View Full Version : Must have List for Student

5th August 2008, 07:46 PM
Well, our eldest niece is going to Uni in 5 weeks after getting her results today. :thumbs up::thumbs up: The family is over the moon for her...:cool:

What would you put in an emergency pack for a new Student (this is just for fun, but you might come up with something we havent thought of..:rolleyes:;))

Also - she is going to Dundee, so BURPLE you are going to be her I.T. Specialist when she is there, so I will just hand on your mobile number.. ;):yes nod: Also - keep yer hands off, or there will be a "visit" ! ! !:Whistle:

C & J

5th August 2008, 09:22 PM
>Lots of money to buy alcohol

5th August 2008, 11:10 PM
Well after just completing 4 years at University I know exactly what she'll need to get her set up for the almight 1st Freshers week :D

Bottle Opener/Cork Screw (but most of the time Lambrini has screw tops!!)
1 x Wine Glass
1 x Pint Glass
1 x Shot Glass
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen
Sick Bucket!
1 x Crate of Irn Bru to solve hangovers
Money off voucher for the local fancy dress shop - us student's don't just dress up for Halloween you know!

That's about all for now - and as Ben said, money for alcohol!!

Then again, you could just buy them really sensible responsible items such as pens, pencils, toiletries etc.....but where's the fun in that!! :p;)

(P.S. In no way am I implying that your niece will be spending the majority of her time drinking, or suggesting to her that she does!! :smilewinkgrin:)

6th August 2008, 08:03 AM
so what your really saying is it's going to cost us a fortune in booze!! :rolleyes::smilewinkgrin:

6th August 2008, 08:55 AM
Dundonian->English translation guide?:moonie:

6th August 2008, 09:29 AM
Big notice board, as all students have them full of photos of drunken nights


RAC or AA membership (if she does not have a car someone will)

Condoms:eek: (whether you like the idea or not)

Popcorn:popcorn: because there is a smiley for it :thumbs up:

6th August 2008, 02:45 PM
Dundonian->English translation guide?:moonie:

as a student.. I doubt she'll be venturing into any areas that she'll need that!! :p:p:D

6th August 2008, 02:57 PM
Well, our eldest niece is going to Uni in 5 weeks after getting her results today. The family is over the moon for her...

What would you put in an emergency pack for a new Student (this is just for fun, but you might come up with something we havent thought of..:rolleyes:)

Also - she is going to Dundee, so BURPLE you are going to be her I.T. Specialist when she is there, so I will just hand on your mobile number.. ;):yes nod: Also - keep yer hands off, or there will be a "visit" ! ! !:Whistle:

C & J

:eek: Moi???!?!? :Whistle: ha.. as if ;) lol

truth be told.. if she *does* break something on campus.. it probably WILL be me! ha ha ha.. :moonie:

If she's getting a laptop, wireless works over allt he campus now.. so makes sure she's got one that complies with everything on here (http://www.dundee.ac.uk/ics/services/wireless/) :cool::thumbs up:

If she's gonna be in halls.. then the lucky bugger will be in one of our brand new ones most likely.. lucky her.. with nice fast internet connection and I think they're even getting cable telly! :rolleyes:;)

What's she going to study? She'll no doubt see me in week one, either at one of the IT induction sessions.. or chasing round after some dumbass professor who's been away for 8 weeks and forgotten every password he has.. and obviously that'll be our fault ;):D

6th August 2008, 03:31 PM
Also - keep yer hands off, or there will be a "visit" ! ! !:Whistle:

Have you been to Dundee Recently? :hand::laugh:

Back up money?

And previous mention of a Dundonian Guide which can be bought at Waterstones :thumbs up::Whistle:

6th August 2008, 03:34 PM
Large plastic bags for bringing washing home in :yes nod:

6th August 2008, 03:34 PM
Beans & bread the student staple , good old beans & toast morning noon & nite

6th August 2008, 05:59 PM
:eek: Moi???!?!? :Whistle: ha.. as if ;) lol

truth be told.. if she *does* break something on campus.. it probably WILL be me! ha ha ha.. :moonie:

If she's getting a laptop, wireless works over allt he campus now.. so makes sure she's got one that complies with everything on here (http://www.dundee.ac.uk/ics/services/wireless/) :cool::thumbs up:

If she's gonna be in halls.. then the lucky bugger will be in one of our brand new ones most likely.. lucky her.. with nice fast internet connection and I think they're even getting cable telly! :rolleyes:;)

What's she going to study? She'll no doubt see me in week one, either at one of the IT induction sessions.. or chasing round after some dumbass professor who's been away for 8 weeks and forgotten every password he has.. and obviously that'll be our fault ;):D

Thanks Ewan... just rebuilding a laptop for her at the moment so hopefully I'll have it all working fine before she goes away... if I can get the time.. :thud:

Yeah - she is going to be staying in halls.. :thumbs up: as for what she is studying, I have to say I haven't a clue :blush::Whistle:

7th August 2008, 10:06 AM
She's studying biomedical science which is a bit over my head considering I failed O'grade biology:ragin: Got the bottle opener and wine cork [not that it'll be used] never known a student not to finish a bottle of wine. Would have bought the condoms last night but as I was shopping with my mum didn't seem appropriate:shut up: Keep the ideas coming the more bizzare and embarrasing the better. She'll only be a student once [I hope!]:thumbs up: