View Full Version : Where were you on 9/11

11th September 2008, 12:43 PM
I was pouring 1000square meters of concrete floor in Berkley St Glasgow.

11th September 2008, 01:45 PM
In Houston Texas glued to the telly, crapping it for our flight home the week after :sad::sad::sad:

11th September 2008, 01:55 PM
I was on a rig bobbing about in the north sea, on nightshift, watching the telly footage from the toilet :blush:

11th September 2008, 02:07 PM
I was at school....4th year i think? I was in physics :rolleyes: and i left early to go to the orthodontist, my mum picked me up and she had it on the radio, then when we got home sat and watched it on the TV.

11th September 2008, 02:44 PM
i was in hamilton in my old glof mrk 2 and broke down so went to my ex house and seen it on the tv

11th September 2008, 03:26 PM
I was on the way home from Uni in my old Corsa and it came over the radio that a plane had hit one of the towers. I had a mental image of a wee Cesna or such like. My mate then called me 1 min later to say that a boeing had hit the tower. He was at the towers only 1 month prior.
Rushed home and put on the telly where I remained for some time.

AndyP & Lenore
11th September 2008, 03:40 PM
We were holidaying in our caravan in Linwater, near Livingston.

We were just about to go out for a walk, when it hit the news about 12.30ish. Sat and watched the TV with gaped mouth for 10 hours straight. Called my Dad and my mate Lindsay to tell them to switch on the news. Neither of them believed me. Until they switched on the TV.

Alan (Gizmo), you and I are fans of Lee Child. I remember Lee telling me his brother was across to stay for a holiday (at that time Lee lived in New York State). Their plan that day was to head down to the WTC on a tourist trip as his brother had never seen it before. They changed their plans early morning for something trivial, but it ended up saving their lives.


11th September 2008, 03:45 PM
I was replacing a gearbox on a saab 9000, heard everything on the radio, I too thought it was a little cessna or suchlike to start with, I remember jokingly saying something about light aircraft pilots and large buildings... a few minutes later, as more and more reports came over the radio, the jokes stopped.

11th September 2008, 03:50 PM
I don't think anyone ever forgets where they were or what they were doing on that day

11th September 2008, 03:54 PM
On Hols in Tenerife.. Saw it in a little local bar where no-one spoke english.. Thought it was a horrible accident until the second plane hit...

11th September 2008, 04:14 PM
At school.

11th September 2008, 04:23 PM
Driving lesson. Was my instructor that told me about it.

Am stay off the planes come sept 9th next year though. 999 and all...

11th September 2008, 04:49 PM
I was working in my old job in the Whisky Industry in Dumbarton.
Recall lots of folk logging on to the internet as the news first broke.

Mini Ecosse
11th September 2008, 05:33 PM
Cutting the grass. Neighbour came out with news. Rest of day glued to telly.

11th September 2008, 05:48 PM
I was doing a wee job in the Grangemouth Office and went up to the canteen to get a can of juice and heard a "for Feck Sake!" coming from the TV room and was stuck in front of said TV for about 3 hours... :sad:

and my boss wondered how it took 4 hours that day to do a PC install.. :eyes up:

11th September 2008, 06:08 PM
I was working at the office (well maybe working is a bit of a strong word to use):Whistle: anyway a mate phoned me to say had I heard the news so being the then boss I shut the office so we could all go home and watch it on the telly.:D:D yes I was a good boss.

I can remember also what I was doing when the news of Princess Diana broke.

11th September 2008, 06:13 PM
I was at work, away from Edinburgh and in Chester having a spot of lunch and looking at the web. We had this massive room and the three of us in just were on the web for ages open mouthed. Then had to go a meeting where the bank staff just passed it off as if we'd said we'd had salad for lunch, and got straight into the meeting.

I'll never forget that reaction, and always wondered how they felt later when they realised what had happened.

11th September 2008, 06:26 PM
At my solicitors after signing my divorce papers ... had the rest of the day off and spent it in front of the telly - stunned.

mini saltire
11th September 2008, 07:22 PM
I was talking to (calming down) a customer in the service area at Pentland Land Rover when the TV in the background showed the 2nd hit live. We both just stopped talking and sat down and watched for next 2 hours. I didn't care what my boss said that day.

One of the idiots I worked with shouted "ha ha death to all yanks...." One of the reasons I now work for myself.

11th September 2008, 09:50 PM
At home with wee baby Kerr. My sister phoned to tell me and I was glued to the telly all day.

11th September 2008, 10:11 PM
I was in 2nd year at school, and remember watching it on the tele when i got home

11th September 2008, 11:29 PM
I was eating breakfast getting ready for work - heard the tv talking about a plane and the towers - walked in just in time to see the second plane hit the other tower, live on the news....

Only worked a 1/2 day that day - kept the radio on in the work truck. Every stop I made that day had the tv on the news.

It's funny... my first stop that day was a lighting repair at a Red Lobster rest. and my first stop today was another Red Lobster - creepy

12th September 2008, 09:45 AM
I was at home with the parents and my dad was watching tv and shouted through to us and we all just sat there stunned not believing it
I personally think the whole world should have stopped and had a few minutes silence yesterday..we should all remember that day and just take time out of our hectic lives to stop and remember

12th September 2008, 03:51 PM
Was on the Schools IT Helpdesk for RM when a technician phoned to tell me.
Went straight home from work after, and sat stunned watching it all unfold.

Had been up on Tower 2 observation deck six months before. Went back in March 2002 and found it hard to believe how little space the entire complex had taken up. Glad I was able to visit them, it's just such a shame that nobody will be able to do so again.

Mini MoJo
15th September 2008, 01:09 PM
It was my day off college and i was ironing in front of the tv. My boyfriend called me and told me to put the news on and i couldn't believe what i saw :eek:

15th September 2008, 08:41 PM
I don't think anyone ever forgets where they were or what they were doing on that day

Well this person doesn't. I do remember though what I was doing when the Aberfan disaster happened, when the Falklands War began, when the Gulf War started and when the Americans decided to bomb Iraq.