View Full Version : Card fraud

AndyP & Lenore
29th October 2008, 09:53 PM
As some of you know, Lenore and I had a trip to Florida a few weeks ago.

While we were there we used one of our credit cards for some gifts, meals, park entrances etc.

Despite our card never leaving our sight, someone must have cloned it.:ragin:

Got a call today from (the card issuing bank) saying there had been some suspicious activity on the account and they wanted to clarify if we were still in Orlando or if we were home. Been home 6 weeks now and in the past 6 days someone has helped themselves to $1,700 worth of gifts, park entrances, meals, fuel and "stuff" from WalMart.:eek::eek:

Luckily (the bank) are being great about it and we're not required to pay for any of it.:yes nod:

Still scary though. Thats the third time this has happened to us.:frown:

Next time we're thinking about using one of those Amex Debit card things you fill with money before you go, then when it's empty, it's empty.


29th October 2008, 09:57 PM

AndyP & Lenore
29th October 2008, 09:59 PM

I know Sedgie.... that's exactly what we said.:yes nod:


29th October 2008, 10:01 PM
That is not good eh!...."remembers to take cash on nxt hols":ragin:

29th October 2008, 10:25 PM
I'm goin to the states in december, i like the sound of that top up card

30th October 2008, 12:54 AM
Shocking :eek:

30th October 2008, 01:10 AM
Looks like you got off lightly.You just wonder who you can trust these days:ragin:

30th October 2008, 07:28 AM
that top up card is good but if you are going to use a card over seas you should use a viza as you have some come back with that you dont with a mastro card

all cards are going to become visa soon

i know this as christine works for the bank

30th October 2008, 09:39 AM
I wouldnt take cash either. Safer with traveller cheque.

At least with Visa and Mastercard the bank will cover the losses with their insurance.

30th October 2008, 09:59 AM
My Visa card was done recently, the bank sorted it all out very quickly. Still it's a pain in the ass you could do without! At least your card company seem to be on the ball too Andy.

AndyP & Lenore
30th October 2008, 12:28 PM
On the ball big time Euan.:yes nod:

The only reason so many transactions went through is because we had been in the USA. If we hadn't been out there at all, none of them would have gone through. In addition to the ones that did go through, the nice lady at the card co said that there were a load of transactions that had been declined over the past 2 days.

The USA need to change to chip and pin though. Doubt this would have happened if they had chip and pin. They don't even check your signature over there. The card is swiped and handed straight back to you, no matter what you're buying.:frown:


30th October 2008, 01:04 PM
I have a problem with chip and pin, as I don't think it's any more secure. It's assumed if you have the PIN your the right person, but if your card is cloned you don't need the PIN to buy anything online or over the phone.

Secondly, there was a supermarket where the guy had a cloning thing linked to the keypad, so when you hit the PIN he had that and the card details. There was a petrol station near me where the guy who worked nights swapped the pin machine out with a cloned one, people lost a load of money there (the police to their credit caught the guy and the ringleader there and they are off to court soon).

So yes it's better, but only in that the bad guys have yet to catch up.

30th October 2008, 02:12 PM
Most online transactions also require the 3 digit number off the reverse of the card, so, not all online clones work

30th October 2008, 08:34 PM
gits, scares me things like that.