View Full Version : Mini Racing Knockhill Sunday 29th June

mini saltire
24th June 2008, 11:41 AM
Anyone coming along this Sunday. 3 races again this Sunday. As soon as I know the timetable I will post it up.

24th June 2008, 12:29 PM
Ah nice one, i'm home, just :yes nod:
Not sure what's planned, if it's a nice day might get the bike out :thumbs up:

24th June 2008, 12:53 PM
Was thinking of heading that way on Sunday...if is not raining!!


AndyP & Lenore
24th June 2008, 12:53 PM
It's now quite likely we will be there.:D


24th June 2008, 04:21 PM
as you know Mark, we will be away on holiday, but looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing the photos.

Best of luck :thumbs up:

24th June 2008, 05:59 PM
we might go up for a wee while, just depends on how Saturday nights goes and if Allan is still speaking to me on the Sunday (which I very much doubt).:blush:

Mini Ecosse
24th June 2008, 06:05 PM
Not going to make this meeting, working:argh:

24th June 2008, 07:04 PM
I'll be there. Miniless :frown:, but there :thumbs up:

mini saltire
25th June 2008, 01:20 PM
It's now quite likely we will be there.:D


Great News Andy, important to keep the photo presence there :cool::thumbs up:
<rushes off to comb hair and clean race car in preperation of photo shoot>

25th June 2008, 03:56 PM
what time is practice on saturday mark?

i cant wait to get out :thumbs up:

got my front shocks back from craig so im good to go, the front left was leaking badly, probably explains the understeer :argh:

mini saltire
25th June 2008, 05:06 PM
what time is practice on saturday mark?

i cant wait to get out :thumbs up:

got my front shocks back from craig so im good to go, the front left was leaking badly, probably explains the understeer :argh:

Not sure what time practice is. I'll try and find out though.

mini saltire
26th June 2008, 11:03 PM
Timetable now in Motorsport Section;)

29th June 2008, 07:08 AM
Are we parking in the usual place in the lower paddock?

AndyP & Lenore
29th June 2008, 07:56 AM
Are we parking in the usual place in the lower paddock?

I think we're only allowed to do that by prior arrangement, when there's loads of us going.

Only 4 or 5 of us going.:blush:


29th June 2008, 08:34 AM
I'll be there around 11.30 sporting the offical NMS polo shirt :thumbs up:

29th June 2008, 10:21 AM
Guys - hungover this morning, don't think it's the brightest idea to be driving, just as well I was only a maybe!

Have fun

29th June 2008, 06:07 PM
so how was the racing today folks.??

couldn't make it along as shopping and Glasgow got my attention today.:frown:

29th June 2008, 06:12 PM
Sadly we left after the first race, nae fun in the monsoon type weather :frown:
Mark was 4th in that race

But, on the way home we popped into JC's and ended up buying a new car :eek::cool:

29th June 2008, 06:24 PM
Sadly we left after the first race, nae fun in the monsoon type weather :frown:
Mark was 4th in that race

But, on the way home we popped into JC's and ended up buying a new car :eek::cool:

now that's what I like to here.:cool: I popped in to the Apple store and came out with 2k less in my pocket. today.:thumbs up:

So is to replace the M3 your JCW or another to sit along side, or is it all a big secret. :eyes up::eyes up:

29th June 2008, 07:14 PM
A few piccies of Mark in the 1st race:-

Coming to the hairpin:-

Catch me if you can:-

I knew i should have got the wipers sorted:-

29th June 2008, 07:14 PM
now that's what I like to here.:cool: I popped in to the Apple store and came out with 2k less in my pocket. today.:thumbs up:

So is to replace the M3 your JCW or another to sit along side, or is it all a big secret. :eyes up::eyes up:Replaced the M3, with.....another M3 :cool:

29th June 2008, 07:54 PM
Did not did manage to make Knockhill today, weather seemed WET:frown: to say the least...

Alan... 2 or 4 door M3???:rolleyes:


29th June 2008, 07:57 PM
Did not did manage to make Knockhill today, weather seemed WET:frown: to say the least...

Alan... 2 or 4 door M3???:rolleyes:

Andrew:off topic: 2 door :D

29th June 2008, 08:03 PM
:off topic: 2 door :D

:off topic:nice:thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
29th June 2008, 08:13 PM
Congrats to Mark for two podium finishes today.:thumbs up:

1st race: A monsoon began just as the MINI's went out to warm up, then it rained very hard for the rest of the race.:thud: Track was absolutely soaked and visibility must have been very low. Mark qualified 3rd and had a really good race. He lost two places mid race but won them back towards the end and finished in 3rd place, just where he started.:smilewinkgrin:

2nd Race: Dry and sunny for the second race. Mark started in 3rd again, soon overtook two drivers to take first place, but quickly lost them again and dropped back to 4th (I think this was at Real Radio hairpin and I was at Leslie so missed this:ragin:), then later in the race he retook 3rd where he finished giving him his second podium for the day.:thumbs up:

3rd Race: We had to get to work:computer: so left straight after the 2nd race, so no details, but I know he finished 6th and there was a bit of carnage.:eek:

Well done again to Mark, some great tactical driving today and he really kept his cool in the first race with very difficult conditions.:thumbs up:

Photies will be up on my site as soon as I get a chance. Probably tomorrow evening.


mini saltire
29th June 2008, 08:23 PM
Hi guys,

two 3rds and a 6th and yet again some more bodywork damage!!

3rd race was unbelievable!! Cars everywhere, one rolled others just off in a big way. I got sent to the pit lane during the red flag period (for the driver that rolled) as my bonnet was badly damaged. My car drove...ok ish so I was allowed to strat from the back in 13th. 2 laps later and I was up to 8th made some good moves and got up 5th only to miss a gear coming out of the hairpin to drop down to 6th. A bit gutted as I was lying 2nd before the red flag came out!

Don't know the points yet and I'm too tired to care, I think I'm 5th or 6th..I'll post up tomorrow.

Big thanks to any who came along today. Certainly saw Andy and Lenore, looking forward to seeing the pictures!!



29th June 2008, 09:05 PM
I've posted some pics from today (I started a new thread, I hope that was ok) including a couple of shots Mark's damage, before and after "repair". Plenty more if anyone wants me to post them :D

29th June 2008, 09:27 PM
:off topic: 2 door :D

:off topic: very nice:off topic::thumbs up::thumbs up:

29th June 2008, 10:24 PM
best weekend ive had yet!

9th to 4th in race 1, couldnt see FECK ALL!

4th to 2nd in race 2, really should of won it but hats off to vic he kept his cool while he was having trouble with his brakes.

and 4th to 1st in race 3 :D

move of the day was passing celebrity driver robbin liddel round the outside at duffus for the lead! certainly a balls out move!

good weekend mark, i reckon im upto 6th so you are probably 5th

30th June 2008, 08:20 AM

Watched race one from behind my own windscreen (WAY too wet, although the kids were out in it jumping around and giving me big thumbs up every time the "pack" zoomed past)

Watched race two closely, as the boys had spoken to Chris before the race, and were supporting "their" driver :laugh:

Missed race three though, as we were all rather damp and hungry, and decided to head for home again. The boys will be chuffed to hear you came first in the third race, that was fantastic!

Sorry to hear that there was a bit of carnage though... not good...