View Full Version : My Nightmare

13th October 2008, 07:35 PM

My Nightmare! I’m telling you I’m so bad I worked out after the car got scuffed it was the Postman and now position my car on the drive so his quickest route and direct does not go near the wee sole….Sad………..

it easy spotting my car its the one sitting miles away from the Super Markets front doors.........:argh:

3rd November 2008, 12:49 AM
Wouldn't worry about it. I'd put money on it that the majority of folk on here have similar habits when it comes to protecting their precious minis. self included ;)

7th November 2008, 02:55 PM
people who use 2 parking spaces piss me off though :moonie:

7th November 2008, 03:58 PM
When I'm at work I take two spaces or use parent and child spaces infront of the empty retail unit next to us.

Scum bags caused £600 worth of damage to side of my and just drive off... they wont be getting to do it again! :shut up::p

7th November 2008, 07:14 PM
I always tried to find a space away in a corner but then just gave up as I always came back to car parked next to me now I try to find Aston Martins or the likes to park next to.;bigwave::thumbs up:

8th November 2008, 09:42 AM
I look for the bigger spaces :thumbs up:

8th November 2008, 11:21 AM
I usually end up parking in a far corner and having what feels like a mile from the shop, good exercise :p

Mon the fish
9th November 2008, 09:37 AM
I bought a car for a few hundred quid just to take to the shops/dump/etc to avoid this - the Mini only goes out now for proper drives.

Its great to park a car and not give a monkey's about it. And because its a Volvo, it'll always win any 'car park arguments' :smilewinkgrin:

9th November 2008, 10:39 AM
Yup, I always park well away from the entrance, and if possible in a corner beside a kerb so that if some does get a little heavy handed with a their door (idiots!) it's reduces the chances of it happening as I'll only ever have one car beside me!! :ragin:

I also like to park at the top of hills - to stop the flying shopping trolleys which I have seen strike cars too many times for my liking!! :frown: :frown:

And of course - fold in the wing mirrors!

Not sad at all am I?!

9th November 2008, 10:46 AM
I park in the nearest slot to the entrance i can find :thumbs up: makes getting in and out of the shop quicker :Whistle: