View Full Version : Blonde Bombshell

11th September 2008, 10:56 PM
..........mini-less in North Cargo! Hi Fay saw you at the last minute with your wee pooch. I did wave back though not always easy to tell through specy's windows. In case you didn't see it here's another ;bigwave: and another ;bigwave:

12th September 2008, 08:55 AM
Hee Hee Hee :D
Spotted your car coming up the long straight and instantly recognised it so thought...I better wait and give Specy a big ;bigwave:
Yeah, I did see u wave back thanks!
My dog was wondering what all the fuss was about coz I said to him "oh there's Specy coming Mylo lets give her a wave"!!!!!!!! :laugh:

Ur car looked good as always!:thumbs up: