View Full Version : Run I

The Dogfather
17th June 2008, 09:11 AM

17th June 2008, 12:47 PM
Gotta admire you're perseverance, sadly, i can't make it, too close to me coming back to work

17th June 2008, 01:56 PM
Alan, its next year mate. Have you planned that far in advance!!!!Yep :thumbs up: i'm on a fixed 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off rota, i fly out on the 23rd June, too close for an extended run

17th June 2008, 02:45 PM
Oh yes.
Get me in for this one please, I was well up for this last time it was almost planned :smilewinkgrin:
Should be an epic run :cool::thumbs up:

Definitely one of the most unusual we've done!

17th June 2008, 04:09 PM
I go on holiday at the end of June every year, so it's just too close to my hols for such an epic trip... Sorry. :blush: Finding it hard enough having the money for the Perthshire Run... Need to make it another time next year.. :Whistle:

17th June 2008, 04:49 PM
prob not mate as will be geting hitched just shortly after that :D

17th June 2008, 06:56 PM
Yup, same as the last time, I'm up for this.
The idea is a belter & as you say the roads & the scenery are unforgetable.
Well done mate re getting this one back on track.

:thumbs up:

18th June 2008, 06:30 PM
Paul - sounds like a fab one, can you add me too!

19th June 2008, 03:53 PM
think your looking for a tuchter to answer that... maybe Stephen Lawson might have heard of them :eek:;)

Duncan Stewart
21st June 2008, 07:36 PM
Sounds fantastic, count me in :D

AndyP & Lenore
22nd June 2008, 01:10 AM
First post updated with outline route and schedule. Can a kind mod make this a sticky please.

:thumbs up:

22nd June 2008, 08:08 PM
hi can you add the harper clan pleace

24th June 2008, 08:01 PM
Having had a quick shuftie at your route might I make a couple of suggestions?

In the Great Glen, take a left at Invergarry to Bunloinn. This is an excellent road and it will bypass all the tourists looking for Nessie.

The time saved will enable you to take the Bealach na Ba (Pass of the Cattle)



Surely the greatest of Scottish roads.

On another point, have you considered the availability of fuel in this area? 21/6/2009 is a Sunday which will mean most shops and garages in this area will be closed (during the day let alone at twilight!) and in any case, pumps are few and far between.

On the plus side, you have included this one!


Mini Ecosse
24th June 2008, 09:01 PM
think your looking for a tuchter to answer that... maybe Stephen Lawson might have heard of them :eek:;)

Nae chance, much further north. Probably only speak gaelic;)

25th June 2008, 08:57 AM
Put me down for this one... plenty of time to talk wife into coming also :)

Duncan Stewart
3rd July 2008, 08:13 PM
Just noticed were not on the list :ragin:
Can we come please :p ;) :D

16th September 2008, 08:03 PM
This looks fantastic, I just done the road from Glasgow to Fort William there in my new mini……….but I got 58 MPG so probably too slow for some. Did the rest in an Audi a few years back, fantastic roads. If anyone pulls out due to car trouble I’m more than happy to share, just my style of driving might worry you as I’m still driving the car like a nun, but then again its 2009.....

Would love to see the line of cars up the top of Loch Lomond at those wee pesky traffic lights.

16th September 2008, 09:37 PM
Thats looks fantastic - well done taking the time to organise it. You can definately stick my name down for that:yes nod:

12th October 2008, 05:41 PM
VB, can you add the Weefossies please. Roads look awesome.

3rd November 2008, 12:46 AM
Having had a quick shuftie at your route might I make a couple of suggestions?

In the Great Glen, take a left at Invergarry to Bunloinn. This is an excellent road and it will bypass all the tourists looking for Nessie.

The time saved will enable you to take the Bealach na Ba (Pass of the Cattle)



Surely the greatest of Scottish roads.

On another point, have you considered the availability of fuel in this area? 21/6/2009 is a Sunday which will mean most shops and garages in this area will be closed (during the day let alone at twilight!) and in any case, pumps are few and far between.

On the plus side, you have included this one!


Did the Applecross pass in April this year. Awesome road to drive. The bottom pic makes me feel homesick. As a kid lived down the right hand side of the loch (Maree) on Letterewe estate. The road to Gairloch has improved a bit since the days we travelled back and fore to school. It was all single track with passing places in those days. Took for ever and a day to get home from school (journey to it took five mins :Whistle:)
Stunning view isnt it?

2nd January 2009, 10:20 PM
Get my name doon please:smilewinkgrin:

3rd January 2009, 01:53 PM
That's 34 now, gulp! I'm sure some will drop out though.

Well I had you as older actually ;) & if you keep to a reasonable diet your bowel 'drop out's' should be just fine :D

AndyP & Lenore
3rd January 2009, 06:17 PM
Andy, it seems to be working again. Not sure why it was playing up or for how long.

Aye:yes nod:. Wierd:confused:. Deleted my post.:thumbs up:


7th January 2009, 11:50 PM
This run sounds amazing what are the over night accommodation plans. Thanks

10th January 2009, 03:16 PM
I haven't put my name down yet, as although this sounds like a magical run, I'm not sure when I'll have to take my holidays form work in June. From my experience these roads are some of the best you'll find ANYWHERE, not to mention the scenery.

One slight concern I'd have is FUEL. I've nearly been caught out a couple of times far up North (with much more economical cars than my current 'Oliver Reed' JCW!).

Petrol stations are few and far between, and even then, Sunday opening often seems to be a foreign concept. I remember the station in Gairloch (which is one of the larger places and arguably pretty touristy) being closed on a Sunday, and we just made it to the next one on fumes. Most of the wee stations were closed, but we reckoned Gairloch would be OK... Nope. Also, anyone preferring High Octane juice for their JCW's etc will be out of luck altogether. The second point isn't a great problem, but personally, with the time of the run and my fuel consumption, I'd need a spare 5litre Fuel Can - at least - 'cos these roads tend to make you drive 'enthusiastically'! Anyway, not an insurmountable problem, and it wouldn't be a concern for most, but maybe worth a thought to avoid grief later on. Apologies if someone's already thought about this. Some enterprising soul in a Clubman could stock up with a few spare fuel cans and make a killing if and when the 'MPG Panic' sets in!

10th January 2009, 06:33 PM
Worth a thought to remember that up Ullapool way the petrol station my not quite expect 30 odd Mini’s to be filling up! But there is loads of bus Tours so they must fill up some place.

I know that on the Sunday forget it above Ullapool as no one works and I mean no one and most things are closed…Been caught out before trying to get back down from Durness to find nothing was open and no petrol stations were open near by. Luckily after a bit of asking we found and Englander , great guy that was so annoyed with all the religiously followed day of rest he had his own pump…We paid the same as we had paid in Fort William if I remember right and to be fair he had us over a barrel as we needed back to Glasgow on the Sunday…..and the Audi at the time was out of jungle juice!!!!

Plus I’ve just got the picture in my head of the garage and thirty Mini’s :thumbs up:

11th January 2009, 12:12 AM
I just remember the look I got asking for an open petrol station up north, (Banjo out of deliverance) on a Sunday! :hand:

11th January 2009, 03:51 PM
I am tempted by this. Hmmm... When you need a definate answer by?

11th January 2009, 04:01 PM
Cheers guys. Put me down as a 'maybe'. Because of the nature of my work, I'll have to suss out which jobs are coming in when (one-man-band, design & printing etc). I usually take a week or so off in June, depending on deadlines, and might be away during the period of the run weekend. Of course, if I'm up North, I could combine the two... thinking cap on!

ps also just noticed that the Fuel point had been brought up and answered a long time back - teach me to read ALL the posts!

12th January 2009, 01:35 AM
0004BES + 1
Holiday form is in at work, so aslong as i get them off i will be there

12th January 2009, 08:24 AM
Just as small point but a fairly valid one. Space at Milton (Travelodge & Esso filling station) is limited. Idea for start point could be just up the road in Balloch (Loch Lomond Shores) where the car parks are huge ;)

12th January 2009, 12:40 PM
Agreed on that, the lodge car park is small and the Esso is tight if it’s the one I’m thinking on the main road just before the bend in the road with the car sales garage. Not really a place to get out of the car and walk about. Loch Lomond Shores on the other had has the possibility depending on time to more or less have a huge car park to yourself. You could put sixty mini’s and not disturb a sole when its early and quiet. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the top car park full, think it was wishful thinking on the part of the developers…

… The Esso/Lodge would probably mean Mini's turning up not seeing any space, driving on and getting lost. :sad:

12th January 2009, 12:55 PM
Bes, you're added

:hand: Name is Ben, Surname is 4Bes (Forbes)

12th January 2009, 08:10 PM
I haven't had chance to do the reccie, that'll happen in March, however if you guys think the Lomond Shores is a good starting point I'm happy to go with local knowledge.

Thanks for the advice its appreciated, I'm working from memory and I'm only going to get one run at the reccie.


With even an overspill car park, plus anyone wanting there first look at the loch, its two minutes walk………..there is a MacDonald’s as you drive in at the roundabout at Balloch, plus you can actually talk without a main road right beside you. I know up to Fort William like the back of my hand. This is regarded as the doorway to the highlands after all.........

To this,which in the past I have found it hard with three cars and a speed boat to get near each other....if the Esso is the right one I'm thinking.


13th January 2009, 04:25 AM
Have been keeping an eye on this run for ages, i really want to do it :thumbs up: but, it's so close to me travelling away back to work on the 23rd, so, does the run finish on the Sunday??
Or, as a last resort can i drop out from the run on the Sunday and just head home late on in the day without a long drive to Montrose?

13th January 2009, 09:16 AM
Thanks for that I'll pencil that in as the start point and have good look round when I'm up there in March, get photos, directions for the pack & buy Crombers breakfast.

:thumbs up: :hand:

13th January 2009, 03:34 PM
I know this is still months away but are any hotels booked yet in Glasgow or Ullapool? Are people camping or staying in hotels in Ullapool?

13th January 2009, 04:17 PM
Thanks was just wondering if there was a group thing.

13th January 2009, 06:18 PM
Bought a blooming dear Vango Tent to do the west Highland way a good few years back, Used the tent and it was great but had a few real faults but what can you do in the middle of the walk. Anyway got a new replacement and its never been used only put up in the back to check it was ok……..So Camping for me:thumbs up: Although packing up a tent at god knows what hour does not sound as nice as closing that hotel room door……….;)

13th January 2009, 07:08 PM
I will have camping stuff to cause we are camping in England, doing the run, then camping our way back to Aberdeen. Hope it is good weather

But a hotel and a warm bed will still do us good.

13th January 2009, 08:14 PM
Checked my dates for next year this run sounds amazing put us down for it greig & Kim:thumbs up:

13th January 2009, 08:36 PM
Its this year lol 20-21st 2009

13th January 2009, 09:09 PM
Oh thats good I'd love to see your car and find out who did all that work if its that tame we car you start with.....in your pic's:thumbs up:

13th January 2009, 10:48 PM
Sorry to Hogg this thread, I’m sure others want a shout……….Tv is on with the footie and although Gers are 2-0 its a wee bit poor.

The site looks great and more important from a Scotsman, there is no dam trees and you right on the shore so there will probably be a nice breeze, why you ask simple they had to even go to the extent of adding ("Mosquito Magnet" machines from the US which are dispersed around the campsite. These are designed to attract and destroy the infamous Highland "Midgie" and make your stay with us even better) :cool:

Plus looks like its no walk at all to the town and lets face it, it not up some silly wee farm track that everyone would miss. Don’t know why but when you said camping I had a half arsed farmer attempting a Campsite in mind but that looks Fantastic.:thumbs up:

I take it you're making it a wee Holiday in March....

13th January 2009, 11:05 PM
Poor Mrs Dogfather...........SYHA :D.

14th January 2009, 02:51 AM
If your Stuck yourself I'll go....An annoying Glaswegian is just what you need……Plus I go half on anything. Any excuse to go up there……..:p

14th January 2009, 08:35 AM
Mind you if there's enough interest perhaps the reccie will become a little run.

Now there is a thought

14th January 2009, 08:43 PM
Have been keeping an eye on this run for ages, i really want to do it :thumbs up: but, it's so close to me travelling away back to work on the 23rd, so, does the run finish on the Sunday??
Or, as a last resort can i drop out from the run on the Sunday and just head home late on in the day without a long drive to Montrose?

We will most probably have to depart on the Sunday as well as Karen's younger two will have school on the Monday. C'mon boss get yer name down :thumbs up:

15th January 2009, 03:52 AM
We will most probably have to depart on the Sunday as well as Karen's younger two will have school on the Monday. C'mon boss get yer name down :thumbs up:Ah go on then :D
Not sure if the real boss will be coming with me though :Whistle:
I like the idea of the social afternoon :beer: :lol:
I'll advise later regarding Me Julie, but, under no circumstances will i be camping :frown:

15th February 2009, 07:56 PM
Sorry but due to work commitment's we will have to pull out ,:sad::sad:

16th February 2009, 08:13 PM
Brian - As a new member to NMS and living in The Highlands, can we join in for the Stage 2 of the Twilight Run around Ullapool?

20th February 2009, 10:04 AM
Sorry Guys, looks like I'm going to have to pull out of this FAB run. Had to take hols at start of June, and now can't get off for the run. B*llocks. This will be a great one too - I've been up there lots of times both as a kid and later with various cars, and these roads are some of the best anywhere - PLUS that scenery. Have a great time. Away to sulk.
(cue Highland Lament from lone piper....)

20th February 2009, 10:48 AM
Sorry Guys, looks like I'm going to have to pull out of this FAB run. Had to take hols at start of June, and now can't get off for the run. B*llocks. This will be a great one too - I've been up there lots of times both as a kid and later with various cars, and these roads are some of the best anywhere - PLUS that scenery. Have a great time. Away to sulk.
(cue Highland Lament from lone piper....)

:sad: ah bollocks, you were meant to be the soundtrack , man :rolleyes:

Never mind, we'll take loads of photo's for you :thumbs up:

Should you have a change in circumstances, be sure to pop back in :hand:

20th February 2009, 01:03 PM
Oh well, shame I was looking forward to seeing some of the more interesting Mini’s on the run…:sad:

By the way SAV112, Kylie won't be in your passenger seat. She'll just have had a lovely week at Loch Awe and will be recuperating ... or should that be 're-COOPER-ating'?
I knew Kylie was going to be too much for you, hope to see you on the picnic run………….

21st February 2009, 01:41 AM
Oh well, shame I was looking forward to seeing some of the more interesting Mini’s on the run…:sad:

I knew Kylie was going to be too much for you, hope to see you on the picnic run………….

The lovely Kylie :p:blush: too much from so little :smilewinkgrin:... Sorry about the change of plans - work takes no prisoners when you're a 'one man band' I'm afraid. If my car's been to LOHEN before June, it'll be even more 'interesting' :hand: and will run out of petrol even sooner! :argh: Crombers - I can make you a tape to play in my absence :shut up::D

21st February 2009, 12:50 PM
Crombers - I can make you a tape to play in my absence :shut up::D

It may help, close but no cigar :sad: :frown:

23rd February 2009, 10:19 PM
Count me in sounds a great run

2nd March 2009, 10:24 PM
There is a wee ferry which runs from April onwards from Glenelg across to Skye, only takes about 5 minutes, and just as many cars (i.e. about 5), but a great drive across from Shiel Bridge on the A87 to Glenelg, then on the other side to Broadford, mostly single track up and down with passing places, before returning via the Skye Bridge to Eilean Donan Castle. Worth a look as a possible optional extra run. Website is Skyeferry.co.uk and it was also featured on BBC1 on Sunday night on Monty Hall's Great Escape. Anyway, sounds like a great run and would love to go but need to check for time off.

5th March 2009, 06:15 AM
As posted on your site, sdly i can't make the run, please remove me from the list

8th March 2009, 10:19 PM
:thumbs up:BBC 2 Scotland. Escape of Monty hall 9pm. Its up at Applecross it just showed the road and it looked fantastic.

9th March 2009, 11:56 AM
I don’t know if you can get BBC Scotland but then again it might have been on BBC2 in a few areas. Its on next week about the guy basically taking time out from life in the city and setting up his life in Applecross. It was actually quite good and great for helicopter views of the area plus a good few of Applecross.

You can catch it on BBCI PLAYER….:thumbs up:


15min is the quick fly over the road. so its the sweet spot although its all good and shows the cross from the start.

9th March 2009, 09:34 PM
I am not sure if you want to post here or on NM, so let me know. But you can stick me down for camping, 2 adults. How is the best way to pay deposit. I am on the run on the 19/4/09 if I could pay someone then, let me know , thanks:thumbs up:

9th March 2009, 11:26 PM
Have been looking through the details of this run again and it looks a classic, can't wait for this one. Going to be an early start to get to Dumbarton as I'm playing in the Pipe Band on the Friday.
There is no way us "auld yins" are camping, my "camping" days are over, so we will book a Hotel. It's a pity we aren't ending up in Tongue as there are 2 lovely hotels up there. Last time we went for an an overnight stop and stayed 4 days. Will let you know hotel once it's booked.
Finally, when do you think we will get back to Ullapool on the Sunday?

10th March 2009, 10:58 AM
I would imagine we'd be back in Ullapool for lunchtime depending on how long we stay at Blanakeil and Durness - The weather will probably play a big part in that decision.

What :eek:, our 'Scottish' weather

Are you incinuating that it can be unpredicatable in the West Coast :rolleyes:

In June :Whistle:

10th March 2009, 10:08 PM
I severely disagree with that statement....there some lovely babes in Newcastle:D:D



11th March 2009, 01:24 PM
Well there’s an unexpected picture, a bairn in a Newcastle strip. Well all that can be said "well done" there is only two teams worth supporting and Newcastle are my Prem team………….got the strip for the gym….:thumbs up:

Its winter they dont have the tops on..........

11th March 2009, 02:03 PM
Best get the supporting in this season then, they'll be in the Championship next season.

Its ok its in the rules, Newcastle can play as poor as they like but will stay up…….
its about as dependable as yon Govan lad running Man U winning the title and showing everyone how to do it…

Alex from NM
13th March 2009, 07:47 PM
Ooh, is this a Newcastle bashing thread? Can I join in... :smilewinkgrin:

17th March 2009, 07:26 PM
Its on a sunny day like today in the Mini that you appreciate with the right weather what this run will be…..I had forgot what a sunny day looked like. :thumbs up:

17th March 2009, 07:41 PM
:nag: Crombers, did you get my e mail reply re hotels? It's just that I never know if I've sent properly. :computer:

18th March 2009, 11:54 PM
:nag: Crombers, did you get my e mail reply re hotels? It's just that I never know if I've sent properly. :computer:

Emails received sir :thumbs up:, will hopefully have time on Thursday to have a look & get back to you. I'll PM my mobile number to you & we can discuss :thumbs up:

20th March 2009, 04:26 PM
PM sent :thumbs up:

I'm nightshift from 10pm tonight until Monday 6am. Will call you Monday evening to discuss if that's OK.

6th April 2009, 08:35 PM
That's our hotel all booked. Bring on the good weather and no midgies

6th April 2009, 09:38 PM
Got booked in at The Royal.

16th April 2009, 11:16 AM
You can ignore this if you've already booked a hotel and let me know as I'm assuming you'll be attending :D

Crombers have you booked somewhere?

Em :rolleyes:, I'm on the case :p

16th April 2009, 04:06 PM
Sent the reply to the E-mail…..Just give us a shout when you need the camping money….

16th April 2009, 07:06 PM

Guy took his New A4 sport for a five day drive and there is a few pic's of the road to applecross...........:thumbs up:over the Bealach Na Ba

17th April 2009, 03:44 PM
I'll stick you down as a definite attendee :rolleyes: Need to sort out which car park we'll be using at Balloch, is this still OK with you to pick one?

No problemo sir, give me an exact 'meet up' time & all will be sorted.

& yeah , Karen & I are definites :yes nod:

23rd April 2009, 05:34 PM
Booked into Eilean Donan Guest House :thumbs up:


23rd April 2009, 09:42 PM
Can't remember if I e-mailed you or not, but kim and I are a defo, and we are camping. 1 car 1 tent. If you need me to email what is the address, thanks:thumbs up:

3rd May 2009, 08:05 PM
Can you confirm if I need to respond, or are Kim and I marked up ok. Also is this run on the sat/sun or sun/mon, thanks.

3rd May 2009, 09:24 PM
Greig, you're on the list Day one is Saturday, the Twilight is early Sunday with a few beers planned for the afternoon/evening.

There's a few who have put their name down who haven't confirmed one way or the other which is causing a few problems with sorting out what we'll be doing.

Sounds amazing cannot wait, hav'nt camped for ages.

3rd May 2009, 11:13 PM
This is one run I have been looking forward to in ages :thumbs up:

I have been on many a memorable run during my 5 years with NMS & look forward to many more but this run has captured my imagination like no other since Paul first muted it a couple of years ago.

Maybe it is because I have not been up the West Coast 'proper' in a long time & maybe it will re kindle memories of family holidays of old, but this by a country mile, MINI Utd & the double header of the Cullen Run & Argyll & Bute weekend :yes nod: have me all set up for a summer of MINIFANTASTICO :clap:

4th May 2009, 12:20 PM
In for the Picnic run the week before as a kind of warm up…..good to meet a few people and see the cars before the twilight….I’ll have to look the tent out (Cracking Vango Dome) and get it out the back so I don’t look a arse trying to remember on the run.

I always enjoy my runs north, once you get to Loch Lomond, that’s it I’m a happy bunny and if my memory serves me right the Road to Durness just gets better and better..I’m so annoyed last time with the pass to Applecross, I drove past it.....there is a cracking person bridge over a ravine that swings but cant remember the exact spot all I know is its around the road with the Giant Red Woods.

There is so many highlights on the Road.:thumbs up:

Thinking about Monday night back at http://applecross.uk.com/campsite/index.htm as I wish to vist a few spots, one of which was on the TV....


26th May 2009, 06:07 PM
The list has been revised, if your name is on the not confirmed section I am assuming that you'll probably not be coming. Happy to move you into the confirmed section but you need to let me know ASAP.

As it stands mate we have just the right numbers to make this 'manageable' for yourself to enjoy as well. Any more will as you say be more than welcome but as it is we will have a brilliant time :thumbs up:

26th May 2009, 07:14 PM
Ach sod it i have been holding off waiting for a co-pilot to confirm but im sure i can cope with my ipod for company! :p

Add me please ... i will camp too if thats ok although might kip in the car instead of bothering with a tent.

26th May 2009, 09:14 PM
Heh heh! remember who does ur graphics :p;):moonie:

Erm dunno about Friday night, i will see what Ben is doing as more than likely i will bomb through with him if he's coming via Dundee.

will let you know :smilewinkgrin:

26th May 2009, 11:20 PM
Heh heh! remember who does ur graphics :p;):moonie:

Erm dunno about Friday night, i will see what Ben is doing as more than likely i will bomb through with him if he's coming via Dundee.

will let you know :smilewinkgrin:

I will be tucked up in the Travelodge Braehead on the Friday night:popcorn: More than welcome to book a room if you wish. Then camping with the rest in Ullapool:D

27th May 2009, 10:30 AM
I will just leave Dundee early and bomb through... if i do find a co-pilot i might book a room to be fair on them lol.

Will keep you posted either way ;)

27th May 2009, 11:18 AM
Must say I’m lucky, I live 30 min’s from the official start on the Loch, just a short trip on the Motorway - on At Ibrox, over the bridge and I’m there.

The weeks are certainly counting down.............Still to get the Tent out and make sure its put up out the back and a few coats of wax for the car............:blush:

1st June 2009, 09:47 AM
So that I'm not trying to store lots of numbers in my phone on the day, can all attendees please PM me their mobile number and let me know if you have hands free or not. I'll send you mine in return.

If you have walkie talkies bring them along we'll probably be using them as well.



Pm sent, thanks

1st June 2009, 10:58 AM
You've already got me number lad :yes nod:

1st June 2009, 12:23 PM
Not got Hands free..........:blush:
will send the number and ma Reg........:thumbs up:

Not been on any runs but I suppose a group text from the lead car giving its general position would be great at a few points......

1st June 2009, 08:12 PM
pm sent!

4th June 2009, 08:57 PM
Hi Paul
I still intend coming on this run but dependent on specy getting out of hosp. Dont think it would be the same coming along in a focus! However, I'm not sure at which point in the run I intend joining. Can I confirm this at some point later? I need to go over the route to pick my spot for tagging on at the end. Ok?

6th June 2009, 05:23 PM
Monday 15 June 2009 to Sunday 28 June 2009

“Warming up.”

High pressure stays with us for most of this period and should extend its influence across much of the UK resulting in mostly dry and often very sunny conditions.
Temperatures should recover from mid to late June onwards so it will feel more like summer again with some very warm days likely, particularly in the south.
Rainfall amounts could be very scanty in many areas although there is always the potential for some thundery outbreaks towards the south-east giving localised downpours.

Fingers Crossed.:thumbs up:

6th June 2009, 08:39 PM
Monday 15 June 2009 to Sunday 28 June 2009

“Warming up.”

High pressure stays with us for most of this period and should extend its influence across much of the UK resulting in mostly dry and often very sunny conditions.
Temperatures should recover from mid to late June onwards so it will feel more like summer again with some very warm days likely, particularly in the south.
Rainfall amounts could be very scanty in many areas although there is always the potential for some thundery outbreaks towards the south-east giving localised downpours.

Fingers Crossed.:thumbs up:

Yep fingers and toes crossed, camping is no fun in the rain!

7th June 2009, 04:16 PM
Getting close, really looking foward to this:clap:

7th June 2009, 07:11 PM
Probably see you on the way down to Loch Lomond in your S, although you’ll probably go through Eastwood Toll and out that way.

7th June 2009, 08:20 PM
EK straight onto the M77 for me. Where abouts in South Glasgow are you from Sav?

7th June 2009, 09:01 PM
Hey i Really want to come on this run but i don't know if i am going to be onshore or not so can you put me down as a maybe :smilewinkgrin:

7th June 2009, 10:04 PM
EK straight onto the M77 for me. Where abouts in South Glasgow are you from Sav?

Cathcart\Simshill if you know the area..........I'm up in EK more or less three times a week at the John Right sports centre.........Well untill they fix the Dolan..:frown:

So your driving over the new Road then down Past the Mearns M77 to Dumbreck then over to Ibrox and on M8?

7th June 2009, 10:29 PM
Thanks, as for the sleeping arrangements will there be room in the camp site? if not it will just mean sleeping in the car which is no prob to me, done that plenty of times :lol:

7th June 2009, 10:38 PM
I’m sure the Campsite wont mind one more and lets face it there is bound to be room….Dont know how the rest of the Campers will feel when a good few Mini's take off at the start of Dawn..........:thumbs up:

7th June 2009, 10:42 PM
We will all leave quietly and peacefully...

7th June 2009, 10:53 PM
I’ve read those Cooper S start like tractors first thing……..:D

Of course out of respect to the Campsite everyone will do there best but as you know in a tent you hear everything.

7th June 2009, 10:53 PM
Cathcart\Simshill if you know the area..........I'm up in EK more or less three times a week at the John Right sports centre.........Well untill they fix the Dolan..:frown:

So your driving over the new Road then down Past the Mearns M77 to Dumbreck then over to Ibrox and on M8?

Thought the M77 linked straight onto the M8? Well plan was new road at ek to m77 whick links straight onto m8 lol.

Eithier that or i'll drive to drive to kinning park and on the M8 there.

7th June 2009, 10:56 PM
I've heard the john wrights has went down hill fast since the dolan shut down.

7th June 2009, 10:57 PM
I’ve read those Cooper S start like tractors first thing……..:D

Of course out of respect to the Campsite everyone will do there best but as you know in a tent you hear everything.

My thing is a little bit loud first thing but that cant be helped, but lets be fare there is going to a lot of noise from all the cars :yes nod:

7th June 2009, 10:59 PM
It does in a way if you take the turn off at kinning park and take the road that simply loops under and back on North Bound.

7th June 2009, 11:08 PM
I've heard the john wrights has went down hill fast since the dolan shut down.

Not wanting to go of Topic but it takes them ages to fix anything...at one point they had a good few Gym Machines out of action for about three weeks. :argh:

7th June 2009, 11:09 PM
It does in a way if you take the turn off at kinning park and take the road that simply loops under and back on North Bound.

I'm with you now:smilewinkgrin:

Its funny i've never driven the m77 into town before lol

8th June 2009, 09:00 AM
Having lived in Dumbarton for 9 years & now back safely in the South Side where I was brought up, I reckon I could get all you guys down to Balloch in a 'jiffy'. Should anyone need a helping hand just say the word :thumbs up:

8th June 2009, 12:40 PM
I’m ok :D I drive the road all the time, I’d recon at an easy pace were forty minutes away from the Loch on a Saturday Morning...unless Rangers Sign Ronaldo on the Saturday I dont see a problem.:D I was just going to leave at ten to eight......

If you want to meet up at Hampden or somthing than I'll go with that as well.. :thumbs up:I should be used to following Mini's by then with the picnic run the weekend before.

8th June 2009, 01:09 PM
Can someone tell me where exactly is the start point in ballock, cheers folks

8th June 2009, 01:19 PM


The Google Sat is actually just before they built the shops but the car parks are there.....

Loch Lomond Shores Mate, you drive down towards Balloch and follow the road round past McDonalds and you cant miss it…I take it there will be a car park with Mini’s, well I hope so..:thumbs up:

I have only ever seen the top Car park full once on a Summers Day at around 2 pm, but it was one of them roasting days and everyone seemed to be out.

9th June 2009, 01:27 AM
I done Day 1 and Day 2 on Tyre! it uses google map that converts to TomTom.....works well...........

Very Easy to get it on your Tom Tom and very small file.

This seems to be the Biz for this


:thumbs up:

13th June 2009, 09:18 PM
Hi Paul
Not sure which thread to post on but will meet at Dornie. Have booked B&B in Ullapool. Mobie No 07828098595. Am supposed to be getting the car back on Friday. Fingers crossed they're on schedule.

15th June 2009, 05:26 PM
Weather is looking better for the weekend, drier and warmer than of late. There's still a chance of some rain but not looking too bad overall.

Ace :thumbs up:

15th June 2009, 06:04 PM
Soo looking forward to this ...

15th June 2009, 08:24 PM
Missed you on the Picnic Run (I'm sure it was you they phoned), but was there when they phoned.... Just a shame no one from the Run is with us......Tell you what I'm looking forward to the more relaxed drive of the Twilight as they were Bombing along on the Run………………So wanting to chill and enjoy the Scenery and take some pic's……Not putting down the picnic which was great fun:thumbs up:……but if I did that for 400 miles I’d be knackered :D

15th June 2009, 09:18 PM
Missed you on the Picnic Run (I'm sure it was you they phoned), but was there when they phoned.... Just a shame no one from the Run is with us......Tell you what I'm looking forward to the more relaxed drive of the Twilight as they were Bombing along on the Run………………So wanting to chill and enjoy the Scenery and take some pic's……Not putting down the picnic which was great fun:thumbs up:……but if I did that for 400 miles I’d be knackered :D

dito, really looking forward to this run, scenery will be amazing.

15th June 2009, 09:21 PM
what is the meet time on saturday? can't find it.

15th June 2009, 10:28 PM
"to get there for 8.30am as we'll be leaving at 9.00am. You'll pass a couple of garages on the way through Milton but there will be fuel at Fort William which is less than 90 miles away."

This is off the Northern Site...I'm going to leave just before Eight, Should only take 30-35 minutes to get to the shores.......you cant be that far off from Largs.......prob about 50-60 minutes.

Alex from NM
15th June 2009, 10:29 PM
what is the meet time on saturday? can't find it.

8.30am meet with a view to setting off for 9 according to Pauls post on NM. I'm meeting up with the runners and riders and Dornie

15th June 2009, 11:51 PM
Missed you on the Picnic Run (I'm sure it was you they phoned), but was there when they phoned.... Just a shame no one from the Run is with us......Tell you what I'm looking forward to the more relaxed drive of the Twilight as they were Bombing along on the Run………………So wanting to chill and enjoy the Scenery and take some pic's……Not putting down the picnic which was great fun:thumbs up:……but if I did that for 400 miles I’d be knackered :D

Yep - was me, had posted that I was having to miss out but it was too late for Stoney or anyone else to see it.

16th June 2009, 06:08 AM
Cheers Alex :D

Yes, aim to be there at 8.30am so we can all introduce ourselves. Head to the main car park first, but if its full we'll move to another car park you'll get a text to let you know which one as I think there's quite a few :D.

Cheers, is the main carpark anywhere near McDonalds, not very clued up on this area. Ta

16th June 2009, 08:52 AM
The entrance is just past McDonald’s, you can’t miss it. Must be around a hundred yards to the Road down to the shore’s car park…. Past the Mc'd’s, Past a Chinese restaurant , second exit off the next roundabout, down Ben Lomond way….:thumbs up:

16th June 2009, 09:16 AM
Thanks, found it on google maps.

16th June 2009, 09:31 AM
Tell you what I'm looking forward to the more relaxed drive of the Twilight as they were Bombing along on the Run………………So wanting to chill and enjoy the Scenery and take some pic's……Not putting down the picnic which was great fun:thumbs up:……but if I did that for 400 miles I’d be knackered :D

Top tip for the day is to follow the lead car as it 'should' keep to the legal limits. If however you wanna 'spirit' along get yourself to the back of the queue as your always playing catch up & :D it's good fun :thumbs up:

I'm sure Paul will have a wee natter with us all before we leave but as he has said before we all have copies of the run notes, there are quite a few stops so we can all pick our own pace :yes nod:

16th June 2009, 05:06 PM
I was Second last, and it seemed Catch up all the time.......Dont think the wee Mini has worked so hard...and me and the Car got a fright at a Bridge :Whistle:( think I went over it and ended up on the wrong side of the road fighting for grip while on the brakes ) after that I was ok...it probably was not as bad as it felt......

The route is in the Tom Tom...Nailed down using that Tyre program on Google Earth and checked a few times. So looking forward to meeting up with the others at the many stops…..still to check the Tent.....:blush:

16th June 2009, 05:23 PM
Is the route straight forward on the tom tom. Ie do i put in balloch to ullapool and it would show me the route to take, or to i use the run notes?
I don't get home till friday, got new wheels to put on, get the tent oot and get organised for the weekend. So much to do and so little time.

16th June 2009, 05:46 PM
Greg it’s the Actual Twilight Route. Got Day1 and Day 2 done…If you download a wee program called Tyre, think I put the link up a few pages back….then I’d send you my two files. If you just do it on the Sat Nav it will miss a few roads and go the best and quickest way.

You click on the files (day1 & day2) on tyre and put your Tom Tom in its Dock for the PC and it copies it a folder called Itinerary if you hit the right option. Then all you do is when your ready to set off in the Tom Tom hit the screen menu till you see “Itinerary planning” if it loads something up clear it then hit the “load Itinerary” and hit either day 1 or day 2 ….Day 1 will take you to starting point at the loch…then covers all the first day, Mind I have Applecross on my file….I used it for the Picnic and it was fine…

PM an Email address……

Oh can I add a disclaimer

“ This Tom Tom Route is used at the owners own risk and it is advisable to have a backup set of printed Run Notes. Under no circumstances should you follow your Sat Nav off a cliff, Harbour or anything else that would hurt you or your bank balance…”
:thumbs up:

16th June 2009, 07:35 PM
Wish I had a tom tom instead of garmin :rolleyes:

17th June 2009, 12:41 PM
Most of the Nokia phones can use “Latitude” it gives updates on a wee Google map of the position of the cars using the phones……I’ve got dogs on my phone….Good if you want an idea of were the cars are live.:thumbs up:

17th June 2009, 01:02 PM
I am coming along now folks, one more NMS'er! Heading down with Baz on Sat morning

17th June 2009, 01:34 PM
Nice one :thumbs up:

17th June 2009, 01:35 PM
I am coming along now folks, one more NMS'er! Heading down with Baz on Sat morning

Superb Ryan, get to see yer new motor, hey you might be able to keep up with the big boys now.;):smilewinkgrin:

17th June 2009, 02:01 PM
Hopefully I will be able to keep T! :thumbs up:

17th June 2009, 10:14 PM
Missed you on the Picnic Run (I'm sure it was you they phoned), but was there when they phoned.... Just a shame no one from the Run is with us......Tell you what I'm looking forward to the more relaxed drive of the Twilight as they were Bombing along on the Run………………So wanting to chill and enjoy the Scenery and take some pic's……Not putting down the picnic which was great fun:thumbs up:……but if I did that for 400 miles I’d be knackered :D

i was there when we phoned bumbble :eek: and as for the pace then every run is diffrent some faster some slower ;)hope you have a good time i have to much on with my wedding to come along :yes nod: have fun :thumbs up:

18th June 2009, 08:31 AM
The lead car won't be slow :D

:clap: :thumbs up: :D

18th June 2009, 10:11 AM
i have to much on with my wedding to come along :yes nod: have fun :thumbs up:

With your set up the whole of Sutherland would have been alive with the sound of those exhausts. The Wildlife will never know what they are missing. Pity you cant fit this in as a Wedding Prezzie. :sad:

http://mworthington.co.uk/jalbum/Panoramics/The%20Great%20Outdoors/thumbs/08,%20View%20NE%20from%20Stac%20Pollaidh,%20Suther land,%20Scotland,%2029-5-96.jpg

18th June 2009, 04:04 PM
I am so p**t off every time i wont to go on a mini meet i am offshore and cant make it sorry will have to be next time:ragin::ragin:

18th June 2009, 04:22 PM
When you back? Catch us on Sat or Sun maybe?

18th June 2009, 07:37 PM
Help, got home tonight and printer is nakered, so can someone bring me a set of run notes for saturday, thanks

18th June 2009, 08:05 PM
I will see you guys and gals on Sat up in Ullapool. Mrs D is treating me to a couple of days away and we are staying in Strathpeffer, so having T early and then dash up to Ullapool for a chat over a wee drink :thumbs up:

Let me know where you end up for your dinner and we will pop by. :thumbs up:

18th June 2009, 08:11 PM
a wee tip for some great food.

the Arch Inn.:thumbs up:

18th June 2009, 08:19 PM

Bar Menu looks very good that home made Cheese burger looks a winner……….:thumbs up:

"Popular with the locals, and visitors alike, the The Arch Inn bar is open 7 days a week from 11am (12.30pm on a Sunday) serving bar meals throughout the day, plus a large selection of draft and bottled beers, malts and the fabulous ales from the local An Teallach Brewery."

18th June 2009, 08:24 PM
when I stayed at the Ord we often took a trip up to Ullapool on a Sunday afternoon eating at the Arch Inn and they early evening if it was a nice night we would have "tea on the wall" from the wee tea shop on the front.

Ahh wish I could come along on the trip:argh::argh::argh::argh:

18th June 2009, 08:27 PM
Oh and someone should really take the time out to video some R56's driving around the harbour @ Ullapool as that's where MINI done their Promo Video for the R56 Cooper.;)

18th June 2009, 08:29 PM
Its right at the campsite as well:thumbs up: and you can sit out side.....looking over the Water.

18th June 2009, 08:32 PM
Its right at the campsite as well:thumbs up: and you can sit out side.....looking over the Water.

it'll be good. Hope the midge is not to much bother.:ragin:

18th June 2009, 08:43 PM
I know everyone will be trying to get settled with there tents and B&B’s, But if it’s a nice night we really should try a group shot of all the cars….:thumbs up:

18th June 2009, 09:00 PM
Greg it’s the Actual Twilight Route. Got Day1 and Day 2 done…If you download a wee program called Tyre, think I put the link up a few pages back….then I’d send you my two files. If you just do it on the Sat Nav it will miss a few roads and go the best and quickest way.

You click on the files (day1 & day2) on tyre and put your Tom Tom in its Dock for the PC and it copies it a folder called Itinerary if you hit the right option. Then all you do is when your ready to set off in the Tom Tom hit the screen menu till you see “Itinerary planning” if it loads something up clear it then hit the “load Itinerary” and hit either day 1 or day 2 ….Day 1 will take you to starting point at the loch…then covers all the first day, Mind I have Applecross on my file….I used it for the Picnic and it was fine…

PM an Email address……

Oh can I add a disclaimer

“ This Tom Tom Route is used at the owners own risk and it is advisable to have a backup set of printed Run Notes. Under no circumstances should you follow your Sat Nav off a cliff, Harbour or anything else that would hurt you or your bank balance…”
:thumbs up:

finally done it. All loaded up. Are you bringing run notes too?

19th June 2009, 06:56 AM
well chufed getting off the rig today so looks like i will be there :thumbs up::thumbs up: so happy.

19th June 2009, 07:10 AM
well chufed getting off the rig today so looks like i will be there :thumbs up::thumbs up: so happy.

I just got off yesterday, was praying for no delays. It can be brill offhore will the time off etc, but it is crap when you miss so many dates. Nice one you are going to make it.:thumbs up:

19th June 2009, 08:30 AM
finally done it. All loaded up. Are you bringing run notes too?

Printer is not the best:blush:, cant remember last time I used it.....so going to wing it with the Tom Tom...but there is really only a few roads you could miss and even then you'd still end up in the right place...cant for the life of me find my old trusty AA MAP.:ragin:

So Tav glad your back on the Run:thumbs up: You going to the Loch or meeting us further North?

19th June 2009, 05:39 PM
<<<< v excited :) see you all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning

19th June 2009, 09:37 PM
Car fuelled – Check
Car cleaned – Check
Phone and Camera on charge- Check
Tom Tom Speed Cameras update- oh still to do.
Camping stuff out and ready-Check
Programmed the Recorder for TopGear – Still to Do.
Snacks in a Cool Bag –Check

The list goes on. I just wish the Car was in a garage then I’d put all the stuff in and be ready from the word go.

See you all early.........

19th June 2009, 10:09 PM
Ach well decided to join the run.

We see you all tomorrow morning. Not doing the Sunday as we have to be home for Sunday evening for hospital visiting duties.

Will be camping.

19th June 2009, 10:16 PM
Have a good safe trip folks :thumbs up:
As i thought, i'm far too knackered after 3,100 miles on a motor bike

19th June 2009, 11:06 PM
Ach well decided to join the run.

We see you all tomorrow morning. Not doing the Sunday as we have to be home for Sunday evening for hospital visiting duties.

Will be camping.

Scottie you heading down to the loch then for 8:30am? I'll keep you in mind incase we all leave.....dogs will prob not be back


Glad you made it back safe and sound Gis

20th June 2009, 06:26 AM
Well packed and ready to go. weather looks drab, but who cares. See everyone there.:thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
20th June 2009, 09:10 AM
Have fun y'all.:thumbs up:


20th June 2009, 09:27 AM
enjoy yourself guys and gals. :thumbs up:

see you all in Ullapool :smilewinkgrin:

21st June 2009, 05:24 PM
just back home after 2 nights and 3 days in the Highlands. Great to see the Northern folk REALLY "up north" ;)

Dogfather - I think you had the biggest tent there for just yourself... Over-compensating for something? :Whistle:

looks like you had good weather and hope nobody got rained on in their tent.. :yes nod:

Good to see all the usual faces.. ;) Crombers, did I see your car parked at the Royal Hotel as I went home - change of venue ?

21st June 2009, 10:00 PM
well just back in from the most amazing 2 days in a mini ever. 50 hours, 5 hours sleep 830 miles and £130 in fuel.

Loads of thanks to say, thanks to paul for organising this amazing weekend, and brill weather booking. Thanks to everyone who made us feel so so welcome and for making the weekend superb. Thanks to Baz for letting me beat him, thanks to Rita,Ian, Brian,Sue and slow coach Ian for a nice night on saturday, thanks also too Alan for the tent pegs.
Will get some pics up soon too.

21st June 2009, 10:06 PM
well I'm knackered and we only done day 1. Although we did drive the 206 (approx miles) home very early this morning and that was after a god awful night (for me) camping no way will I ever ever ever ever camp again


we had the best off times and a epic mini journey with a great bunch of folks and every road was awesome.

I've got to say a massive thanks to Craig and huge thanks to Jude for all their hard work yesterday with our tent and stuff couldn't have done it without you guys and to Paul for putting the run together, next year I'm B&B'ing;)

The young yins for sleeping in their cars and then doing day 2.:thumbs up:

Shielz and her pyjamas.;)

Bumble and Shielz for sleeping in their tents, hope it's not raining.

Paul that was some tent you had there buddy.

to everyone who took the time to kick that wee ball for Molly I swear she would still be at the campsite now fetching the ball.

finally to all campers I must apologies if Allan woke you all early this morning (5.00am) for his rant to the guy and his kids that were kicking the football but when he heard the ball hitting our car he just lost it.

Couple of pics









and this is Molly after her epic weekend


21st June 2009, 10:31 PM
Thanks to Baz for letting me beat him

Haha thought i would let you have some glory :p My Turb... i mean Cooper is still hot from being on ur back bumper! :D:lol:

Well i have to say that was easily the best Mini run i have ever been on ... roads were amazing, scenery was amazing and so were the people. Good to have some banter with the usual suspects - Greig get that joey mod done man! :p Car is looking ace with those alloys! Kim could give the paparazzi a run for thier money too by the way! :smilewinkgrin:

Was nice being back in Ullapool even if their fish was apparently 'fishy' and their ketchup was 10p!!!! haha

Nice to meet Paul and the Northern guys, thanks for organsing such a great weekend!

Fi - sleeping in the car was ... interesting! On that note i am off to bed to catch up on some sleep! :lol:

(Pics to come 2moz)

21st June 2009, 10:33 PM
Fantastic weekend! Great people, great banter, great roads with accompanying scenery and a great fast pace to top it all off. Was good catching up with all the NMS'ers and meeting some new faces from south of the border :thumbs up: Hats off to Paul for organising this run, will definately be attending next year although this time in a B&B!

Sleeping in the car was not exactly the best thing to do, I did however manage a full 6 hours sleep until some muppett starting chapping on my window :D Never heard Alan Fi...Ear defenders were tight in my lugs!

Photos soon
P.S sorry Baz about the situ. on the way home :knife:

21st June 2009, 10:40 PM



21st June 2009, 10:45 PM
LOL we clearly found amusement in Paul's Confusion :D

21st June 2009, 10:55 PM
glad to help Fi and Allan. :thumbs up: Wish we could have been with you guys for the weekend, but next time in a hotel ;)

and to the 2 young uns in the cars... :frown: your are nuts, but you will learn. ;):Whistle::clap:

22nd June 2009, 08:53 AM
Crombers, did I see your car parked at the Royal Hotel as I went home - change of venue ?

Nope :beer:

22nd June 2009, 09:23 AM
Back yesterday evening, knackered after a long drive from Durness to Glasgow with one pit stop in Aviemore. In all my 5 years with NMS this was simply the best run/weekend I/we have ever been on. The weather certainly contributed to this and we were blessed with two superb days once we left Fort William (the weekend would not have been what it was if it had been wet or if there had been low cloud coverage) . The roads were AWESOME (the Pass of the Cattle at Applecross is one to tick off in your lifetime), the scenery was breathtaking, every bend brought out a 'just look at that view' comment & the pace was spot on (well for me anyway :thumbs up:). So many memorable moments from a weekend that will long be remembered. I said yesterday to a few people that were on one of their first(ish) runs, stating that not all of the runs are like this & this is said in no way to belittle the other superb/excellent runs that are put together by a number of our fellow members. Quite simply this run was stunning from beginning to end and I can only compliment Mr Gaskell highly enough by saying 'YES' please, put me & Karen down for next year buddy :hand:

I had my name down for this run from the very beginning & have looked forward to doing the run for the same amount of time. So pleased that Paul did not let this one go after it 'wilted' first time round. In discussions with Paul & Malcolm we all agreed that this could easily become an annual event IF Paul wanted to organise it all again & that the only problem I can envisage is capping the number of attendees due to increased demend.

Well done indeed sir :clap:

22nd June 2009, 09:53 AM
Thanks again Paul was amazing. As Baz said easily the best run I have been on. And put me down for next year. Just need more power next time:rolleyes:

P.S sorry Baz about the situ. on the way home :knife:

Did you overtake Baz on the Ullapool to Inverness road or did he turn off?

22nd June 2009, 10:31 AM
absolutely great, thanks to Paul for such a great run with breath taking roads and view's also for everyone making me feel welcome on my first mini run.
P.S. Greig you got that new diffuser yet.:laugh:

22nd June 2009, 12:13 PM
absolutely great, thanks to Paul for such a great run with breath taking roads and view's also for everyone making me feel welcome on my first mini run.
P.S. Greig you got that new diffuser yet.:laugh:

Think I would need 2 to keep up with you;):lol:

22nd June 2009, 12:14 PM
First of loads of pics.


22nd June 2009, 12:53 PM
Great turn out, We (Clan) are heading up Applecross this weekend, suns going to be out by the look of things.

We were up Inverarie & Temple Woods Sat night past.

Can't wait to see the rest of the pics

22nd June 2009, 04:06 PM
Right here are some of the 672 pics Kim and I managed to take
















22nd June 2009, 04:08 PM
Greg that’s fantastic with all the cars..........:thumbs up:I fecking knew there was more than 16 cars like everyone said last night.....Fantastic run with fantastic people….when we settled down to the back four or five I could relax……:D

I really don’t think weather wise we could have asked for more…With the "Scenery on full Wow mode" When I left this morning after helping collapse Dog’s Massive tent….I went along the Inverness road and then took the Beauly turn off, then Drumnadrocket, stopped at Urqharrt Castle then had a stop at Fort Augustus in brilliant Sunshine. It only rained for 20 min's near Fort William then went off…I’m sure I passed a certain Irish Lady and her husband in the Great Glen around 10:40am….How many Black cooper S with silver Mirrors can there be going the other way, but i might have been wrong.

Thanks for everyone putting up with my catching up and thanks to the Girls for sitting at the rear and letting me follow:blush:…..meant a lot. Some times I had the Best seat in the house when I could see everyone in front winding round the Roads- "Fantastic" and either the people in the other Vehicles were just glad I was the last blooming Mini or as I like to think really appreciated such a show of cars doing there thing, Certainly got loads of thumbs up and big smiles…Just that camper Van past Applecross when I was on my own, no mistake they looked Pissed and ready for blood………So I knew you had passed them……..:D

But it really was how I imagined\ hoped the run might be given the right outstanding weather, I Knew the scenery, and the Roads were already fantastic having done Durness many years ago.

Going for a sleep………… Then I can look at all your pics, and my own....I'd really like a good one of applecross.

Cheers Again
Stewart....AKA (Who are we missing?);)

22nd June 2009, 04:12 PM
and there's more.........
















22nd June 2009, 04:14 PM
the last ones....honest







22nd June 2009, 04:17 PM
Stunning views folks, so wished i could have made it :thumbs up:

22nd June 2009, 04:18 PM
If anyone Has problems with number plates being shown, let me know and i will remove the pic.

22nd June 2009, 04:35 PM
not at all, if you dont mind me copying a few and posting them just now as I dont have it in me to look at my own........and my friends will get the jist....of it.

22nd June 2009, 04:46 PM
not at all, if you dont mind me copying a few and posting them just now as I dont have it in me to look at my own........and my friends will get the jist....of it.

Knock yourself out

Alex from NM
22nd June 2009, 05:41 PM
Thanks for a great time everyone. Met some fantastic people and saw some brilliant scenery. Wish I was back at Durness with that view in the sunshine :smilewinkgrin:.

I'm already looking forward to the 2010 run :cool:. Don't forget though that Tongue doesn't open til 12pm on Sunday :thumbs up:

22nd June 2009, 05:53 PM
Don't forget though that Tongue doesn't open til 12pm on Sunday :thumbs up:

Hahahaha! Also remember NO EXCEPTIONS! :rolleyes::hand::D

22nd June 2009, 05:57 PM
Hahahaha! Also remember NO EXCEPTIONS! :rolleyes::hand::D


22nd June 2009, 05:59 PM
Did you overtake Baz on the Ullapool to Inverness road or did he turn off?

Yeah he overtook to catch up with you guys as he didn't know where he was going lol... i couldnt be arsed driving at pace anymore so sat back and hit cruise control ;)

22nd June 2009, 06:20 PM
Wasn't to sure what had happenend. We sat at a comfortable pace. Thought you had turned off when Ryan caught up. Sorry was trying to get to M&S Inverurie for 6pm, made it with 8mins to spare

Alex from NM
22nd June 2009, 06:34 PM
Some pics on NM. Dunno if you can see 'em if you're not registered. Could someone let me know if they can't?


22nd June 2009, 06:40 PM
Some pics on NM. Dunno if you can see 'em if you're not registered. Could someone let me know if they can't?


Need to be registered.

22nd June 2009, 06:43 PM
cracking pics folks :thumbs up::thumbs up:

need to start saving for next year... :rolleyes::smilewinkgrin:

Alex from NM
22nd June 2009, 06:45 PM
drat! I'll stick a few here then anyway






22nd June 2009, 08:05 PM
What more can you say :D:D..... The best run we have been on. Applecross was just awesome and the further north we went the better the roads became. Coudn't believe how people just got out our way at the passing places and waved us by :bigwave:....Paul was like Moses parting the waters.
It's 30 years since we have been in Durness and Tongue, boy the roads are so much better and the weather was ten times better, Roll on global warming.
Hotel was excellent and I didn't feel the least bit guilty, but I do take my hat off to the campers, sorry but we're just too old for that!!
Took us 4.30 hrs from Ullapool to North Berwick with one stop.
Will post a bit more and some pics once I've finished my "Ruby Murray"

22nd June 2009, 09:51 PM
Hope everyone had a safe journey back home.

What can I say, awsome run folks:D

The roads were fantastic, good weather, great company & banter:thumbs up:

Looing forward to the 2010 run :D


22nd June 2009, 10:09 PM
My Pics Here (http://gallery.me.com/barrymcginlay#100032&view=grid&bgcolor=black&sel=45)

Some samples...

What's that coming over the hill...?

22nd June 2009, 10:19 PM
Great pictures:thumbs up::cool:

22nd June 2009, 10:24 PM
some great pic there looked like a great weekend gutted could not make it will keep the date free for next year though for sure

22nd June 2009, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the photos folks! I would post mine but they are garbage!

Keep em' coming!

22nd June 2009, 10:55 PM
Magic weekend.:thumbs up::clap::clap::clap:


Link to my photos from weekend on Facebook. Not sure how else to show them.

22nd June 2009, 10:56 PM
Link to my photos from weekend on Facebook. Not sure how else to show them.Only facebook registered folks can look at them :sad:

22nd June 2009, 11:15 PM
Here's a few more pics

Ladies & Gentlemen, start your engines




2 weil kent faces

What some people will do for a photo

Stac Pollaidh


22nd June 2009, 11:19 PM
Again some amazing pics. :thumbs up::thumbs up:

22nd June 2009, 11:24 PM
absolutely stunning pics folks... :thumbs up:

22nd June 2009, 11:31 PM
Great Pics :thumbs up: Looks like a fab run

23rd June 2009, 12:00 AM
This is supposed to be the public link. I hope it works


Sorry if it doesnt.

23rd June 2009, 12:47 AM
Well, what can I say that hasn't already been said, I had a fantastic weekend. Fab roads, Fab crew and even the weather gods were kind (for Scotland anyway!).

Special things I'm remember;

:thumbs up: All the fab people both driving, passengers and (almost) everyone we met on the roads who gave us smiles and waves
:smilewinkgrin: Feeling very smug about the non effort tent while everyone else was fiddling with poles (thanks to Allan for anchoring it!)
:hand: Mom pole dancing in the pub
:frown: Having to get out of the tent at 3 in the morning, and getting rained on, just to go for a wee!
:argh: Feeling not so smug trying to get my tent back in the bag, Sheliz shares my pain

Will put up my pics tomorrow - thanks again for organising Paul!

23rd June 2009, 08:35 AM
I now have a cunning plan for 2010 :D

New start point, new finish point, a couple of extra highlights and better use of the return journey from Ullapool.

Superb, stick us down :thumbs up:

23rd June 2009, 08:37 AM
These are a bit rough....and there is too many of my own car....thats of no interest to the rest....but oh are they great all the same. Plus most of the pics taken have been posted....Think everyone stood at the same spots :D But I love my bridge one up the Hill.....as the lads said worth the climb.......:yes nod:

The very top of Applecross……..we did it!!!!!!!!!!!






Filling up Mini Run Style!:D


The old Mini Camp..........

Gratuitous Car Shot :rolleyes:



23rd June 2009, 11:33 AM
Hello from the south...Not often i get to say that :)

Just thought I'd bob on and say what a great run, massive thanks to Paul for organising it, definitely one of the best. I was in James's red factory works (yeah we were the idiots who drove all the way back to Leeds via Edinburgh on Sat aft)

Great to meet a load of new people and also see a few of the NorthernMINI chaps again. Shame we couldn't hang about for day 2 looks like a top time was had by all... Loving that French style Tav ;)

I've got a few pics on my flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/30119559@N08/sets/72157620060296434/detail/)..., some came out ok but some not so good.

Simon. :D:D

Duncan Stewart
23rd June 2009, 08:15 PM
Stunning photos, run looks fab :cool: Well done Paul
So annoyed I missed it now :sad:
Will be there next year if it's on :D

24th June 2009, 09:01 PM
Hey Folks

Just popped in from Northern MINI to say Hi :bigwave: and give a big thanks to all of you who Rita and I met over the last weekend. Paul did a fantastic job with the organisation, route, etc. but it would have not been half so much fun had we not met so many of you happy, smiling people :thumbs up:

Hopefully we will meet a few of you again on future runs.

Kind regards


ps - Some fantastic pics posted by you guys :clap:

24th June 2009, 11:45 PM
My pics are there - along with some that I've copied :)


everyone should be able to see


darn .. thought I'd made it available to everyone ... try again

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?ai...8&l=2e893e9a0b (http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=90067&id=575427548&l=2e893e9a0b)

25th June 2009, 11:03 AM

Best vid I could find:thumbs up:

25th June 2009, 11:19 AM

Best vid I could find:thumbs up:

wonder why it is speed-ed up like that? must be so the vid is not so long, hoping the guy dose not think people would think it was real speed :lol::lol:

25th June 2009, 12:08 PM
wonder why it is speed-ed up like that? must be so the vid is not so long, hoping the guy dose not think people would think it was real speed :lol::lol:

I thought it was taken from your car Ian:Whistle:

25th June 2009, 01:55 PM
The guys on the pedal bikes look great in it....:thumbs up:

Although all parking up at Durness will linger in the Memory for a bit....


25th June 2009, 09:24 PM
A few more pictures from Bealach Na





25th June 2009, 09:37 PM
and a last few

What "bar steward" nicked ma tent !!

Thanks for photo Rita

Lyn was so popular in Ullapool, they named a bar after her!!

29th June 2009, 12:39 AM
I missed this ... where was I?

30th June 2009, 09:21 AM
Pic got on The BBc Scotland web page.........:thumbs up:


For today....its down the right side;)

30th June 2009, 10:13 AM
crackin pics, the Clan took a jaunt to Bealach Na at the weekend. top weather, need to try in MINI as the roads are ace

Like the pic on the BBC site


30th June 2009, 10:31 AM
Pic got on The BBc Scotland web page.........:thumbs up:


For today....its down the right side;)

Just saw it there and thought I should login to NMS to say hi, after a long spell away. I have still have the 52 reg Cooper - going well. :thumbs up:

Hi to all who remember me.:bigwave:

30th June 2009, 02:16 PM
crackin pics, the Clan took a jaunt to Bealach Na at the weekend. top weather, need to try in MINI as the roads are ace

Like the pic on the BBC site

Must say the Original Mini on that road looks great….did you go up the Road and over to Applecross then and Back down, we only did it the one way as we took the Coast road north….

30th June 2009, 03:14 PM
Hi to all who remember me.:bigwave:Hi David :bigwave:

30th June 2009, 04:32 PM
Pic got on The BBc Scotland web page.........:thumbs up:


For today....its down the right side;)

Brilliant, we've made the news :clap:

30th June 2009, 04:34 PM
Just saw it there and thought I should login to NMS to say hi, after a long spell away. I have still have the 52 reg Cooper - going well. :thumbs up:

Hi to all who remember me.:bigwave:

Remembered :thumbs up:, now stay in touch ;)

30th June 2009, 04:39 PM
wonder why it is speed-ed up like that? must be so the vid is not so long, hoping the guy dose not think people would think it was real speed :lol::lol:

Acht we were all quicker than that, especially us Coops in the twisties :thumbs up:

30th June 2009, 04:43 PM
Acht we were all quicker than that, especially us Coops in the twisties :thumbs up:

gonna somebody take that drum off him... he's been banging it for years and still isnae right... :rolleyes:;):lol::lol:

30th June 2009, 04:52 PM
gonna somebody take that drum off him... he's been banging it for years and still isnae right... :rolleyes:;):lol::lol:

How times change, Mr S driver;):thumbs up:

30th June 2009, 06:20 PM
Just saw it there and thought I should login to NMS to say hi, after a long spell away. I have still have the 52 reg Cooper - going well. :thumbs up:

Hi to all who remember me.:bigwave:

:bigwave: Hi I remember.

30th June 2009, 06:43 PM
gonna somebody take that drum off him... he's been banging it for years and still isnae right... :rolleyes:;):lol::lol:

Gloves please :yes nod:

30th June 2009, 10:05 PM
David, good to hear from you, get yerself signed up for a run :thumbs up:

Lyn, the "Bumble" sign was in the bar at our hotel. Saw it when we went for a "last order" on the Sunday night, thought it was classic. The bar manageress was called Bumble by her friends and they made the sign for her.

2nd July 2009, 04:28 PM
Saw it when we went for a "last order" on the Sunday night, thought it was classic.

We were talking about it on the Saturday night :rolleyes: