View Full Version : STOP!

Monsta Mo Mini
26th March 2004, 08:04 PM
...don't carry on!

The end of the only good show on Radio 1, the broadcasting legend that is Mark& Lard is upon us. Last show is lunchtime today. :(

Oh well...looks as if I’ll have to get the slippers on and start listening to Radio 2 as it seems I’m ouwith target audience for R1. :I:(:mad:

26th March 2004, 08:58 PM

At least its Colin and Edith thats taking over the slot, and that useless gobby northern woman will be away on maternity leave soon.

Now R1 just needs to start playing less R&B and more RAWK!
Try Virgin instead of R2, if you can put up with the crackles of MW and dont have a DAB

27th March 2004, 04:27 AM
I didnt know that, those guys were very funny indeed and as for edith and that other fool, Sack that !!!! would rather listen to Jonathon Ross at least he has a sense of humour.
