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20th August 2008, 02:45 PM
Hey guys and gals, just joined the site the day so thought I would say ello!

Dont have a damned clue what to do on here and feel a right nigel no mates the now so any waves and alrighties would be well appreciated!




Almost forgot - got a works GP (just in case you didnt guess from me sign in name!) ;)

20th August 2008, 02:51 PM
hi andy :welcome:

we are a frendly bunch :thumbs up: if you have a ps3 with COD4 have a look here Off Topic & Banter (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=10) at the COD4 thred

and we will see you on sunday :thumbs up:

20th August 2008, 03:02 PM
:welcome: Andy, no need to be shy on here, if you need to know anything just ask, can't guarantee you'll get sensible answers though :D

20th August 2008, 03:10 PM
Heyyyyy & :welcome:

20th August 2008, 03:25 PM
Hello and welcome!

Love the GP - have you kept it standard?

20th August 2008, 03:45 PM
Hey Bonnie Scotland and Cooper Chick - thanks for the open arms! You guys are awesome!

Keep in touch and keep me right lol

AJ ;)

20th August 2008, 03:49 PM
Hello and welcome!

Love the GP - have you kept it standard?

Hey Smitty!

Cheers for the message - stunning car btw - cracking example!

Yeah kept the car standard - wanting to keep it original as I can. Only mods I done are xenon HID lights, sub / amp under the passenger seat and upgraded speakers to H/K.

Wanting to do more to it, but cant think of what, not to mention being in two minds of making any visable changes to it - what u think? Any ideas?

Cheers! ;)

:thumbs up:

20th August 2008, 04:02 PM
Hi and welcome to NMS

Thats the only changes I would make to a GP, as well as a glove box. Leave the car as much as standard as poss. The lack of rear speakers makes the GP stereo a bit drab so Im sure your upgrade will make it much better.

20th August 2008, 04:10 PM
Hey Smitty!
Wanting to do more to it, but cant think of what, not to mention being in two minds of making any visable changes to it - what u think? Any ideas?

Cheers for the compliments! :smilewinkgrin:

It's hard with the GP - it's a stunning car in standard spec but at the same time you want it to stand out a little more from other GP's. So what you need is subtle little mods to add to the car rather than change it.

Have a wee dig around the site, particularity the gallery's and find out what other people have done to their MINI's as there are some serious mod freaks on here - me included (just need more cash first!!) :yes nod:

20th August 2008, 04:26 PM
:welcome::cool::thumbs up:

20th August 2008, 04:46 PM
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome, c'mon in! :thumbs up:;bigwave:
(haven't used that one for a while! :D)

20th August 2008, 04:48 PM
Hey Mate - cheers for the reply and advice... You couldnt be more right about the lack of rear speakers - my mobile sounded better before I had the amp and sub lol

Was actually quite surprised how much of a difference the mods made - sounds really awesome now (that is when i actually have the windows up and not listening to the exhaust ;))

Was thinking bout a full install for the back but having serious doubts now, considering the additional weight it would add, and making it even more of a theif magnet... !?!?

AJ ;)

Hi and welcome to NMS

Thats the only changes I would make to a GP, as well as a glove box. Leave the car as much as standard as poss. The lack of rear speakers makes the GP stereo a bit drab so Im sure your upgrade will make it much better.

20th August 2008, 04:54 PM
Cheers for the compliments! :smilewinkgrin:

It's hard with the GP - it's a stunning car in standard spec but at the same time you want it to stand out a little more from other GP's. So what you need is subtle little mods to add to the car rather than change it.

Have a wee dig around the site, particularity the gallery's and find out what other people have done to their MINI's as there are some serious mod freaks on here - me included (just need more cash first!!) :yes nod:

Hey buddy - cheers for the message and returned compliments!

Was thinking bout replacing the air intake for the JCW carbonfibre one, but then apply the GP sticker to that one - making it different to other GP's but still technically keeping the look - just making it look a bit more aggressive when u shoot up the arse of another car! ;)

Another thing I was thinking of was to add a chili red tow hook at the front (like u see in the JCW race challenge cars) to make it look even more "track-prepped")

Final idea was to have the ariel base in red too but worry that may look a little tacky :confused:

You ever had a shot in one or been out in one? If not I defo recommend it gets put on your list of things to do before you die lol ;)

Cheers mate

AJ ;)

20th August 2008, 04:58 PM
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome, c'mon in! :thumbs up:;bigwave:
(haven't used that one for a while! :D)

LOL excellent! Cheers!

Will use that one myself a few months down the line welcoming newbies!

All the best!

AJ ;)

20th August 2008, 04:59 PM
:welcome::cool::thumbs up:

Cracking car mate! Wanna swap? ;)


Mini Ecosse
20th August 2008, 05:55 PM

AndyP & Lenore
20th August 2008, 06:31 PM
:welcome:. Hope to see you on a run soon.:D

20th August 2008, 06:37 PM
:welcome: Andy :thumbs up:

20th August 2008, 06:41 PM
:welcome:. Hope to see you on a run soon.:D

that will be sunday then andy :p

20th August 2008, 06:51 PM
Hi and welcome your car is really nice x:welcome:

20th August 2008, 06:57 PM
:welcome: and a big Bumble ;bigwave:

20th August 2008, 08:01 PM
Welcome to the madhouse:welcome:

What number is your GP?

20th August 2008, 08:18 PM
Hi Andy;bigwave:

Gaz B
20th August 2008, 08:33 PM

20th August 2008, 08:44 PM
HI andy :welcome: did you enjoy it on sunday:thumbs up::thumbs up:

Hope you enjoy it on here, they will make you more than welcome as everyone on here is friendly:D

I know you wanted to do some MINI runs, think there is 1 on Sunday;bigwave:

20th August 2008, 11:26 PM
Hi Andy :welcome: hope to see you on Sunday we don't get many GP's on the runs :thumbs up:

21st August 2008, 09:06 AM
:welcome:. Hope to see you on a run soon.:D

Hopefully be at Stoney's picnic run on Sunday - trying to get a few of my other mates with MINI's to come along to so I dont stand out like a sore thumb lol

Cheers for the message guys! Nice cars btw!

AJ :thumbs up:

21st August 2008, 09:08 AM
Welcome to NMSland :cool:, from a fellow Southsider :thumbs up:, what part you from ??

Would'nt mod the GP one iota (except for the sound system, if that's what yer into), the GP will be one sought after beast & if it were me looking for one I'd be looking for one that is 100% standard

21st August 2008, 09:15 AM
Welcome to the madhouse:welcome:

What number is your GP?

Hey buddy!

Cheers for the message - much appreciated! Been awesome-ley welcomed on here so far so thanks for helping lol bit like a rabbit caught in headlights the now finding out how all this works! New to forums etc as embarrassing as that may be lol

Anyways - my car is GP1882, had it since new. Only done two mods - xenon lights and amp/sub. Bit of a bore I know but dont wanna risk spoiling the look of it...

You going to Stoneys run on Sunday?

AJ :thumbs up:

21st August 2008, 09:24 AM
Hey buddy!

Cheers for the message - much appreciated! Been awesome-ley welcomed on here so far so thanks for helping lol bit like a rabbit caught in headlights the now finding out how all this works! New to forums etc as embarrassing as that may be lol

Anyways - my car is GP1882, had it since new. Only done two mods - xenon lights and amp/sub. Bit of a bore I know but dont wanna risk spoiling the look of it...

You going to Stoneys run on Sunday?

AJ :thumbs up:

No run for me sadly I am mini'less at the moment (but maybe not for too long :0 )

I had a GP when they first came out and sold it to fund buying my house and the house deal fell through, I was gutted.

I have now managed to buy the same house but had I know I could have kept the GP.

I had GP 0127.

Get your name down for next years Cullen run:thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
21st August 2008, 07:42 PM
:D Hi & Welcome :cool:

22nd August 2008, 01:16 AM
:welcome: and hello fellow Weegie.

I'm just round the corner from Pollok Park. If I see your GP about I'll make sure to flash :moonie: and wave ;bigwave:.

24th August 2008, 12:56 PM
Hey welcome. :smilewinkgrin:
Seen a GP in Glasgow quite a few times, short private plate, possibly yours?

25th August 2008, 10:04 PM
Hey welcome. :smilewinkgrin:
Seen a GP in Glasgow quite a few times, short private plate, possibly yours?

Hey hey, sounds like me lol most likely as I am always in town cruisin about... Got the plates real short - just to be different and wind up the polis! lol

What is it u drive?

Andy :thumbs up:

26th August 2008, 11:45 AM
Haha yea I'm sure I was at the lights next to you one night! I drive a wee black Mini One, 04 plate with black wheels and tints! :smilewinkgrin:

26th August 2008, 01:28 PM
Hey Andy!

Dont worry i'm new too! :D

Im still confused! :confused: haha!
Maybe we can help each other out!

J444 JNY
2nd September 2008, 08:51 AM

I sure i have seen you mini in town a good bit aswell.

Lovely Car!!! :D