View Full Version : A "technical" Adjustment......

21st November 2008, 08:52 PM
Ok so after owning my mini for a couple months I have discovered that it does indeed come with a few... How do you put it... niggles

The rear wiper that doesn't do its job, turns out that its the spring in the arm that has rusted, so a trip to JC is in the pipeline for a new wiper arm, somehow I dont think they will sell me a spring!

This week the driver side head light decided it wanted to point at the road 6 feet in front of me instead of letting me see what is up ahead. cursing and swearing I resigned to getting a new headlight aswell. WELL thanks to a unofficial method of repair known as the "technical tap" I've fixed it.

How I hear you ask?? Easy slam the bonnet down with a little bit of force, seems to have engaged the motor and working as good as new again.

(Its not knowing to hit it, it knowing where to hit it)

Woo Hoo bring on the next fault this is getting fun.


21st November 2008, 09:20 PM
Sometimes the bonnet drop does'nt work (did,nt on mine :frown:)

However ;)

The best information I got was this :

If you have halogen headlamps fitted, you can sort the problem by opening the bonnet, switching your dip beam lights on, you need another person to operate the level switch (0, 1 & 2, near the ingntion barrel) and slaming the bonnet shut at the same time, (not to hard) , this will jolt the motors as the adjuster sticks, you should find them to be okay then, i know its a bit extreme but it does work okay

Alternatively :

however a good whack (obviously not too hard ) on the lamp while twiddling the switch did the trick
This would you believe came from a BMW mechanic who uses/advises on MINI2.

Oh the technicalities :D

21st November 2008, 09:51 PM
Ha you just got to love it. If a good old slam of the bonnet works then I'll stick by it BMW approved or not

24th November 2008, 06:41 PM
I had this problem when i had the cooper with halogens.
to solve this problem i did the following:

1. When lights are in the correct possition park the car facing a wall.
2. Mark on the wall where the lights hit (chalk or something) while the dial is in the normal position 1
3. Move the dial to position 3 (or whatever fully down is ive forgotten)
4. Lift the bonnet and there is beam throw adjuster screws on the headlamps, turn them untill the beam reaches the marks on the wall, (this can be fiddely due to lifting bonnet all the time)
5. Leave the switch in position 3 (fully down) and shouldnt have to worry about it again.

This stops the headlamps from going down and up every time you switch on the lights and keeps them fully down.

Thats how i got over it anyway as it was bugging me like hell lol.
Hope this helps

24th November 2008, 08:41 PM
Since I bought my car in September a good few drivers have flashed me on the other side of the road and I have noticed a few drivers in front dimming there rear view mirror. I don't have halogens and my light don't appear excessively bright. Does anyone else notice this or does it sound like my lights are in need of re-alignment ? (they seem ok to me when driving) :confused:

24th November 2008, 09:03 PM
If the driver in front is dimming their mirror I would say your lights are a bit on the high side. I'm no expert so I'm getting mine set correctly at the garage next week. I'll let you know how I get on

25th November 2008, 09:09 AM
my lights are in need of re-alignment ?

That's what I'd put my money on, a wee trip down to your nearest independent should do the trick :thumbs up: