View Full Version : Thieving Scumbag....

19th January 2009, 02:31 PM
I saved up a bit of money and bought my Dad a Sat Nav system for Xmas.. He absolutely loved it... well that was until this morning.

He had popped into Paisley early this morning (9.30ish) and parked his Saab up for a few minutes to run a message... He never removed his system from the window.. and you know where i am heading with this... Came back to find his Passenger window smashed and Sat Nav including wiring and Mount gone..

What a nightmare! There are some real scumbags out there....

It is even more annoying with the fact it was a Christmas present.. :ragin::ragin:

19th January 2009, 02:35 PM
If there is any justice in the world, they will get hit by a bus tomorrow!

And if there is any irony in the world, that bus will have one of those athiest ads on the side!

Sorry to hear about it, this sort of disrespect winds us all up!

19th January 2009, 02:48 PM
My sister works all over the UK and we got her the Tom Tom 520 which has to be said is fantastic…First thing I drilled into her was to remove everything from sight, and Katie (Sat-Nav voice) lives in the house at night or in the Hotel rooms. The Laptop goes in the boot after her best friends Husband left his lap top in his car in view for ten minutes in there driveway…He was in a rush and was going back out to get it and ten minutes later all he found was glass on the drive….Sad thing was you have to walk up the drive a wee bit from the street…….and he lives in a posh area.

Scumbags are out there…………
Sad your dad had to find this out……….

19th January 2009, 02:50 PM
That is awful, i am guilty of leaving the wiring showing. But ALWAYS without fail hide or take the satnav with me.

19th January 2009, 05:48 PM
It's a shame yeah, but i'm sorry, he left it attached to his windscreen in Paisley?!

What did he expect, someone to wash his car for him when he was away?

Last time i caught someone breaking into my car in Paisley, he wasn't content with trying to steal my stereo, he was trying to stab me with the screwdriver he was doing it with!

19th January 2009, 05:53 PM
I dont use the mount for my sat nav anymore. A car thief warned me about it! Even if you remove it when the car is vacant thieves know you have sat nav if there is a ring mark on the screen. I bought a wee sticky mat for the dashboard and tuck the sat nav into the corner of the dash. Doesn't leave a mark and easily removed when not in use. I'm pretty bad though for leaving the long cable wrapped around the steering column and dials. Maybe I need to start removing that as well.

AndyP & Lenore
19th January 2009, 07:28 PM

But what are they gonna do with it? Punt it on for a bag of hash?:confused:


19th January 2009, 08:30 PM
Having had cars broken into / stolen back in the 80's & 90's I leave 'zilch' on view. Still trying to get Karen into the same habit, we are getting there though :rolleyes: :Whistle: slowly.

Sorry to hear your plight :frown:

19th January 2009, 08:32 PM

But what are they gonna do with it? Punt it on for a bag of hash?:confused:


most prob... :rolleyes:

they need a kick in the goolies.... :thumbs up:

sorry to hear that... :frown:

19th January 2009, 09:47 PM
Sorry to hear about the thief but in these days and age you know what'll happen if you leave any valuables in sight inside a car!

Whenever I use a Sat-Nav I always wipe the window to remove any traces of the mounting sucker mark! I know its pain in the :moonie: but better be safe than sorry.

20th January 2009, 08:59 PM
Paisley is the new Vietnam

20th January 2009, 09:52 PM
Not at all Vietnam is the new Paisley :rolleyes:

On another note did you bang it on the credit card if so its insured normally for 90 days…………….