View Full Version : Knockhill Track Night 30th Sept

mini saltire
21st September 2008, 09:20 AM
I know it is a bit short notice but Knockhill have offered me a 2 hour slot from 4-6pm. The cost per car will be £50. All Passengers go free but must be signed on. It will be cash on the night and please only put your name down if you can 100% attend as I don't fancy paying for 'no shows' at £50 a pop:hand:

For those who have been on my track nights before you know there are going to be no old heaps fleeing round looking for an accident. Click on this link to see the usual suspects who attend. http://www.motorsportphotographic.com/sv_tracknight/gallery.html I need at least 10 from NMS to make this work. It is not restricted to Minis but if not then it must be of a value of over 10k.

The night is run by Knockhill with strict rules in place for your safety and enjoyment. Please PM me if you have any questions.

Mini Saltire
Chris Knox
Chris Pearson
Vic Covey
Roscoe West

21st September 2008, 09:54 AM
i think i may well be able 2 make this one

21st September 2008, 09:55 AM
yep put me down

21st September 2008, 11:37 AM
open to fellow MCC competitors?

might persuade my sponsors mate to bring up his 360 CS

mini saltire
21st September 2008, 07:31 PM
Hi Knoxy, yeah that is fine as long as you put a passenger seat in and don't worry the non race cars I don't have a problem. Are you in?

21st September 2008, 07:37 PM
Away workin :argh:

22nd September 2008, 08:11 AM
I'll still be at work at 6.00pm on a Tuesday! Sorry guys....... I'm out - again.

mini saltire
24th September 2008, 08:32 AM
Just to confirm that this event has now been booked and a deposit been paid.:thumbs up:

24th September 2008, 09:08 AM
Just to confirm that this event has now been booked and a deposit been paid.:thumbs up:

good good will see you then :thumbs up:

24th September 2008, 12:30 PM
you got a full list of whats coming?

mini saltire
24th September 2008, 01:02 PM
So far we have:

5 Mini Cooper Race Cars
A R53 Cooper S JCW
Porsche Cayman S
Lotus Elise Jim Clark 50th Edition
Ferrari 360
Ferrrai 360CS
Porsche GT3
Aston Martin V8
Nissan 350Z
Datsun 240Z
Should make for another great event. ;):yes nod:

24th September 2008, 01:09 PM
I really want to bring my motor to this but unfortunately we are away on hols Fri morning for 2 weeks. :argh:

25th September 2008, 07:54 AM
So far we have:

5 Mini Cooper Race Cars
A R53 Cooper S JCW
Porsche Cayman S
Lotus Elise Jim Clark 50th Edition
Ferrari 360
Ferrrai 360CS
Porsche GT3
Aston Martin V8
Nissan 350Z
Datsun 240Z
Should make for another great event. ;):yes nod:

mmm i like the line up looks good im going to feel a wee bit out of place tho ;) well fany a wee pasanger ride in tha aston mind you ;)

Big Gordy
25th September 2008, 08:42 AM
well fany a wee pasanger ride in tha aston mind you ;)

You really should proof read your posts stoney...:eek::thud:

mini saltire
25th September 2008, 09:52 AM
mmm i like the line up looks good im going to feel a wee bit out of place tho ;) well fany a wee pasanger ride in tha aston mind you ;)

Shouldn't be a problem Stoney as the guy is a pal of mine but you have been warned he drives it like he's nicked it:eek::cool: Oh yeah and he races motor bikes.... say no more:D He is putting a performance pack onto it so hopefully the car should be ready for Tuesday, if not he is bringing his Scooby.

27th September 2008, 02:28 PM
Shouldn't be a problem Stoney as the guy is a pal of mine but you have been warned he drives it like he's nicked it:eek::cool: Oh yeah and he races motor bikes.... say no more:D He is putting a performance pack onto it so hopefully the car should be ready for Tuesday, if not he is bringing his Scooby.

:thumbs up:thats what i like to here you have seen me ruound the track so you know what i am like ;):rolleyes:

29th September 2008, 01:16 AM
alright can you put me down cheers roscoe west
Mini Cooper

mini saltire
29th September 2008, 10:16 AM
You're added Roscoe!:cool:

mini saltire
30th September 2008, 01:24 PM
Blue skies here now, I think this could be dry?? Knockhill's weather could be a bit changeable though!!

30th September 2008, 02:37 PM
Blue skies here now, I think this could be dry?? Knockhill's weather could be a bit changeable though!!

Cheers Mark... def gonna P**s it down now! :eyes up:

30th September 2008, 09:13 PM
well a big thanx for the night had a brill time :thumbs up::thumbs up:

some cracking cars there :cool::cool: and nice to bumb in to an old pal of mine from shcool years

and not to gloat at all but


:cool::thumbs up::D:D:D

been gring all the way home :D:thumbs up:

thanx again to mark and knockhill :thumbs up::thumbs up:

30th September 2008, 09:15 PM
Hope you guy's enjoyed it out there tonight, wish i could have been out myself but I have about 87p left in my budget!!

Knoxy - thanks for the entertainment, best flying lap in a passenger seat I've ever had.....I had hoped never to have to look down Duffus through the passenger window again but hey!!

30th September 2008, 09:21 PM
went up with the idea of just having a few passenger laps but Mark talked me into going on the track. :eyes up:

Thanks again Mark - had a ball.

The noise of that 360CS was STUNNING!!...

sorry to hear that Alan's Cooper Race Car had a terminal engine issue... Hope it doesn't turn out to be too big a bill. :frown::frown:

Also nice way for the Elise to be "run in"... :thumbs up::thumbs up:

Well done Stoney - even if you wanted to use a longer track :thud:;bigwave:

30th September 2008, 10:24 PM
hahahaha no worries chris, was a bit of banter anyway :)

the story about your grill is just priceless :laugh:

360 cs must be 1 of the best sounding cars out there!

i only got a shot of the 360 but even that sounded ace @ 8500 rpm!

i was definately not letting you past mark, im struggling to live down the fact i slowed up in a 10 lap race never thinking about you getting by me in the mini when i was driving the ferrari!!!!

1st October 2008, 02:15 AM
Thanks very much mark it was awesome cant wait for the next one.

1st October 2008, 08:18 AM
hahahaha no worries chris, was a bit of banter anyway :)

the story about your grill is just priceless :laugh:

360 cs must be 1 of the best sounding cars out there!

i only got a shot of the 360 but even that sounded ace @ 8500 rpm!

i was definately not letting you past mark, im struggling to live down the fact i slowed up in a 10 lap race never thinking about you getting by me in the mini when i was driving the ferrari!!!!

think the story about my grill is spooking at the same time...clearly yr meant to have it!!

seriously think you should do one more year with us tho...........otherwise i may have to buy yr car!!

mini saltire
1st October 2008, 09:10 AM
Hi Guys,

Great fun last night!! Lots of nice cars. Al took me out in the Aston Martin V8 which was awesome fun. I don't think we were pointing forwards very often!!:thumbs up: The Mini was great fun as per usual and I wish I could have overtaken Knoxy in the 360 but he had just a wee bit too much poke in a straight line.

Craig, Stoney & Roscoe were all pushing hard and well done for flying the Mini flag proudly in amoungst all the exotica.:cool:

Pictures are now up on http://www.motorsportphotographic.com/sv_tracknight_sep_08/gallery.html

Some real good ones Andrew!!:thumbs up: Thanks again for being the resident photographer definatley adds value to an already great experience!!

mini saltire
1st October 2008, 09:15 AM
Sorry forgot to say:

Stoney, apologies for the off at the bottom of Duffes:eek:, didn't quite realise how hard your tyres had been working!!:yes nod:

Congratulations again on the trophy! See you with your race suit soon!!;)

1st October 2008, 09:29 AM
Pics look fantastic :thumbs up:
Roscoe, you really need to try harder :Whistle: almost made it onto 3 wheels :yes nod:

1st October 2008, 07:24 PM
Sorry forgot to say:

Stoney, apologies for the off at the bottom of Duffes:eek:, didn't quite realise how hard your tyres had been working!!:yes nod:

Congratulations again on the trophy! See you with your race suit soon!!;)

not a to worry it was fun no damage so no prob :thumbs up::thumbs up: was only winding you up last night :shut up::thumbs up::D

and thanx for the congrats it has prid of place next to all my minis :thumbs up: