View Full Version : picnic run III 14th june 2009

4th February 2009, 07:09 PM
well return of the picnic run is upon us :thumbs up:
need i say any more ????

get the BBQ's and picnic baskets out :thumbs up:

last year's thread

DOWNLOAD RUN NOTES HERE (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/run_notes/2009/stoneys_picnic_run_2009.pdf)

1 stoney + christine
2 the Harper clan + Megan
3 the Harper clan 2
4 Helen & Duncan
6 sav112
7 weefossy ????
8 gemma b
10 bumble
11 elfman
12 camjay + 1 ??
13 ccm
14 david and fiona

update 4/6/09

Meet at Chatelherault Country Park (ML3 7UE) 10.00 for 10.30 departure shap !!!!!

MINI William
4th February 2009, 07:12 PM
Add us please

4th February 2009, 07:15 PM
done :thumbs up:

4th February 2009, 07:27 PM
Ha, add me please :thumbs up:

4th February 2009, 08:33 PM
add us please.:thumbs up:

4th February 2009, 09:14 PM
Loved this last year but sadly cant make it as I will be at the mini show in Northern Ireland that weekend.

4th February 2009, 09:33 PM
Twilight Run 20 - 21.06.2009

Thats the week before, might be good to try out a run before heading up north......plus meet a few people.
Sadly its just me in the car………. Unless Kylie Minogue gets back to me and wants to go……………I’m sure she would love it.;)

Add me please unless your second name needs to be Harper:thumbs up:

4th February 2009, 09:36 PM
Can you add us please

4th February 2009, 10:06 PM
Add us please Rob. will mind and bring my cooking skills again. ;):thumbs up:

5th February 2009, 09:07 AM
On shift that weekend & Twilight Run weekend after, so not looking good at present. Will let you know if anything changes.

AndyP & Lenore
5th February 2009, 10:04 AM
Add us as a mebbie please. Will depend on movies/staffing levels etc that day, but hopefully we can make this one.:thumbs up:

I've also stickied it for you. Gismo must have been sleeping when he put his name down.:moonie:


7th February 2009, 11:20 PM
Rob, just booked a week's Self-Catering at Loch Awe from 6th - 12th June, so put me down as a 'maybe'. I'll have stuff to sort out on Sunday before going back to work the next day... Great fun last year, even though you made Sioban cry... (happy tears I must add! ;)).

By the way SAV112, Kylie won't be in your passenger seat. She'll just have had a lovely week at Loch Awe and will be recuperating :blush: ... or should that be 're-COOPER-ating'? :frown:

Mini Ecosse
8th February 2009, 10:13 AM
Rob, just booked a week's Self-Catering at Loch Awe from 6th - 12th June,

:off topic: Will keep an eye open for you seeing as how I work at Loch Awe.

8th February 2009, 06:14 PM
Rob, can you add me please!

8th February 2009, 06:45 PM
list updated thats you all added

23rd April 2009, 05:29 PM

just a wee minder that this is on and it a qualtly run if i do say so my self

Duncan Stewart
1st May 2009, 08:42 PM
A change in holiday plans means we can now come on the run :D
Please add Helen & Duncan

Cheers :thumbs up:

2nd May 2009, 12:37 AM
A change in holiday plans means we can now come on the run :D
Please add Helen & Duncan

Cheers :thumbs up:

Nooooooooo its the guy that took that picture of his car by the sea with a bridge in the back ground...........your banned due to tipping me over the edge........:D

Seen your car and thought feck this, went out and bought my Cooper.:argh:

Have to say still got the pic..........:thumbs up:

2nd May 2009, 10:47 AM
A change in holiday plans means we can now come on the run :D
Please add Helen & Duncan

Cheers :thumbs up:

glad to here it :thumbs up::cool:

looking forward to this may have to change it a little as some of the roads are fecked nedd to see if they have been repaird yet :argh:

but the picnic will still be at the same place :thumbs up:

3rd May 2009, 04:04 PM
Hi can you add me and hubby - haven't been to a run yet and would like to meet some of you. TA :thumbs up:

norma and martin

3rd May 2009, 05:58 PM
Hi can you add me and hubby - haven't been to a run yet and would like to meet some of you. TA :thumbs up:

norma and martin

thats you added :thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
7th May 2009, 08:27 PM
Seen your car and thought feck this, went out and bought my Cooper.:argh:

Glad to help :p;)

13th May 2009, 08:42 PM
Me please Rob. :bigwave:

13th May 2009, 10:10 PM
Can you put us down for the run stoney.David & Fiona:thumbs up::clap::bigwave:

14th May 2009, 08:06 AM
thats you gus added

14th May 2009, 09:19 PM

MarkyC has just confirmed that his "Stag Doo" is the night before in Glasgow so I may not make the run on the Sunday... All depends whether I am allowed :beer::beer: by that time on my diet...:rolleyes::argh: If I am not drinking then I'll be at the run, but if I am on the :beer: I really doubt I will be there... :shut up::Whistle:

Sorry about that, will really miss the run if I can't get there... :frown:

14th May 2009, 09:43 PM

MarkyC has just confirmed that his "Stag Doo" is the night before in Glasgow so I may not make the run on the Sunday... All depends whether I am allowed :beer::beer: by that time on my diet...:rolleyes::argh: If I am not drinking then I'll be at the run, but if I am on the :beer: I really doubt I will be there... :shut up::Whistle:

Sorry about that, will really miss the run if I can't get there... :frown:

Same goes for Jason. Can you take our name off also. Sorry - will miss the stick toffee.

15th May 2009, 08:20 AM
under stand guys hope you have a good night and dont get to drunk

26th May 2009, 01:42 AM

26th May 2009, 08:53 AM

no prob tony thats you added :thumbs up:

27th May 2009, 06:51 PM
Did the Road on Google and was doing well till I got to Cumnock then I think we go down A76 then you lost me……………………….Dumfries Rd. I take its some Farm or wee Country Road to that fantastic wee Valley?:blush: oh and blooming google gives up the quality ghost just around that area.......

28th May 2009, 07:27 AM
will post run notes soon

Gemma B
4th June 2009, 10:00 PM
Hi. I'm new to the club and would like to join the picnic run. How do I go about it? Ta.

4th June 2009, 10:03 PM
Hi. I'm new to the club and would like to join the picnic run. How do I go about it? Ta.

well thats you done all you need to do the now:thumbs up:

you just post up as you have done :cool::D

and then turn up at the start point with your boot full with goodies to eat and drink :thumbs up::popcorn::beer: will be posting run notes after weekend :thumbs up:


4th June 2009, 10:07 PM
update first page :thumbs up:

Gemma B
4th June 2009, 10:11 PM
Fantastic. Count me in!

4th June 2009, 10:14 PM
you are added to the list :cool:

good to see you geting your self on your first run :thumbs up:

4th June 2009, 10:16 PM
Did the Road on Google and was doing well till I got to Cumnock then I think we go down A76 then you lost me……………………….Dumfries Rd. I take its some Farm or wee Country Road to that fantastic wee Valley?:blush: oh and blooming google gives up the quality ghost just around that area.......

nope its just a B road it is on google im sure will have a wee look :thumbs up:

4th June 2009, 10:37 PM
Did the Road on Google and was doing well till I got to Cumnock then I think we go down A76 then you lost me……………………….Dumfries Rd. I take its some Farm or wee Country Road to that fantastic wee Valley?:blush: oh and blooming google gives up the quality ghost just around that area.......

yep down the a76 then on to B797 :D

4th June 2009, 11:19 PM
:thumbs up:Cheers I'll take another wee look.

Right got you now just past Mennock........................................... ....

5th June 2009, 08:55 AM
yep think so not sure i got the right road :argh: i know wher i am going tho:D

6th June 2009, 09:38 PM
hi rob nearly made your run sorry but can you please take me off the list .i have to work now:ragin:

7th June 2009, 09:16 AM
hi rob nearly made your run sorry but can you please take me off the list .i have to work now:ragin:

no prob tony sorry to here that

7th June 2009, 09:15 PM
cheers rob:ragin:

AndyP & Lenore
9th June 2009, 12:59 AM
DOWNLOAD RUN NOTES HERE (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/run_notes/2009/stoneys_picnic_run_2009.pdf)

A.:thumbs up:

9th June 2009, 08:02 AM
well as you can all see the run nots are now ready for down load

Thanx Andy :thumbs up::thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
9th June 2009, 10:23 AM
NP.:thumbs up:


9th June 2009, 09:28 PM
Ok done the Route with Tyre so i can put it on my Tom Tom.....Just to keep me right.

A76 Mansfield
A76 Mennock
B797 Leadhills

B7040 Elvanfoot
A792 Abington
And it looks like the wee stop is near a church to end.?:thumbs up:

MINI William
9th June 2009, 09:59 PM
Stoney can you add Megan for me please :thumbs up:

10th June 2009, 08:15 AM
Ok done the Route with Tyre so i can put it on my Tom Tom.....Just to keep me right.

A76 Mansfield
A76 Mennock
B797 Leadhills

B7040 Elvanfoot
A792 Abington
And it looks like the wee stop is near a church to end.?:thumbs up:

nope i will do it for you 2night and putt all the road names in for you ;)

dont worry you wont get lost we wont let you :thumbs up:

10th June 2009, 09:36 AM
oh I was happy that I had it right, I mean I know the Road till Cumnock thats why I left the Chatelherault Country Park to cumnock bit out.

11th June 2009, 09:13 PM
sorry Stoney going to have to withdraw from the run.

Allans dad has been taken in to Falkirk hospital suffering from chest pains so Allan is not wanting to stray to far from home at the moment. Just need to wait and see what the problem is but at the age of 85 and suffering from dementia it's all a bit grim compounded with the fact his mother is not great either it just all happening at once for us at the moment.

12th June 2009, 03:22 PM
sorry Stoney going to have to withdraw from the run.

Allans dad has been taken in to Falkirk hospital suffering from chest pains so Allan is not wanting to stray to far from home at the moment. Just need to wait and see what the problem is but at the age of 85 and suffering from dementia it's all a bit grim compounded with the fact his mother is not great either it just all happening at once for us at the moment.

no prob fi under stand

hope all is ok


13th June 2009, 09:15 AM
looking forward to 2morow should be a good run they have redone one of the roads and it's spot on lovely and smoth

just one more note please bring run notes with you i only have 4 sets and no printer !!!!

13th June 2009, 10:49 AM
Have fun tomorrow, will be looking out for the pics, wish i was there......aww:frown:

13th June 2009, 03:02 PM
We have next week to look forward too........:thumbs up: But this is my warm up run :D Good to see some of the folk and the cars.

Shameful My car is usually spotless but I’m running about all day and not got a chance probably today…….You know how you try and justify it well right now I’m banking on the thought well it was only going to get dirty and dusty on the run I’ll wash it Monday….:blush:

Right now the weather on the BBC looks a bit dodgy but then again it said it would be heavy rain in Glasgow just now and its blue sky………and blooming hot.

AndyP & Lenore
13th June 2009, 04:12 PM
Rob, we're not gonna make tomorrow I'm afraid. I'm really sorry to drop out so close to the run, but I'm still full of man-flu.:frown: Can't shake the cough, and my nose is running faster than the hankies can keep up with it. My head is full of sh!t, but there's nothing particularly new with that.:frown:

Have a nice time. Someone have a sausage for me.:thumbs up:


13th June 2009, 04:49 PM
Stoney, just got back from Loch Awe and its ten million midges (a fair number of which are plastered on the front of the car), will try to throw some food in a bucket and hopefully see you guys tomorrow at Chatelherault at 10.00am - ish.

Andy, as you're unwell, I'll resist posting the forty-three 'jokes' involving sausages, hankies and s**t heads!

On a much more serious note, Allan and Fiona - hope things go OK.

13th June 2009, 07:08 PM
On a much more serious note, Allan and Fiona - hope things go OK.

:off topic:

Thanks Elfman just been told yesterday by the docs/ social workers that Allan"s dad can't go home as his Mum can't cope anymore not easy after 61 years of marriage for them to be apart so today has not been a good day. All we can do is support his mum in what she decides to do his dads damentia seems to be worse in last couple of days for some reason.

13th June 2009, 09:06 PM
no prob andy hope you feel better soon mate

elfman if you want you can meet at miine at about 9 45 ish

also sticky toffie pud is made

13th June 2009, 11:39 PM
OK Rob, see you at yours - I'll try not to sleep in!

14th June 2009, 08:28 AM
well the sun is out :thumbs up:

lets just hope it stays out ;)

14th June 2009, 09:11 AM
well I'm super bummed this morning, went out to give the car a last bit of sparkle and when doing the wheels noticed that my run-flat has a nick in it. I must have picked up something on my tyre last night :( as car got a good bit of attention yesterday and there is no way I'm going to chance a run without me being comfortable that it's safe.

Sorry Stoney!

14th June 2009, 09:44 AM
well I'm super bummed this morning, went out to give the car a last bit of sparkle and when doing the wheels noticed that my run-flat has a nick in it. I must have picked up something on my tyre last night :( as car got a good bit of attention yesterday and there is no way I'm going to chance a run without me being comfortable that it's safe.

Sorry Stoney!

When you say nick in it, is that on the tyre wall or tread?. It's just that there is a rubber band around the tyre wall that can get a bit of damage to it and it won't affect it.

14th June 2009, 04:03 PM
well thats me home safe and sound my bat ran out on my camrea so no pics from me sorry

had a good run hope you all enjoyed your self i did

MINI William
14th June 2009, 05:06 PM
Brill run as usal Stoney and Christine :thumbs up:.Just a shame about the weather.Pics to follow when the rain stops and I can get my camera out the boot.

14th June 2009, 05:09 PM
great day,good food (once the BBQ lit,ta stoney)and good to see new faces ,hope they come back:thumbs up::thumbs up:

14th June 2009, 06:06 PM
Apologies in advance for any pics of the number plates and to the chase car that had to sit behind me all day:blush:…….very accommodating people when there sitting in a works………Great day and after the initial shock of being well out my comfort range, a very enjoyable run. It was dry when we wanted it and considering the clouds, to have a dry sunny picnic was lucky:thumbs up:………the Rain just added an edge to drive when it did and thankfully most of the drive was dry……..

Great to meet you all and see the cars. Even if embarrassingly I thought for the first five – ten minutes my car had developed a noise, Nope just Stonny, God that car pops and snarls……….but how can you complain when the car is carrying sticky toffee pudding, chocolate sauce and strawberries.:D Great scenery and probably one of the best roads I’ve been on…

Thankfully was not the only first timer on a run, so it was nice to share the slower pace…..even if a few times we were carried away…What bridge – oh that one……:argh:

Cheers again for the effort of putting this on, it was good to get a better feel for the car - the drive up to Glasgow seemed slow compared to the run…….but I’m sure like Gemma it was nice to drive at our own pace again;)

Cheers again.








Gemma B
14th June 2009, 06:18 PM
Thanks to everyone who was at the run today, you made us feel very welcome. Great run, but those narrow bridges came out of nowhere! (as Stewart knows all too well!) Weather was terrible on the way back to Edinburgh, but thankfully I didn't have to try to keep up with Stoney and the other speedy gonzales's! See you all again soon.

14th June 2009, 06:29 PM
Thanks again Rob & Christine great run. Rain what rain :rolleyes:.
Nice to see new faces, hopefully you will come back :bigwave:. Me and Gemma B had a mini MINI run back to Edin, boy that was some crazy rain and hail and lightning we drove through. :eek:

14th June 2009, 06:41 PM
As the others will tell you Glasgow was blue sky……..I drove through some rain on the M74 but it cleared to a Blazing hot day. Its seemingly been just another hot day day in Glasgow………….

14th June 2009, 06:42 PM
Some pics while the sun was shinning...








14th June 2009, 07:06 PM
Great day out! We even managed (mostly) sunshine for the Picnic. Thanks to Stoney for the run and Christine for the Pudding! Must remember a chair the next time... and to bring extra salad so I don't get threatened by a certain lady.

Glad the 'new' runners enjoyed their day, and hope you'll be at many more - remember even 'oldies' like me were new once. You can also drive at whatever speed you're comfortable with, as there are always wee stops to 're-group' along the way, so just do what you feel's good for you! And of course there are also the 'Wee Stops' for, well...

Really enjoyed playing 'Keepie-Uppie' with Stoney and Duncan, my new motor's a bit different from the old 'sorted' JCW 210, but it's growing on me the more I use it and the more I get used to it. Good that it's now run in (just yesterday) and I can totally watch the road instead of having one eye on the rev-counter! And what fine roads we were on today. It's what your MINI's for!

See Y'all soon.

14th June 2009, 07:06 PM
looks like another great picnic run people damn sorry i missed it:ragin:

14th June 2009, 07:14 PM
Tony - just PM'd you!

14th June 2009, 07:18 PM
euan just pm'd you:thumbs up:

14th June 2009, 07:20 PM
thousand apologies:off topic:

14th June 2009, 07:36 PM
looks like a nice day sorry i missed it, hopefully will see some of you guys next weekend.:thumbs up:

14th June 2009, 07:48 PM
thanks for a great day xx and elfman :lol:

14th June 2009, 07:56 PM
stewart ,it was no prob's being behind you,just making sure no one got lost.........:bigwave::bigwave:

14th June 2009, 08:36 PM
glad you all had a good day hope to see more of you on the runs

Duncan Stewart
14th June 2009, 08:52 PM
Excellent day out :D Thanks to Rob & Christine for arranging a great run and supplying the best sticky toffee pudding ever :p
Fantastic roads and stunning scenery




Duncan Stewart
14th June 2009, 09:05 PM
A few of Helen's "people" photos! :bigwave:

The Grumpy old men discuss the merits of Werther's Originals


The BBQ squad (smokey!)


David sorts out the newbies ;)


14th June 2009, 09:15 PM

they did seem to like us today they where following us mmmm food :D

MINI William
14th June 2009, 09:21 PM

they did seem to like us today they where following us mmmm food :D

More you than us.Something youre not telling us :Whistle:

14th June 2009, 09:23 PM
:D:D:D:D:D:laugh::laugh::D:thumbs up:

14th June 2009, 10:29 PM
Looks a great run. Have had a few runs down the leadhills.

Hope no-one had 'sheep burger'

Gemma B
14th June 2009, 11:01 PM
I've already ordered a pair of John Cooper signature bonnet stripes and some spotlights. I even ordered a mini tax disc holder and a new mini scotland sticker! Stewart, you're gonna be lagging behind in the cool stakes:thumbs up:

Thanks for everyone's advice today!

14th June 2009, 11:58 PM
THAT PHOTO!!!!! Thanks a lot Helen. All we need are two rocking chairs, an old dog and a rickety porch. I'm going on a diet - no more sticky toffee pudding for the ELFMAN. AND I'm going to share all my food with anybody in the vicinity (take note Mrs. Cuddles). It's like 'Stadtler and Waldorf' from the Muppet Show.

Still, at least we don't attract sheep like Dr. Stoney Doolittle.....remember the song? 'He can swear at the animals, kick at the animals, spit and throw a brick at the animals'.... He WAS muttering something about 'Getting the Flock out of there'. Baaaaaah, Humbug! Or in my case, Bah, Werthers!

15th June 2009, 12:01 AM
What a great run we had today and a big thanks to stoney & christine for the sticky toffee pudding(yum yum).Was great to see some new faces on the run today gemma & stewart and hope u enjoyed ur first mini adventure.:thumbs up::bigwave::clap::D

15th June 2009, 06:17 AM
"Yes ...BAAAAA...I think he's cleaned it since last time....BAAAAAA"


15th June 2009, 06:19 AM
What a great run we had today and a big thanks to stoney & christine for the sticky toffee pudding(yum yum).Was great to see some new faces on the run today gemma & stewart and hope u enjoyed ur first mini adventure.:thumbs up::bigwave::clap::D

Cars looking good, love the wheels:thumbs up: Atleast our cars will look totally different.

Ally S
15th June 2009, 12:54 PM
As the others will tell you Glasgow was blue sky……..I drove through some rain on the M74 but it cleared to a Blazing hot day. Its seemingly been just another hot day day in Glasgow………….

looks like you had a good run

there was thunder for a bit in Glasgow and torrential rain (west Glasgow area anyway). It brightened up later on though.

15th June 2009, 01:12 PM
When I came back everyone had just said it had been like this all day, South side….Cant complain when we stopped the Sun came out to play, it would have been a real shame if everyone had been sitting in the cars with the Rain battering down. Just got to go out and get one of those folding chairs........:D

Here Greg if you go on this Run, better put on your driving hat, think me and Gemma are going to start a new Sub group “The Enjoy the Scenery as you Drive Society” ;)

15th June 2009, 05:32 PM
Looks like it was a good day, wish we could of made it :sad:

Gemma B
15th June 2009, 09:21 PM
When I came back everyone had just said it had been like this all day, South side….Cant complain when we stopped the Sun came out to play, it would have been a real shame if everyone had been sitting in the cars with the Rain battering down. Just got to go out and get one of those folding chairs........:D

Here Greg if you go on this Run, better put on your driving hat, think me and Gemma are going to start a new Sub group “The Enjoy the Scenery as you Drive Society” ;)

Seconded!! :lol:

15th June 2009, 09:56 PM
Can't believe we missed "the picnic run" :argh::argh:
Big apologies to Rob & Christine. I had it in my head that it was after the Twilight Run:ragin::ragin:

Mom not too pleased with me:knife:
Work has been awfully busy and I haven't been on NMS since Silverstone.
Spent Sunday decorating Neil's house!! Doh.
Apologies again.

16th June 2009, 09:41 AM
Can't believe we missed "the picnic run" :argh::argh:
Big apologies to Rob & Christine. I had it in my head that it was after the Twilight Run:ragin::ragin:

Mom not too pleased with me:knife:
Work has been awfully busy and I haven't been on NMS since Silverstone.
Spent Sunday decorating Neil's house!! Doh.
Apologies again.

Schoolboy error Malcolm :Whistle:

Sat 20 June = Twighlight Run, your hotel is booked (hopefully) so fill yer tank & set yer alarm & we will see you at the starting grid :hand: 08:30

16th June 2009, 09:49 PM
We'll be there :yes nod:
I'm really looking forward to this one...last time Sioban and I were in Tongue we were "courting". Think rationing had just finished and petrol was £1 for a full Esso tanker :D

17th June 2009, 04:35 PM
When I came back everyone had just said it had been like this all day, South side….Cant complain when we stopped the Sun came out to play, it would have been a real shame if everyone had been sitting in the cars with the Rain battering down. Just got to go out and get one of those folding chairs........:D

Here Greg if you go on this Run, better put on your driving hat, think me and Gemma are going to start a new Sub group “The Enjoy the Scenery as you Drive Society” ;)

your not the only one's that will be in the "Miss Dasiy club"

there are at least 3 of you now ;)

and there was nothing anit social about are driving :Whistle: we where just havin fun on some of the best roads in scotland :thumbs up:

Can't believe we missed "the picnic run" :argh::argh:
Big apologies to Rob & Christine. I had it in my head that it was after the Twilight Run:ragin::ragin:

Mom not too pleased with me:knife:
Work has been awfully busy and I haven't been on NMS since Silverstone.
Spent Sunday decorating Neil's house!! Doh.
Apologies again.

no prob
you where missed :frown: but no prob ;)
we all missed moms grum :thumbs up: but christine provided a brill sticky toffie pud :smilewinkgrin: