View Full Version : well i was on my way to work and this happend

23rd April 2008, 07:01 PM
well i left the house at about 6ish this moring and made my way over to work

going along a fast ish road at about 60mph and next thing a see this thing run in front of me and hit it i did not have time to brake even so i hit it at about 60 ish just ashumed it was a fox till i got to my work and looked at the damage




so on my way back to get my car i looked at what i hit it was this big barstwerd


MINI William
23rd April 2008, 07:09 PM
:eek: looks a sore one lucky it wasent the MINI

Neil and Lorna
23rd April 2008, 07:24 PM
Oh Dear. sorry had to.

Rob at least your okay I've heard off Deers ending up on the seat next to you or on peoples knees.

Hope its sorted soon.


Gaz B
23rd April 2008, 07:26 PM
Been there.:yes nod:

Did you get a fright? I nearly ended myself when I hit a deer and unluckily it was in my mini.:argh:

23rd April 2008, 07:34 PM
Sorry, but i'm not impressed.
You didn't know what you had hit, and had to go back to look?
Its a massive deer!

The words due, care, and attention spring to mind.

I'm just glad it wasn't anything that was reportable.

23rd April 2008, 07:39 PM
:eek: looks a sore one lucky it wasent the MINI

yep glad was in the van

Oh Dear. sorry had to.

Rob at least your okay I've heard off Deers ending up on the seat next to you or on peoples knees.

Hope its sorted soon.


some one had to do it :moonie:
it went in to day so it on its way need to get it done as it work !!!! and the only one i have got and there is no chance stuff is going in the mini

Been there.:yes nod:

Did you get a fright? I nearly ended myself when I hit a deer and unluckily it was in my mini.:argh:

yep got a big fright got me good some bang but it was still dusk so did not know it was a dear but it was more the thing was that some ones dog :mad: one main reason i stoped on my way back

not that it was a good thing :ragin:

The Bull
23rd April 2008, 07:43 PM
Poor thing.

The deer, not you. Only kidding, glad you are ok Stoney.

That must've made one hell of a thump.

I remember I came across 2 on the road by Lochlands garden centre in Forfar. One ran in front and the other jumped right over the top of the car!

23rd April 2008, 07:49 PM
Deer?...Yep goona be expensive!:o


23rd April 2008, 08:09 PM
Sorry, but i'm not impressed.
You didn't know what you had hit, and had to go back to look?
Its a massive deer!

The words due, care, and attention spring to mind.

I'm just glad it wasn't anything that was reportable.


come on now how many times has a deer come out in front of you?? they don't give you a chance whether your driving like Miss Daisy or like not as the case may be.

Just glad it wasn't your Mini Stoney.

23rd April 2008, 08:18 PM
So you would have carried on then, and not seen what you've hit?

Nah, didn't think so.

23rd April 2008, 08:21 PM
So you would have carried on then, and not seen what you've hit?

Nah, didn't think so.

well if it was near home I would have carried on told Allan sent him back he would have picked it up and a few nights later it would have been on our plates for dinner.:smilewinkgrin:

23rd April 2008, 08:32 PM
well if it was near home I would have carried on told Allan sent him back he would have picked it up and a few nights later it would have been on our plates for dinner.:smilewinkgrin:

LOLOL Gordon has hit a deer...bugger going back a few days later...he looked @ car n said f**k it...threw it in boot n brought bambi home!:thumbs up: ....1k damage tae car....bugger it...will hae for dinner!:D

23rd April 2008, 08:32 PM
I actually know what deer can do.

One of my colleagues will never work again thanks to someone swerving into the works van to avoid a dead one lying in the road.

It put the Transit on its side, and his leg was shattered.
Despite several operations, he still struggles to walk properly 18 months on.

So, for drivers that hit animals that size, and drive on, I have absolutly no time for.

MINI William
23rd April 2008, 08:39 PM
what do you want him to do get out and move it ????:eek: is that not dangerous as it dusk so not really sunny and some drivers dont drive with there lights on at this time or maybe tired so may not see stoney and go into him.now that is dangerous:thumbs up:

23rd April 2008, 08:40 PM
what do you want him to do get out and move it ????:eek: is that not dangerous as it dusk so not really sunny and some drivers dont drive with there lights on at this time or maybe tired so may not see stoney and go into him.now that is dangerous:thumbs up:

Stop, and put your hazzards on, and call the authorities to move it, maybe?
If its deid, its going no-where.

Do you want someone to drive into it, and get killed do you?

MINI William
23rd April 2008, 08:48 PM
its on the banking you would need 2 be a right a*$e to drive into that.and as you have said earlier how would you not see a dear.look im not wanting a pointless argument :argh: just seems strange that you would miss seeing a dear lieing on the road

23rd April 2008, 08:50 PM
Stop, and put your hazzards on, and call the authorities to move it, maybe?
If its deid, its going no-where.

Do you want someone to drive into it, and get killed do you?

or if after dark....move it off road or throw in boot o yer car:thumbs up:

23rd April 2008, 08:56 PM
Could the deer be faking it?...

Maybe it was a fox Stoney hit...and that deer was lying there from the night before?


23rd April 2008, 10:16 PM
That's a nasty one but could have been a lot worse.

Deers are such quite little buggers once they get going. Unfortunate accident.

24th April 2008, 12:21 AM
its on the banking you would need 2 be a right a*$e to drive into that.and as you have said earlier how would you not see a dear.look im not wanting a pointless argument :argh: just seems strange that you would miss seeing a dear lieing on the road

Ahh, you're a hindsight engineer, so you knew for certain it wasn't going to drop dead on the carrigeway.

Sorry, my mistake. :rolleyes:

24th April 2008, 07:22 AM
Well I would be disappointed in Stoney if he didn't at least clear the road :rolleyes:


Mini Ecosse
24th April 2008, 07:50 AM

24th April 2008, 02:25 PM
well its about £900 bucks worth of damage but it geting fixed now but as the rest of you say could have been worse

24th April 2008, 06:24 PM

Great find Stephen!

Along with this...it could keep our friend Duncan happy:



MINI William
24th April 2008, 06:40 PM
Ahh, you're a hindsight engineer, so you knew for certain it wasn't going to drop dead on the carrigeway.

Sorry, my mistake. :rolleyes:
well usaly i dont tell people my job title but since you guesed it.and yes ive always found dead deers that are on the banking like to get up and walk on to the road again:thumbs up:

24th April 2008, 06:55 PM
well usaly i dont tell people my job title but since you guesed it.and yes ive always found dead deers that are on the banking like to get up and walk on to the road again:thumbs up:

Erm, He didn't know what he hit and carried on.
So did he know that the deer had ended up on the banking?
I've not seen stoney say that, yet.

Would you agree that after you've hit something, you'd investigate? After all, under the RTA there are animals that are reportable if you hit them.

So, if your number was taken, and you'd hit, say a dog, carried on, and someone reported you - you'd be leaving yourself open for not reporting an accident.

And we're lucky we're talking about an animal here. Young children have a nasty habit of not looking where they're going.

I'd be damn sure i'd be making sure it wasn't one of them i'd just left lying on the side of the road.

MINI William
24th April 2008, 06:59 PM
Erm, He didn't know what he hit and carried on.
So did he know that the deer had ended up on the banking?
I've not seen stoney say that, yet.

Would you agree that after you've hit something, you'd investigate? After all, under the RTA there are animals that are reportable if you hit them.

So, if your number was taken, and you'd hit, say a dog, carried on, and someone reported you - you'd be leaving yourself open for not reporting an accident.

And we're lucky we're talking about an animal here. Young children have a nasty habit of not looking where they're going.

I'd be damn sure i'd be making sure it wasn't one of them i'd just left lying on the side of the road.

big diffrence between a child and a deer. and yes stoney has not said so bt the pic shows it on the banking

24th April 2008, 07:02 PM
big diffrence between a child and a deer. and yes stoney has not said so bt the pic shows it on the banking


Which part of that is hard to understand?

MINI William
24th April 2008, 07:10 PM
HMMM can see this goin round and round:popcorn:

24th April 2008, 07:17 PM
Well, maybe, just maybe, if you have the unfortunate experience of hitting something living, you think about this thread, and stop to make sure that,

1) What you've hit is not Human
2) Not a reportable species under the RTA

and the crux of my point

3) The carrigeway is safe for other road users

Its up to you whether you do any of that, however, when the local law enforcement chap on your door, and charge you for failing to report, then don't go saying you didn't know the law. :rolleyes:

24th April 2008, 07:21 PM
Great find Stephen!

Along with this...it could keep our friend Duncan happy:



Thanks Mark, but I'm sure that the roads department are ably equipped to deal with mishaps. :eyes up:

MINI William
24th April 2008, 07:31 PM
:smilewinkgrin: thanks for the heads up.next time i run somethin over i will do all the above before i put bambi on the pavment

24th April 2008, 07:37 PM
Well, maybe, just maybe, if you have the unfortunate experience of hitting something living, you think about this thread, and stop to make sure that,

1) What you've hit is not Human
2) Not a reportable species under the RTA

and the crux of my point

3) The carrigeway is safe for other road users

Its up to you whether you do any of that, however, when the local law enforcement chap on your door, and charge you for failing to report, then don't go saying you didn't know the law. :rolleyes:

Duncan your an old grump.:p :hand:

24th April 2008, 07:57 PM
Your very welcome Duncan.:)

My word Duncan...you seem so knowledgeable about RTA's...part time policeman?

I believe that the emergency services no longer use the term Road Traffic Accident....as this would imply that no one, or one thing is at fault. I believe the term is now Road Traffic Incident.

Of course you are quite correct in how to deal with an RTI.

I spoke to a work mate today, I'm not posh like you...I don't have colleagues...I'm only working class:yawn:, and told him about Stoneys 'incident'. He told me that he hit a deer a few years ago. He stopped immediately and called the police. They were not one bit interested. Under duress, they gave him a number for the council that would deal with the carcass. He got an answer machine. He left his details...and yes the local council did indeed deal with the deer carcass.....three days later. Not much to clean up after hundreds of cars have run over a carcass :rolleyes: :frown:

So although you are correct to the letter in the way one should deal with incidents such as these...you seem to have a greater interest than my local council in dealing with said 'incidents'.

This could be your calling you know!...you could be known as 'Duncan the deer hunter':laugh:


AndyP & Lenore
24th April 2008, 08:06 PM
<<<<<Opens door, looks in.

Decides it's simply not worth getting involved in another "Duncan's right, everyone else is wrong" argument - sorry, discussion.:argh: :argh: :argh:

<<<<<Closes door quietly, hoping no-one even noticed.:blush:


24th April 2008, 08:10 PM
Who was that???:eek:

I got such a fright there:rolleyes:


24th April 2008, 08:14 PM
Thats a big fecin fox!!! Venison burgers all round!!!! That will be Santa ****ed this christmas then!! lol :D :D

Looks like a soar one. Bet it made some noise.

24th April 2008, 08:29 PM
You think someone would have used the old "Bet that's gonna cost a lot of doe!" by now:smilewinkgrin:


24th April 2008, 09:01 PM
sorry to correct you Mr B3, but it's now an RTC - Road Traffic Collision, but to be honest, some forces use different sayings... so you might be right for Fife.. ;)

and don't worry, it will be changed again in a few months... they just cannae leave this stuff alone.

ps - not getting involved in the rest of the discussion... I'm always wrong according to Duncan.. :rolleyes: :p :smilewinkgrin:

24th April 2008, 09:29 PM
OH!!!!...:shut up: I think I'm right for Fife you know!!!:thumbs up: ...cuase it was Fife Traffic cop colleague mate pal of mine that corrected me today;)


24th April 2008, 11:34 PM
RTA = Road Traffic Act 1988.

Go and look it up. It tells you what animals are reportable in the case of an accident. Section 170 Subsection 8.

And i'm not saying everyone is wrong, and I'm right, but when a colleague is crippled by the inaction of someone who killed a deer, and drove on regardless, then you get p'd off.

Anyway, this is a forum. Not a sycophant society. :eyes up:

25th April 2008, 07:55 AM
Anyway, this is a forum. Not a sycophant society. :eyes up:

Wow!...again your are most correct in your comments.

Who are you trying to gain favour with exactly??

Is that what you mean?...that you are looking to be taken into the bosom of your peers? :frown:


25th April 2008, 09:32 AM
Who are you trying to gain favour with exactly??

I'm sorry, I never realised the purpose of NMS was to enable people to gain favour with others.
I thought it was a forum based around the New MINI, where it was an oppertunity to discuss various topics.

So what if I have stong held opinions?

What do you want? A whole forum of "Yes, I agree with you" type posts?
Gee, that would be fun. Break out the Wearthers Originals. :eyes up:

In the earlier days, there would be several others who would disagree with the consensus. It made it more interesting. NMS is in danger of turning into a snoozefest if it loses all elements of debate.

25th April 2008, 10:49 AM
II reckon its high time this was left to ly – lIke the Deer!

Or knocked on the head….again like the Deer :smilewinkgrin:

25th April 2008, 12:08 PM
Oh...dear me
Come on now that was funny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: even for me .

Come on Duncan bet you laughed as well.:smilewinkgrin: :smilewinkgrin:

25th April 2008, 06:08 PM
II reckon its high time this was left to ly – lIke the Deer!

Or knocked on the head….again like the Deer :smilewinkgrin:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

26th April 2008, 05:22 AM
There's some wee roads in Angus I'd dearly love to chuck specy about on but after one stand-off when specy and bambi met, not quite eyeball to eyeball - but near enough, I drive very carefully on these roads esp as dusk falls. I actually think specy was a bit peeved when he saw bambi sailing back over the wall since he of course cant do that.
Sorry about your misadventure Stoney, poor bambi, Duncan - sorry about your mate. You're strong feelings on the matter are understandable given the circumstances.

The Dogfather
26th April 2008, 09:29 AM
Debates, I remember some good ones.

Anyone volunteering to be Master Debater, you know to organise good topics?


26th April 2008, 06:39 PM
I'm sorry, I never realised the purpose of NMS was to enable people to gain favour with others.

Duncan...your "logic' bamboozles me at times. Could you simply state what you mean by this? Do you think there's a conspiracy against you on here? I think everyone has better things to do.

Going by the way you write your posts i could ask:

"I never realised the purpose of NMS was to enable YOU to put everyone down."

The content of your very first post in this thread contained your usual short put down comments. Why do you feel the need to do this?

I think you have your own agenda when posting on NMS. I've never seen one post from you with a postive tone. Its always doom and gloom.

I thought it was a forum based around the New MINI, where it was an oppertunity to discuss various topics.

I've not been here too long....but I can't say I've ever seen you actually start a thread about anything Mini related...or anything else for that matter...you simply reply to posts with put downs and spout out the Road Traffic Act. To coin a phrase...."I'm not impressed." I never see anything friendly within your posts. If you have nothing positive to offer...why do you even post?

For God's sake, Stoney didn't mean to hit this animal. He obviously didn't think it was deer...he thought it may have been a fox. I've been in a vehicle that ran into the back of a car. I thought we had just touched the guys bumper. When I got out of the car...the front end of my friends car was written off and there wasn't a scratch on the other car. So at times...there's no real sense on what you have hit. With Stoney's incident..It could have felt like a cardboard box or a fox. Bet you don't stop and check every bump you go over in case its a potential road hazzard for other road users.

Yes...of course in hindsight...Stoney should have stopped and checked things out....but he may have been a seconds from his work...with the intension of going back to check or didn't think it was required until he saw his van. Just because he didn't intimate this in his post....doesn't mean he wasn't going to go back. But no!...you just plough in with your comment!

So what if I have stong held opinions?

Yup....so what....that's how I'm starting to digest your posts...and it does seem that others view your posts in the same way. I wonder why?...maybe its because they have been on the end of your comments to many times?

What do you want? A whole forum of "Yes, I agree with you" type posts?
Gee, that would be fun. Break out the Wearthers Originals. :eyes up:

No...but if you were the only one posting it would be a whole forum of "Doom and Gloom"...is that what you want? I think you need to lighten up a bit. Reading between the lines of your twisted logic and talk of sycophant societies you most definitely don't get the idea of a forum filled with friendly folk. If people become friends...you seem to take a dim view on this...go figure...or go to hell or further in fact!

In the earlier days, there would be several others who would disagree with the consensus. It made it more interesting. NMS is in danger of turning into a snoozefest if it loses all elements of debate.

Consensus? Oh please...no bugger on here agrees with each other! By consensus...do you mean your view point? That's not a consensus...that's an opinion.

If you want debate....why not join a debating society. Then you could verbally abuse all and sundry. As you have said...this is a forum.

I saw your first post on this thread...and thought I would start yanking yer chain. I would like to think that you have the same very warped sense of humour that I have and are just winding everyone up with your posts. If you do...please come out and say this....and then I would admit that you had me hook line and sinker.

Don't think this is the case though....just think you are "Duncan Gloom fae up the Toon"


26th April 2008, 06:47 PM
Mark, you seem to be under the impression I care what you think.
You are mistaken.

26th April 2008, 08:19 PM
:laugh: :

Oh...dear me
Come on now that was funny :laugh: even for me .

Come on Duncan bet you laughed as well.:smilewinkgrin: :smilewinkgrin:

II reckon its high time this was left to ly – lIke the Deer!

Or knocked on the head….again like the Deer :smilewinkgrin:

I've just learned how to multi quote.:laugh:

26th April 2008, 09:51 PM
Mark, you seem to be under the impression I care what you think.
You are mistaken.

Cop out...


27th April 2008, 10:10 AM
And we're lucky we're talking about an animal here. Young children have a nasty habit of not looking where they're going.

I'd be damn sure i'd be making sure it wasn't one of them i'd just left lying on the side of the road.

ok duncan i have not post to you as i fell you are being a nasty pice of work :mad: but i have been going over this in my head sine i seen this post !!!!!

what i want to know is have you ever hit a living person on the road ? your falt or not ? have you ever hit an animal ??

well i know one thing for shue a anial has 4 legs and tends to run on them as where we have 2 legs and we tend to run off them !!!! there where no houses around as they are contry roads i seen the animal was not on the road as it is a straight road so i look in my rear view mirror told me so

now i have been thru a lot in my life not that it your bussinis and i dont want to put it on the forms

but just think do you know whats happend to the person you are putting down ?? you never know you may be upseting them in a way you dont know

this is what you have done to me :ragin: and im not happy about is

so what i have to say to you is go and take a long run of a short clif

that is all i have to say
