View Full Version : Dr. ColorChip System

15th October 2008, 02:47 PM
First appologies to the fact that I don't actualy have any photos, I couldn't find the camera :frown:, however I have a few areas that have still to be done which I intend to do this weekend (weather permitted) so I will post photos up here at the weekend!

This is a quick reveiw and my experiance of using this Dr. ColorChip system

I was introduced to this Dr. ColorChip by Burple, i posted a comment moaning that stones and the like crap seem to target my car, causing chips etc in the paintwork. He posted a reply about this Dr. ColorChip saying that someone he knew had heard it works really well.

For those who don't know what Dr. ColorChip is:

Dr. ColorChip is a kit which allows you to fill/paint small to medium chips and scratches in your paintwork. The kit consists of paint which is mixed on order to match the colour of your car (you supply the colour code), brushes to apply the paint, a cloth and a paint remover substance to remove excess paint.

Basically you apply the paint over the chip or scratch, leave for a couple of mins to dry and then apply the SealAct blending solution to remove excess paint from around the area.

See the website for more and full details http://www.drcolorchip.com/

My Experiance

Ok, so me being a bit of a perfectionist...well actualy a BIG perfectionist, I was gutted about the small road rash chips I had on my front bumper/bonnet amoungst small others around the car. Having tried most things I thought, what the hell, its worth a shot! Although it may seem quite expensive (depending on what kit you go for) as well as postage it worked out for me around (£55 I think) and despite it comming all the way from America, it only took 3 days to get to me!

Being very skeptical about it, although having read miracles about it, I wasnt exactly sure what results to expect!
Anyway, it arrived and I had a bit of spare time so I washed the car and cauciously proceded to try it out!

I tried out a small area first (a small chip just to the right of my left headlight) i cleaned the chip with some alcholbased cleaning agent to ensure all dirt, wax etc was remove from the chip. I then applied a small amount of paint over the chip, brushing it on and leaving to dry. At this stage I was sh*ting it, thinking that it was actualy going to dry in this stage and look like a 2 year old had tried to touch it up! However, I sweated out the few minutes til I couldn't take anymore, I applied a small amount of the paint remover SealAct to an old t shirt and gently rubbed, letting the solution do the work, over the chip removing the excess paint. Then buffed with the supplied cloth removing the rest of the solution. Right enough, the solution took the excess paint of without any hessitation! For my first shot the result was pretty unbeliveable!

As I done a few other small areas I became more confident and better at it. For larger areas such as road rashed areas with lots of small chips, the paint can be smeared on with an old cloth or t shirt in my case and removed with the paint remover solution. I cleaned every area I did with the alcholbased cleaning agent just to ensure all areas were free as much as possible of dirt, wax, etc.

The results

The bit that probably most of you are interested in....
Well, to be honest, as I said I didn't know what to expect and I doubted the results would be up to my standards :D
How wrong could I be? Very! I did reserve judgment!
Once I had the hang of it, the results are actualy quite unbeliavable. I don't think there is any product out there that could produce such a good job as this, unless it was actualy getting a re-spray! It leaves no marks, blobs or anything on the existing paintwork and fills most if not all chips. For slightly larger chips the process can be carried out a few times in order to fully fill the chip, smaller chips and scratches usualy fill first time (provided you don't apply to much pressure when removing the excess paint).

Having a black car, the road rash on the front, bonnet and bumper, was very visable when the car was clean, after applying the system its unnoticable!!! It honestly is, even when you look very close, its almost impossible to tell! Small chips and scratches are practicly gone! Slightly larger ones are gone to anyone who never know they were there! As I know where they used to be, if I look VERY closely and hard, I can just make them out. However after a good polish and wax.....I think you would need a microscope to find them.

Overall the result is actualy excellent, I would recogmend it to anyone! The only better solution is a re-spray!

If anyone has any questions or whatever about, feel free to ask :D


15th October 2008, 02:57 PM
Ive got it for my Civic and it was awesome

15th October 2008, 03:43 PM
Really interesting might try this also got some chips and scratches on my car :frown: Looking forward to seeing your pics and glad this worked for you :D

16th October 2008, 04:30 PM
Someone should master it and buy the stuff for the mini colours……..

Mini touch up Scotland……

I need a few chips done on my silver Mini.

16th October 2008, 06:54 PM
Cool, really looking forward to seeing your pics.

£55 for no road rash sounds a bargain to me :D

21st October 2008, 10:39 AM
Ok, due to the fact that i was slightly hungover on sat and then it peeed down on sunday i never quite got round to washing and doing this haha...:D...so when i do...i will get some pics up :smilewinkgrin: