View Full Version : Doune Hillclimb

Big Gordy
24th September 2008, 12:09 PM
Who's all going up to the Doune Hillclimb this weekend......:Whistle:
Anybody got any idea how much it is to attend....last time I went it was a tenner I think:smilewinkgrin:

24th September 2008, 12:20 PM
Thinking about it for Sunday... but not sure yet.

I thought it was about £8, but it's a while since I've been.

24th September 2008, 01:14 PM
I am thinking about going up this weekend, but their website says nothing about how much to get in... :frown:

what is the format for the weekend? Practice on Sat and racing on Sun?

Mark D - could you possibly enlighten us?

ta :thumbs up:

24th September 2008, 01:21 PM
I know I'm not Mark D, but I have a little experience of these things... :smilewinkgrin:

It's usually practice on Saturday, sometimes squeeze an extra practice in on Sunday morning (depends on weather and entry numbers), and then official timed runs on the Sunday.

However, things may have changed since I retired!

mini saltire
25th September 2008, 09:48 AM
No Smurf, things haven't changed at all and you are correct in what you have said. The only thing I don't have yet is the timetable. I was speaking to our resident Hill Climber (Knox18) and he reckons you get the timetable through this Friday via mail. I will post up as soon as I know. As for how much it is to get in I have no idea :confused:

All I know is it looks very quick up a very narrow track... The Minis will be the slowest thing up the hill this weekend but it should be great fun and Mike Connon's record of 56.01 should fall now the cars are lighter.:thumbs up:

25th September 2008, 03:05 PM
saturday is free, and when you sign on just grab as many bands as you can mark. ive had about 9 before haha! IIRC its 12 quid to get in, bit steep but when you stand at oak tree and see the single seaters coming past you @ 140 mph its like nothing you've ever seen before!

the mini's will be far from the slowest up there! there is plently of classes that dont break the 60 sec barrier.

i reckon the times will fall to a high 54 :thumbs up: if its dry!

usual format for the brittish championship weekend is

3 runs on the saturday

if there is time they run a 4th practise on the sunday

then all hell breaks loose ;)

the top 10 run offs are good to watch!

25th September 2008, 04:14 PM
54 seconds eh... is that you planning on missing the last 2 again Chris??? :Whistle:

25th September 2008, 05:28 PM
I'll be there! As well as watching the motors flying up the hill (come on the Marky D!) I'm looking forward to Mr. Noble finding out the coded secrets of my ever-present wee engine emissions light - in between fettling 3 competitors MINIS! If you see/hear G3 ELF going up the hill, it means I'm lost (again). Come to think about it, I'm probably OVER the hill these days.....

25th September 2008, 06:02 PM
Defo going on Sun. :smilewinkgrin:

look forward to seeing the program for the weekend. :cool:

25th September 2008, 07:21 PM
<whispers> my quickest time up that brown-pant-inducing but huge-grin-making hill was 51.99 secs

Should be there on Sunday, with picnic (weather's gonna be nice I hope!)

See you guys there maybe!

25th September 2008, 07:23 PM
I'm going both days. If the weather is nice I'll be in the Mini if not I'll be in the 4x4 (i've seen that field when it's been raining):argh::argh:

25th September 2008, 10:34 PM
I am thinking about going up this weekend, but their website says nothing about how much to get in... :frown:

what is the format for the weekend? Practice on Sat and racing on Sun?

Mark D - could you possibly enlighten us?

ta :thumbs up:

Hey Craig if it helps I know a way of getting in for nothing:smilewinkgrin: not that I would do that you understand.:Whistle: (although the landscape may have changed in the past few years.):blush:

25th September 2008, 10:46 PM
hey craig if it helps i know a way of getting in for nothing:smilewinkgrin: Not that i would do that you understand.:whistle: (although the landscape may have changed in the past few years.):blush:

lol ;)

25th September 2008, 11:02 PM

oak tree flat in the wet in my ax :smilewinkgrin: takes balls!

50.4 is my pb in the ax but its 300 kg lighter and has 20hp more! by sunday i reckon the times will fall to a very high 54 or a low 55:D

26th September 2008, 08:40 AM
Nice wee vid!

Of COURSE oak tree is flat... :Whistle::smilewinkgrin:

I was usually a couple of seconds slower than the rest of my class, unless it rained, when they all slowed down and I didn't!! :thumbs up:

Looking forward to Sunday.

mini saltire
26th September 2008, 11:57 AM
Hey Craig if it helps I know a way of getting in for nothing:smilewinkgrin: not that I would do that you understand.:Whistle: (although the landscape may have changed in the past few years.):blush:


If I see you coming down the hill wrong way on one of my timed runs....;)

Big Gordy
26th September 2008, 01:18 PM

If I see you coming down the hill wrong way on one of my timed runs....;)

You'll need yet another bonnet...:moonie::Whistle:

mini saltire
26th September 2008, 01:50 PM
You'll need yet another bonnet...:moonie::Whistle:

<rushes off to delete big gordy's friend request!!> :laugh:

Big Gordy
27th September 2008, 05:43 PM
Fi you still going tomorrow...seeing as you didn't go today:Whistle:(well I didn't see you anyway) If so pm me your mob number or give me a call:thumbs up: I won't manage tomorrow so may have 2 tickets going cheep:cool:

27th September 2008, 06:46 PM
well done today guys. :thumbs up:

Knox and Vic - you guys were really on it thro Oak, cannae believe how close you were to the barrier. :thud:

Mark D - good going, just don't lift in Oak :smilewinkgrin:

Might see you all again tomorrow, depends what the boss wants to do... :eyes up:

Knox - I'll get those contact details from you of one of your sponsors, I know they do a great job. :thumbs up:

27th September 2008, 08:26 PM
Fi you still going tomorrow...seeing as you didn't go today:Whistle:(well I didn't see you anyway) If so pm me your mob number or give me a call:thumbs up: I won't manage tomorrow so may have 2 tickets going cheep:cool:

yes defo going. Did set out to go today but things just got away from us to much to do not enough time.

Big Gordy
27th September 2008, 08:50 PM
OK I'll be along in 15 mins....get the kettle on:thumbs up:

27th September 2008, 09:21 PM
Thanks BG.:thumbs up:

27th September 2008, 10:55 PM
going tomorrow around lunchtime. See you all there. :thumbs up:

29th September 2008, 12:44 PM
well done today guys. :thumbs up:

Knox and Vic - you guys were really on it thro Oak, cannae believe how close you were to the barrier. :thud:

Mark D - good going, just don't lift in Oak :smilewinkgrin:

Might see you all again tomorrow, depends what the boss wants to do... :eyes up:

Knox - I'll get those contact details from you of one of your sponsors, I know they do a great job. :thumbs up:

cheers for the comments, yeah holding oak tree flat is a good feeling!

0141 420 6063 ask for michael remember and mention me :thumbs up:

29th September 2008, 12:53 PM
great weekend!

usual sitting about but at least it was mainly dry!

bit disapointed i never managed a high 52 but the back came round on garden gate on my final run and scrubbed my speed off goin up the tunnel :argh:

glad gavin was ok, few of us were a bit concered when gavin wasnt getting out of the car after about a minute and the marshal was running back to get the fire extinguisher.

as mark said willie struth " father of the year "

" he's ok, he only rolled once ":eek::laugh::laugh: some comment!

didnt get a good look at the car after it was on 4 wheels again, not sure of how likely the chance of getting it out for the last round.

hope everyone enjoyed it. if i still have my ax next year ill let someone double enter it with me, if anyone fancies it



29th September 2008, 02:41 PM
First time at Doune & wholly :eek: feck, you guys are good.

Flat out with no lifting at Oak takes balls & as for the corner after Oak, Jaysus !!!! On that final run Chris, you managed to wham it through at some angle. We all nodded in total approval & appreciation.
I did too but more in a jaw dropped, feck me, wide eyed stance :eek:

Tough on you guys who 'clipped/rammed' the barriers, that must have been one massive brown stain moment what with all those trees around. We never saw the first one but the second one on the final run made one helluva bang. Hopefully a couple of bruises & a dented MINI will not have put you off one iota :thumbs up:

As for the guys in the single seaters with sub 40 second sprints, well I'm now back to yesterday again in a reaction of total & utter disbelief. It just simply defies the laws of grip & the mechanics of the human eye not to mention the ability to hug those walls & barriers to the preverbial 'baw' hair.

Sure there were some long periods with no action taking place but when it does it is awesome, well done lads :thumbs up:

mini saltire
29th September 2008, 03:16 PM
Well done Knoxy, you drove very well yesterday and made us all drive that bit harder. Vic was flying too. I got my 2nd timed run all wrong at the top of the hill and I was gutted to drop to 5th from 3rd. I didn't think I was capable of what I managed and then I left thinking I could have got more from the car and from me...

Flat oot through Oak tree is awesome :cool:, one of the best feeling in a car to date!

I'll defo enter in the AX with you next year!!:thumbs up:

Thanks to all from NMS who made the effort to come and support us all. It makes it worthwhile once you've just scared the crap out yourself, that there are people there to cheer you on.:yes nod:


29th September 2008, 09:41 PM
I found this excellent photo:thumbs up:


mini saltire
29th September 2008, 09:58 PM
Totally awesome John. Where did you find that??

29th September 2008, 10:22 PM
Totally awesome John. Where did you find that??

& the headlight unit still looks to be intact :thumbs up:

29th September 2008, 10:30 PM
Mark got photo'd with a whole car also.... ;)


29th September 2008, 11:02 PM
Great day out yesterday folks! BIG respect to all the MINI guys for hurtling up the hill at such a rate with no room to spare.... the road home felt really wide after watching that. Some of those single seaters were just awsome - especially the 'Ploughman Pub' car - that just defied definition, you MUST see it for real! I didn't even know the hillclimb was still on up there, I used to go fairly regularly years ago, but I can certainly say it's alive and kicking. Glad all the drivers (and most of the cars) escaped unscathed.

Thanks to Craig Noble for doing the business on my engine light - explained and sorted!

Crombers - sorry for zooming off on the way home, I was just trying to keep up with that bad man Craig D. - he lead me astray...... See Y'all soon, and hopefully I'll be 'Up at Doune' more often next year.

29th September 2008, 11:25 PM
I found this excellent photo:thumbs up:


:eek::eek::eek: What the... Victor!!!!! you told me you only "glanced" the armco :argh::argh::argh:!

Poor Natasha... She does not suit her new "Doune pinstripes" at all! :ragin:

1st October 2008, 10:35 AM
This one just glanced the grass:D
