View Full Version : My Mini just makes me smile

16th March 2004, 07:28 PM
I can't think of any other car that creates such a reaction from people of all ages.

In the last four days I have had my youngest nephew ask how I had such a smart car. My middle nephew declare that 'this is so cool, this is the coolest car ever!'. My oldest nephew went in the huff because he missed out on the drive round the block. An OAP stopped me getting in my car yesterday, saying 'thats a wee beauty you have there, a really lovely wee Mini'. Then today on the way to work a dad and his daughter were walking along and she was pointing and waving like mad at me. And, no, I don't know them.

Marvelous car. Just thought I'd share it with you all. :D

16th March 2004, 07:52 PM
Nice story.

My wee nephew who is just two is obsessed by the MINI. Every time he see's it he asks if he can "go in the MINI" :) Need to see if we can get his seat in the back and take him for a spin. Must remember to go slow as I don't want any hewy in the car :p

Unfortunately the general public in Edinburgh are far too unfriendly to make nice comments about your car :dead:

Big Gordy
16th March 2004, 07:55 PM
I know how you feel Vosh :D After we got ours the couple round the corner said they were getting seroius 'flack' from their teenage kids about why cant they get a cool 'new mini' like ours and a pals 18 year old daughter is sooooooo jealous (according to her mum) of our wee 'beastie' The list goes on of the number of people young and old who just get a buzz out of the new mini.
There are still the plonkers with there old minis who insist on putting the 100% BMW free stickers in there windows :( (sad gitts get a life) I love em both in their own special ways :p:D:approve:

16th March 2004, 07:56 PM
Not always true KenL, i have people talking to me in Edinburgh when im out cleaning my car ....Leith is so friendly these days hahahahaha

16th March 2004, 07:57 PM
I live in Edinburgh!

Big Gordy
16th March 2004, 08:00 PM
That's Ok we won't hold it against you Vosh ;) :p:D:approve:

16th March 2004, 08:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vosh

I live in Edinburgh!

Really, must be me they don't like the look of then not the car :p:D

16th March 2004, 08:49 PM
yip, such a funky wee motor. certainly turns a few heads and everyone i know who has seen mine or been in it, loves it. Not had many people hunt me down cause they have a classic, i had a couple in the past and still love them as much as the new mini's.

Mini Cruiser
16th March 2004, 09:25 PM
Nice story, minis do make people smile! there such a happy car

I just been to KFC, pulled up to order my food and i saw a glimz of yellllow in my wing mirror, a bran spanking gorgeous shiny Yellow cooper s, black roof and 19" rims, For everyone who dont know i have a all yellow MINI ONE. We smiled at each other the lad at the pay window smiled, the people in KFC smiled as we drove off, infact EVERYONE smiled who saw them

Its made my day

16th March 2004, 10:35 PM
I had an old geezer come up to me when I was getting in my car a while back. He said 'I was wondering who's that was. It's an absolute smasher' It fair made my day!

Monsta Mo Mini
16th March 2004, 10:57 PM
Have you noticed that people always ask you 'How's your Mini?" as opposed to "How's your car?" when they want to know more. There can't be too many cars that recieve that sort of respect.

Linda M
16th March 2004, 11:16 PM
I get 'how's Daisy' :clown::D

16th March 2004, 11:17 PM
Something similar, i was just heading back to my car when i was approached by a couple of ned lookalikes :blackeye: fearing the worst i was astonished when they actually talked to me as if they were human and they were very impressed with my car, erm Mini ;)

Mini Martyn
16th March 2004, 11:32 PM
You scared of a couple of neds alan?? Thought they might of been asking about your new burberry outfit you were wearing?

Monsta Mo Mini
17th March 2004, 12:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by Linda M

I get 'how's Daisy' :clown::D


17th March 2004, 12:15 AM
I get the thumbs up from kids and old codgers giving it 'Iused to have an old one of those, best car I ever had', or even, 'have you got a flat tyre?':approve:

17th March 2004, 01:09 AM
There is just no way a Clio or Corsa can get this effect unless it loks like a tarts handbag, and people just make of fun of it then.

I get the same reaction, I was out polishing my car when a guy driving a Hotpoint truck ( artic ) decided to stop and ask for a look around and once at Asda the old bill came in for a nosey.

Kids smile when they see it and everyone but one has said how lovely she is, the guy who had no comment. well we know his problem.

A car to make the young and old smile.


Mini Martyn
17th March 2004, 01:31 AM
I had a funny experience in town when i was badly parked to rush into a shop when i came out their was a a couple of traffic wardens around the car, i was like oh **** and rushed out they were not giving me a ticket just looking in the car through the window and when i arrived they wanted a look in it, i was yeh sure - it bets getting a ticket!! :D:cool:

17th March 2004, 02:17 AM
I echo all the above comments!!!!

17th March 2004, 02:41 AM
When I was getting the bonnet stripes put on at Apex signs a guy who came in said he loved the car and heard that the problem is if you try it you buy it :D Sounds about right!

Willie M
17th March 2004, 04:46 PM
Certainly echo al the comments above. It still amazes me the brilliant reactions you get from people, especially youngsters. The MINI certainly seems to have stamped it's 'personality' onto the younger generation in a big way.

In the 'Stouffer' days :( <sob> I actually had a couple of occasions where I returned to the car to find folk taking pictures of him :)

Big Col
17th March 2004, 05:00 PM
Yeah but that's 'cos you probably had one of your hos sprawled accross the bonnet Willie.:p;):clown:

17th March 2004, 05:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by Willie M
In the 'Stouffer' days :( <sob> I actually had a couple of occasions where I returned to the car to find folk taking pictures of him :)

I get that, it's kind of embarassing sometimes, specially when you go to get in the car and they see this ickle girlie!!:I:kiss::clown:

Willie M
17th March 2004, 05:27 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col

Yeah but that's 'cos you probably had one of your hos sprawled accross the bonnet Willie.:p;):clown:
Hey, can't a guy try and earn a decent living for goodness sake ;)

17th March 2004, 10:36 PM
I used to come back to my old classic Mini and find people looking at it. It was a Mini 30 with huge fat alloys and all the stickers removed. Nothing fancy but because of the cherry red paint, colour coded wheel arches, big wheels and half leather it did look rather tasty, even if I do say so myself! Loved that wee car. Used to go round roundabout in thrid, foot to the floor and on three wheels. Broke my heart when I sold it...

22nd March 2004, 12:26 AM
Why I love my Mini!

Just drove from Brunstane to the New Town in Edinburgh...but via Gullane for absolutely no reason and enjoyed every minute of it!!! Love driving my MCS!!