58 AM
My charges were all VAT :ragin:
However, the knobs are uber cool :D

We need pics... :hand: :lol:

8th April 2009, 11:11 AM
We need pics... :hand: :lol:Just for you:-


8th April 2009, 11:20 AM
:thumbs up: :cool: very cool...

8th April 2009, 12:29 PM
That's a nice couple of knob's you have there....:Whistle:

8th April 2009, 11:23 PM
Yep Lovely Knobs :smilewinkgrin:

15th April 2009, 10:19 AM
Got mine on saturday:thumbs up::thumbs up:

15th April 2009, 10:29 AM
:thumbs up:

Doug W
15th April 2009, 01:11 PM
For the Classic owners; are the knobs fitting properly?

Just checking, since I've never actually seen one installed.

15th April 2009, 02:36 PM
For the Classic owners; are the knobs fitting properly?I don't have my classic here to try it, but, as soon as i get it back i'll let you know

Doug W
15th April 2009, 02:39 PM