View Full Version : neds!!!

8th January 2009, 06:22 PM
Decided to go up to mcdonalds for a quick lunch today, went into the drive through and pulled up behind an old Peugeot 306 which was modified a bit...
two seconds later the three people in the car start turning round and staring at me then speaking amongst themselves...then the driver puts his head out the window and starts staring at me!
didn't have a clue what was going on so just ignored them....then all of a sudden a he puts on his back washer, which was broke so that it sprayed all over the mini!!! he was looking at me the whole time laughing to himself...then he drove on a bit revving up his little engine!
he then went to the last window and shook the guys, then done it again so the guy at mcdonalds could see! little sh*t!!! he then drove away and i went up, got my food and drove away to try and find him...caught up with him but then he started doing about 70 on the kingsway so just left him!
but if anyway knows anyone with a blue Peugeot 306 with different alloys and exhaust then i'd gladly know their name :rolleyes::Whistle:.....
rant over :ragin::ragin:

8th January 2009, 06:36 PM
Forget about it - just feel exceptionally smug that you have a far superior motor than that gadgie chav! :yes nod:

8th January 2009, 06:51 PM
Forget about it - just feel exceptionally smug that you have a far superior motor than that gadgie chav! :yes nod:

yea, just couldn't believe he actually done it! never seen the guy in my life...but oh well, got his reg plate so no petrol for him from tesco :p
the only funny bit was when he nearly lost it on a corner leaving mcdonals while pulling handbrake turns :laugh: ....idiot :D

8th January 2009, 07:11 PM
Why dont you tell the local police seeing as how you have the reg number. McDonalds may even have him doing handbrake turns on their CCTV.

8th January 2009, 07:17 PM
Why dont you tell the local police seeing as how you have the reg number. McDonalds may even have him doing handbrake turns on their CCTV.

only remembered the letters from reg plate but if i see it again i might be tempted to....calmed down a bit now though :D

8th January 2009, 07:29 PM
Sorry to hear that. Don't try to work them out, too many issues ! I actually bought a 'baby on board' sticker for my CRX due to neds wanting to race me all the time.
Here's some Festive fun. Old pic but still funny ! :laugh:


8th January 2009, 09:19 PM
Cannot believe people could act like that. It's easy to say, having not been the one getting wound up, but it is better that they got away and nothing happened, just jealous i would imagine.:confused:

8th January 2009, 09:32 PM
good kick up the arse is whats needed;)

8th January 2009, 09:32 PM
In all honesty your lucky as these prats don’t value there cars, they would not think twice reversing into you………in the old days these guy got pasted, seen my mate do it to neds if they were called that back then in his XJS…..big guy you don’t feck about with and he bounced a few of them of there car….. but now you just have that “ knife culture “ at the back of your mind..and its just not worth it.

Lost a Friend of a friend to a what started out a race up the Air road, and ended up a near smash then a fatal stabbing through the heart by the smallest of blades….Thing that still annoys me is the guy that died was a gentle sole in his Renault 5 turbo……….but got in with a prat that egged him on that now drives about in £100,000 cars working for daddy and had only botherd with the guy in the Turbo a few weeks Previous

9th January 2009, 01:07 AM
thats pretty jizz like. catch the mofs:knife:

AndyP & Lenore
9th January 2009, 01:23 AM
That sort of thing makes my blood boil.:ragin::ragin: Luckily we get very little of that kind of behaviour down in the sleepy borders.:frown:


AndyP & Lenore
9th January 2009, 01:26 AM
thats pretty jizz like. catch the mofs:knife:

Good lord. I'm getting old.:blush: My old-persons vernacular just doesn't gel with what Ryan has posted. And I'm only 30ish. Plus 6.

My attempt at a translation to Ryan's post would be:

Oh dear, that's just awful. I hope you catch these young hooligans.

How far off the mark am I then?


9th January 2009, 09:35 AM
Your not far off the mark Andy :thumbs up::p

I have seen this 206 about too, the guy is a tool! :rolleyes:

9th January 2009, 12:57 PM
Good lord. I'm getting old.:blush: My old-persons vernacular just doesn't gel with what Ryan has posted. And I'm only 30ish. Plus 6.

My attempt at a translation to Ryan's post would be:

Oh dear, that's just awful. I hope you catch these young hooligans.

How far off the mark am I then?


Good so it was not just me and I'm only 35, saying only make it sound better!!!!!

Big Gordy
9th January 2009, 02:21 PM
Ross had the same kind of thing a month or so back but they tried it on when he was in the Landy:hand: Big mistake:knife:Their car now sports a rather fetching winch bumper shape in the tailgate:Whistle: Don't mess with the Landy.....your never gonna win:smilewinkgrin:

9th January 2009, 05:30 PM
In all honesty your lucky as these prats don’t value there cars, they would not think twice reversing into you………in the old days these guy got pasted, seen my mate do it to neds if they were called that back then in his XJS…..big guy you don’t feck about with and he bounced a few of them of there car….. but now you just have that “ knife culture “ at the back of your mind..and its just not worth it.

Lost a Friend of a friend to a what started out a race up the Air road, and ended up a near smash then a fatal stabbing through the heart by the smallest of blades….Thing that still annoys me is the guy that died was a gentle sole in his Renault 5 turbo……….but got in with a prat that egged him on that now drives about in £100,000 cars working for daddy and had only botherd with the guy in the Turbo a few weeks Previous

feel sorry for for him, no need at all!
yea they looked like the type that would carry something....but i still don't understand why they would do it to a random...i could have been any old nutcase that would have got out the car and lamped them! i did have a snooker cue and few golf clubs in the car but wouldnt go that far!!

9th January 2009, 05:32 PM
Ross had the same kind of thing a month or so back but they tried it on when he was in the Landy:hand: Big mistake:knife:Their car now sports a rather fetching winch bumper shape in the tailgate:Whistle: Don't mess with the Landy.....your never gonna win:smilewinkgrin:

yea iv always wanted a big 4x4 :cool:....this just strengthens my case :D

9th January 2009, 05:47 PM
Good so it was not just me and I'm only 35, saying only make it sound better!!!!!

and me - I'm nearly the big 40 and thought I was hip with the kids :laugh: - obviously not!!!! Also sorry - What's the "landy".??????

9th January 2009, 05:48 PM
Oh God! Sorry - totally thick - know what a "landy" is now! EEEK!:blush::blush::blush:

AndyP & Lenore
9th January 2009, 06:09 PM
Oh God! Sorry - totally thick - know what a "landy" is now! EEEK!:blush::blush::blush:

You're not thick Camjay, its just your age. lol:moonie::laugh:


9th January 2009, 06:21 PM
I know - don't mock the afflicted - it comes to us all!!!:smilewinkgrin::smilewinkgrin::moonie:

9th January 2009, 06:58 PM
I know - don't mock the afflicted - it comes to us all!!!:smilewinkgrin::smilewinkgrin::moonie:

i don't want to get old now! :frown:

9th January 2009, 08:16 PM
i don't want to get old now! :frown:

Mate - less of the old please I'm only 40 - not 140 - kick me when I'm down!!!:hand:

9th January 2009, 09:02 PM
Mate - less of the old please I'm only 40 - not 140 - kick me when I'm down!!!:hand:

apologies :p....i don't want to get older :rolleyes:

9th January 2009, 09:17 PM
Good lord. I'm getting old.:blush: My old-persons vernacular just doesn't gel with what Ryan has posted. And I'm only 30ish. Plus 6.

My attempt at a translation to Ryan's post would be:

Oh dear, that's just awful. I hope you catch these young hooligans.

How far off the mark am I then?


100% :computer:

I'll read some grammar books:yes nod:

9th January 2009, 11:55 PM
Mate - less of the old please I'm only 40 - not 140 - kick me when I'm down!!!:hand:

Jeeez, it's quite scary if this confusion could happen to me in the next 9 years :eek:

Only j/k :smilewinkgrin: (that means joking....)

10th January 2009, 12:20 AM
Jeeez, it's quite scary if this confusion could happen to me in the next 9 years :eek:

Only j/k :smilewinkgrin: (that means joking....)

hahahaha! LIKE IT! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

12th January 2009, 09:26 AM
Getting back on topic, I'd be very wary of challenging 'rockets' like these guys. Tragically in this day & age you have no idea what they are on or what they are carrying. Take the reg number & report them to the police, let them deal with it.