View Full Version : Craig's New Year Challenge

6th January 2009, 03:17 PM
Ok folks, hoping that by putting this here, it will motivate me enough to get to my goal... :thud:

I am using a mixture of eating better, getting more exercise and less :beer::beer: to try and loose some weight as I am now at the heaviest I have ever been. :frown:

Currently at 141kg (22.2 Stones) :thud: I am actually quite shocked as I had no idea I had got to that weight, so I will be updating my progress on here hopefully weekly... (I will be using my wii fit to give me my weights, it's not the most accurate, but should still tell me the differences)

My first goal is to loose a stone and then go from there... I really want to be down about 17/18 Stone, but one step at a time... Also hoping that this may help with my general health and maybe get back to playing five a side. :thumbs up:

Here goes....

Update Friday 16th Jan.
lost 3 pounds to date mostly due to a change in eating habits. Done a bit of exercise but being busy at work is really causing problems...:rolleyes: Hopefully get some more in this week, but working this weekend...:argh: Gonna keep at it tho... :thumbs up:

6th May - Started Weight Loss and Exercise Class. Put on detox diet. Weighed at 21st 11 and half

13th May - First full week of detox complete - getting more meat back in diet (Chicken, Beef, Pork and Lamb). Weighed at 21st 4 and half

20th May - 2nd Weigh in - 20st 11 and half which is a total of 1 Stone lost in 2 weeks...:eek::thud: Also started back playing five a sides this week :thumbs up:

27th May - 3rd Weigh in - 20st 7 and 3 quarter pounds, so still going in the right direction. Five a sides are actually becoming enjoyable now as I can run around more.. :thumbs up: Diet still unchanged since 13th May, however we are getting more foods back this wed. :yes nod::yes nod:

3rd June - 4th Weigh in - 20 st 2 and 3 quarter pounds. try to go under 20 st by next week. Only 2 weeks left of this plan.... :-)

12th June - 19st 9lbs.

19th June - 19st 6lbs.

3rd July - 19st 4lbs.

mini saltire
6th January 2009, 03:23 PM
Well Done Craig. Go for it! Apparently Rivetta helps....:rolleyes:

6th January 2009, 03:42 PM
Well Done Craig. Go for it! Apparently Rivetta helps....:rolleyes:

As do vegetables, nae fat = free food

I take my hat off to you oh fellow 'stout' one. I too have a certain goal in that I have a certain item of clothing that I would like to wear to MINI UTD. Right now I am too 'fiert' to try :blush: so........................I too have work to do :yes nod:

It can be done, I've done it before (fairly easily lost 3st in 4 months) & if I can give up smoking (yuk!!) I can do this again :thumbs up:.
Apparently it's all about motivation, self control & will power (or so they say :argh: :moonie:)

Big Gordy
6th January 2009, 04:27 PM
Good on ya big guy:clap:
I'm trying to talk my work into adopting the 'Bike to Work' scheme so I can get myself a nice new racer and cycle to my work during the "better" weather:Whistle:

The Dogfather
6th January 2009, 04:44 PM
I'm also trying to loose a few pounds. I'm looking to set myself a goal relating walking up and down English mountains (Hills) because if I complete the mountain challenge I'll have lost the 2 stone I need to.

Good luck Craig!

6th January 2009, 05:01 PM
Fair play to anyone who wants to lose weight!

I wanted to lose some for the wedding last year, managed it but I hit a level that wouldn't shift - that's when the really hard work came in! You should find that eating sensibly and not drinking much really helps, exercise on top of that makes a massive difference. I found taking my own food into work meant I saved cash and only ate what I'd taken, which meant I wasn't tempted by the chocolate all the time!

Exercise wise, I went for it big style. Loads of time in the gym, road running, cycling, but the main thing that helps loose weight (or at least in my case) was weights. As you lift weight, you build muscle and this needs energy - so you burn more calories. You can spend weeks on a treadmill but if you lift the odd weight you'll burn it faster. Doesn't need to much - even using tins of beans is a start!

If you want some specifics let me know, as I've managed to keep it up since the wedding (well, put on 4 pounds, but that still means I'm under what i was for a long time and I'm still only 68kg now).

Oh and if you want a real killer, look up "the plank" That will give your abs a better workout than anything you've ever done - the results are amazing. It looks easy but if you do it a few times a week you'll feel the muscle getting stronger all the time, which strengthens your back and as the weight comes off, looks better!

6th January 2009, 05:32 PM
Nice one man. I'm trying to do the same thing. Lose a bit of weight and eat healthier.

You could also try taking up a sport, especially if you're not gym person. I did and it's better than any gym for me, good bunch of guys, banter and excercise. So it social as well as keeping/getting fit.

Good luck/ :thumbs up:

6th January 2009, 05:43 PM
thanks for the support guys - really appreciate it..

not a gym guy, been there done that and not a fan... as for sport, up to a year ago, I was playing fives about 3 times a week... :thumbs up: but after a chest infection i just couldn't do it...:frown:

it's going to be a struggle at first, but hopefully within a few months I will see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.. :thumbs up::thumbs up:

6th January 2009, 05:44 PM
Started something similar last May.. gym twice a week, Badminton twice a week and cycling once or twice a week for between 10 and 20 miles. Down side was that I did start eating more :blush: but i was trying to keep it healthier!:laugh:
Right enough tho, the first bit is the easy bit, then it gets harder. Started doing a few more weights and stuff at the gym, I need to find something that'll motivate me like the kickboxing used to. that DEFINITELY helped!
(the eye candy at the uni gym helps a bit too ;):thumbs up:)
Time to start again after the holidays again, but I think it'll have to wait till Thursday after Badminton.. I'm still too shellshocked today after starting back to work! :laugh::laugh:

Stick in there big man, it'll get easier! :cool::thumbs up:

6th January 2009, 05:57 PM
Good on you.

Im am also trying to loose weight now. Perhaps we should all post up our weekly results as that may keep us more motivated. :D

6th January 2009, 06:35 PM
as everyone says good on you & good luck with it :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
6th January 2009, 06:50 PM
Best of luck mate.:thumbs up:

As you know, I need to lose some weight too for health reasons also. Maybe we should team up on this. Not so easy for us both to go running together mind you.


6th January 2009, 07:06 PM
Badminton is great, we used to play that after work twice a week (we tried squash but all our knees started to pack up!). As it's short bursts it would help your football too.

Key things are getting your body the right fuel though. Lots of water, cut out the booze (I stopped drinking for a few weeks and lost 3 pounds by that alone:eek:) and loads of veg and fruit. But watch you don't go too mad as fruit also has sugar in it. It's a minefield :D

Keep your aims achievable though otherwise you lose interest.

If your going to start running, I found a few running sites based on Google Maps that let you map out your route and see how far your going. Of course, it doesn't take into account hills and the like, but it's good to track it out as you soon get faster and cover more miles. If it wasn't so blooming cold, I'd keep the running up all year but I'm definitely a summer runner!

6th January 2009, 07:17 PM
my best advice is join weight watchers (for men) yes you men can join now and get support online. Get the best support possible from people that know.

As for exercise start small i.e walking and then build it up.

Craig your like me we are both obese and you just can't "go for it" on the exercise front especially with your current health problems.

I would recommend the Rosemary Connelly books for what to eat (wok) this has been the only one that worked for me and that I can stick with.

Not wanting to spend the money with WW I started back on the RC one yesterday after 6 years of last being on a serious diet. me and my pals have just about tried every single diet possible.

Best of luck the first few weeks the llbs will be all water that you loose but after that try to aim for 2lb per week.

6th January 2009, 07:36 PM
Good luck Craig, and you good you on :thumbs up:

I'm running the London Marathon so you can always tag along on long distance runs to up the fitness?? ;) :D

No......must just me me that's mad then!!:thud:

6th January 2009, 07:46 PM
I shed 5 st by not eting after 7pm. & cutting my carb intake in half.

AndyP & Lenore
6th January 2009, 07:53 PM
I shed 5 st by not eting after 7pm. & cutting my carb intake in half.

Cutting your carb intake is what helped you then, because it's a myth that eating in the evening is any worse then eating during the day. It's your total calorific intake that affects you more than when you take those calories.

A.:thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
6th January 2009, 08:00 PM
Good Luck with your diet.
Keeping us all informed of your progress may help your motivation.:thumbs up:

6th January 2009, 08:12 PM
As for exercise start small i.e walking and then build it up.

Craig your like me we are both obese and you just can't "go for it" on the exercise front especially with your current health problems.

I'll shut up then. I'm not saying run a marathon, just doing small stuff really helps. When I started running I was overweight, only ran 10 minutes at a small jog as that was all I could manage, even then I chose to run on flat bits as hills were a nightmare. But the difference it made was massive. The key to it was a little and often. 10 minutes three times a week soon became 20 minutes, then 30, and then I did a few 10Ks, with the times dropping every time. All from a small 10 minute run when I couldn't do anymore. Damn near nearly killed me at first though.

Personally, I'm not a big diet fan, I've yet to see anyone keep it off permanently that way. Maybe it does work for some people though. It's a lifestyle change that keeps it off, an understanding of what you put in, support from friends and family and a desire to lose the weight and keep it off. I don't eat like an angel, far from it, but if we have a pizza at night, we have salad for lunch, all about a balance.

6th January 2009, 08:49 PM
I'll shut up then. I'm not saying run a marathon, just doing small stuff really helps. When I started running I was overweight, only ran 10 minutes at a small jog as that was all I could manage, even then I chose to run on flat bits as hills were a nightmare. But the difference it made was massive. The key to it was a little and often. 10 minutes three times a week soon became 20 minutes, then 30, and then I did a few 10Ks, with the times dropping every time. All from a small 10 minute run when I couldn't do anymore. Damn near nearly killed me at first though.

Personally, I'm not a big diet fan, I've yet to see anyone keep it off permanently that way. Maybe it does work for some people though. It's a lifestyle change that keeps it off, an understanding of what you put in, support from friends and family and a desire to lose the weight and keep it off. I don't eat like an angel, far from it, but if we have a pizza at night, we have salad for lunch, all about a balance.

I'll tell what fitness and finatic = Allan and what Allan = is total knackered joints:Whistle:

but TBH Allan will admit to being worse than a finatic to the extreme in fact eg carrying 85lbs on the back running 30 miles under 8 hours and on the bench pushing up 150kg and he wonders why everything at the age of 41 is goosed.:p

6th January 2009, 11:02 PM
good luck with everything!
im wanting to lose wait too, got a rowing machine at home so gonna start using that every night after work and gonna buy Wii Fit too, see what thats like!
Got a pair of jeans that id love to fit into comfortably! Got them lying at the bottom of my drawerlol

6th January 2009, 11:34 PM
Thanks for the info folks..

Euan - I would love to run, but my back just won't take it (christ I sound like a basket case...:rolleyes:) I do tho, walk a fair bit and want to get my bike back out... (my next door neighbour has said he is going to get back out on his, so perfect timing :thumbs up:)

all info gratefully received, so don't let fiona stop you... ;)

6th January 2009, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the info folks..

Euan - I would love to run, but my back just won't take it (christ I sound like a basket case...:rolleyes:) I do tho, walk a fair bit and want to get my bike back out... (my next door neighbour has said he is going to get back out on his, so perfect timing :thumbs up:)

all info gratefully received, so don't let fiona stop you... ;)

Hey you I'm only thinking of your health;):p:p

6th January 2009, 11:43 PM
Hey you I'm only thinking of your health;):p:p

jings, some wimen cannae take a joke... I know I know.. :hand:

6th January 2009, 11:46 PM
jings, some wimen cannae take a joke... I know I know.. :hand:

well I was going to get Allan to come over and cycle buddy with you.:yes nod::yes nod: Big Gordy to come also you could do the canal.

6th January 2009, 11:50 PM
well I was going to get Allan to come over and cycle buddy with you.:yes nod::yes nod: Big Gordy to come also you could do the canal.

yeah, the canal is one of the best places to cycle, nae lorries or buses or cars. :thumbs up:

7th January 2009, 12:24 AM
Good luck Craig :thumbs up:
If you can stick with it, you will really feel the difference.
It's never going to be a quick fix, it's something that you have to view as long term.
The trick is to find something you really like doing, I'm not a gym person myself tried it got bored real quick.

Cycling is a good one; again if you need a cycling buddy I'd be happy to help also.

7th January 2009, 12:32 AM
good luck craig :thumbs up:
sure u'll get on just fine, why not take ur mini out for a wee thrash every week, that's a fair bit of a workout....

but if u want to just stay in the house, exercise balls are good...i usually just sit on mine while watching the footie...gives you a workout without noticing

but whatever you do, good luck

forgot to say, euan...if u ever want a game of badminton give me a shout. Not played since i started uni but i surely cant have forgotten how to play :rolleyes:

and you really should be going to the gym to workout, not look at the young girls :rolleyes::p

7th January 2009, 01:02 AM
Best of luck Craig. Sure you can do it. As Scottie said I also think a slimming club would be a great help know a guy who was really overweight the difference after a couple of months was amazing. The thing is these people know what they're talking about and you get loads of support from other members. :thumbs up:

Big Gordy
7th January 2009, 09:37 AM
yeah, the canal is one of the best places to cycle, nae lorries or buses or cars. :thumbs up:

Just got to dodge all the people:eek: Sometimes its like Sauchiehall Steet on the canal:argh:
Like Fi says if your up for a bit of cycling me and Colin are up for it:thumbs up: We'll give you a few weeks then its up the Carron valley to the mountainbike course:laugh:

Big Gordy
7th January 2009, 09:42 AM
forgot to say, euan...if u ever want a game of badminton give me a shout

Bit of a treck for a game of badminton seeing as Euan resides in Wimbledon,Englandshire:Whistle:

7th January 2009, 11:38 AM
Bit of a treck for a game of badminton seeing as Euan resides in Wimbledon,Englandshire:Whistle:

Aye, reckon I'd need expenses to play :D

Walking is a great start - keep the pace up and find some hills ;) then once your comfortable, start to do it with some weight to make it more challenging, lob a few tins of beans in a ruck sack or something. As the nice people say in Tesco, every little helps :D

Cycling - I love it. Got back into it last year and am going to get my uncle to build me a bike - he builds track bikes mainly but has built loads of road bikes too. He's a tad fanatical though, he owns something like 30 or 40 bikes these days. Bit nippy for me just now though hence the gym is winning ;)

We could start a food thread as well, posting up healthy meal plans or something.

mini saltire
7th January 2009, 11:42 AM
good luck craig :thumbs up:

but if u want to just stay in the house, exercise balls are good...i usually just sit on mine while watching the footie...gives you a workout without noticing

I find it hurts if I sit on my balls :laugh:But hey if it works then give it a bash.

Big Gordy
7th January 2009, 11:45 AM
We could start a food thread as well
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ffffffffoooooooooooooddddddddd:popcorn: Need to get a waterproof keyboard:laugh:

7th January 2009, 12:08 PM
I find it hurts if I sit on my balls :laugh:But hey if it works then give it a bash.

I think it's only fair to point out, bashing ones balls, rubber or otherwise, may not result weight loss :D

However, proper stretching on one of these things will. Apparently. Last time I tried I fell off, and looked an idiot, so have kept my distance since then. But you do see some very fit young ladies using them in the gym so they must be doing something right.

7th January 2009, 02:06 PM
Good on ya Craig, but 22 stone :eek: ;) :hand: :D

7th January 2009, 03:57 PM
Bit of a treck for a game of badminton seeing as Euan resides in Wimbledon,Englandshire:Whistle:

sorry meant Euan (Burple)

7th January 2009, 04:40 PM
sorry meant Euan (Burple)

Yeah, he might be closer :D

7th January 2009, 07:34 PM
Hi Craig. I lost 4 stones last year (put on 7 pounds over xmas and new year :frown:). Anyway, if I can do it anyone can. I'm struggling a bit as well after all the crap I've eaten and drank since Christmas. It's not easy, but now you've made your mind up to do something about it - go for it! :thumbs up:

PS - So boring and predictable, but walking is the key!!!! I can't run to save myself but was walking for miles in the summer - winter sucks though I have zero motivation. So I'll join you and get my (getting fat again) ass back into gear!

7th January 2009, 08:25 PM
yep, walking is going to be the start of it, and a bit of cycling and also a bit of wii sports/fit. :thumbs up:

7th January 2009, 08:27 PM
Good on ya Craig, but 22 stone :eek: ;) :hand: :D

we ain't all 4ft 2 you know.... :moonie: and since that last time you saw me, I have only put on about half a stone..!! I hide it well... ;)

7th January 2009, 10:31 PM
forgot to say, euan...if u ever want a game of badminton give me a shout. Not played since i started uni but i surely cant have forgotten how to play :rolleyes:

and you really should be going to the gym to workout, not look at the young girls :rolleyes::p

Of course that's what I do ;) the scenery just helps pass the time. Some of them ain't that young :p:cool:

Aye, a game of badminton sometime sounds good, we're just starting back again tomorrow :blush::laugh:

8th January 2009, 11:24 AM
Good on ya Craig!! You're a very brave man posting such weighty issues :smilewinkgrin: on here, but support is key.

I went to Scottish Slimmers for quite a while, it worked for me where "doing it myself" hadn't. I lost a stone, think it took about 3 months. That was about 6 years or more ago, and it's all back on now, so time to get rid again!

I just use the principles that I learned at the slimming club, and I've kept all the recipe books etc. Seems to work, as long as I can keep up the motivation, which is the difficult bit when you're not getting weighed in public once a week!

Gentle exercise, and keeping a track of your calories is how to do it. A sustainable loss is around 2lbs per week. Remember that counting your calories includes all drinks too... get used to the taste of Diet Coke :smilewinkgrin: AND remember to include the milk on your cereal in the morning! It's a pain in the ass to start with, having to calculate everything, but once you get to know what you can have, it gets much easier, and you get into a routine.

Sounds like there's something of an NMS Slimming Club starting! Weekly weigh-ins and recipe swapping here we come! LOL!

8th January 2009, 02:53 PM
I forgot. I posted this somewhere else but the Ministry of Sound Workout is great (and if the sight of scantily clad women won't get you to exercise - nothing will). Doesn't do much for me, but you men might like it!;)

Jealousy's a terrible thing, but boy I really hate them!!!!
:yes nod:

8th January 2009, 09:17 PM
I agree with Mr King. I am also trying to shed a few pounds. Perhaps we should start a sticky thread with our weight and our weight loss??


8th January 2009, 09:28 PM
hope you get on well on your quest. I also will be staying off the drink for January and I may also do February. I was told by the nurse to stay off the drink as I had high blood pressure at the start of December. I stopped eating crisps, chocolate, caffeinated drinks ( coffee, tea) and it went back to normal. Once I got New year I was told to exercise more and stay off the booze so I'm doing that and feel so much better. I play 5's every Tuesday and go to the gym most weeks but its not enough. I too have wheeled out the Wii fit and its good.

8th January 2009, 09:29 PM
I forgot. I posted this somewhere else but the Ministry of Sound Workout is great (and if the sight of scantily clad women won't get you to exercise - nothing will). Doesn't do much for me, but you men might like it!;)

Jealousy's a terrible thing, but boy I really hate them!!!!
:yes nod:

That sound a brill dvd:thumbs up:

8th January 2009, 11:50 PM
Craig, go for it, You Can do it :thumbs up:
If NMS is starting a sliming club, I'll put Mom's name down :D and make sure she doesn't bring any Sticky Toffee Puds.
I don't have a weight problem, but I am so unfit at present, haven't been out on the bike for months and I used to do about 40 miles a week. I blame working too many hours, and too much travelling.

8th January 2009, 11:56 PM
Thanks Folks :thumbs up:

The first week has been a bit of a bummer as I have been back-shift and it just throws my week to pot.

malcolm - got your email, will give you a call tomorrow night. :thumbs up:

9th January 2009, 10:55 AM
hope you get on well on your quest. I also will be staying off the drink for January and I may also do February. I was told by the nurse to stay off the drink as I had high blood pressure at the start of December. I stopped eating crisps, chocolate, caffeinated drinks ( coffee, tea) and it went back to normal. Once I got New year I was told to exercise more and stay off the booze so I'm doing that and feel so much better. I play 5's every Tuesday and go to the gym most weeks but its not enough. I too have wheeled out the Wii fit and its good.

Decaffeinated tea - we've had some in the house as I can't drink caffeine later about 8pm as I can't sleep otherwise - the missus did a blind taste and I couldn't tell the difference!

As for the rest of the stuff your doing, fair play! It all takes time but keep that up and you'll soon see it shifting!

9th January 2009, 06:59 PM

Just read this thread.

I'm on the Special K plan too mate after the Wii Fit called me a fat *******:blush:

Seriously if you fancy a all shapes / sizes / ability game of footie on a Friday night at 5pm i play with a bunch of guys at forthbank. And i'm seriously ****e :blush:

PS not there tonight as still in the office :ragin:

9th January 2009, 07:28 PM
Footie on a Friday night at 5pm i play with a bunch of guys at forthbank. And i'm seriously ****e :blush:

So is Craig :Whistle:


16th January 2009, 02:01 PM
Update on first post after the encouraging words from our site owner. So nice to know he cares... :rolleyes::Whistle:

16th January 2009, 02:03 PM

Just read this thread.

I'm on the Special K plan too mate after the Wii Fit called me a fat *******:blush:

Seriously if you fancy a all shapes / sizes / ability game of footie on a Friday night at 5pm i play with a bunch of guys at forthbank. And i'm seriously ****e :blush:

PS not there tonight as still in the office :ragin:

sorry for the delay... thanks for the offer but I have 3 games per week I can go to that I have been unable to go to for about 8 months due to a chest/lung problem that they haven't got to the bottom of . :argh::argh: This is part of the weigh increase issue.. :rolleyes:

16th January 2009, 03:06 PM
Update on first post after the encouraging words from our site owner. So nice to know he cares... :rolleyes::Whistle:Good on ya :thumbs up:

16th January 2009, 10:42 PM
lost 3 pounds to date

did you report it to the police.:laugh::laugh::laugh::blush:

The Dogfather
16th January 2009, 11:32 PM
I've lost 4lb, going for my first walk in 6 months on Sunday. They've forecasted blizzards :D

17th January 2009, 11:03 AM
I've lost 4lb, going for my first walk in 6 months on Sunday. They've forecasted blizzards :D

I'd cancel buddy & nip down the :beer:

17th January 2009, 05:49 PM
Here is my update.

Week 1 - lost 1lb
Week 2 - lost 3lb

Slowly shifting. I am just watching what I am eating, cutting out the crap and cutting down on the booze (couple of glasses of wine on a Fri & Sat). Gym, wii fit and keep fit video also.


12th February 2009, 11:27 AM
How's it going Craig?

12th February 2009, 11:58 AM
Forgot to update this... :blush:

well, the last week gave me a few answers....

it would appear the reason I have felt so tired for AGES is that I may have sleep-apnea. I have to have a monitor attached to me overnight to check my breathing etc. After that I have to go to the sleep clinic in Edinburgh to have an overnighter :rolleyes: so I can be monitored by docs. worse case scenario, is that I will have to have a resi-med machine by my bed and a mask on my head which will blow air in thro my nose constantly during the night.. :yes nod:

The problem with my breathing/coughing during the day when attempting any exercise is that I could have asthma. I have to have tests for that also to confirm this, but the doc seems convinced..

as for the weight loss, well if I am honest, a bit of stress with this and my dad not being great has meant a slightly higher intake of :beer::beer::beer: so I have kinda stuck at about 21 and half stone. :argh:

In the next week I am due to get 2 inhalers, a peak flow meter and have to fill out a diary of my day for god knows how long. This may mean that I can get back to more exercise as it's really annoying that I can't do what I want :argh:

Anyway, soldiering on with it and hope to be as slim as Marky C by next year... :thud::thud::laugh::Whistle:

12th February 2009, 12:12 PM
You stick at it buddy & no waxing cars p!sh :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear your dad is unwell, c'mon the Davies clan :yes nod:

& who is this MarkyC fella you speak of :Whistle:

Big Gordy
12th February 2009, 12:47 PM
it would appear the reason I have felt so tired for AGES is that I may have sleep-apnea.

Christ:eek: Your slowly but surely turning into my dad:moonie: Same shape, height and now the same sleep-apnea:thud: Have you fallen asleep while standing infront of the telly yet:confused: That was one of his favourite tricks:yes nod: Didn't believe him until he actually did it one night when I was visiting:laugh:
Hope you get it all sorted big guy:thumbs up:

12th February 2009, 03:01 PM
In the next week I am due to get 2 inhalers, a peak flow meter and have to fill out a diary of my day for god knows how long. This may mean that I can get back to more exercise as it's really annoying that I can't do what I want :argh:

That bit's a total pain, but you get used to it pretty quickly. Glad to say mine has eased off a bit recently - the asthma - and I feel much better for it. I think lots of exercise has helped there too, and eating a bit healthier as well. :frown::lol:
Stick at it tho big man, the results will come. :thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
12th February 2009, 06:58 PM
Wow, nae luck big man.

Get better soon.

Your health will probably improve when the mini run season begins :bigwave:

12th February 2009, 08:35 PM
Forgot to update this... :blush:

well, the last week gave me a few answers....

it would appear the reason I have felt so tired for AGES is that I may have sleep-apnea. I have to have a monitor attached to me overnight to check my breathing etc. After that I have to go to the sleep clinic in Edinburgh to have an overnighter :rolleyes: so I can be monitored by docs. worse case scenario, is that I will have to have a resi-med machine by my bed and a mask on my head which will blow air in thro my nose constantly during the night.. :yes nod:

Sorry to read this:sad:. Once your diagnosed what type you have, will this mean you have to inform the DVLA and your insurers?

12th February 2009, 08:41 PM
The problem with my breathing/coughing during the day when attempting any exercise is that I could have asthma. I have to have tests for that also to confirm this, but the doc seems convinced..

In the next week I am due to get 2 inhalers, a peak flow meter and have to fill out a diary of my day for god knows how long. This may mean that I can get back to more exercise as it's really annoying that I can't do what I want :argh:

I didn't get asthma until I was 25 and yes I am a Smoker:shut up::frown:
mines is allergy based, which means: grass, pine trees, horses, hay and various other things can bring an attack on but the horses or a person who has been near a horse is the leathal one for me

nothing worse than having to suck on my inhaler so that I can have a fag. Hey Craig wait until you give yourself an overdose with the inhalers, man your heart races really really fast and the shakes.:thumbs up: Upside you get a free flu jag every year.

12th February 2009, 08:57 PM
nae idea bout the insurers thing, but I am sure my doc will be able to tell me.... not sure how that affects my ability to drive, cos it's not narcalepsy.. ;)

also once they start to treat it, I am told it will get better, especially with loosing weight also. :thumbs up:

thanks for the support anyway guys/gals, it does make a difference. :yes nod::yes nod:

12th February 2009, 09:39 PM
nae idea bout the insurers thing, but I am sure my doc will be able to tell me.... not sure how that affects my ability to drive, cos it's not narcalepsy.. ;)

also once they start to treat it, I am told it will get better, especially with loosing weight also. :thumbs up:

thanks for the support anyway guys/gals, it does make a difference. :yes nod::yes nod:

A guy that works for me has had sleep-apnea for quite a few years now, he's done the over-nighter in Edinburgh for observations & had all the gear at his bedside too, but his doctor insists the best form of relief is weight loss.

Don't think it affects your insurance, although if it gets really bad you'll need to think twice about driving.

Good luck & stick with your plan :thumbs up:

24th March 2009, 07:20 PM
How you getting on with the healthy living Craig.???

I am on week three of my diet following the F2 Plan. It's been difficult :argh:but getting easier:D had to make sure of the support from my co -workers, Allan and my Mum which has helped alot.

24th March 2009, 10:30 PM
Well, to be honest, after 2 weeks of antibiotics I now have much more energy... :thumbs up:

just joined the golf club and started playing so that will help. Got a new exercise class (which is also about weight loss) which I am waiting on starting. Jude and me and going to go along to it..:thumbs up::yes nod:

on the downside, things are not fantastic on the family front, fairly stressful and I am also doing another job which is taking me all over the UK and causing me to have funny eating patterns which doesn't help :rolleyes:

so to summarise, going in the right direction, but still a long way to go... :smilewinkgrin:

Well done Fi... :thumbs up::thumbs up: keep up the good work :yes nod:

25th March 2009, 10:36 AM
just joined the golf club and started playing so that will help. Got a new exercise class (which is also about weight loss) which I am waiting on starting. Jude and me and going to go along to it..:thumbs up::yes nod:

Just avoid the pie, chips and a pint after the game, that's always my downfall!

25th March 2009, 04:31 PM
Just avoid the pie, chips and a pint after the game, that's always my downfall!

yeah, the pint is the hardest part of that.... :beer::beer::Whistle:

8th May 2009, 07:39 PM
Well just a wee update from me...

I have just started a 6 week fitness and weight loss class.. :thumbs up: The first week of it is a detox diet :thud: Holy Feck. never knew I would miss so much from my diet... (No Alcohol, Fizzy Juice, Salt, Sugar, Bread, Rolls, Red Meat, Chicken, Sauces, Milk, Cheese Butter.....) The list is MUCH longer, but pretty much not allowed anything I like... :rolleyes:

Started the class on Wed and weigh ins every Wed. Wed I registered 21st 11 and half pounds. . :yes nod:

The hardest part will be this weekend, then it should get easier... even worse tho as it is my birthday today.. :argh: First birthday in 18 years without a :beer::beer::beer: :thud::frown:

Anyway, somebody says it will do me good... :rolleyes::Whistle:

8th May 2009, 07:59 PM
Well just a wee update from me...

I have just started a 6 week fitness and weight loss class.. :thumbs up: The first week of it is a detox diet :thud: Holy Feck. never knew I would miss so much from my diet... (No Alcohol, Fizzy Juice, Salt, Sugar, Bread, Rolls, Red Meat, Chicken, Sauces, Milk, Cheese Butter.....) The list is MUCH longer, but pretty much not allowed anything I like... :rolleyes:

Started the class on Wed and weigh ins every Wed. Wed I registered 21st 11 and half pounds. . :yes nod:

The hardest part will be this weekend, then it should get easier... even worse tho as it is my birthday today.. :argh: First birthday in 18 years without a :beer::beer::beer: :thud::frown:

Anyway, somebody says it will do me good... :rolleyes::Whistle:

well done mate, keep up the hard work

8th May 2009, 08:03 PM
Well just a wee update from me...

I have just started a 6 week fitness and weight loss class.. :thumbs up: The first week of it is a detox diet :thud: Holy Feck. never knew I would miss so much from my diet... (No Alcohol, Fizzy Juice, Salt, Sugar, Bread, Rolls, Red Meat, Chicken, Sauces, Milk, Cheese Butter.....) The list is MUCH longer, but pretty much not allowed anything I like... :rolleyes:

Started the class on Wed and weigh ins every Wed. Wed I registered 21st 11 and half pounds. . :yes nod:

The hardest part will be this weekend, then it should get easier... even worse tho as it is my birthday today.. :argh: First birthday in 18 years without a :beer::beer::beer: :thud::frown:

Anyway, somebody says it will do me good... :rolleyes::Whistle:

good for you.:thumbs up: I've just completed the first 2 months of my diet only 10 months left to go.:argh::argh:

Only sort of meat I've eaten in the last two months is turkey actually it's not that hard once you get the hang of it, the thing is to keep going after the first 3 weeks when you start only loosing a llb or two a week.

8th May 2009, 09:24 PM
keep up the diet it will all be worth it.

8th May 2009, 10:02 PM
thanks folks... :thumbs up:

don't want the wrath of the trainer, so that keeps me going more than anything. ;)

8th May 2009, 11:33 PM
Just think how good you will look and feel then you'll know it was all worth it ;)

8th May 2009, 11:51 PM
feel for ya mate... gonna have to fitten up for the endurance event in a couple of months... maybe you can give me some tips!!!

9th May 2009, 03:57 AM
Good on ya Craig :thumbs up:

9th May 2009, 12:04 PM
feel for ya mate... gonna have to fitten up for the endurance event in a couple of months... maybe you can give me some tips!!!

lol.... the best tip is... see everything you like to eat, stop eating it.... see everything you like to drink - stop drinking it... lol :thumbs up:

this is the hardest bit, the detox, but the next bit will be interesting to see what the nutritionist says we can eat normally... :rolleyes:;)

11th May 2009, 10:30 AM
Get the 'Rocky' soundtrack on yer 'i' thingy & take to the streets :thumbs up: , sorted :smilewinkgrin:

11th May 2009, 08:12 PM
Well done keep up the guid work!:thumbs up::D...get on a wii fit board lol:rolleyes:

13th May 2009, 09:17 PM
Well thats the first week done. Feel a wee bit better, but the detox is taking it's time... :thud:

exercise is getting easier and looking at going back to the fives next week...;)

They have only now added back into my diet other meat (Chicken, Beef, Pork and Lamb) so still have to live off the veg, salad and potatoes... :rolleyes:

But on the up side, I lost half a stone this week so now sitting at 21 st 4 and half pounds... :yes nod::yes nod::yes nod:

Mini Ecosse
13th May 2009, 09:18 PM
Well done, keep up the good work :clap::clap:

14th May 2009, 06:14 AM
well done dude, keep it up.

14th May 2009, 07:09 AM
Brilliant stuff Craig, we are all rooting for ya :thumbs up:

14th May 2009, 10:39 AM
Brilliant stuff mate, glad the weight is coming off, but more importantly your feeling better.

20th May 2009, 01:10 PM

well as I am off to London in a few hours I got my weigh in at lunchtime. Lost another 7 pounds so that is 1 Stone off in just 2 weeks...:thud::thud::clap::clap:

I just cannae believe it...!

Anyway, just about to leave for the airport - will think of all you guys travelling down to Silverstone tomorrow....GUTTED! :argh::frown:

20th May 2009, 01:42 PM
Awesome mate! Well done!

20th May 2009, 02:05 PM
Awesome mate! Well done!x 2 :thumbs up:

20th May 2009, 03:06 PM
Well done craig.

20th May 2009, 06:29 PM
great stuff:thumbs up:

20th May 2009, 06:38 PM
Well done Craig - keep up the good work :thumbs up:

30th May 2009, 10:52 PM
Update on the first page... still going in the right direction.. :cool:

I must say tho, it is getting harder and harder every day... :argh: Especially this weekend as the nice weather makes me want a BBQ and a :beer:... :rolleyes:

ah well, a few more weeks of the severe part of the diet till we get to the maintenance part. :yes nod:

30th May 2009, 11:40 PM
good on ya ...

30th May 2009, 11:44 PM
Well Done :thumbs up:

31st May 2009, 10:53 AM
Know how you feel mate. Lost loads of weight last year, but have been struggling big time just now. I really need to step up the exercise! Good on ya though! :thumbs up:

31st May 2009, 11:08 AM
It's always hard at this point after the initial weight falls off, just keep at the good work and you'll get there!

5th June 2009, 04:15 PM
Well Guys and Girls, thats 4 weeks down and 23 pounds gone... hoping to have 2 stone off by the end of the 6 weeks - just 2 to go. :thumbs up:

Update on first page - hoping to get under 20st next week. ;)

Not had a :beer: since 3rd May and miss it like crazy....:frown::frown:

5th June 2009, 06:10 PM
good for you:thumbs up: Have a diet lager after the six weeks are up ( can you get diet lager):confused: So what diet are following after the first six weeks.?

5th June 2009, 06:13 PM
Well done bud, some effort, keep it up.

When it comes to the beer your not missing much:eek::Whistle:

5th June 2009, 07:57 PM
Well done keep up the good work, it'll be soooo worth it in the end. :clap:

5th June 2009, 09:53 PM
good for you:thumbs up: Have a diet lager after the six weeks are up ( can you get diet lager):confused: So what diet are following after the first six weeks.?

not so much a diet, but more a healthy eating plan. it will be pretty much left up to ourselves to managed, but we will be given all the info to do as good or as bad as we want... I now know the pitfalls and how to keep the weight off. The BIG problem with that is everything I like, I can't have, so it's all about choices... :rolleyes::frown::Whistle:

Mini Ecosse
6th June 2009, 06:49 AM
Well done. :thumbs up:

6th June 2009, 08:32 AM
Good stuff Craig :thumbs up:

7th June 2009, 09:40 PM
Well done Craig, we're proud of you. Are you managing to fit in more exercise as well?

7th June 2009, 09:54 PM
Well done Craig, we're proud of you. Are you managing to fit in more exercise as well?

yeah, doing my "homework" exercises 5 nights a week, five a side football 2 nights a week and at least 18 holes of golf per week, so a marked improvement. :thumbs up:

Thanks to all for the support - it really is appreciated. :thumbs up::yes nod::clap:

Big Gordy
8th June 2009, 08:36 AM
so a marked improvement. :thumbs up:

Pity the same can't be said about your golf tho:Whistle::moonie::thumbs up:

14th June 2009, 07:55 PM
Pity the same can't be said about your golf tho:Whistle::moonie::thumbs up:

GIRUY... won the medal last week with a net 63 and scored a net 65 today in the medal :moonie::hand:

14th June 2009, 07:57 PM
just a wee update - forgot to post on Friday :blush:

My last weighin is on Wed, however I am now going to weigh myself every fri morn from now on, so I weighed myself on Fri and weighed in at 19st 9lbs. I have now broken thro the 2 stone barrier (lost a total of 30 and half pounds..) :yes nod::yes nod::thumbs up::thumbs up:

Next goal is to get to 19st by the end of the year. :clap:

Going to have a :beer: on wed night as a treat for 6 weeks of nae pleasures... ;)

14th June 2009, 07:58 PM
well doen Craig some effort, keep up the good work.

Mini Ecosse
14th June 2009, 08:53 PM
Well done, not so big man :clap::clap:

14th June 2009, 10:55 PM
Well Done Craig :clap: Keep up the good work

15th June 2009, 09:13 AM
Getting there mate, well done!

15th June 2009, 04:19 PM
Well Done Craig! :)
I am now officially a member of the gym again - started 1st June :D so far ive done:
1st - Gym induction
2nd - Spinning cycle class! :|
3rd - Body Pump
4th - Gym
5th - Gym
10th - Body Pump
15th - Gym

15th June 2009, 10:29 PM
well done mate that is amazing congrats and enjoy the pint or pints :lol::lol:

MINI William
16th June 2009, 07:25 PM
Well done Craig :thumbs up:.Keep it up & and have a nice cold beer on me :smilewinkgrin:

16th June 2009, 07:44 PM
well done Craig, thats excellent stuff, bet you feel much better for it... weighing yourself once a week is a good idea... that way if u did start to put on a bit weight you would notice quickly and react to it to keep your weight at the weight ur happy with!

Best of luck... its hard to get motivated sometime, but you've achieved your goals and that must give you a boost... keep up the good work.

16th June 2009, 08:15 PM
Well done Craig :thumbs up:.Keep it up & and have a nice cold beer on me :smilewinkgrin:

tomorrow night young un. :thumbs up:

I've done quite a bit of work for one of my neighbours (which helped him out and gave me A LOT of exercise) so he has got the :beer: in and some crisps :yes nod::yes nod:

16th June 2009, 08:17 PM
well done Craig, thats excellent stuff, bet you feel much better for it... weighing yourself once a week is a good idea... that way if u did start to put on a bit weight you would notice quickly and react to it to keep your weight at the weight ur happy with!

Best of luck... its hard to get motivated sometime, but you've achieved your goals and that must give you a boost... keep up the good work.

Thanks Hamish, yeah having a try at cycling again. (did 6 miles tonight) just to break me in, but my god there are a few hills near me... :thud::thud:

16th June 2009, 08:18 PM
tomorrow night young un. :thumbs up:

I've done quite a bit of work for one of my neighbours (which helped him out and gave me A LOT of exercise) so he has got the :beer: in and some crisps :yes nod::yes nod:

and some crisps:eek::eek:....step away from the crisps.:lol:

16th June 2009, 08:20 PM
and some crisps:eek::eek:....step away from the crisps.:lol:

none in 6 weeks man... :rolleyes: it cannae do me harm.... :yes nod::bigwave:

16th June 2009, 08:29 PM
none in 6 weeks man... :rolleyes: it cannae do me harm.... :yes nod::bigwave:

have chocolate man.

Big Gordy
17th June 2009, 09:01 AM
Thanks Hamish, yeah having a try at cycling again. (did 6 miles tonight) just to break me in, but my god there are a few hills near me... :thud::thud:

Gimme a shout when your ready for Carron valley:Whistle:
Know a reputable guy with a nice XT MTB for sale:smilewinkgrin::thumbs up:

17th June 2009, 09:26 AM
Thanks Hamish, yeah having a try at cycling again. (did 6 miles tonight) just to break me in, but my god there are a few hills near me... :thud::thud:

I've been out on the road bike a fair bit of late, makes a massive difference to riding a moutain bike if your doing road riding. I keep leaving moutain bikes for dust, my new favourite sport :D

I went to the gym for the first time since February last night as we've transferred our gym to a new Virgin Active one. It was much nicer than our old one, much more equipment, and the view is better ;)

21st June 2009, 05:26 PM
Weigh-in on friday was 19st 6lbs, although with the weekend I have just had, it will be hard to get any off this week... :Whistle:

Big G, I might give you a ring once I have more fitness before going "up the glen" :thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
21st June 2009, 06:47 PM
Keep up the good work, not too many beers I hope! :bigwave:

21st June 2009, 09:41 PM
Keep up the good work, not too many beers I hope! :bigwave:

nope, mostly because the hotel only sold warm beer on tap and also warm beer out of their fridges in bottles, so I had to go to the local shop in Strathpeffer to buy from the off licence to get anywhere near a cold beer... :argh::argh:

AndyP & Lenore
21st June 2009, 10:28 PM
I went to the gym for the first time since February last night as we've transferred our gym to a new Virgin Active one. It was much nicer than our old one, much more equipment, and the view is better ;)

I'm guessing here, you're not talking about the view out the windows....:hand:


22nd June 2009, 09:30 AM
I'm guessing here, you're not talking about the view out the windows....:hand:


I 'read' it that the talent was better :Whistle:

22nd June 2009, 10:39 AM
I 'read' it that the talent was better :Whistle:

I couldn't possible confirm or deny :D

24th June 2009, 04:02 AM
Keep it up Craig, you've motivated me to get back onto my diet too - took 5 1/2 stone off the last time, threw out all my big clothes.....and then had to buy them all again when I went off the diet :argh:

At least I've still got a wardrobe full of 32 waist jeans to try and get back into :D

3rd July 2009, 07:29 PM
Well the last few weeks have been hard. Been trying to get back to eating fairly normally and also the lure of the :beer::beer: has been hard to keep away from :argh:

Still not put on any weight but slowing down with the weight loss. Going to try another big push after my holidays in a few weeks. :thumbs up: