View Full Version : Obama ~ McCain

30th October 2008, 11:49 PM
Do you care?

Should we care?

AndyP & Lenore
30th October 2008, 11:51 PM
I do care and we should care, but there's nowt we can do about it.:sad:

However, I reckon Obama is gonna win it hands down. I reckon USA are looking for a black president and I reckon Palin is gonna lose it for McCain anyway.


31st October 2008, 12:12 AM
Don't care :p

31st October 2008, 01:59 AM
I don't care, but, it's ironic that Bush had to bail out the US banks and yet this election campaign can have millions thrown at it, Obama has reputedly spent over 3 million Dollars on a tv advert, shocking :shut up:
Don't the people of the USA realise that :frown:

Neil and Lorna
31st October 2008, 10:49 AM
Don't care but maybe I should. For what reason I dont know.:argh:

What I would like to know is does a general election over here have as much publicity or any at all in the US.


31st October 2008, 12:42 PM
We should care, as what happens there has an impact on what happens across the world. Like or not, the US is the biggest country in the world when it comes to things like foreign policy, money markets etc. Brown is trying to get the UK to take a leading position, and he's done a decent job to repair some of the problems (probably should as well as it's arguable he was the cause of some of them).

Obama will win. Palin was a wildcard by McCain after Hilary lost to try and get the female voters, backfired wonderfully though for the rest of us to look on in aghast! She cost McCain the election IMO.

Policy wise, Obama seems to be a tad safer than McCain, who is focussed on veterans and seems stuck in the previous decades in terms of his outlook on life and right and wrong.

31st October 2008, 05:11 PM
We should care, as what happens there has an impact on what happens across the world. Like or not, the US is the biggest country in the world when it comes to things like foreign policy, money markets etc. Brown is trying to get the UK to take a leading position, and he's done a decent job to repair some of the problems (probably should as well as it's arguable he was the cause of some of them).

Obama will win. Palin was a wildcard by McCain after Hilary lost to try and get the female voters, backfired wonderfully though for the rest of us to look on in aghast! She cost McCain the election IMO.

Policy wise, Obama seems to be a tad safer than McCain, who is focussed on veterans and seems stuck in the previous decades in terms of his outlook on life and right and wrong.

But still, it's a case of the lesser of two evils. It looks pretty certain tho, that either way, the US is still pretty screwed.
The sooner they come to their senses and properly separate religion / government the better, and get someone in power with the interests of the country at heart, not someone who wants to empower frankly ridiculous religious agendas, when their economy and foreign policy / image is in so much trouble.

31st October 2008, 06:20 PM
But still, it's a case of the lesser of two evils. It looks pretty certain tho, that either way, the US is still pretty screwed.
The sooner they come to their senses and properly separate religion / government the better, and get someone in power with the interests of the country at heart, not someone who wants to empower frankly ridiculous religious agendas, when their economy and foreign policy / image is in so much trouble.

Completely agree with that. It's a dangerous game politics at the moment, in the US and here. It's all about public image, hence the ridiculous situation that Gismo related about a half hour TV advert costing millions. The trouble is, who would you vote for if you were the average person - the photogenic one who is good on TV a lot, or someone who has great policies but the character of Prescott? And it's sad that it's come down to a choice about a person, and not about policy.

It's the same here though, only less slick - I had to laugh at George Osbourne when he shouted about Mendelson and the Russian on a boat, he should have known they would have come back at him.

31st October 2008, 06:35 PM
Completely agree with that. It's a dangerous game politics at the moment, in the US and here. It's all about public image, hence the ridiculous situation that Gismo related about a half hour TV advert costing millions. The trouble is, who would you vote for if you were the average person - the photogenic one who is good on TV a lot, or someone who has great policies but the character of Prescott? And it's sad that it's come down to a choice about a person, and not about policy.

It's the same here though, only less slick - I had to laugh at George Osbourne when he shouted about Mendelson and the Russian on a boat, he should have known they would have come back at him.

Sadly you're right, it's all come down to a made for television popularity contest... Is it too much to ask for the zombified remains of the founding fathers to return to take over Washington Godzilla-Stylee? :laugh:
The 'Average person' in the states unfortunately is gonna be voting for whoever the TV tells them to :frown: Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the 'Merkins, I know there are a huge amount of them who really hate the situation and don't intend to vote for either candidate, unfortunately they're NOT the majority, and will be seen as not being patriotic and - probably the worst as far as I'm concerned - Un-American Atheists'.
Land of the Free my :moonie:

2nd November 2008, 11:10 PM
Both of them are bought and paid for by special interest groups. Obama was at Bilderberg in Virgina this year. We have to get past this Left / Right thing , they are the same. Change my arse

2nd November 2008, 11:20 PM
Do you care?

Should we care?

Anyone thats named after an oven chip cant be trusted, Obama for me:thumbs up:

5th November 2008, 07:41 PM
So Obama won.

The first black president.:confused::confused:

dam I thought he was of mixed race?? black father white mother.

Interested to see what type of dog he will buy.

Maybe a labapoodle you know a bit of this a bit of that.;)

5th November 2008, 09:29 PM
Iam mixed race , my dad liked the 100m & my mum was a Pakistani lol