View Full Version : Craig......

Big Gordy
17th February 2009, 02:34 PM
........well at least I think it was you in the distance at about 13.10pm today going past the Shell filling station:bigwave:
Was taking Colin to retrieve his mini after its service from you-know-where:knife:

17th February 2009, 06:13 PM
well yes, it was me collecting my car from you know where after some warranty work..

they fixed my squeeling noise when ticking over by fitting a new v pulley belt. :thumbs up:

however the expensive prob of the clutch they failed to re-create. Funny that as when I pulled out of the junction at the end of the car park, the clutch juddered... Absolutely F***in speechless. :argh::argh::ragin::ragin:

Does anybody know of a dealer who will fully investigate these problems? The reason I ask is that I know the car was not taken further than 0.2 of a mile to check the problem:rolleyes: It was also still in the place I left it up till 11am and I got a phone call at 12:45hrs to say it was ready. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

It just seems to me that they don't want to take on the bigger jobs so that the customer is left paying for the repair once the car is outside of the warranty... :frown::frown:

17th February 2009, 08:02 PM
Eastern put a clutch and clutch release bearing in my 130 after I complained it was noisy.

17th February 2009, 08:03 PM
well on the plus side Craig they did fix one problem:smilewinkgrin:

as for the rest :frown::frown::frown::frown: shocking service and you would think they would look after you a bit more knowing it was your car.

I've no idea what dealer you could use me I just stick with Eastern these days

17th February 2009, 08:06 PM
I hear what your saying, but when I went to eastern some time ago, they kept my car for 8 days and fixed nothing.. :rolleyes::frown: Might have been a one off but who knows... :argh:

oh and the stab in the heart is I had to pay £10 for a courtesy car as you can't provide your own insurance... :ragin: