View Full Version : Hey all

29th September 2008, 10:21 AM
Hey Ladies & Gents,

Just signed up to the site and wanted to say "HI" to everyone.

Will get pics up of my Mini soon, I'm building a car for next seasons Scottish Cooper Cup. Building her from a standard road going Cooper so she'll get worse before starting to look better.

Does anyone here take part or go along to watch the racing?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy your monday! :argh:

Hamish :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2008, 10:30 AM
Hey Hamish and :welcome:

We have a few regulars here from the Scottish Cooper Cup. Mark Dryden, Craig Pearson and Chris Knox come to mind initially. Also Craig Noble is fairly regular these days. Craig runs one of the teams of cars on the track.

I run a site called www.motorsportphotographic.com and cover all the SMRC meets, so there's always loads of pics from each meet on the site.

And in general there are a few of us who also go along to support our fellow MINI owners. Craig D, Big Gordy and ScottieDoop in particular.

You're in good company.:thumbs up:


29th September 2008, 10:33 AM
Hey Andy, thanks, I've seen your site, looks good.

I know Craig Noble, he's been sorting some bits and pieces for me.

So your a Gala man? I'm just 18 miles south of you ;)

Thanks for the welcome, so far so good with the site.

I should be up at the last meeting so maybe meet some of you there.


29th September 2008, 10:36 AM
:welcome: good luck with the racing and watch out for Mark Dryden trying to steal your bumpers :rolleyes:

AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2008, 10:42 AM
Hey Andy, thanks, I've seen your site, looks good.

I know Craig Noble, he's been sorting some bits and pieces for me.

So your a Gala man? I'm just 18 miles south of you ;)

Thanks for the welcome, so far so good with the site.

I should be up at the last meeting so maybe meet some of you there.



29th September 2008, 10:44 AM


29th September 2008, 10:46 AM
thanks for the warning on Mark Dryden... he'll be miles ahead anyway!

Yup sure am Andy... for my sins! Although I dont get involved with the Hawick / Gala rivalry haha.

29th September 2008, 10:46 AM
thanks stoney... appreciated.

Mini Ecosse
29th September 2008, 11:10 AM
:welcome: ;bigwave:

AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2008, 11:12 AM
thanks for the warning on Mark Dryden... he'll be miles ahead anyway!

Yup sure am Andy... for my sins! Although I dont get involved with the Hawick / Gala rivalry haha.


I may live in Gala, I'm Edinburgh born and have lived a few places around Scotland before settling here, so there's no rivalry from me either.

So, are you new to motor racing or have you raced before?


29th September 2008, 11:36 AM
thanks mini ecosse... damn everyones so friendly on here :smilewinkgrin:

I'm new to racing Andy, my next race at knockhill will be my first haha. although i have to admit i'm having great fun building the car.

Are you up at the last meeting at knockhill?

I'll not have my car ready until next season now, but have been to the rounds this year spectating and getting a feel for it. Professional looking series and i'm really excited to be getting involved.

may need some pics etc off you next year... my official photographer perhaps haha?

29th September 2008, 11:37 AM
i fancy doing the racing but dont have the money to do it so just takeing my car on knockhill 2morow for a thrashing :thumbs up::thumbs up:

hope you get on well :thumbs up::thumbs up:

29th September 2008, 11:42 AM
A lot of us have managed a good few of the rounds this year, we sometimes get to park in the lower paddock so, if you were ever down there you might have seen a load of our cars parked up.

Good luck for the last race :thumbs up:

29th September 2008, 11:51 AM
thanks stoney... i've been wanting to race since i could talk but only now getting the time to do it... been doing quite a bit of saving too, although building the car is costing enough!

Cheers Andy, car will be ready for 1st round of the 2009 season so i'll be at the last meeting watching.

If anyone else is there to watch :popcorn: the racing I'll come say hello.

Cheers :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2008, 12:17 PM
Hamish, I'll be at the last meeting, providing we don't get any last minute staff shortages at work.

A.:thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
29th September 2008, 12:26 PM
:D Hi & Welcome :D Hoping to make it to some of next years races :cool:

29th September 2008, 03:30 PM
Welcome Hamish

good to see another guy giving it a go in the Racing Series :thumbs up:

All I would say is watch our for Mark Dryden popping up behind you - he has a knack for crumpling bonnets... :thud:;)

As AndyP says, I normally make the race meetings, but away on holiday for the one in Oct.. :frown: Should be a good finish to the season as I think 2 or 3 guys can still win the championship. :yes nod::yes nod:

All the best ;)

29th September 2008, 07:15 PM
Thanks Duncan look forward to meeting you next year then if not before! :smilewinkgrin:

Andy, let me know for sure if your going (when you know) and I'll say hey!

Cheers Gismo... wish I had a road going Mini now! Gonna be ages before I get out to play! :argh:

Haha Craig... whats this all about with Mark Dryden, seems to be a conspiracy against him haha. I shall watch my rear, although probably will only see him as he comes round to lap me haha. Thanks for the well wishes... look forward to meeting you next year then too! :smilewinkgrin:

29th September 2008, 07:53 PM
:welcome: Hamish. Enjoy the site.

29th September 2008, 07:55 PM
Thank you CCM, excellent so far :smilewinkgrin:

29th September 2008, 10:15 PM
:welcome:.......Im a Gala man so I may see you going about....have fun:thumbs up:

29th September 2008, 10:34 PM
Hi Hamish ;bigwave: Best of luck with the racing :D

29th September 2008, 10:41 PM
Welcome to NMSland :cool:

Have been to a few Knockhill meets last year & one so far this year. Planning to be at the next one in two weeks so make yersel known :thumbs up:

29th September 2008, 11:23 PM
hey Condor, nice one... I'm in Hawick, wishing my Mini was road legal at the moment, had a great drive back to the borders when i bought it... ace car. Will be great getting it out on the track for the first time.

Hi Audrey, thank you, :smilewinkgrin:

Alright Crombers... should I just keep a look out for your motor? I'll be at the last meeting all being well.

Gawd, i'm gonna be meeting loads of you by the looks of things! haha, excellent stuff.


29th September 2008, 11:33 PM
:welcome: Hi Hamish, fancy meeting you here... PM sent :thumbs up:.

29th September 2008, 11:41 PM
alright Craig... PM received and healthy sized reply sent back hahaha:eyes up:

30th September 2008, 12:16 AM

30th September 2008, 07:42 AM
Just an idea, but, it may be interesting to show us in the gallery how you're road car transforms into a race car :thumbs up:

30th September 2008, 08:59 AM
Thanks OO04BES... I like your plate!

Hey Gismo, I have been taking pics for my own history of the progress so will get a Gallery going for sure, thats a good idea... it will be nice to see her develop.

I feel a bit quilty though, she was a really clean and tidy road car to start with, my mother wants to disown me!!! She loved the car hahaha