View Full Version : MINI Adventure............went horribly wrong

15th October 2008, 08:14 PM
WARNING : Graphic MINI content

Mid-morning today I was working away & informed by one of my staff that a car had just crashed through our perimeter fence. First thought was that it was kids tearing round the industrial estate in a TWOC'd car. Then I thought maybe it's Al Quaeida :eek:

Went to investigate the car park and found nothing....then ventured round the side of the building and found this :eyes up:








She's flattened the concrete fence support, dragging it along underneath pulling off lots of trim, brake lines & part of the exhaust, plus a dented sump. The bonnet & bumper are obviously wrecked, the airbags both went off & she's lost a mirror & scratched the driver's door when she opened it to get out. Don't think it'll be ready for her drive back down to Birmingham next week. :frown:

Poor girl says her brakes failed as she parked up - only had the car 2 weeks. Her boyfriend added that he'd driven it earlier and said to her they felt a bit soft, she said they were always like that :frown: She was lucky though, 5 foot either way & she'd have been through one of the windows, dropping down about 7 foot in the process & she would've hit one of two blenders which contain around 1 tonne of material each. That would've been nasty. I was lucky too, 20mins before she crashed I was working at that window :eek:

The Police were very impressive, on the scene in 2mins - must've been at a local cafe for a tea break...said it was the most interesting RTA they'd been at for a while :hand:

15th October 2008, 08:31 PM
Brakes Failed while parking up!!!!!!

Now why was she trying to park at 40mph???

Didn't realise there was parking at that part of Dunsinane, probably been watching one too many mini adverts :argh:

As you say lucky you werent at the window

15th October 2008, 08:46 PM
Brakes Failed while parking up!!!!!!

Now why was she trying to park at 40mph???

Didn't realise there was parking at that part of Dunsinane, probably been watching one too many mini adverts :argh:

As you say lucky you werent at the window

Maybe she watched The Italian Job again last night :Whistle:

Going to be an expensive claim as the warehouse wall is cracked & is going to have a structural surveyor look at it to see whether it needs rebuilt :argh:

15th October 2008, 11:38 PM
WTF think she must have pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake cos she must have been going pretty fast :frown:Dont know about the brakes failing story but at least no one was hurt except the poor wee mini :eek:

16th October 2008, 05:59 AM
Air bags work

16th October 2008, 08:24 AM
I can't see the pictures, sounds great tho :cool:

Works dull as.....so could someone put it up so i can see :computer: not photobucket, flicker works, ta......

16th October 2008, 08:50 AM
How did she do that!!!!!


16th October 2008, 10:15 AM
That's crazy! the hole in the fence doesn't even line up with where she hit the wall! :confused: ...And by 'parking up' does she mean 'Doing a Russ Swift'??? :D:D

16th October 2008, 10:59 AM
how many laps of knockhill had she completed before hand? was she using mintex 1166's??

glad shes ok tho!:thumbs up:

16th October 2008, 11:05 AM

Glad the driver is safe :thumbs up:

16th October 2008, 11:35 AM
Poor wee mini! :frown:

16th October 2008, 11:56 AM
I'm sure she could have tried the hand brake :frown:

16th October 2008, 11:57 AM
now that is bad brakes failing while parking and went that far i dont think so think some one is tellin porkies

but glad no one hurt

now did you tell here about new mini scotland ????:laugh::laugh:

for when its fixed :rolleyes::D

16th October 2008, 11:57 AM
I'm sure she could have tried the hand brake :frown:


16th October 2008, 03:44 PM
Ouchie ... sore one, poor little mini!

16th October 2008, 04:19 PM
Not saying this is the case but it looks like she thought she was pressing the brake and it was the accelerator and when it took off she decided she was right and pressed the accelerator more thinking it was still the brake…………..hence total carnage….that impact was not brake failure there must have been added power after the fence to take out that wall………

Main thing shes ok.............poor sole and her mini in a mess...

16th October 2008, 06:37 PM
I'm sure she could have tried the hand brake :frown:

We thought they'd maybe been mucking about trying handbrake turns etc, but there's no skidmarks at all on the road surface & it's not a throughfare so there's a fair bit of gravel which it'd show up on.

I thought she might have hit the throttle too but again, there's no sign of the wheels spinning at all on the grass or when she'd hit the wall (she'd probably still have had her foot hard down at that stage if she thought it was the brake). Think about how you park sometimes - turn into a space & then throw out the anchor to stop. Maybe they did fail :eyes up:

Only other thing we thought of was that she was going for an insurance claim, bad move if she was as the building's going to cost a fair bit for the insurance :yes nod:

It was an entertaining morning though :clap:

16th October 2008, 06:39 PM
now did you tell here about new mini scotland ????:laugh::laugh:

for when its fixed :rolleyes::D

She really wasn't in the mood to hear about NMS, she was having a hard enough time with all our staff coming round to gloat - then the Police arrived & started cracking jokes which didn't go down well with her :shut up::laugh:

16th October 2008, 06:43 PM
That's crazy! the hole in the fence doesn't even line up with where she hit the wall! :confused: ...And by 'parking up' does she mean 'Doing a Russ Swift'??? :D:D

It's come from the right at a slight angle. She's nailed one of the concrete posts almost centrally which took down two sections of fence & then the first wall has spun the back end of the car round slightly making it look as if it's hit it square on.

Never thought of any Russ Swift jokes while they were there, dammit :D