View Full Version : Woooooooooohoooooooooooo........

Big Gordy
25th November 2008, 10:00 PM
..............I can give up work and buy you all a mini each :clap:
I've just won £715,810 on the Euromillions Loteria International.......aye right:laugh: All I have to do to claim the money is give them ALL my personal details and fax it off to some dude in Madrid:rolleyes: Jeeze they must think we're all stupid over here:ragin:

25th November 2008, 10:02 PM
what is hilarious is I get these every day at my work and some are addressed to the man at the top...!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

25th November 2008, 11:24 PM
What you saying is you're not going to pick up your winnings! :frown: You think it's a scam. :p

25th November 2008, 11:28 PM
Do we still all get a mini?:rolleyes:

mini saltire
26th November 2008, 10:12 AM
Oh no, you mean not everything you get by email is true..... I wondered why my Russian Beauty hadn't arrived yet:ragin::ragin:

26th November 2008, 12:30 PM
Oh no, you mean not everything you get by email is true..... I wondered why my Russian Beauty hadn't arrived yet:ragin::ragin:

That's only cos you haven't sent me... er.. I mean "them" all your personal details and bank cards yet.. :rolleyes:;)


Big Gordy
26th November 2008, 02:10 PM
It wasn't an email Mark:eek: it was a good old fashioned letter with a stamp:p What I don't understand is if they have my name and address why don't they just send me the cheque:laugh::thumbs up:

26th November 2008, 05:39 PM
It wasn't an email Mark:eek: it was a good old fashioned letter with a stamp:p What I don't understand is if they have my name and address why don't they just send me the cheque:laugh::thumbs up:

You should write back and tell them that ;):thumbs up::p

Demand the cheque! :laugh::laugh:

26th November 2008, 07:58 PM
It wasn't an email Mark:eek: it was a good old fashioned letter with a stamp:p What I don't understand is if they have my name and address why don't they just send me the cheque:laugh::thumbs up:

I've got two of those airmail letters as well - maybe if we tell them we know each other they could do a multiple winner presentation over here? ;)

If only.......:argh:

Big Gordy
26th November 2008, 11:36 PM
It does say I can collect it in person:Whistle: