View Full Version : 0004bes...

1st December 2008, 09:50 PM
Saw you Saturday evening in Culter, i was standng at the bus stop freezing my brass monkeys off... So much for a 15min bus service, took almost 45mins to turn up... :argh:

Gave you a wave, dunno if you knew who it was... :smilewinkgrin:

1st December 2008, 11:07 PM
Don't think i saw you...
I know i got a bus from Culter to Town on Fri night, must of been 30+mins... then 3 came at once (2 Firsts and a Bluebird)

Also saw you on Wed night i think heading home from work i take it at 5ish in Culter i was on foot though

2nd December 2008, 08:11 PM
Feckin buses, and they have the nerve to strike...!!!!

Turns out you're going out with my sons mates sister, he spotted your mini on my computer a while back... Its a small world we live in... :-)

3rd December 2008, 09:47 AM
He friends with Grant is he? What is his name again? My car seems to get spotted alot. It is more recognised than me :-(

3rd December 2008, 06:39 PM
Aye, Grant is one of his buddies.. :thumbs up:

My car seems to get spotted alot. It is more recognised than me

Maybe not a bad thing.. :smilewinkgrin: