View Full Version : Wish me luck!

Gaz B
10th July 2008, 10:25 AM
I'm getting married tomorrow and if the weather is nice it will be on the beach at South Queensferry.:thumbs up:

HOWEVER, I have just checked a few weather forecast sites in it's to heave it down all Friday which means the beach wedding is off and the wadding photos will probably be in a bus stop. :argh:

LUCKY WHITE BLOODY HEATHER. Heres hoping they are wrong!!!!:shut up:

Sick to the back teeth of this weather.You can't seem to organise anything al fresco.

On a brighter note though, I got my honeymoon sorted (thanks for the suggestions) and we are off to Cancun on the 17th.;bigwave:

10th July 2008, 10:26 AM
Good Luck and All the Best

10th July 2008, 10:56 AM
I'm getting married tomorrow and if the weather is nice it will be on the beach at South Queensferry.:thumbs up:

HOWEVER, I have just checked a few weather forecast sites in it's to heave it down all Friday which means the beach wedding is off and the wadding photos will probably be in a bus stop. :argh:

LUCKY WHITE BLOODY HEATHER. Heres hoping they are wrong!!!!:shut up:

Sick to the back teeth of this weather.You can't seem to organise anything al fresco.

On a brighter note though, I got my honeymoon sorted (thanks for the suggestions) and we are off to Cancun on the 17th.;bigwave:

Gaz, all the best mate. :thumbs up:

don't listen to the forecasters, they said it was going to be rain all week up here in Oban, but it has hardly rained at all and when it has, it was only a short shower... :cool:

I feel your pain re the outside wedding. We had ours outside in 2002 in the gardens of a hotel and were just really lucky it was sunny all day. I have my fingers crossed for you. :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
10th July 2008, 10:58 AM
Best of luck Gaz.

Hope the weather holds out for you.

A.:thumbs up:

Gaz B
10th July 2008, 11:02 AM
Cheers guys I have got everythin crossed at the moment!:thud:

I know what you mean about the forecasts Craig they always seem to be wrong! I just hope they are consistent.:rolleyes:

10th July 2008, 01:02 PM
Good luck mate, hope it all goes well and it's dry!

We found this to be the best site for weather:

Around lunchtime tomorrow it looks overcast but dry, so you might get lucky!

10th July 2008, 01:17 PM
All the best on the day. :thumbs up:

10th July 2008, 03:18 PM
good luck it will be me next year

Gaz B
10th July 2008, 03:34 PM
Thanks again guys. Just got a mention on REAL radio as well thanks to my wee cousin.:thumbs up:

10th July 2008, 03:47 PM
Good luck Gaz and all the best to you and the wife (tomorrow) :thumbs up:

10th July 2008, 04:26 PM
Unlucky mate, shoot her now and you'll be out in 10 years with all your money :rolleyes:
Nah, all the best mate, hope everything goes as per plan

10th July 2008, 08:06 PM
All the best, may you have many happy years.

10th July 2008, 08:13 PM
Good luck and fingers crossed for the sun!

Big Gordy
11th July 2008, 08:54 AM
Weather look good so far:thumbs up: Hope it keeps up for your wedding;bigwave:

Gaz B
11th July 2008, 10:18 AM
Squeaky bum time:eek:

Weather looks good too:D.

Thanks for all your support.:thumbs up:

11th July 2008, 08:40 PM
Hope all went well. :p

Gaz B
15th July 2008, 09:36 AM
Well people, Just a wee post to thank everybody for thier positive comments it must have done something to the weather.:thumbs up:

Stayed dry for the beach wedding and right up till after the meal when there was a small shower but by that time it did'nt matter.:moonie:

Had a fantastic day with no hitches or problems and we are now happily man and wife.:eek:

Now roll on CANCUN on Thursday. WooooooHooooooo!;bigwave:

Thanks again.(not a great photo.got it from bebo!)
http://file044a.bebo.com/0/large/2008/07/12/11/4832805441a8289542751l.jpg (http://www.bebo.com/PhotoAlbumBig.jsp?MemberId=6159581472&PhotoId=8320778861&PhotoAlbumId=8320771272)

AndyP & Lenore
15th July 2008, 09:55 AM
Congratulations Baz. I wish you many years of married bliss.

But. I'm a tad concerned already. You mention that the wedding went well, there were no problems, the weather was ok and you're a happily married man. But you seem absolutely deliriously, ecstatically overjoyed to be going to Cancun on Thursday.... A wee priorities issue there already?:hand:

Oh, and why would you marry someone called Bebo? I'm assuming it was her that gave you the photo.:laugh:


Gaz B
15th July 2008, 10:07 AM
Dont you think Bebo Brown has quite a ring to it?:laugh:

And just wait till I tell Mrs Brown I'm off to Cancun.:laugh:

Seriously tho Andy, I should had got married years ago!:thud:

Big Gordy
15th July 2008, 11:26 AM
Seriously tho Andy, I should had got married years ago!:thud:

Steady there lad:hand: Don't get carried away now:smilewinkgrin:

15th July 2008, 11:30 AM
That's some backdrop - where was the reception?

Congratulations to you both - it's a great feeling between the wedding and getting back from honeymoon!

Gaz B
15th July 2008, 11:45 AM
Must be that honeymoon feeling Gordy. Hope it does'nt wear off!;)

Got married in Orocco pier at South Queensferry Euan, right between then forth road and rail bridges. Can't wait for the professional photos to come back I'm sure they will be stunning! There was a big balcony right behind were we were cutting the cake that you could chill out on all night during the reception.

The views were stunning!

15th July 2008, 06:24 PM
Glad it all worked out for you Gaz. :thumbs up:

All the best to you and Mrs B. :cool:

Enjoy your honeymoon.... :Whistle:

Gaz B
15th July 2008, 07:11 PM
Muchos Gracias Craig :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
15th July 2008, 08:19 PM
Congratulations to you both - it's a great feeling between the wedding and getting back from honeymoon!

Aye. Several times IIRC.:laugh:


16th July 2008, 08:50 AM
Must be that honeymoon feeling Gordy. Hope it does'nt wear off!;)

Got married in Orocco pier at South Queensferry Euan, right between then forth road and rail bridges. Can't wait for the professional photos to come back I'm sure they will be stunning! There was a big balcony right behind were we were cutting the cake that you could chill out on all night during the reception.

The views were stunning!

Ah, that does look stunning! It's one of my favorite places, sitting looking up at the bridge as it reminds me of my Granda. Never been to Orocco Pier, but looking at their site I'll be sure to swing by next time I'm there!

The problem we have (and still have 3 months after the wedding!) is choosing the photo's for the album - there are so many!!!

Gaz B
16th July 2008, 07:17 PM
Ah, that does look stunning! It's one of my favorite places, sitting looking up at the bridge as it reminds me of my Granda. Never been to Orocco Pier, but looking at their site I'll be sure to swing by next time I'm there!

The problem we have (and still have 3 months after the wedding!) is choosing the photo's for the album - there are so many!!!

Defo swing by Euan you will love it, the food is first class and with a view like thak you can't go wrong!:thumbs up: Always great for the memories too!;)

Apparently our photos will be ready by the time we get back from honeymoon but I won't hold my breath!:argh:

Well thats me logging out for a few weeks. Just off to pack as we have to be at the airport pretty early and I hate the kingston bridge at rush hour. Never mind, at least there is sunshine at the other side this time.:p

Cancun here we come.........................................;bigw ave: