View Full Version : Richbrook Twist off Back Tax Disc Holder.

4th February 2009, 12:19 AM
http://www.taxdiskholder.com/images/disk_situ.jpgRichbrook Twist off Back Tax Disc Holder.

Bloody instruction were on the back of the pack that I threw out weeks ago

Anyone got any advice on fitting one of these, how many pads did you use and did you use that spacer which has me - do I put a sticky pad either side if I was using it or is it just a case of doing three pads like the pic?:argh::argh:

And this is why I'm going to ask that nice man in largs to do my S Filler Cap......I over do it and put to much thought into stuff like this.:blush:

4th February 2009, 12:21 AM
I got 5 stickies with mine when i had my Golf so i just used them all

4th February 2009, 12:23 AM
Came with six stickies and a spacer..........

4th February 2009, 12:31 AM
I just put one on each of the metal bits, don't think i used a spacer.

4th February 2009, 12:37 AM
thanks. its this one i got a while back.


Big Gordy
4th February 2009, 09:38 AM
Guys your making this way more complicated than it really is:smilewinkgrin:
They usually come with 6 sticky pads, 2 spacers and a window wipe:thumbs up:
I've never used anymore than 3 sticky pads when fitting mine. The spacers are there to pad out the sticky pads to suit the curvature of the window. Stick the pads on the holder, leaving the backing on the side that sticks to the window, and trial fit it against the screen. If the position you've picked makes any of the holder itself touch the glass its the nearest pad to this point that you can put the spacer pad on. Once your happy with it, peel the backing off and stick to window:thumbs up: Remember to give the area your going to stick it to a quick clean with the wipe provided:bigwave:

4th February 2009, 10:58 AM
They put them in so i used them lol:blush: Its about the only thing i fitted to my Golf so i did it properly;)

4th February 2009, 11:06 AM
Guys your making this way more complicated than it really is:smilewinkgrin:
They usually come with 6 sticky pads, 2 spacers and a window wipe:thumbs up:
I've never used anymore than 3 sticky pads when fitting mine. The spacers are there to pad out the sticky pads to suit the curvature of the window. Stick the pads on the holder, leaving the backing on the side that sticks to the window, and trial fit it against the screen. If the position you've picked makes any of the holder itself touch the glass its the nearest pad to this point that you can put the spacer pad on. Once your happy with it, peel the backing off and stick to window:thumbs up: Remember to give the area your going to stick it to a quick clean with the wipe provided:bigwave:

Yip.. This ^

...and the spacer will probably go best on the top or bottom of the holder ;)

4th February 2009, 03:49 PM
Ok thanks I plan to use three then and keep the other in a safe place like the log book when I get another Mini. Four if needed with the spacer. did not get the wipe but got Glass polish and aim to do the inside before i place it. :thumbs up:

So thinking that as the spacer has no sticky side to it – it need sandwiched between two sticky pads? :rolleyes:

Big Gordy
4th February 2009, 04:35 PM
So thinking that as the spacer has no sticky side to it – it need sandwiched between two sticky pads? :rolleyes:

By jove......I think he's got it:clap::thumbs up:

4th February 2009, 09:10 PM
I'd a real nice one of these with specy engraved on the back. Eventually I put it in the bin because its was too fiddly when changing the tax disc and once it fell off, it kept falling off despite buying new pads for it. Traded it in for a 99p paper metallic one from Asda.