View Full Version : Rolling Road Day, Dastek Dalgetty Bay

Maxxed Ross
27th November 2008, 12:33 PM
Hi guys

I've managed to get a good discount on rolling road and mini rolling road days at Dastek over in Fife.

For those who don't know Dastek they are thought to be the best and most reliable in the business. Any time I've been you always get fantastic advice once you've been on the rollers

Numbers, I need more than 10 names for a mini day and they have dropped the numbers needed for al full day to just 15! This will be a joint day between a few local and national owners club, so far Road and Track Scotland, theMGZS, SIDC, RB320oc and NMS are all involved - so this one is definately looking good!

The reason for this thread is to work out rough numbers. Dates will be arranged after the new year but expect to be around lete Feb.

I'll find out some prices too, but I think it's around the £45 mark for 2 power runs... and you even get fed at lunchtime :thumbs up:

Running List:

1. Ross (?)
2. Keith (Civic Type R Coupe)
3. Emma (Mondeo V6)
4. KevG (MG ZS180)
5. Gordy (New Mini One)
6. Daz (mk1 golf 16v)
7. Maxfly (MG ZS180)
8. V11Kae (New Mini JCW)
9. Stoney (New Mini JCW) - 21st
10. Jonboywrx (Impreza WRX)
11. Windy1945 (Impreza)
12. JonnySTI (Impreza STi)
13. ScottyB (Impreza RB320)

Reserve List:

1. ryan_gwa (Impreza)
2. RS Grant (Impreza STi SpecG)
3. Japper (New Mini)
4. Ciaran (Impreza RB5)
5. jimser (impreza spec c ra)
6. Elfman (new mini JCW)

Maxxed Ross
28th November 2008, 09:02 AM
1. Ross (LR DEF 90)
2. Keith (?)
3. Emma (Mondeo V6)
4. KevG (MG ZS180)
5. Gordy (New Mini One)
6. Daz (mk1 golf 16v)
7. Maxfly (MG ZS180)

28th November 2008, 05:47 PM
Count me in if its ok. I went just after upgrading to the JCW. After kicking it in for a bot would like to know what its hitting now. :smilewinkgrin:

28th November 2008, 06:07 PM

I'm a maybe... Don't stick me down on the list, I'll let you know nearer the time. I will come along anyway to see how the others get on tho.. All depends on the cash :yes nod::yes nod:

Maxxed Ross
28th November 2008, 06:37 PM
sure thing Craig

list updated

*I've deleted the list from this post. If you just update the list on the first post from now on. Ta*

almost a mini day already!

28th November 2008, 08:08 PM
me please

Maxxed Ross
29th November 2008, 09:58 PM
good man, I thought you might be up for it

30th November 2008, 12:52 PM
good man, I thought you might be up for it

yep shure am all i will say is bring ear plugs :shut up::shut up: :thumbs up: as you may be def bye the time they fin with mine :yes nod::yes nod::laugh:

15th December 2008, 02:30 PM
Is this still going on? I'd definately be up for it mate, Josh

Maxxed Ross
19th December 2008, 01:41 PM
yeah it will be dude

looks like it'll be the end of Feb, dates to be confirmed

19th December 2008, 05:13 PM
I could be up for this one. Is it planned for a sat/sun?.

Maxxed Ross
1st January 2009, 12:26 PM
it will be yes, hopefully a Sunday so more people can make it

I'll add you as a possible then. Not many to go until we have the 15 car target for much cheapness!

1. Ross (?)
2. Keith (Civic Type R Coupe)
3. Emma (Mondeo V6)
4. KevG (MG ZS180)
5. Gordy (New Mini One)
6. Daz (mk1 golf 16v)
7. Maxfly (MG ZS180)
8. V11Kae (New Mini JCW)
9. Stoney (New Mini JCW)
10. Jonboywrx (Impreza WRX)
11. Windy1945 (Impreza)
12. JonnySTI (Impreza STi)
13. ScottyB (Impreza RB320)
14. Japper (New Mini) - possible

Maxxed Ross
1st January 2009, 12:30 PM
looks like we might actually have the full 15 now! A few guys dependant on date but we should be ok. That means I can go find out dates and prices. Remember you can still add to the list up until the point where i'll be taking deposits

Running List:

1. Ross (?)
2. Keith (Civic Type R Coupe)
3. Emma (Mondeo V6)
4. KevG (MG ZS180)
5. Gordy (New Mini One)
6. Daz (mk1 golf 16v)
7. Maxfly (MG ZS180)
8. V11Kae (New Mini JCW)
9. Stoney (New Mini JCW)
10. Jonboywrx (Impreza WRX)
11. Windy1945 (Impreza)
12. JonnySTI (Impreza STi)
13. ScottyB (Impreza RB320)

Reserve List:

1. ryan_gwa (Impreza)
2. RS Grant (Impreza STi SpecG)
3. Japper (New Mini)
4. Ciaran (Impreza RB5)
5. jimser (impreza spec c ra)

Big Gordy
12th February 2009, 02:57 PM
OK guys/gals Ross wants to know what dates are the best for the folks wanting to go to this. He has a choice of March 8th, 14th, 15th and 21st:thumbs up: I'll update the first post with the dates as you decide:clap:

12th February 2009, 03:01 PM
21st would be best for me

13th February 2009, 11:15 PM
Hi Ross, is it too late to put my name down for this? Couldn't have made it in February. Depending on the date in March, I think I could make it now, and if Stoney'll lead the way, I won't get lost. Be interested to see how much the wee motor's putting out. Probably about 48bhp.... but it'll sound good doing it! (but not as loud as Stoney's).

Big Gordy
13th February 2009, 11:26 PM
I think its OK Elfman:thumbs up:
I was talking to him tonight and I think he's aiming for Saturday the 21st of March.......but don't quote me on that just yet:moonie:

14th February 2009, 09:20 PM

17th February 2009, 02:18 PM
i think i'll come along if its cool. not gonna take part but would like to watch.

Big Gordy
17th February 2009, 02:53 PM
Should be OK rosssp:thumbs up:
You better not eat my sandwich at lunchtime tho:knife::smilewinkgrin:

MINI William
17th February 2009, 03:35 PM
Might pop along aswell

18th February 2009, 02:08 PM
I'm sure i can resist eating your sandwich. Just wanting to see how the cars get put through there paces, booking mine in soon at Dastek for some work and a remapping session on the rollers. :D

Maxxed Ross
26th February 2009, 10:16 PM
Sorry about the delay in getting more info on this... turns out the guy I was talking to about it didn't get any of the messages I sent while offshore... but I got him on the phone today

right, that's us booked on for the 21st of March

Prices are as follows and include a print out and refreshments while we're there

10 cars = £45

15+ cars = £35

25+ cars = £30

Since we should have at least 15 cars it looks like £35. I'll be setting up a paypal account soon to take deposits. I just need to clarift how much of a deposit they need... as I'm sure the last time I was there it was a fair chunk of the final price

That ok with everyone?

The list is still very open, so just add to the list of you want to have a run

Running List:

1. Ross (?)
2. Keith (Civic Type R Coupe)
3. Emma (Mondeo V6)
4. KevG (MG ZS180)
5. Gordy (New Mini One)
6. Daz (mk1 golf 16v)
7. Maxfly (MG ZS180)
8. V11Kae (New Mini JCW)
9. Stoney (New Mini JCW)
10. Jonboywrx (Impreza WRX)
11. Windy1945 (Impreza)
12. JonnySTI (Impreza STi)
13. ScottyB (Impreza RB320)
14. Gavin88 (golf gti 16v)
15. Irish Al (Forester)

Reserve List:

1. ryan_gwa (Impreza)
2. RS Grant (Impreza STi SpecG)
3. Japper (New Mini)
4. Ciaran (Impreza RB5)
5. Tam (Corsa D)
6. Bigbev (Impreza WR Sport)
7. CRAIG D (impreza 555 ra)

27th February 2009, 10:20 AM
thats fine by me

1st March 2009, 06:16 PM
I thought I was on the list (see posts on page 2...) seems not. Anyway my car might well now be down at Lohen on the 21st, so you don't have to add me. Have a Rockin' Rollin' day! And don't forget the earplugs when it's Stoney's turn. C'mon the MINIS!!!

6th March 2009, 02:30 PM
what time is all the fun and games happening, just so i don't miss any of it?

Big Gordy
6th March 2009, 03:04 PM
Don't know Ross:blush:
I'll need to get him to pull his finger out regarding this.........its only 2 weeks away:eek:

8th March 2009, 05:26 PM
I'll be along to see the fun unfold. :thumbs up:

13th March 2009, 10:46 AM
Still no starting times? Not far away to the event! :eek:

Big Gordy
13th March 2009, 11:36 AM
I know:eek: Kids today seem to have no sense of urgency about them:frown: I've raised the subject twice now:ragin:

Big Gordy
13th March 2009, 12:19 PM
OK can I get confirmation of who, on NMS, are DEFINATELY going to partisipate in this rolling road day:thumbs up:
So far as I can see from the posts on here its only me,V11kae and Stoney who are going on the rollers....is this correct:confused:
We've to be there at 8.30am:eek: with the first car on the rollers at 9am:thumbs up:
To be on the safe side I would suggest bringing 45 quid just incase only 10 cars turn up:frown:

Maxxed Ross
13th March 2009, 02:39 PM
I'll update the first post, but everyone please note:

We need to be there and ready to fill out the paperwork at 8.30am sharp

This is to allow time to make up a running list, get payment sorted and have the first car on the rollers at 9am.

FWD will be going on first

There are a few house rules, which I will explain on the day. The only one you need to worry about before you arive is to remember and drive carefully and quietly to the garage. It's in an industrial estate and if people start being silly on the roads around it can cause all sorts of hassle

A few of us will be meeting at Falkirk stadium at 8am to convoy through

AndyP & Lenore
13th March 2009, 11:00 PM
Guys, I'm not saying she won't be there, but V11KAE hasn't been on the site since 23rd December last year.:sad:


14th March 2009, 10:32 AM

I'm just checking (her) plans for Sat.:smilewinkgrin:

Seriously though is there anyway of knowing if i can run in the morning so that i can get away around 1.00pm.:thumbs up:

I'll confirm by Monday if i'm a definate or not.


Big Gordy
14th March 2009, 08:13 PM
The plan is all front wheel drive cars on first followed by rear wheel drive then the big boys ie four wheel drive on last:thumbs up: So most mini's could be away by lunchtime if they so desire:smilewinkgrin:

15th March 2009, 11:07 AM
i take it this is on sat then ???? if so i should be there just depends on work !!!!!

Big Gordy
15th March 2009, 08:00 PM
Ehhh yeah:confused: Its on Saturday to suit you:eek: so don't gimmie that work nonsense laddie:ragin:

16th March 2009, 09:16 AM
Ehhh yeah:confused: Its on Saturday to suit you:eek: so don't gimmie that work nonsense laddie:ragin:

all should be fine will meet you guys at falkirk

Big Gordy
16th March 2009, 09:20 AM
That's more like it:thumbs up:
I think the plan is to meet at Falkirk football stadium departing about 8am for Dastek:yes nod:

16th March 2009, 11:24 AM
see you there guys. Looking forward to seeing the action unfold. :lol::D

16th March 2009, 04:00 PM
That's more like it:thumbs up:
I think the plan is to meet at Falkirk football stadium departing about 8am for Dastek:yes nod:

ok no prob will be there for 7 45 ish :thumbs up: have booked the day off work now i know its def happain

looking forward to seeing how much my mods have done with out been remaped ;):smilewinkgrin:

Maxxed Ross
16th March 2009, 06:22 PM
good stuff buddy!

17th March 2009, 11:39 AM
I've made this a sticky :thumbs up:
One thing folks, if someone can send me any pictures of the event i'll host and show them on the gallery page of the main web site :yes nod:

Big Gordy
17th March 2009, 11:50 AM
Jimmy Olson at the ready:thumbs up:

17th March 2009, 11:58 AM
Event now linked to web site (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/New_Mini_Scotland/Events.html) :thumbs up:

Big Gordy
20th March 2009, 10:30 PM
Big day tomorrow guys!

Remember, 8am sharp at Falkirk stadium... or 8.30am at Dastek if you are just meeting us there

21st March 2009, 03:31 PM
well a big thanx to ross for doing this to day :thumbs up::thumbs up:

had a good time

a wee vid of my mini geting dyno'd

http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g251/s700ony/th_100_2680.jpg (http://s58.photobucket.com/albums/g251/s700ony/?action=view&current=100_2680.flv)

have to say tho i was a bit dissapointed as it only made 209.9 bhp and it is said the the jcw kit i have is 200 bhp i can not see this being right i think it must be less more like 195 bhp at the most !!!! for the jcw kit :shut up:

MINI William
21st March 2009, 03:55 PM
What sort torque you get stoney??

Big Gordy
21st March 2009, 06:50 PM
Well Mutley was victorius today:thumbs up: Most improved over standard award:cool:
Max.power at wheels......94bhp@5768rpm
Max.power at engine......127.6bhp@6333rpm
Thought the hype with the MTH chip would have given me a bit more but I'm happy with those results:yes nod: Sounds sweet at full chat as well:shut up:

Maxxed Ross
21st March 2009, 07:02 PM
I have to admit I was expecting over 130 from the MTH chip with the filter and cat-back - considering they claim over 140!

Just shows how accurate manufacturers figures can be some times

Thanks to all from the mini squad that turned up... even if by accident!

pics are uploading as we speak

21st March 2009, 07:30 PM
What sort torque you get stoney??

169.7 lbft so not to bad :thumbs up: am more happy now looked on line and most says my jcw kit comes in at about 195/7 ish on the rolling road :D

MINI William
21st March 2009, 07:46 PM
169.7 lbft so not to bad :thumbs up: am more happy now looked on line and most says my jcw kit comes in at about 195/7 ish on the rolling road :D

Not a bad result then :thumbs up:

23rd March 2009, 10:53 AM
I'd definately be up for a dyno day if you're having another one soon.

How often are they?

31st March 2009, 12:22 PM
All pictures added to the online gallery (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk//nms_gallery/2009/dastek_rolling_road/index.html)