View Full Version : Running in new R56

10th April 2008, 09:06 PM
Hi Guys,

I will shortly be taking home my new baby and just wanted to know your thoughts on running the engine etc in. When i got my cooper a few years ago, mini recommended stay within 4k revs until you have done 1000 miles.

When you hear of the same type of car giving different performance figures, is it to do with the way its run in?

Thanks for your comments,


10th April 2008, 09:12 PM
I have always run in all my new MINI's (all 3 of them ) and not seen any bad effects from doing this.

I do know a certain member who guns the car from nearly day one and says it makes the car quicker... gods knows if that's right or not.. :D

10th April 2008, 09:21 PM
Really? Has anyone else heard of booting it from day 1 and giving the car improved performance?


10th April 2008, 09:48 PM
I would not go over the recommended revs - 4500rpm till 1200 miles, I think.

Best not to baby it too much and keep the revs moving around - i.e. don't drive long journeys at the same engine speed.

I've heard car sales people saying no need to run it, but what do they know :rolleyes: :p :D

10th April 2008, 09:51 PM
"Modern engines these days are bench run in, so there's no need to go canny".

I've heard that too, but I don't think they "run in" over 100 000 engines just for MINI in a year.

They might give them a quick whirl, but I very much doubt more than that.

If they really were bench run in, why would MINI recommend such a lengthy run in by owners?

13th April 2008, 10:30 AM
Anyone got anything else to add? Should be picking up my motor at some point this week, there was a chance it was gonna be ready for yesterday, but unfortunately its not! Grrrr, its like i am being teased!


13th April 2008, 12:02 PM

Found this years ago...not sure if i would follow it though:eek:


13th April 2008, 12:08 PM
Engines are bench tested, keyword.. tested.

First 500miles keep it easy, variation of revs and speeds going up and down the gears, try not to keep a sustained rev in one gear for long journeys (motorway etc) and dont load the engine i.e. going up a hill in 4th with it struggling away at 1800revs sort of thing.

After 500miles build up your revs (although still as above) and when warm give it a good few blasts (not redline stuff obviously), After 1000 your fine to start (gradually) opening her up properly.

13th April 2008, 12:38 PM
I'm a time served motor mechanic :rolleyes: :eek: and this topic comes up very often.
I've yet to see any absolute evidence to suggest you have to take it easy and i've never been convinced that you should either.

What difference, apart from the obvious, does it make to an engine if it is revved at 6k or 4k.
The same action applies to the bores and parts albeit quicker.

Forgetting the manufacturers warranty warble, the worst thing that can happen is to labour the engine and load it for no reason.

One word of warning though, this is an open forum and if you post that you thrash your car and openly admit that you don't stick to the schedule you may find yourself in a bit of trouble in the event of a claim :eek: ;)

13th April 2008, 02:55 PM
Personally I adopt the BS cleaning theory.

Gun it, and let the next owner run it in later:rolleyes:

17th April 2008, 09:35 PM
The official line is keep it below 4500rpm for the first 1250 miles. And coincidentally, I hit that magic number this afternoon so am free to thrash it! To be fair, though, given my car history of owning (with one exception) only slow and boring cars, I wouldn't know where to start trying to push it!:blush:

Oh, and I'm still working on piccies, but will have to give him a good clean first - at the moment he looks like a fully paid up member of the manky club!;)


18th April 2008, 03:54 AM
Oh, and I'm still working on piccies, but will have to give him a good clean first - at the moment he looks like a fully paid up member of the manky club!;)

LaineeeGet the piccies up NOW :thumbs up: :D

18th April 2008, 08:55 PM
must admit we broke our R56 S in but there were occasions where we had to teach a few neds who ruled the roost and did welly it but in a whole we did keep to the recommendations:yes nod:

13th May 2008, 01:46 PM
Hey Guys,

Had my new R56 Cooper S for about 2.5 weeks now, i now its early doors yet, but i've put something close to a 1000 miles on it now. What it is, my sister has the same Cooper S (shes done 5000miles) and when i drive hers, its very noticeably quickier in every gear and every situation, mines feels incredibly tight and almost a different car!! I understand that it takes time for them to reach full potential and i am prob just being paranoid. But what would you say in terms of mileage would you guys expect the car to be fully 'unwound' shall we say.

The cars been driven averagely to date.....



The Dogfather
13th May 2008, 02:43 PM
Hey Guys,

Had my new R56 Cooper S for about 2.5 weeks now, i now its early doors yet, but i've put something close to a 1000 miles on it now. What it is, my sister has the same Cooper S (shes done 5000miles) and when i drive hers, its very noticeably quickier in every gear and every situation, mines feels incredibly tight and almost a different car!! I understand that it takes time for them to reach full potential and i am prob just being paranoid. But what would you say in terms of mileage would you guys expect the car to be fully 'unwound' shall we say.

The cars been driven averagely to date.....



Give it time, mine has done 4k now and is quick as >>>>>>

I even gave a 911 Carrera (56 plate) a scare. He must have been in the wrong gear as he didn't pull away. He must have given it some as there was a considerable amount of exhaust fumes and he was watching in his mirror. Like you do when you're expecting a car to disappear.

BTW what sort of economy are you getting mine's in the very high 30s even saw 47+ the other day (not the 911 day :eek: )

13th May 2008, 04:28 PM
Eggy, I would say don't worry.. As PC says, after a few thousand it will ease off more...

I got up to 6000 in one of mine and it was REALLY quick.. :thumbs up:

I would give it a good caning once you pass the run in mileage (1200 miles from memory although I may be wrong) and this all helps to loosen it off. Although stay out of the red and in the black - nothing in this game for 2 in a bed.... :thumbs up:

13th May 2008, 08:59 PM
Give it time, mine has done 4k now and is quick as >>>>>>

I even gave a 911 Carrera (56 plate) a scare. He must have been in the wrong gear as he didn't pull away. He must have given it some as there was a considerable amount of exhaust fumes and he was watching in his mirror. Like you do when you're expecting a car to disappear.

BTW what sort of economy are you getting mine's in the very high 30s even saw 47+ the other day (not the 911 day :eek: )

Ok i will have to keep this in mind. Well actually, the fuel economy is incredible. The first time i filled up the car to the brim, the range on the tank read 507!!! Now, when i had my cooper, i once only ever saw the range read over 400 miles! Its incredible, i ended up getting 380 miles to that tank, which is excellent for a cooper s, or i think so anyway!