View Full Version : What are you drinking this evening

2nd August 2008, 09:00 PM
Stealing this from Northern MINI.

Jason and I are having a nice bottle of red wine from Laithwaites, its loverly. It's a Spanish red 2004.:cool:

2nd August 2008, 09:05 PM
Tea :ragin:

2nd August 2008, 09:06 PM
mines comes in a can.... 2008 vintage Diet Coke... :argh:

on-call till Monday morning... :Whistle:

2nd August 2008, 09:20 PM
Tea don't do alcohol.:thumbs up:

2nd August 2008, 10:23 PM
Yawn yawn yawn:moonie::moonie:;bigwave:

2nd August 2008, 10:32 PM
My favorite "adult" beverage -- Dr. Pepper and coconut rum....:thumbs up:

Or my families "secret" slush -- apricot brandy and some other stuff frozen and served as slush -- you can not taste the alcohol.....but it will @#$%@ you up....:p

2nd August 2008, 10:34 PM
My favorite "adult" beverage -- Dr. Pepper and coconut rum....:thumbs up:

Or my families "secret" slush -- apricot brandy and some other stuff frozen and served as slush -- you can not taste the alcohol.....but it will @#$%@ you up....:p

Now that sound nice:rolleyes:

AndyP & Lenore
3rd August 2008, 12:29 AM
I'm currently enjoying a sparkling water with a twist of lime and a zest of lemon. It was matured for about 6 weeks in an aluminium (aluminum for Mr Coyote) can and then poured over ice and served in a chilled glass.

Otherwise known as 7*UP.:laugh:


3rd August 2008, 03:34 AM
I'm currently enjoying a sparkling water with a twist of lime and a zest of lemon. It was matured for about 6 weeks in an aluminium (aluminum for Mr Coyote) can and then poured over ice and served in a chilled glass.

Otherwise known as 7*UP.:laugh:


I don't know why y'all insist on using all those "extra" letters...:frown:


I have family in the "South" ( Mississippi, Tennesee, etc..) - I can talk "country" when I need to. It has saved my butt more than once.:cool:

3rd August 2008, 08:07 AM
1Case of Stella

3rd August 2008, 11:13 AM
1Case of Stella

Bet you have a sore head this morning then:hand:

3rd August 2008, 05:01 PM
last night was 2 x pint of T followed by several magners and ice followed by several byson grass (spelling) vodka and apple juice and one dram over ice to finish off. The head was fine this morning. Was out for some drinks in Edinburgh with the boys for the start of the festival. Edinburgh was heaving.

3rd August 2008, 05:27 PM
I went for a coke light tonight, complete with a mars bar :yawn:

3rd August 2008, 10:02 PM
coffee..........water..............coffee......... ..water.......and so it goes on.......and on...........and on...........like Fee, I dont do alcohol..........cant bear the thought of wasting a day off work with a hangover.

4th August 2008, 07:52 AM
1Case of Stella

& my winner is ............. :thumbs up:

I was nightshift this weekend but when my 'weekend' starts Tue i'm gonna go to the pub :hand: (after I've popped up to see the Pit Crew that is ;))

4th August 2008, 08:03 AM
well that's me just finished a week of on-call so I think a couple of sherberts this evening will be in order.... :thumbs up:

4th August 2008, 10:20 AM
Bet you have a sore head this morning then:hand:
How did you no that then:D