View Full Version : I got a email

18th June 2008, 08:39 PM
from info@newminiscotland with the title: re question: and with a attachment I didn't ask a question not that I am aware of. I also got a email from minidesign just the other day saying something about a spam email which I deleted and didn't open as I've not sent any email. Is my mail account buggered do you reckon??


this is what the attachment comes up with
Virus "W32.Netsky.P@mm" found.
The file attached to this message was infected with a virus that we were unable to clean. You should not download this attachment.

The Dogfather
18th June 2008, 09:15 PM
Fi, its easy for a virus to fake an email address, sometimes they look like they came from your own account.

I once blagged a mate with an email from the BBC, it was a great wind up :D

18th June 2008, 09:16 PM
yeah, it's just a bit of SPAM. Ignore it and defo don't open any attachments... :rolleyes:

19th June 2008, 02:42 AM
I can confirm that i didn't send any e-mails out from the admin info e-mail address.
As Craig mentioned, simply delete them and defo do not open any attachments

The Dogfather
19th June 2008, 06:26 AM
Just delete the emails and then stand in a bath of detol solution whist reciting the Lord's Prayer for three hours. That should sort it.