View Full Version : I miss my MINI

13th February 2009, 06:17 PM
I've been MINIless for 2 weeks now and it sucks balls (in a bad way ;))

13th February 2009, 06:33 PM
Now now, go and get yourself another one :thumbs up:

13th February 2009, 06:36 PM
I've still got it, but it's been sat in the workshop in Oxford MINI for 2 weeks now and they don't seem all that confident of getting it out their door anytime soon :S

As grateful as I am to have a rental from MINI (I'd have been up the proverbial creek without a car down here) ...it's a Peugot 308 and I hate it.

13th February 2009, 06:44 PM
Withdrawal symptoms! I’m actually still after six months and not really been any place exciting really enjoying my Cooper, and I know I'd miss it now, I jump in the new ford and don’t feel anything for it at all apart from that annoying light clutch you cant feel………but I drive away in the Cooper still a bit like its my new toy…….

You'll have it back soon!

This is your white S? what was wrong with it?

13th February 2009, 07:02 PM
yeah, the s/roof cables siezed, so they replaced the entire s/r. then when they'd coded it all the guy got in to drive it out the workshop and none of the nav/stereo/computers worked. they took a while diagnosing it with bmw and decided its a hardware fault rather than an electrical glitch...the whole CCC (central control computer) needed to be replaced, then it was on backorder and they had to buld a new batch, now everytime they try recoding it there's a problem. The guy says I probably won't even get it back tomorrow. How crap.

We've had a few probs with the ONE lately too with a new steering pump going in and having to replace a few ignition parts, but it's all good. I'm looking forward to going home and having a spin in it actually :D

13th February 2009, 07:11 PM
Not great considering its an 07 car…….you’d think it would be fine for years. All I know my one is a Dec08 Build so has three years left if anything goes wrong I think………

Hope you get it back soon.

13th February 2009, 07:16 PM
not great news Jonny.. :frown::frown:
saying no more that that... :Whistle:

13th February 2009, 07:54 PM
was this one of the things you had old bean?

13th February 2009, 08:19 PM
was this one of the things you had old bean?

amazingly, this wasn't one of the 13 different faults I had on mine. My sunroof issue was the blinds which seemed to move on their own :rolleyes:

13th February 2009, 08:36 PM
mine do that, but I can't be arsed with putting it in for that. Did they manage to fix that?

Davies...deep breaths...

13th February 2009, 08:43 PM
mine do that, but I can't be arsed with putting it in for that. Did they manage to fix that?

Davies...deep breaths...

they fixed it for a short time, but it came back... :rolleyes:

anyway time for some... :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

14th February 2009, 12:36 AM
Try 41 days and counting without a MINI.....:frown:

Although guess mine is out of choice. Hope it gets all fixed soon Jonny :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
14th February 2009, 01:26 AM
They fixed our independent moving blinds. But in doing so wrecked the sunroof and it had to be replaced. And as it all comes as one cassette, the new sunroof blinds moved on their own again. So they fixed that and then the sun roof starting clicking again. So then they fixed the sun roof again.

Been click free and stable blinds for a couple of months now.:thumbs up:

I must admit though, when they replaced the sun roof they said they needed to code it into the cars CCC. I thought they were avvin' a larf. WTF? Code a sunroof to the car.:confused:


14th February 2009, 10:17 AM
I must admit though, when they replaced the sun roof they said they needed to code it into the cars CCC. I thought they were avvin' a larf. WTF? Code a sunroof to the car.:confused:


I would have thought that they needed to do this for the key fob and alarm and stuff like that. Why would you think it wouldn't need coded it functions using the car electrics??

14th February 2009, 11:49 AM
they fixed it for a short time, but it came back... :rolleyes:

anyway time for some... :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

Did you once own an R56 then :rolleyes: :Whistle: