View Full Version : Got a ding on my Mini

24th January 2009, 04:40 PM

Some one has opened their door on to my door.

Can only have happened at my work as the car goes from my garage to work and then home to the garage.

It's not the worse I've had but still will need dent devils to pay a visit as it's annoying me. Actually it's massive I feel like the whole cars now has a huge dent in it.:blush::blush:

Also they put new tar down at the entrance to work so now the lower part of the car is full of tar spots and another thing I hate winter cause I can't get the car cleaned right and it's needing a clean as I got all my roof graphics of and it's full of glue marks.:sad::frown::ragin:

24th January 2009, 05:45 PM
apart from all that your having a good day... :hand::shut up:

seriously tho, thats bad patter at your work...:frown: happens regularly at my work and very rarely do they find out who did it... know what they say, never trust a copper.. ;)

Hope you get it sorted soon.. :yes nod:

24th January 2009, 06:12 PM
REALLY annoying Fiona. Some prat 'nudged' along the bottom of my driver's door a couple of years back needless to say they just b*ggered off leaving me with a £265.00 repair bill... As for trying to keep the car clean in winter - don't get me started. I keep trying, but it's like trying to nail jelly to the wall or herd cats. Or is it trying to herd jelly and nail cats to the wall - which is actually more fun. Hope you get your ding - a - linged without too much hassle.

25th January 2009, 09:03 AM
I'm sure Mr Dentmaster will have a wee smile on yer face in no time. 2 of may mates are private traders & i've watched these 'dent' guys in action as they prep cars for sale. Have to say well impressed with what these chaps can do :thumbs up:

26th January 2009, 04:35 PM
bummer Fiona, I hate carparks too. Some twat bashed his door off our Lazer Blue car when we had it and cost £50 to fix. A good thrashing with a birch straps too good for these people. Bring back hanging for these crimes I say.