View Full Version : MPH & Top Gear Live

AndyP & Lenore
15th November 2008, 02:14 AM
Just back from the MPH show featuring Top Gear live in Birmingham NEC.

Lenore and I went last year and loved it. We were joined this year by Mr Davies.

MPH show was packed with supercars oh and a Renault stand.:confused: Highlight of the MPH must be the Land Rover driving circuit, where a LR3, RR Sport and a RR were used to ferry passengers around a mock off-road circuit. A huge 40deg incline and decline and a 30deg slope were two of the features. Mr D decided he'd like to have a go at driving so we got taken round in the LR3 first, then he took over and you go round a slightly shorter and smaller circuit with lee intimidating obstacles. It was like a roller coaster ride taken at 2mph. Very slow and sedate, but scared the living sh!t out of me all the same. Especially with Mr D at the wheel.

Had a quick chat with Andrey on the Lohen stand - awfy nice and knoweledgable guy.

Had a very quick look at the adjoining Classic Car Show but only had time to zip round of of it's four halls.

The main event was of course the Top Gear Live show. It's a bit like the TV show, but much more glitzy, with two gigantic led panels, lots of pyrotechnics and a 5,000 strong audience.

Jessa, Captain Slow and the Hamster were all there adding their inimitable blend of humour and sarcasm, but it's all a bit harder as they don't have 10 folk sat at home just waiting for someone to say something they can phone the BBC and complain about, so the language was a bit ruder (still suitable for family though). Some great stunt driving, explosions, The Stig and the usual car-football game at the end. This time with Smart 4-2's. I'm guessing they were told to go canny with these cars as there was a wee bit of bumper to bumper stuff going on, but last year in the Suzuki Swifts it was carnage - and much more funny.

All in all, a terrific show, well worth the cost and the trip down. Next year though, I think we'll stay over in Birmingham to give us more time to go round the classic car show also.


Edit: No, I don't have any pics:frown:. Took Lenore's compact camera and the pics were awful. Next year I'm taking my own camera.:thumbs up:

15th November 2008, 10:33 AM
I'd like to go to that next year :thumbs up:

15th November 2008, 11:05 AM
Yeah, just like to say that it was a great day out, but like you Andy, I have said to Mrs D, it might have been more relaxed if we had stayed over. ;) (she says as long as I can come next year...!! :Whistle:)

The Land Rover Experience was SUPERB. The best bit for me must be (no not my chance a driving), but Andy sitting in the back saying "I don't think you can do this...." as we went up the steep incline, which when you looked at it from the outside looked not that steep at all, but in the car, it was VERY Steep.... :thud: We got to the top of the incline (about 40-50FT in the air) and the driver was just chatting to me and we went over the top to a resounding "F*CKIN' HELL" from Andy in the back. :laugh::laugh: The guy burst out laughing and said, WOW thats my first f*ck of the day :laugh::yes nod:

The driving was good fun and just shows you how capable these vehicles are... :thumbs up::thumbs up:

The Live show was AWESOME. :thumbs up: Funniest bit was when Jezz and Hamster came into the audience and interacted with us. And as usual Jezza just took the pi$s... :yes nod:

The stunt driving was tremendous and the racing they did in their horsebox, milk float and F1 Caravan was just hilarious. Deffo going back next year, just need to try and get down over a weekend to keep "her indoors" happy... :cool:

15th November 2008, 03:02 PM

The show floor from the main entrance... :thumbs up:



The Land Rover Experience that made Andy swear... :laugh::Whistle:


15th November 2008, 03:06 PM
A Chayenne Turbo in "Stealth" mode.


How to get to you final resting place at the top of a hill <It's a hearse by the way>... :thud:


This vehicle was part of the stunt show, the transit drove in, the guy got out and then the front lifted up and the racing car came flying out.


15th November 2008, 03:09 PM
The 3 vehicles that Jezza, Hamster and Captain Slow had a race in.....

Captain Slow's Milk Float called MILKYMAY


Hamsters F1 Caravan (towed by a Rover 200)


And Jezza's powered horse box with a horse for the steering.. :thumbs up:


15th November 2008, 03:12 PM
Some of the cars from previous shows...

The Space Shuttle Reliant Robin (The stretch MGF and the Police Lexus can be seen the background)


The car football SMART cars


And last but by no means least....OLIVER ! ! !


16th November 2008, 10:25 PM
Ah guys, if I'd known you were around! We've got a cottage that work pays for the next junction down the M42!

I was gutted I missed out on tickets, looks great and I'll def go next year!

16th November 2008, 10:34 PM
Ah guys, if I'd known you were around! We've got a cottage that work pays for the next junction down the M42!

I was gutted I missed out on tickets, looks great and I'll def go next year!

we need to remember that for next year... ;)