View Full Version : Well what a week it's been

29th April 2008, 07:31 PM
and we are only on Tuesday.

Allan got his ACL reconstructions Friday ~Saturday not so good ~ Sunday feeling loads better ~ Monday feeling awful again.

Been in Hopital since yesterday morning running tests on him.

He's got an infection in the wound not the stitches but inside so he has a drip with Antibiotics to get that cleared up.

Results of his other test means he will be back in hospital in 6 weeks time to get his gall bladder removed:frown: :frown:

hopefully they will allow him out tomorrow.

AndyP & Lenore
29th April 2008, 08:06 PM
Oh FFS Fi.:eek: :eyes up:

He's just not having any luck with his health just now.:ragin: :ragin:

Poor Allan.:blush:

If it's any consolation I don't think the Gallbladder removal is as intrusive at it used to be. My Mum had hers removed when I was knee-high to a grass-hopper. Full open chest surgery.:eek: :eek:

These day's I'm pretty sure it's done almost key-hole.

Tell the big lad we're thinking of him, and we hope he's picks up soon.:thumbs up:


29th April 2008, 08:21 PM
the docs already told him it's not that a big op. Fingers crossed

29th April 2008, 08:31 PM
Tell him we all hope he gets home soon.

All the best to Allan.

29th April 2008, 08:40 PM
Thanks guys.

He is now on a low fat diet for the next 6 weeks.:D I just said it won't do him no harm to get rid of his fat gut:frown: :frown:

29th April 2008, 09:05 PM
aye Fi - always the one with sympathy there... ;)

Tell Alan, we hope it all goes well. Remember, if you need a hand looking after the motors when he's off his feet, just give me a shout, cos I know you'll have the dogs to look after aswell as high tower. :smilewinkgrin:

tell him to put his feet up when he gets out and let you do all the work. :thumbs up:

29th April 2008, 09:09 PM
aye Fi - always the one with sympathy there... ;)

Tell Alan, we hope it all goes well. Remember, if you need a hand looking after the motors when he's off his feet, just give me a shout, cos I know you'll have the dogs to look after aswell as high tower. :smilewinkgrin:

tell him to put his feet up when he gets out and let you do all the work. :thumbs up:

He's bored and costing a fortune phoning and texting me all the time.

I never knew until recently you were allowed to use the mobile in hospitals but it seems you can.:frown: :frown:

29th April 2008, 09:55 PM
He's bored and costing a fortune phoning and texting me all the time.

I never knew until recently you were allowed to use the mobile in hospitals but it seems you can.:frown: :frown:

Lol yes you can....i found that oot when i had op 2 1/2 weeks ago:D :thumbs up:

hope he better soon:thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
30th April 2008, 08:08 AM
Hope Alan is better soon.
He was feeling great on Sunday at Knockhill!
Stephen & Allyson

Big Gordy
30th April 2008, 08:34 AM
Tell the big guy to get well soon Fi:thumbs up:
Your right Stephen...he did look well on Sunday:D Maybe Sundays activities knackered him on Monday:frown:

30th April 2008, 08:43 AM
Maybe Sundays activities knackered him on Monday


Yeah what they all said, get the feet up Alan & let the other half get on with the chores :thumbs up:

30th April 2008, 10:57 AM
Get well soon Allan :thumbs up:

Big Gordy
30th April 2008, 01:29 PM
get the feet up Alan & let the other half get on with the chores :thumbs up:

Your having a larf mate:laugh: You don't know Fi very well do you:hand:

30th April 2008, 07:09 PM
All the best for a speedy recovery :yes nod:

1st May 2008, 03:21 PM
Dear me Fi, give him our best:thumbs up:

The Dogfather
1st May 2008, 03:23 PM
Fi, I hope the big guy feels better soon.

1st May 2008, 03:38 PM
He's fine. went to the physio today only to be referred back again to Mr Bayer the infection isn't clearing up in the leg as quickly as they would have liked. Been at the hospital all afternoon again He's really getting a bit annoyed with himself which ain't like him so I've decided it's time to treat myself to a set of spot lights to help cheer me up.:yes nod: :yes nod:

Mini Ecosse
1st May 2008, 04:04 PM
He's fine. went to the physio today only to be referred back again to Mr Bayer the infection isn't clearing up in the leg as quickly as they would have liked. Been at the hospital all afternoon again He's really getting a bit annoyed with himself which ain't like him so I've decided it's time to treat myself to a set of spot lights to help cheer me up.:yes nod: :yes nod:

Aye, keep your spirits up Fi :laugh:
Spots sound a good idea.


1st May 2008, 11:03 PM
He's fine. went to the physio today only to be referred back again to Mr Bayer the infection isn't clearing up in the leg as quickly as they would have liked. Been at the hospital all afternoon again He's really getting a bit annoyed with himself which ain't like him so I've decided it's time to treat myself to a set of spot lights to help cheer me up.:yes nod: :yes nod:

Oh yes! I like your style. Superb idea. I'm sure that'll make him feel so much better! I hope he's appreciating everything you're doing for him the noo:smilewinkgrin::smilewinkgrin:

2nd May 2008, 07:57 AM
I've decided it's time to treat myself to a set of spot lights to help cheer me up.:yes nod: :yes nod:Good on ya Fi :thumbs up: :D

3rd May 2008, 04:41 PM
Get well soon Alan

7th May 2008, 09:42 AM
I had my ACL done 8 weeks ago & iam back training @ the Brazillian Jujitsi . Its not a nice op

7th May 2008, 09:59 AM
He is getting on loads better in the last couple of days Now that the infection is almost gone.

From what was explained to him prior to the op the pain is nothing like what he thought it would be.

He was at physio and was measured for his movement he is at what he should be 4 weeks after the op and we are only at 1 week after op.

They did get 9mm from his hamstring which the doc said was very good usually people that have been on crutches for his length of time the docs struggle to get anything decent from the hamstring.

The 6 week period is when the recontruction is at the weakest as the hamstring goes through a metamorphosis stage changing from a hamstring to a ligament.

Once he is done with the crutches I'm having them for my PF.:yes nod: :yes nod: