View Full Version : Northern MINI

The Dogfather
5th July 2008, 09:30 AM
Hi guys, just thought I'd pop on to give you a bit of a newsflash about Northern MINI.

The site is doing well, we're celebrating our first month on Sunday night @ 9pm by trying to break the record for the number of users online at one time. We'll probably break the server :D

We're also just a bit short of a 100 members which is pretty good going, I think. I'm hoping we reach 100 by Sunday night. Also we'll be adding our first sponsor (a MINI dealership) next week so everything seems to be heading in the right direction.

Baz has finished the logo (below) and I'll be adding it to the new site next week. We're hoping to get it done as a car sticker for members to purchase.

I'd like to thank the NMS members who've pop south of the border to support the site, cheers guys, it really helped to get the site going. The door is still open for anyone else to pop over, and have a look round :Whistle:

Look forward to seeing some of you at the Borders Run.


6th July 2008, 01:55 AM
Well done Paul it's taking off nicely and already have good bunch of regulars by looks of things :smilewinkgrin:

6th July 2008, 10:10 AM
nice looking logo's:thumbs up: