View Full Version : British Grandprix

6th July 2008, 04:06 PM
Who watched the GP this afternoon. Hamilton did really well, great drive. Was good to see Barrichello on the podium for Honda.

6th July 2008, 04:12 PM
I watched it, the rain spoiled it for me :ragin:

6th July 2008, 04:41 PM
I watched, best GP for ages.:thumbs up:

6th July 2008, 05:00 PM
me as well was a good race the rain was good ment there was some hairy moments

Mini Ecosse
6th July 2008, 05:43 PM
We watched it.
Super race, the rain sure made it interesting. Masa entering dancing in ice competion next year, he spun at least 5 times!

Stephen & Allyson

6th July 2008, 06:13 PM
Yeah I sure did, and I agree with John that was one of the best GPs I have seen for a very long time.... :thumbs up: Just a shame that Coulthards last british GP was over so soon.

Yup Hamilton did an amazing job today, very well deserved win. :cool:

6th July 2008, 06:56 PM
Lewis did a great job...to be that far ahead in those conditions is impressive.

Bit of a disappointment for DC and JB though....still, no miserable day for Ferrari so thumbs up all round for me! :thumbs up:

6th July 2008, 07:48 PM
great job done by the young man and a very mature job. :thumbs up:

well done to the elder statesman Barichello, he deserved his podium.

Shame for DC, but he admitted it was his mistake and said sorry. Not many drivers would say that - credit to him for that. :yes nod:

7th July 2008, 11:08 PM
Was looking good until the first pit stop


'New inters Kimi' ??
'Nah, let's just balls the whole thing up' :thud:

8th July 2008, 08:53 AM
In conditions like that you really see who can drive these days. Rubens, Hamilton, Alonso - all did really well when it got really nasty.

Massa - my grannie can drive better than him. And she doesn't even have a license. At times this year he's been found out now all the electronic stuff has been taken off his car. As such, I loved watching him spin all afternoon!

Kimi was going great guns when it started to dry out, but they made the wrong call on the tyres for sure. I still think Hamilton would have won though, he was just awesome at the end of the race.

mini saltire
8th July 2008, 10:54 AM
Well not to make any of you jealous but....I was there:thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:!! What an atmosphere. Just one of the most incredible motor sport experiences ever!
I was watching from the BRDC building and saw all the action round the exit of Bridge, whole of Priory, Brooklands and Luffield (Massa's Waltzer corner). The move of the race which sadly wasn't covered on the TV was Button who went round the outside of 2 cars (Nakajema and Trulli) at Luffield then spun 360 on the exit and gathered it all up without losing back the places...class:cool:!!
Being in the BRDC bit was incredible on its own as you are constantly bumping into racing vips. Here are a few I spoke to.. Sir Striling Moss, Martin Brundle, Allan McNish, Damon Hill, Sir Jackie Stewart, Colin Turkington, Jason Plato, Derek Warwick, David Coulthard the list goes on. They were all obviously impressed that a Scottish Motor Racing Legend like myself had taking the time out of his busy schedule to come and watch the lowly paid F1 drivers:laugh::laugh::laugh:

As you can all probably tell I am still buzzing a bit from the whole experience!

If anyone had the whole race sky plused still I would love a copy on disc as my Sky only part recorded. Let me know:thumbs up:

9th July 2008, 01:15 AM
Kimi made such a balls up ut I reckon he was a good bit faster and could have won.

Lewis is good but the ITV coverage has ruined it for me/

I have been an avid F1 fan since I was wee and for James Allen to compare Kovalainen allowing Hamilton to pass as "one of the all time great passes, reminiscence of Senna & Prost just highlights how deluded and non-objective ITV coverage is.

If I watch a live race it is with Radio5 coverage but its mostly the highlights now adays.

Looking forward to the BBC coverage.

9th July 2008, 12:53 PM
Depends who does the BBC coverage though!

12th July 2008, 05:28 PM
Come back Murray... Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!

12th July 2008, 09:53 PM
Come back Murray... Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!

You are havin a laugh !!

15th July 2008, 08:48 AM
Well mini saltire..I can share in your enthusiasm coz I was there too :thumbs up:
What an absolutley brilliant weekend it was :smilewinkgrin::thumbs up:
This was our 2nd year at Silverstone gp and it was even better this year thanks to the result :yes nod:
We had fantastic seats - pit straight A (not the covered section) directly opposite the podium and two massive screens :D Wow it was brilliant!!!
We were there for the full 3 days and although the rain meant we got p*ssed wet thru on the sunday......it didn't matter and no1 seemed to care as the atmosphere was so electric :p

Currently trying to decide whether to go again next year or perhaps go to Barcelona gp and make a hol of it :rolleyes: