View Full Version : Karting - Sun 15th Feb 2009

18th October 2008, 08:33 PM
We went karting earlier this year (see THIS THREAD (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=13459) )

I am proposing we go back there on the date above and need DEFINATE numbers who want to go along again. More info on the venue can be found HERE (http://www.xtremekarting.co.uk/Index.stm).

Mini-Grand Prix is what we are looking at and will cost between £37.50 and £42.50 depending on number of people (More people, less money up to a max of 24)

OK, Here are the rules...;)

Only put your name down if you are definately going to attend. I will be booking this in 2 weeks. At that point you will then have 30 days to get your deposit to me (which will be 50% of the price). If you cannot make the date after you have confirmed you want to go, then it is YOUR responsibility to pay for the full amount or find someone else to take your place. :yes nod:

Alan (The Gismo Man) has generously agreed to pay the deposit so we can book at the end of the month, thereby giving you 30 days to get your deposit to me. :thumbs up: Thank you to Alan and NMS for their financial support. ;)

Let the fun begin and will RossP win again, or will CCM or Burple manage to win this time... :Whistle::clap:

UPDATE - 4th Nov.

Booking has now been made. Please make arrangements to have a £20 deposit to me before the end of the month. Racing will start at 12:00hrs on the day. Further arrangements to be made later...

UPDATE 18th January

Only a few weeks to go.... :thumbs up: We will be meeting @ 11:15hrs at the Park'n'Ride car park near the falkirk wheel (next to the Wheel House Restaurant). The post code is FK4 1AD for anyone with sat nav, or google the restaurant for a map, or just ask me for directions.

We are meeting at this time, so that we can get over to the karting (2 mins drive) about 11:30hrs to get your briefing, pay the balance and get your racing by 12 :thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:

Any Questions ?

Names Please
2. Burple (little widdling puppy...) **DEPOSIT PAID**
3. Alan (The Gismo Man) **DEPOSIT PAID**
4. Allan (Mr Scottiedoop) **DEPOSIT PAID**
5. Ian King **DEPOSIT PAID**
6. Sarah (Mrs Ian King some day:thud:) **DEPOSIT PAID**
7. MINI William **DEPOSIT PAID**
8. Brian (William's Dad) **DEPOSIT PAID**
9. Chris Knox (Success Ballast will need to be added) :Whistle:;) **DEPOSIT PAID**
10. Neil **DEPOSIT PAID**
11. Wee (Big) Jase **DEPOSIT PAID**
12. RossP (Defending Champ :clap:) **DEPOSIT PAID**
13. Craig Noble - Pay on the Day
14. Me Julie **DEPOSIT PAID**
15. Russell (RossP's mate) **DEPOSIT PAID**
16. Graeme (Burple's work mate) **DEPOSIT PAID**
17. Steve (Craig's work mate) **DEPOSIT PAID**
18. Crombers **DEPOSIT PAID**

1. Burple's Work Mate (Pay on the day)
2. Mr Mischief (Pay on the day)

AndyP & Lenore
18th October 2008, 08:49 PM
Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes pretty please!!!!:clap:

Just me, Lenore will act as my coach.


18th October 2008, 09:13 PM
Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes pretty please!!!!:clap:

Just me, Lenore will act as my coach.


Is that like a life coach :yawn::smilewinkgrin:

18th October 2008, 10:45 PM
ME ME ME ME ME ME!!! (please!!!) :D:D:D:D:D:D

<widdles like an excited puppy>:laugh::laugh:

19th October 2008, 02:37 AM
<widdles like an excited puppy>:laugh::laugh::frown: sorry mate, i can't make that date.................:Whistle: put my name down :eyes up:

19th October 2008, 04:51 AM
not for me i'm afraid :(

19th October 2008, 09:41 AM
put Allan's name down please.

19th October 2008, 09:55 AM
What's the age limit? if it's 16 Jase may want to join in

19th October 2008, 09:57 AM
:frown: sorry mate, i can't make that date.................:Whistle: put my name down :eyes up:

put Allan's name down please.

Thats you added... cannae believe you can make it Gismo... :eyes up::yawn::yes nod:

19th October 2008, 06:57 PM
Sarah and I please

MINI William
19th October 2008, 07:31 PM
Craig put me and my dad down please :smilewinkgrin:

19th October 2008, 07:58 PM
im game!

19th October 2008, 08:45 PM
Sarah and I please

Craig put me and my dad down please :smilewinkgrin:

im game!

Thanks for your support guys and gal :thumbs up::thumbs up:

thats you all added. :yes nod:

Neil and Lorna
19th October 2008, 08:48 PM
Yes please for me :thumbs up:

Neil. :D:D

19th October 2008, 08:50 PM
Yes please for me :thumbs up:

Neil. :D:D

Jings you took yer time... you must have been working hard unlike yer brother... :thud:;bigwave:;)

thats you added. :thumbs up:

21st October 2008, 01:02 PM
Don't you worry Craig i'll be there to defend my title. Might be plus 1 like the last time my friend Russell and on the side lines my own cheerleader Amy.Bring on the Karting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbs up::clap::p

mini saltire
21st October 2008, 02:12 PM
Me too please, I love not paying for the damage!!!:yes nod:

(I think anyone with a race licence should start from the back):thumbs up:

Big Gordy
21st October 2008, 03:19 PM
(I think anyone with a race licence should start from the back):thumbs up:

Aye......the back of the car park more like:moonie::Whistle:

AndyP & Lenore
21st October 2008, 03:20 PM
Aye......the back of the car park more like:moonie::Whistle:

That wouldn't be fair. By the time he reaches the track, he'll have ripped his rear bumper off, parked the kart on the tyre wall and dented the bonnet.:laugh::moonie:

A.:thumbs up:

Big Gordy
21st October 2008, 03:25 PM
Ooooooooooooo....... very harsh Mr.P:thud:but very true:laugh:

21st October 2008, 03:28 PM
So that's a couple of genuine Mini racers coming??
Bring it on!! :popcorn::laugh::laugh:

Big Gordy
21st October 2008, 03:28 PM
At least the racers wouldn't have to worry about scrutineering:smilewinkgrin:
With Craig and me on race control your can be sure there will be no 'racing incidents' either:ragin:

21st October 2008, 04:29 PM
What's the age limit? if it's 16 Jase may want to join inAhem :Whistle:

21st October 2008, 04:33 PM
Don't you worry Craig i'll be there to defend my title. Might be plus 1 like the last time my friend Russell and on the side lines my own cheerleader Amy.Bring on the Karting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbs up::clap::p

Ok Ross, will put you down just now - let me know asap if Russell is coming... ;)

Me too please, I love not paying for the damage!!!:yes nod:

(I think anyone with a race licence should start from the back):thumbs up:

As per our phone call - no worries and yes ballast will be added just like Mr Knox. :thumbs up:

Ahem :Whistle:

Oops :blush: Sorry chief. Yes the age limit is 16 so I'll add Jase. :yes nod:

mini saltire
21st October 2008, 04:41 PM
That wouldn't be fair. By the time he reaches the track, he'll have ripped his rear bumper off, parked the kart on the tyre wall and dented the bonnet.:laugh::moonie:

A.:thumbs up:

Ooooooooooooo....... very harsh Mr.P:thud:but very true:laugh:

<:hand:quietly adds AndyP and Big Gordy to potential casualty list:hand:>

21st October 2008, 05:23 PM
Oops :blush: Sorry chief. Yes the age limit is 16 so I'll add Jase. :yes nod:Please add Me Julie as well :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
21st October 2008, 05:30 PM
Craig, just spoken to Ross (defending Champ) and says Russell is ok for this. Can you put his name down?

A.:thumbs up:

21st October 2008, 05:34 PM
Please add Me Julie as well :thumbs up:

Craig, just spoken to Ross (defending Champ) and says Russell is ok for this. Can you put his name down?

A.:thumbs up:

Sorted Guys

:thumbs up:


21st October 2008, 06:39 PM
Craig can I be Allans back up driver. It's just if he gets his new knee we are not sure if it will be before or after the new year we reckon everything will be fine for Feb but we are not 100% sure, hopefully find out more tomorrow from the specialist.

If more ladies sign up can we have 2 races one for the guys and one for the girls.???

21st October 2008, 07:10 PM
Craig can I be Allans back up driver. It's just if he gets his new knee we are not sure if it will be before or after the new year we reckon everything will be fine for Feb but we are not 100% sure, hopefully find out more tomorrow from the specialist.

If more ladies sign up can we have 2 races one for the guys and one for the girls.???

Re stepping in for Allan - not a problem. :thumbs up:

as for the girls and boys thing - we would need to speak to them on the day, but you never know.... :Whistle:;)

22nd October 2008, 11:09 AM
Hey Craig,
can you add a +1 for me too please? My mate Graeme who came last time is up for this again too :cool::thumbs up:

Ta :D

23rd October 2008, 05:05 PM
currently have 17 people down as definates for the karting. Still got a week to go before entries "close" :thumbs up:

If we get a minimum of 18 then it is the cheapest at £37.50 each so come on, give me a least one more person, but remember, only put your name down if you can DEFO go as once it is book, YOU are liable for the full amount. ;)

23rd October 2008, 05:23 PM
Ah .......... stick me down mate.

I AM THE <<<< WIDE >>> BALLAST :thumbs up:

There is absolutley no feckin chance that I am gonna be remotely successfull here but p!ss me off on track & I'm gonna mix it :yes nod:;)

23rd October 2008, 05:25 PM
Ah .......... stick me down mate.

I AM THE BALLAST :thumbs up:

There is absolutley no feckin chance that I am gonna be remotely successfull here but p!ss me off & I'm gonna mix it :yes nod:;)

Quality big stuff... :thumbs up: Me and Gordy being Race Control will not see any of your "tactics".... ;):thumbs up:

Oh aye and get yer alloys refurbed !!!! :argh:

23rd October 2008, 05:27 PM
6 places left, then we can start a reserve list for any call offs (if any).. :thumbs up:

2nd November 2008, 08:09 PM
going to book this during the week. Last chance to get your name down. :thumbs up:

4th November 2008, 07:49 PM
Booking made today :thumbs up: The Racing will start at 12:00hrs :cool:

That means your deposits are now due. ;)

please arrange to send me £20 per person by the end of the month. If you want to send me a cheque, just PM me and I will send you my address. I could collect from some on Sunday in Gala if you are there... ;)

Thanks go to Alan for paying the deposit to confirm the booking thus giving us a few weeks to collect the cash :thumbs up:

4th November 2008, 08:05 PM
I'll make a point of catching up with you before the month end to give your the money in person.

AndyP & Lenore
4th November 2008, 08:21 PM
Sunday at the movies for me.:thumbs up:


4th November 2008, 09:56 PM
I'll make a point of catching up with you before the month end to give your the money in person.
Thanks Fi :thumbs up:

Sunday at the movies for me.:thumbs up:


Thought so... ;)

6th November 2008, 11:09 AM
I'll see you , em , err ,,,, wheneverish.

Think I'll post it to you mate :thumbs up:

6th November 2008, 06:08 PM
I'll see you , em , err ,,,, wheneverish.

Think I'll post it to you mate :thumbs up:

no probs, If you don't have my address, let me know and I'll PM it to you.. ;)

7th November 2008, 10:36 AM
dont know how ill get the money to you but i will :thumbs up:

7th November 2008, 08:14 PM
dont know how ill get the money to you but i will :thumbs up:

I'll send you a PM and you can just send me a chq... ;)

9th November 2008, 08:30 PM
Thanks to all those that paid their deposit today for the karting :thumbs up::thumbs up:

Special thanks to Ian King for coming to meet me at Hermiston Gait today - top fella :smilewinkgrin:

9th November 2008, 08:40 PM
Special thanks to Ian King for coming to meet me at Hermiston Gait today - top fella :smilewinkgrin:

No probs

Maxxed Ross
10th November 2008, 04:45 AM
I'll need to check my shift rota, but put me down as a definite maybe dude

Last year was a total blast

10th November 2008, 08:30 AM
I'll need to check my shift rota, but put me down as a definite maybe dude

Last year was a total blast

Will do Ross... :thumbs up:

10th November 2008, 12:28 PM
craig im possibly driving up to aberdeen on friday so i could post it through your letterbox, got your address by pm, know denny resonably well, our school used to destroy denny at basketball a lot hahahahahaha:thumbs up:

mini saltire
10th November 2008, 03:47 PM
Hi Craig,

Just deduct my deposit from my appearance money...You are only due me £2k now :laugh:

Just kidding, I'll get this to your home address.

I will ask the postie to not put it in your large Grit Bin Parcel Holding Device...:moonie:

10th November 2008, 05:41 PM
craig im possibly driving up to aberdeen on friday so i could post it through your letterbox, got your address by pm, know denny resonably well, our school used to destroy denny at basketball a lot hahahahahaha:thumbs up:

ah nae worries, basketball is for lanky streeks of p!sh anyway.. :moonie:;)

looking forward to your check. Any probs finding my house, give me a ring (pm'd you my number) :thumbs up:

10th November 2008, 05:43 PM
Hi Craig,

Just deduct my deposit from my appearance money...You are only due me £2k now :laugh:

Just kidding, I'll get this to your home address.

I will ask the postie to not put it in your large Grit Bin Parcel Holding Device...:moonie:

yeah yeah "Bumper Boy", just get the chq sent... :moonie: (and the bin issue is being dealt with..;))

Maxxed Ross
14th November 2008, 01:28 AM
cheers Craig!

18th November 2008, 06:59 PM
Cash received from Steve at my work.

Crombers, I'll get your cash on Thurs night... (along with a nice Curry I hope.. ;):thumbs up:)

Just 4 left to pay then.... :Whistle:;bigwave:

Maxxed Ross
19th November 2008, 12:52 AM
you know I'm good for it

but if needed I could get my dad to drop it off at some point - I'm back offshore again

19th November 2008, 08:53 AM
you know I'm good for it

but if needed I could get my dad to drop it off at some point - I'm back offshore again

Ross, as you were one of the "extras" you can pay the full amount on the day.... :thumbs up: I don't need anything from you til then. :yes nod:

21st November 2008, 09:25 AM
Crombers, I'll get your cash on Thurs night... (along with a nice Curry I hope.. ;):thumbs up:)

The deal is done & we have 'the wind' to prove it :thumbs up:

22nd November 2008, 03:06 PM

thanks for the cheque - received today. :smilewinkgrin:

That just leaves the 2 professional racing drivers to get their money to me... :thud: :Whistle: :clap:

23rd November 2008, 10:56 AM
That just leaves the 2 professional racing drivers to get their money to me... :thud: :Whistle: :clap:

Is that the same 2 that I'll be 'in their way' :rolleyes: ;) so to speak

23rd November 2008, 11:09 AM
Is that the same 2 that I'll be 'in their way' :rolleyes: ;) so to speak

yeah, like a rolling road block... :laugh::laugh:

23rd November 2008, 11:14 AM
yeah, like a rolling road block... :laugh::laugh:

Yeay :thumbs up:

25th November 2008, 06:15 PM
Mark Dryden and Chris Knox

you are being warned that you have till Monday to get your money to me for the karting, or Alan (The Gismo Man) will be sending round "The Boys" to sort you out...:rolleyes::knife::Whistle:

Don't say you weren't warned... :yes nod::yes nod:

25th November 2008, 09:43 PM
oops! totally forgot about this! ill send a cheque!

25th November 2008, 09:52 PM
oops! totally forgot about this! ill send a cheque!

Good man Chris... :thumbs up::thumbs up:

Already had Mark on the phone begging for forgiveness..... :laugh::laugh:

25th November 2008, 09:52 PM
Good man Chris... :thumbs up::thumbs up:

Already had Mark on the phone begging for forgiveness..... :laugh::laugh:

writing the cheque just now ;) :thumbs up:

25th November 2008, 10:13 PM
Already had Mark on the phone begging for forgiveness..... :laugh::laugh:

writing the cheque just now ;) :thumbs up:-----> gets on the phone, ok boys, back off :knife: :D

25th November 2008, 10:58 PM
-----> gets on the phone, ok boys, back off :knife: :D

there would need to be a few to get past my dog :p

Maxxed Ross
27th November 2008, 12:24 PM
Ross, as you were one of the "extras" you can pay the full amount on the day.... :thumbs up: I don't need anything from you til then. :yes nod:

Coolio :smilewinkgrin:

27th November 2008, 09:09 PM
Craig Noble added so he can beat Mark.... ;):thumbs up:

28th November 2008, 06:11 PM
Checked received today Chris. Thanks :thumbs up:

only 1 left to pay then.... :Whistle::Whistle:

mini saltire
1st December 2008, 08:56 AM
Paid by bacs last wednesday Craig. I put the reference of Karting against the amount. Let me know if its not there today please.

1st December 2008, 11:57 AM
i checked first thing this morning and it wasnt in. Will check when i get home today. :-)

1st December 2008, 12:38 PM

thanks for the cheque - received today. :smilewinkgrin:

That just leaves the 2 professional racing drivers to get their money to me... :thud: :Whistle: :clap:

Oops, just remembered to check out this thread again.. no worries, glad it got there ok :cool:

1st December 2008, 01:04 PM
yeah, like a rolling road block... :laugh::laugh:

if there is a slight gap ill be through it :Whistle:

1st December 2008, 04:54 PM
if there is a slight gap ill be through it :Whistle:

Yeah but it's me & trying to find that gap (or if i'll let you through it) could be 'frustrating' :rolleyes:

1st December 2008, 05:52 PM
Yeah but it's me & trying to find that gap (or if i'll let you through it) could be 'frustrating' :rolleyes:

You better keep yer cheeks clenched in that seat then ;);):laugh::laugh::laugh:

Big Gordy
2nd December 2008, 10:03 AM
You better keep yer cheeks clenched in that seat then

He has to...:eek: its the only way he'll get it in the seat:laugh::p:moonie::thumbs up:

2nd December 2008, 04:33 PM
i know we are late but need to check if cash would be allow us to come

but can me and christine be added ???

can send deposit or pay on day dont mind


2nd December 2008, 06:45 PM
i know we are late but need to check if cash would be allow us to come

but can me and christine be added ???

can send deposit or pay on day dont mind


Thats you added Rob. I don't need cash from you now, just pay on the day as you are extras :thumbs up:

Cheers :yes nod:

2nd December 2008, 06:50 PM
Thats you added Rob. I don't need cash from you now, just pay on the day as you are extras :thumbs up:

Cheers :yes nod:

brill thanx my man will try not get black flags this time :rolleyes:

2nd December 2008, 06:53 PM
brill thanx my man will try not get black flags this time :rolleyes:


MINI William
2nd December 2008, 06:55 PM
brill thanx my man will try not get black flags this time :rolleyes:
Dont you not mean ........ get in Williams way :smilewinkgrin:

2nd December 2008, 06:57 PM
Dont you not mean get in Williams way :smilewinkgrin:

:eek::eek: it was you in my way if i mind :p it was your falt i got a black flag :p well i blame you anyway :hand:

MINI William
2nd December 2008, 09:01 PM
I cant mind now to long ago :smilewinkgrin:.i thought it was because i went into the back of you (got a black flag) and pushed you in to the person infront and got a black flag.but i could be wrong

6th January 2009, 11:25 PM
not long to go now anyone want to meet up for some practice sessions.:p;);)

6th January 2009, 11:39 PM
they currently have 50% off certain events til the end of january... :yes nod:

6th January 2009, 11:42 PM
they currently have 50% off certain events til the end of january... :yes nod:

I think Allan intends to go up for some practice sessions.

16th January 2009, 06:03 PM
Ok folks, not long now to the NMS Grand Prix :yes nod::yes nod:

had a call-off in the shape of Mark Dryden (his back has been playing up and he wants to make sure he is fit for the MINI season). It must be the time of the year for back problems... My fingers are crossed for you Mark and hope your fit for the first race. :yes nod:

This means that first reserve Maxxed Ross is into Marks place. Ross, this nows means that you are comitted to the day. Please let me know if you are unable to make it and I'll get one of the other 3 to take the place :cool:

16th January 2009, 07:11 PM
Whats is it Mark, are you scared I will kick your erse at the karting... or are you scared I will kick your erse if you dont make Kirkistown because of a sore back?!?

17th January 2009, 11:12 AM
I think Allan intends to go up for some practice sessions.

:eek: what!!, just so that I can then get in his way when the real fun begins :D

17th January 2009, 10:18 PM
hi ya mate we are going to have to pull out of this as have a wedding reception the night before :shut up: :argh: so prob wont be up for driving the next day :beer::beer::beer: hope you all have fun :thumbs up:

18th January 2009, 11:46 AM
hi ya mate we are going to have to pull out of this as have a wedding reception the night before :shut up: :argh: so prob wont be up for driving the next day :beer::beer::beer: hope you all have fun :thumbs up:

no worries Rob, if you things change, you can still turn up on the day :thumbs up:

18th January 2009, 12:11 PM
Craig, i mentioned to John about the karting, if you're looking for more folks send him a PM ;)

18th January 2009, 12:13 PM
no worries Rob, if you things change, you can still turn up on the day :thumbs up:

brill just dont want to be over the drink limit for driving :thumbs up: the next morning

18th January 2009, 12:16 PM
And, will we be meeting up anywhere to convoy to the place ?
I'm only asking cause i don't know where it is :blush:

18th January 2009, 02:41 PM
Craig, i mentioned to John about the karting, if you're looking for more folks send him a PM ;)

Cool, Ok will do :thumbs up:

18th January 2009, 02:49 PM
And, will we be meeting up anywhere to convoy to the place ?
I'm only asking cause i don't know where it is :blush:

Yeah, we will be meeting in the Park 'n Ride car park near the Falkirk Wheel like last time (it's easy to find :thumbs up:) If you just put FK4 1AD into your sat nav, it will take you to the Wheel House Restaurant in Falkirk. The Park 'n Ride car park is on the right as you drive in with the restaurant on the left. ;)

Or, you could meet at mine and I'll take you there if you think you'll get lost... :rolleyes::yes nod:

EDIT: - Update on first post for everyone....

18th January 2009, 11:34 PM
I know I'm a late entry but can I put my name down for this???

Got a little karting experience under my belt :Whistle:

Is there a meeting place for a wee convoy through from Dundee area - Burple??? If anybody needs a lift I'll probably be taking the taxi through (if I can join in ;))

19th January 2009, 12:43 PM
I know I'm a late entry but can I put my name down for this???

Got a little karting experience under my belt :Whistle:

Is there a meeting place for a wee convoy through from Dundee area - Burple??? If anybody needs a lift I'll probably be taking the taxi through (if I can join in ;))

your welcome to come and take part - no probs at all. :thumbs up:

19th January 2009, 03:49 PM
I know I'm a late entry but can I put my name down for this???

Got a little karting experience under my belt :Whistle:

Is there a meeting place for a wee convoy through from Dundee area - Burple??? If anybody needs a lift I'll probably be taking the taxi through (if I can join in ;))

Aww man.. you're still trying to get some revenge for that 'Mini' incident aren't you?? lol :laugh::laugh:
Fine by me if anybody wants to meet up round Dundee way for a convoy thru.. :cool::thumbs up: If there's a few i'll start a thread for it :thumbs up:

19th January 2009, 09:14 PM
your welcome to come and take part - no probs at all. :thumbs up:

Yay!! :clap:

Aww man.. you're still trying to get some revenge for that 'Mini' incident aren't you?? lol :laugh::laugh:
Fine by me if anybody wants to meet up round Dundee way for a convoy thru.. :cool::thumbs up: If there's a few i'll start a thread for it :thumbs up:

Not at all, I'm sure I explained that I was weighed down by my passenger Al. The old 1 litre needed all the power:weight that it could get, especially against your wee beastie :Whistle::Whistle::D

I'll keep my eyes peeled if you start a Dundee meet thread, good meeting point at the wee cafe along from Barnetts on Riverside - breakfast:smilewinkgrin:


30th January 2009, 10:00 PM
I will be along to watch the havoc unfold!!!:thumbs up:

30th January 2009, 11:43 PM
I will be along to watch the havoc unfold!!!:thumbs up:

wait a minute - who are you :confused::confused:

glad you found your way back skinny boy :thumbs up:

31st January 2009, 12:00 PM
I will be along to watch the havoc unfold!!!:thumbs up:

Now this is taking things too far.

First he wants to come on Craig's next run & now he wants to come see the karting

I'm away for a lie down :rolleyes:

9th February 2009, 11:27 AM
Craig.. any chance of adding another +1 with me please? I've managed to recruit another moving target ;)

Big Gordy
9th February 2009, 12:08 PM
Craig can you remove Ross from the list. With him changing riggs his shift rota has also changed which means he won't be here for this now:frown:

9th February 2009, 12:38 PM
Craig.. any chance of adding another +1 with me please? I've managed to recruit another moving target ;)


no probs mate. Thats him added and good timing with Ross unable to make it. :thumbs up:

9th February 2009, 12:39 PM
Craig can you remove Ross from the list. With him changing riggs his shift rota has also changed which means he won't be here for this now:frown:

thats a shame - will take him off the list. You still coming along to see the carnage unfold ? ;)

Big Gordy
9th February 2009, 12:46 PM
Yeh should be along at some point :thumbs up:

9th February 2009, 12:56 PM
quite looking forward to this now, think im gonna leave my helmet at home and use their gear so it makes me less of a target! :thumbs up:

9th February 2009, 01:52 PM

no probs mate. Thats him added and good timing with Ross unable to make it. :thumbs up:

cof.. *her*.. :thumbs up:;):D

cheers big man!

9th February 2009, 01:55 PM
cof.. *her*.. :thumbs up:;):D

cheers big man!

ah ok... :blush: Pay on the day :thumbs up:

9th February 2009, 07:06 PM
I see they have a board on the truck offering 25% discount on race events for this week will we qualify for this.?

9th February 2009, 07:28 PM
I see they have a board on the truck offering 25% discount on race events for this week will we qualify for this.?

nope... it doesn't include weekends... :rolleyes: only during the week during the day from what I understand.. ;)

10th February 2009, 12:09 PM
quite looking forward to this now, think im gonna leave my helmet at home and use their gear so it makes me less of a target! :thumbs up:

Eh no, I fully intend to get in your way (often), yer number will be clocked.

This will be mainly in the form of sheer 'girth' or on occassion, poor karting :thumbs up:

10th February 2009, 12:48 PM
Eh no, I fully intend to get in your way (often), yer number will be clocked.

This will be mainly in the form of sheer 'girth' or on occassion, poor karting :thumbs up:

aye.. well just remember to leave a bit of space to let the wee lads thru eh? ;);):laugh::laugh::laugh:

10th February 2009, 04:32 PM
For info.. Anyone heading from Dundee (or more east or north), I'll be stopping at the little cafe/ burger van just West of the Tay Rail bridge in Dundee - along Riverside Drive (the one that's an old rail carraige thingy) before heading thru to Falkirk. The plan is to leave there at 10am to get thru in plenty time.. so if you wanna stop and meet up for a convoy.. feel free to join us! :thumbs up:

10th February 2009, 04:51 PM
For info.. Anyone heading from Dundee (or more east or north), I'll be stopping at the little cafe/ burger van just West of the Tay Rail bridge in Dundee - along Riverside Drive (the one that's an old rail carraige thingy) before heading thru to Falkirk. The plan is to leave there at 10am to get thru in plenty time.. so if you wanna stop and meet up for a convoy.. feel free to join us! :thumbs up:Are you heading through via the A90 Perth etc

10th February 2009, 05:04 PM
Are you heading through via the A90 Perth etc

Yip.. just gonna go the easy route this time ;)

10th February 2009, 05:16 PM
Yip.. just gonna go the easy route this time ;)Then i'll see ya at riverside at 10am, i wont be late :Whistle:

10th February 2009, 05:30 PM
Then i'll see ya at riverside at 10am, i wont be late :Whistle:

Lol.. neither will I... ;) :bigwave: ...there's food on the go! ;)

10th February 2009, 07:48 PM
Lol.. neither will I... ;) :bigwave: ...there's food on the go! ;)

What time does the cafe open?
I'll be there :D

11th February 2009, 10:30 AM
aye.. well just remember to leave a bit of space to let the wee lads thru eh? ;);):laugh::laugh::laugh:

Leaving bits of space is not part of my strategy / race plan :thumbs up:

14th February 2009, 06:12 PM
just a wee reminder people, can those that have already paid a deposit, please bring £17.50 per person (exact money please would make it much easier ;)) and for those that are turning up on the day, £37.50 each. :clap::clap:

should be a good event, especially with the new karts. :yes nod::yes nod:

14th February 2009, 08:44 PM
Have fun tomorrow !!! had been thinking of coming thru to watch but the lure of boozy sunday lunch with the girls wins

14th February 2009, 08:54 PM
Craig I think I might come along to this, not sure if I will be participating or not yet... :D

14th February 2009, 09:11 PM
Craig I think I might come along to this, not sure if I will be participating or not yet... :D

good stuff Ali. Be good to see you again. There is space if you want to play :thumbs up::thumbs up:

15th February 2009, 03:56 PM
Well that was fun :rolleyes: I managed second from last in the looser race. in keeping with my style driving :yes nod:. although I'm sure the extra ballast (me) helped me a great deal. bit of a shame my Allan had to pay the £40 to race only for his glasses to keep steaming up and not race:ragin:(no refunds allowed) as I am sure I could have beat him.;) congrats to the winner:thumbs up:

MINI William
15th February 2009, 07:42 PM
Thanks to craig for organising.Had a great day

15th February 2009, 07:46 PM
Nice one Craig, good way to spend a Sunday :thumbs up:
Thanks to Ian for ramming me from behind :blush:

15th February 2009, 07:48 PM
Thank's Craig for a great day,had a good time ,:computer:

15th February 2009, 08:53 PM
Yup same here, had a great time today thanks Craig. :clap:

15th February 2009, 10:09 PM
Thanks for organising a great event Craig, overall had a good laugh, although a bit disappointed not to have been given a replacement kart in my 2nd heat for the one that misfired it's way round...and annoyed about the c0ck up in the B final where the marshals put the wrong numbers on the karts in the pitlane, and Calum the race director noticed it but didn't stop the race which meant Russell Wheatley & I swapped names (& places) :hand::rolleyes:

It's a shame Allan had to pay full whack for the few laps that he completed, I guess rules can't be broken :ragin:

Oh, and thanks for the aerial - will report as to how it performs, I gave the end of the contact a little sand down to remove a coating of what looked like black plastic, so should help the signal :thumbs up:

Was really good to meet more of you offline & put some faces to the usernames, Alan your GTT sounds superb when you wind it up :D

Looking forward to Thursday :popcorn:

15th February 2009, 10:15 PM
sounds like you guys had a good day :thumbs up:

i was far to hungover:beer::beer: to make it i had only got up 10 minis before gizmo phoned me think i was still drunk hopefull get there next time :D

AndyP & Lenore
16th February 2009, 01:12 AM
Excellent fun today. Many thanks to Craig for organising another great karting event.:thumbs up:

Well done to the days winner Chris Knox, a solid win despite a hangover. Well done also to Craig (MINIMax) Noble, proving not only can he tune MINI's, he can race karts too, taking third place.

All the pics are still on my camera. Been fighting with a new printer trying to get it installed all evening, so I'll try and get the pics up tomorrow after work. Haven't even looked at them yet. Probably all cr@p.:frown:


16th February 2009, 08:15 AM
Thanks for the kind replies :blush:

I had a great day also watching the bumping and bashing... there will be a few with bruises today... :smilewinkgrin: Was also good to catch up with some folk (Big Gordy and Markyc making it along to spectate) :clap::clap:

Feel sorry for you Allan about the problems you had, I just don't see the problem with having the visor up, but rules are rules... lesson learned.. :argh:

Glad you all enjoyed it, might do another one later in the year... :thumbs up:

The result was kinda predictable :Whistle:, but it's obvious that Craig Noble should be driving the MINI's and not turning them after that display... :thud::clap:

16th February 2009, 09:49 AM
Hada great day out yesterday. Thanks Craig for organising it. Next time you need to do the karting though.
Sorry to the boss for bumping into him. It was an accident I promise. :D

16th February 2009, 11:20 AM
another great job on the organising Craig! :cool::thumbs up:
Ace way to spend a Sunday!
4th behind Last time's winner and the 2 racers eh?.. not bad I suppose ;)

Top day out! :D:D:thumbs up:

16th February 2009, 11:24 AM
Thanks to craig. Had a brilliant day. Nursing the sore muscles today. :D:thumbs up:

16th February 2009, 11:31 AM
Thanks to craig. Had a brilliant day. Nursing the sore muscles today. :D:thumbs up:Gald i'm not the only one :Whistle: :blush:

16th February 2009, 11:36 AM
Excellent fun today. Many thanks to Craig for organising another great karting event.:thumbs up:

Well done to the days winner Chris Knox, a solid win despite a hangover. Well done also to Craig (MINIMax) Noble, proving not only can he tune MINI's, he can race karts too, taking second place.

All the pics are still on my camera. Been fighting with a new printer trying to get it installed all evening, so I'll try and get the pics up tomorrow after work. Haven't even looked at them yet. Probably all cr@p.:frown:


Thanks to all involved for a great day, I would of liked to hang around a bit longer to introduce myself to more of you, but I had to run off back to Knockhill... these MINIs wont build themselves unfortunately!

As much as I would love to claim the second place :thumbs up:... I was beaten fair and square into turn 1 and spent the rest of the race having to drive the pants of my kart to stay on the podium and fortunately ran out of laps before running out of luck!!!

AndyP & Lenore
16th February 2009, 01:12 PM
Thanks to all involved for a great day, I would of liked to hang around a bit longer to introduce myself to more of you, but I had to run off back to Knockhill... these MINIs wont build themselves unfortunately!

As much as I would love to claim the second place :thumbs up:... I was beaten fair and square into turn 1 and spent the rest of the race having to drive the pants of my kart to stay on the podium and fortunately ran out of laps before running out of luck!!!

OOps. Fixed.:thumbs up:

Neil and Lorna
16th February 2009, 10:00 PM
Cheers Craig for organising another great day out at the karting :thumbs up:

Neil :D

17th February 2009, 07:41 AM
thanks craig for organising it!

was a fun day out!!

never had so much difficulty passing someone! it was a female, :Whistle: sorry dont know her name :lol: basically her kart was in the right places :clap:

looking forward to seeing the pics :thumbs up:

17th February 2009, 12:41 PM
Yeah talking of pics, our NMS photographer (adopted) was on the case, so where are the pics then sir? :Whistle:

17th February 2009, 04:51 PM
Thanks Craig for a great day yesterday!
You should see the bruises I have, at least I bet Ian :clap:

Big Gordy
17th February 2009, 05:04 PM
Well if it isn't Sarah MANROW:Whistle::moonie:

Big Gordy
17th February 2009, 05:05 PM
You should see the bruises I have

I hope they were from the karting:eek::eek::eek::smilewinkgrin:

18th February 2009, 04:58 PM
I hope they were from the karting:eek::eek::eek::smilewinkgrin:

I can assure you they are!
It wasn't Ian being annoyed that I bet him :smilewinkgrin:

AndyP & Lenore
18th February 2009, 08:15 PM
Yeah talking of pics, our NMS photographer (adopted) was on the case, so where are the pics then sir? :Whistle:

Sent to the boss man. He's going to put them in an official gallery on the main site. In his hands now.


18th February 2009, 10:13 PM
Yeah talking of pics, our NMS photographer (adopted) was on the case, so where are the pics then sir? :Whistle:

Sent to the boss man. He's going to put them in an official gallery on the main site. In his hands now.

A.:DAll available from the Gallery (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/New_Mini_Scotland/Gallery.html)

18th February 2009, 10:55 PM
All available from the Gallery (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/New_Mini_Scotland/Gallery.html)

Nice action shots, well chuffed I got in 3 pics :thumbs up::clap:

AndyP & Lenore
18th February 2009, 11:33 PM
All available from the Gallery (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/New_Mini_Scotland/Gallery.html)

Where's the group shot? There's only 29 pics there. I uploaded 33. Did some not get to the server?:confused:


18th February 2009, 11:40 PM
I thought :blush::blush: Kart = racing suit = pictures = yikes = phew = my pictures could have been worse.:laugh::laugh:

Only today have I been able to use my stapler at work couldn't squeeze the dam thing as my arms and hands have been aching.:frown::frown:

18th February 2009, 11:50 PM
Where's the group shot? There's only 29 pics there. I uploaded 33. Did some not get to the server?:confused:

A.:DOnly 29 in the folder, missing is 30 - 33

AndyP & Lenore
18th February 2009, 11:56 PM
Only today have I been able to use my stapler at work couldn't squeeze the dam thing as my arms and hands have been aching.:frown::frown:

PMSL. Suffering the same problem.:blush:


AndyP & Lenore
18th February 2009, 11:56 PM
Only 29 in the folder, missing is 30 - 33

Weird.:confused: Will have a look when I go upstairs.


20th February 2009, 01:55 PM
Just also wanted to mention that i was disappointed with the karting place not offering a refund or even a partial one to Allan due to his glasses steaming up.

The more i think about it the more it annoys me, for them to say that once someone takes to the track they then must pay full price isn't really fair cause until Allan actually tried it he wouldn't know his glasses would steam up :frown:
No use offering vouchers as he'll have the same problem, poor show :ragin:

I certainly won't be passing on any good news from that side of their facility

20th February 2009, 02:08 PM
At the 2 karting places i go to you are allowed to have your visor up if you want. Bit of a shame they ruined it for you

20th February 2009, 02:09 PM
I think we know where to go next time.... :Whistle:

<cof RACELAND cof> :Whistle::clap:

20th February 2009, 02:10 PM
yeah Alan, that bugged me aswell, but not really sure what jumping up and down with them would have done. Lesson learned and one that may not be repeated. It wasted Allan's day.. :frown:

20th February 2009, 02:26 PM
yeah Alan, that bugged me aswell, but not really sure what jumping up and down with them would have done. Lesson learned and one that may not be repeated. It wasted Allan's day.. :frown:Certainly won't be so keen to go back and I certainly won't recommend it to anyone :frown:

20th February 2009, 07:24 PM
while I understand in this day and age you have to be aware of everything to do with safety. Allan wears glasses so if anything was going to ping up from the track it would hit his glasses and not his eyes but I guess it's their rules.

I do know that Allan was gutted and had looked forward to this for some time as it's been a while for him to do this stuff with all the trouble he had with his knee more gutted that he couldn't get a decent shot rather than not getting his money refunded so any karting event that has different rules I know he would be first in the Q.

Me I want a track with straight lanes and not a lot of corners:blush::blush: I can't do the corners, bad enough to get in the kart 100 times worse to get out:Whistle::Whistle: even with good arms never mind how week they felt after all those corners.:frown::frown:

20th February 2009, 09:27 PM
I think we know where to go next time.... :Whistle:

<cof RACELAND cof> :Whistle::clap:

Oh aye, definitely....I had a great time last night, finally got home at 23.55 :D

Was good to meet more of the people behind the helmets in the SMCC, top blokes :thumbs up: apart from that Noble guy....kept gettin in my road :laugh::lol::laugh:

OUTDOORS next time :clap:

Thanks to Vic for a superb evening...and the tab on the cafe was the icing on the cake :thumbs up:

Cheers & good luck for this season.

21st February 2009, 12:09 AM
Oh aye, definitely....I had a great time last night, finally got home at 23.55 :D

Was good to meet more of the people behind the helmets in the SMCC, top blokes :thumbs up: apart from that Noble guy....kept gettin in my road :laugh::lol::laugh:

OUTDOORS next time :clap:

Thanks to Vic for a superb evening...and the tab on the cafe was the icing on the cake :thumbs up:

Cheers & good luck for this season.

did you speak to me? :blush: i cant remember :lol:

5th March 2009, 03:28 PM

Glad to see so many of you enjoyed the karting event, but dissapointed to see the issue with Allan ruined it?

To be fair to the guys running the event they are instructed to ensure visors are down, as this is dictated to us by the National Karting Asociation to prevent debris (dirt / tyre rubber usually) getting into perticipants eyes. This is a difficult balance as you are dammed if you do, dammed if you dont.

We have never had a problem before with someones glasses steaming up to the extent that they have pulled out. I have spoken to the manager who was on that day and they did say to Allan to put his visor up a bit more and to ensure his balaclava was pulled down below his mouth (as this forces the hot air up onto glasses) - I believe he did go out again but obviously this did not solve the problem.

I am not sure what Allan's user name is? If he gets in touch with either myself or Scott at the centre on 01324 579797 then we will sort this out directly with Allan.

Hope to see you all again in the future.



mini saltire
5th March 2009, 03:57 PM
:laugh::thumbs up:Love the T-Shirt craig!!

5th March 2009, 04:35 PM
OUTDOORS next time :clap:

Oooohhhhhhhh yeeeaaahhhhh!!!! That's a great track outdoors! :cool::thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:

5th March 2009, 10:45 PM
:laugh::thumbs up:Love the T-Shirt craig!!

aye, not bad eh... :yes nod:

6th March 2009, 06:00 AM

Glad to see so many of you enjoyed the karting event, but disappointed to see the issue with Allan ruined it?

I am not sure what Allan's user name is? If he gets in touch with either myself or Scott at the centre on 01324 579797 then we will sort this out directly with Allan.

Hope to see you all again in the future.


BarrieOver to you Fi :thumbs up: fingers crossed for a satisfactory result

6th March 2009, 10:44 PM
Allan called yesterday told to call back today around 12 as it was the best time to gets the guys he need to speak to in. Tried calling back today no answer and then it was after the time he was told to phone. He will try again on Monday will up date with any news should we get the guys in.

6th March 2009, 11:02 PM

Both Scott and I were in from 10 till 4.45pm today?

Sorry but I didnt get any messages re missed calls.

Allan - am off this weekend (Knockhill tomorrow :D), Scott is in Sun morning but we have a large event in, will be in Mon 10m till 10 - prob best to get us on Mon? If we are on a call leave a message and we'll call you back?


6th March 2009, 11:04 PM
Ok no probs will do.

27th March 2009, 09:04 AM
Fi, what was the outcome :computer:

27th March 2009, 07:15 PM
Fi, what was the outcome :computer:

we forgot all about it TBH when Allan hurt himself:blush: not really bothered.:D